University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 1-29-1941 Sandspur, Vol. 46 No. 14, January 29, 1941 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 46 No. 14, January 29, 1941" (1941). The Rollins Sandspur. 603. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/603 HUtiiNb CJOCLi-ljiL Ut_KAK> „ WINTER PARK, FlOfitDA Florida's Support Oldest College Rollins Sandspur Newspaper Eollins antepur Advertisers a?. VOLUME 46 (Z-107) (Weekly Student Newspaper) WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1941 (Complete Campus Coverage) '-• ODDS and ENDS Farnsworth and Fribley off Count De Noue ''Wuthering Heights" to Star 8 k Last night as we invaded the con- To New York for Broadcast % fines of our elaborate offices here' Dunkerque Vet, I „:;jn the Publications Building we de-) Will Debate Against Bates Cathie B. Coleman, Dudley 8l(i(i tected a faint but unmistakable | Men Saturday Over WOR Hit odor of crushed bananas. We War Problems are To Speak Here qJJ* thought for a while it might be a Selected by tTie debate council to »1K sensory illusion, but here it is again Darling; Opens Friday Night To Be Discussed represent Rollins over a Mutual if today. And all this doesn't make broadcast from station WOR, Feb­ French Traveler and Lecturer 4fl sense, for any newspaper office ruary 1st, Everett Farnsworth and Will Also Talk on Other »J should, according to the script, emit At Conference Subjects Cathie to Appear as — Kathie Director Dorothy Lockhart Joe Fribley will leave this Thurs­ Opens Season with Bronte's ,3 a fragrance of cigarette smoke, wet day for New York City by train. im, ink, stale paste and battered felt First Speaker Will Be Dr. Professor Harry Pierce, speech in­ The Count Jehan de Noue, world Powerful Dramatic Hit J* hats. Imagine us twenty years re- structor will accompany them. The j * moved, passing a fruit stand and Steelman, Director of U. S. traveler and lecturer, who served students are to represent Rollins with the French army before the Settings Executed j j sighing nostalgically for "the good Labor Conciliations in a fifteen minute debate with collapse of France and who was in „ } ole days on the Sandspur." Bates College on the subject, "Re­ By Newton Merrill solved that Main is the Ideal Play­ the historic retreat from Dunkerque The economic aspects of the war The Annie Russell Company will «*', Local signs of the national busi- ground of the Nation". will be presented by Rollins Col­ are providing most of the subject open its 1941 dramatic season this . S neSs upswing were evidenced here In a meeting of the debate coun­ matter for the sixth annual eco­ lege, in two public lectures as a fea­ Friday and Saturday with the re­ •^ last week when Jess Gregg and cil January 20th at the Speech nomic conference at Rollins which ture of the adult education pro­ union of two of its favorite stars in , "* Charlie Arnold turned up with hair- Studio plans for the broadcast were opens next week on Thursday, gram, it was announced yesterday. the leading roles. Cathie Bailey ^ cuts. Both are doing well. discussed. It was decided the en­ Feb. 6. The first speaker will be Coleman and Dudley Darling will "tk * * * tire debate squad be given the op­ Count de Noue's first speaking 1!t; be brought together by Director J If Ralph Harrington can get past Dr. John R. Steelman, who is the engagement is scheduled for Satur­ portunity to try out for the trip. Dorothy Lockhart for the first time . • the pronunciation "Warner's Wat- Director of Conciliations of the U. day morning, Feb. 1, at 11 o'clock Trials were held the evening of since 1938, when they were seen * \ er Bottles" and "Utilization" in Dr. S. Department of Labor. Dr. Steel­ January 24th after notices had been in the Annie Russell Theatre, when man has chosen as his subject, "La­ here in "The Romantic Age". The ?*'. Maser's Business Organizat: sent to all debaters. Farnsworth he will give an illustrated lecture on play will be Randolph Carter's bor Relations and Defense." "Wi course, he's to take another radio and Fribley were selected by the "Private Chateaux and Gardens of stage adaptation of Emily Bronte's '' ^ tryout. So far his batting aver- France." On Monday, Feb. 3, he In the afternoon Dr. Paul S. council after careful consideration. novel, "Wuthering Heights". S, age is about .168. The WOR broadcast is expected will be the guest speaker on the Pierce will speak on "International Both Mr. Darling and Mrs. Cole­ to originate from 10:30 a. m. until Monday morning lecture series at Trade