THE BOTSWANA GAZEttE WEDNESDAY 19 AUGUST 2020 PAGE 1 EDNESDAY UGUST SINCE 1984 W 19 A 2020 FREE! “Kitso ke maatla” DISS, TASK FORCE CLASH OVER COVID INFO LEAKS PAGE 2 BLAIR/ MADONSELA REPORT TO ‘ABSOLVE’ KHAMA, STORY ON • Say he would have preventedPAGE 4 them MOTSEPE?from airing their views • Accuse VP of being a self-seeker too eager to please Masisi • Balopi says there was nothing wrong in• DCECwanting and the DISS VP outin dispute of meeting over case withdrawal • Aim of high profile report is to quash P100bn case STORY ON PAGE 6 • But observers say the report could offend against subjudice I AM RECOVERING KHAMA’S PRESENCE STALLS - DR MASUPU PAGE 5 OPPOSitiON TALKS PAGE 2 Open an account 15 48 3 on your mobile. minutes is hours for your card to documents required all you need be delivered to you Omang (Citizens) or Passport (Non-citizens) Access over 70 services from your Proof of residence Proof of income mobile device. Download the SC Mobile Botswana App. For more information, call us on 361 5800. Terms and conditions apply. PAGE 2 NEWS WEDNESDAY 19 AUGUST 2020 THE BOTSWANA GAZETTE DISS, Task Force Clash over COVID-19 Info leaks • DISS probes PIC,DHMT for leaks cision in April not to reveal PIC. The rift will under- Peter Magosi, told the Par- could undermine efforts to the identities, gender and mine the country’s efforts liamentary Accounts Com- fight corruption. He said • Task Force and PIC tensions rage on location of C-19 patients. of fighting this pandemic.” mittee (PAC) some civil servants were The Botswana Gazette is The most serious indica- last month colluding with private informed that a few top and tor of this rift was recently that infor- contractors to swindle LETLHOGILE MPUANG that DISS has launched middle level government when the Deputy Coor- mation leak- millions of pula from a full probe of the Task officials are being closely dinator of the COVID-19 ages within government through ension is simmer- Force, the Performance watched. “We even have Task Force, Professor the govern- tenders. ing between the Improvement Committee some members of the Task Mosepele Mosepele, re- ment Directorate of In- (PIC) and various Dis- T Force who are under sus- signed and it had to take telligence and Security trict Health Management picion that they leak such President Mokgweetsi Service (DISS) and the Teams across the country information,” said a source Masisi to persuade him to Presidential Covid-19 in relation to leaks. close to the developments. change his mind. It was re- Task Force over leaking The PIC is headed by Sources in the Office of ported that Mosepele had of confidential Covid-19 the Permanent Secretary the President believe that resigned after months of information, The Bo- to the President, Elias the rift between the CO- growing tensions between tswana Gazette has estab- Magosi and is made up of VID-19 Task Force and the Task Force and the lished. permanent secretaries. the PIC has created clefts PIC over the handling of Although the Head of What is of concern through which information the Coronavirus crisis. Public Relations at DISS, consists of leaks of un- Mosepele refused to Edward Robert, only ad- announced COVID-19 leaks. “The Task Force is literally running every- take questions from this mitted that leakage of cases and results, some publication and instead information within gov- of which have gone as thing and this does not sit so well with the PIC,” the referred The Botswana ernment was a serious na- far as exposing the identi- Gazette to DISS. tional security threat, this ties of patients. This goes OP source said. “There is much disgruntlement in the Meanwhile, the Director publication understands against government’s de- General of DISS, Brigadier in a more united opposi- tion say he would be an UDC MPs Instruct Khama’s Presence advantage because of his popularity and influence. “It is indisputable that NEC To Up Its Game the former president is Stalls Opposition Talks influential and has a large • Say feedback from the people is positive following but some oppo- sition members are against • Party agrees that elections are won as BPF claims that the majority have embraced him the idea of uniting with his BPF on the grounds that early as now his presence is likely to backfire,”said one source. TEFO PHEAGE an opportunity to recruit “Considering his 10- members to the UDC, cit- year misrule, his critics Ps of the oppo- ing the example of the fear that the electorate will sition Umbrella Patron of the Botswana shun the united opposition for Democratic Patriotic Front (BPF), Ian in protest. However, on M Change (UDC) have told Khama, as something to the other hand, those who a weekend meeting of the emulate by campaigning want him are convinced coalition that they are win- continually. UDC spokes- that his popularity and ning the hearts of Batswa- man Moeti Mohwasa ac- large following can help a na by holding the ruling knowledged COVID-19 united opposition wrestle party to account and doing challenges but said the power from the BDP in the what is required of them in party leadership is still at next general elections.” Parliament. work. There were similar The meeting, whose misgivings about Khama purpose was to review the The UDC said presence in the opposition contribution of the UDC ahead of the 2019 gen- to the country’s political the development eral elections. Reached for landscape, also heard that comment, BPF president feedback regarding perfor- was a plus Biggie Butale said that mance of the MPs is posi- it is be unfortunate that tive. The National Execu- for the party there are people who do tive Committee (NEC) of not want to accept Khama the party must therefore because its MPs within the opposition. Te presence of former president Ian Khama in the opposition Botswana Patriotic Front (BPF) is the raise its level of contri- “As much as there are rub that is stalling unity negotiations between his party and the Umbrella for Democratic bution and deliver on its are exposing the Party (UDC), people who are uncomfort- mandate as early as now. able working with Khama, According to sources, in ruling Botswana SESUPO RANTSIMAKO the BPF has expressed the UDC. Its spokesman, there are some who seri- discussing televised parlia- Democratic interest in working with Justice Motlhabani, has ously need him,” Butale mentary proceedings, the he presence of them formally for the next confirmed this in an inter- said. “The great majority UDC said the development Party as former president general elections in 2024, view but referred further are embracing him while was a plus for the party be- TIan Khama in the an impediment that keeps questions to other party the minority might have cause its MPs are exposing Batswana opposition Botswana Pa- being raised is the pres- leaders. misgivings about working the ruling Botswana Dem- triotic Front (BPF) is the ence of the former presi- Those who shun the with him. But we are de- ocratic Party as Batswana watch. rub that is stalling unity dent, who is the Patron of presence of Khama in the lighted because most have watch. negotiations between his the BPF. BPF say being with him is embraced his presence.” In interviews with this All political parties in party and the Umbrella for The BPF, which is a hypocrisy of the highest UDC spokesman, Moeti publication, it emerged Botswana have suspended Democratic Party (UDC), splinter formation from degree because of what Mohwasa, would not be that one issue that was their congresses due to The Botswana Gazette the Botswana Democratic they call 10 years of his drawn into discussing discussed at length was COVID-19 but some con- has heard. Party (BDP),recently ex- misrule as a president of the issue of working with the role of the NEC in the tinue to engage voters, all Impeccable sources pressed its desire to en- Botswana. On the other Khama, saying he had al- advent of COVID-19. The the while keen to observe within the UDC say while ter into unity talks with hand, those who want him ready addressed it. NEC was urged to use it as COVID-19 protocols. THE BOTSWANA GAZEttE WEDNESDAY 19 AUGUST 2020 NEWS PAGE 3 ed by the termination of privatisation consultants’ The Tortuous Route of BMC Privatization contracts and Mogegeh answered that the gov- A spat that resulted in government cancelling its contracts with consultants is a sticking point that may ernment took the deci- sion to engage a manage- have to be overcome before the process is concluded. Staff Writer KEABETSWE NEWEL reports ment contract company to turn the BMC around. “This process should ccording to the place BMC in a more at- Minister of Ag- tractive position for pri- riculture Devel- A vatisation,” he said. opment and Food Secu- The government’s rity, Dr. Edwin Dikoloti, decision to privatize privatization of the BMC Botswana Meat Com- is proceeding as planned. mission was made in However, The Botswana February 2018. In priva- Gazette has established a tizing the BMC, the gov- fallout between the gov- ernment decided to retain ernment and the privati- the Maun Abattoir for sation consultants - who strategic purposes. The were jointly contracted for P12.5 million - some- Maun Abattoir will not what disrupted progress. be privatized along with As a result, only half the Lobatse and Fran- of that amount was paid. cistown abattoirs. The Consequently, one of the Maun Abattoir serves consultants, Minchin & We are bound by the rules relating to attorney/client farmers in the Red Zone Kelly, which alone was confidentiality and therefore cannot comment on for foot and mouth dis- ease (FMD) that is the contracted for P8.3 mil- issues you have raised relating to this matter.” lion, has slapped the Pub- North West District that lic Enterprises Evaluation is home to the Okavango Delta.
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