and the War." Friday morn­ man have come a long ways since * * * 10:45 a. m. Another broadcast fol­ 10 o'clock in the Winter Park High ing Mr. Hayne Davis will talk on they last shared the honors on the ™*i Someone came up to us with that lowing the same idea is under ar­ School auditorium when he will tell the "Substitution of Law for War." Annie Russell stage nearly three ""Wl evil gleam in his eye Monday and rangement, and may possibly go his vivid story of the retreat of the The afternoon's speaker will be Col. British Expeditionary Force and years ago. Mrs. Coleman went on " \ wanted to know if we'd like a nice, on the air February 3rd as a fea­ to greater things, climaxing her Thomas S. Voss, commander of the more than 12,000 of its French al­ ""H hot news tip. Sensing at least a ture of Mary Margaret McBride's career by playing on Broadway in a Orlando Air Base; his subject will lies from Dunkerque. 't murder or rape, we nodded eagerly, program. William Saroyan's "Time of Your ! be "The History and Organization '>"S and he handed us the following bit To Maury Dreicer, prominent ra­ As an added feature three addi­ Life". Mr. Darling has been seen of the Army Air Corps". Presid­ PascT; of jargon. Perhaps some of our dio announcer and program wizard, tional lectures will be given by frequently on the local stage, star­ n % puzzle exerts or geometrical wiz- ing at the conference will be Mr. one time student at Rollins, a grad­ Count de Noue, to be delivered en­ ring in such successes as last yead's . 1 retj ards can figure it out. Here it is: John H. Goss, president of the Sco­ uate of 1934, go the thanks of the tirely in French, during his short "Night Must Fall". totw "Let angle A beware of parallel ville Manufacturing Company in college. During his years here visit here. Tomorrow evening at The play is a fitting vehicle for 1 It! angle A, lest it run too closely Waterville, Connecticut. he was debate manager and planned 8:15 in the Woolson English House these actors. It is the strange and parallel to angle B. Let all three Dr. Melcher is head of the com­ he will speak on "The Experiences trips from Florida to Maine. Other bewitching story of the love of a mittee which has taken care of the of a Frenchman in Flanders and — angles beware lest there be formed trips crossed the plains to Cali­ man and a woman, and the tragedy „„ a triangle." Get it? We have a arrangements for the conference. fornia. Mr. Dreicer's interest in Dunkerque with the BEF" and on 1 that involves them and the lives ' theory .... Rollins has been maintained, and Thursday afternoon at 1:45 he will sgn * » * of four other people. The old tale speak in Knowles Hall on "French "*k Some of the boys set up a very he continues to sponsor debates in that is ever new has been put in Chapel Staff Elects Youth — Our Hope of Tomorrow." "•' smooth working gate crashing di his spare hours. This time he has modern garb with all the psycho­ Friday evening Feb. 7, at 8:15 mat; ] other night at the Jimmy Five New Members achieved a major triumph in plac­ logical twists and turns of the hu­ vic(! t ]e o'clock in the Dyer Memorial Build­ lewoi Lunceford dance. Unless you had a At Supper Meeting ing a debate over airwaves crack­ man heart and mind. ling from the waking hours 'till ing he will give an illustrated So - tag clipped neatly onto your coat Many will remember the story French lecture on "Marshall Lyau- lapel, there was little chance of get- midnight with world news and CATHIE BAILEY COLEMAN from the highly successful movie tey's Achievements in Morocco." — ting past the barricades, so the boys The Chapel Staff held a supper giant commercials. version, which starred Vivian Leigh managed to contact a pal on the meeting at the home of Professor and Laurence Olivier. The play on inside (who had parted with $1.94 Trowbridge, Tuesday, January 21. Life's "Subdebese" — and Rollins Slang Gilbert and Sullivan Lambda Chi the stage loses none of the romantic for that privilege). The pal then The only business under considera­ "Pinafore" Will Be Alpha Elects color and deeply human interest of removed his own tag and sent it tion was the election of new mem­ In the interests of what the editors of the Reader's Given Here in March the moving picture and gains that out to the waiting crashers, via bers which was carried off in sur­ Digest would call "a more picturesque speech" we are Theta-Gamma Zeta of Lambda dramatic depth that comes only some girl, who didn't need a tag.
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