Vol. LVI Allentown, PA Friday, October 24, 2014 No. 17 Legal Notice Edition 1 THE COURT The Hon. Carol K. McGinley, President Judge The Hon. Edward D. Reibman, Judge The Hon. William E. Ford, Judge The Hon. Robert L. Steinberg, Judge The Hon. J. Brian Johnson, Judge The Hon. Kelly L. Banach, Judge The Hon. James T. Anthony, Judge The Hon. Maria L. Dantos, Judge The Hon. Michele A. Varricchio, Judge The Hon. Douglas G. Reichley, Judge The Hon. Lawrence J. Brenner, Senior Judge The Hon. Alan M. Black, Senior Judge LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL (USPS 309560) Owned and Published by THE BAR ASSOCIATION OF LEHIGH COUNTY 1114 Walnut Street, Allentown, PA 18102 www.lehighbar.org GAVIN P. HOLIHAN, President ZACHARY J. COHEN, President-Elect HON. WILLIAM H. PLATT, Vice President MICHELLE M. FORSELL, Secretary PATRICK J. REILLY, Treasurer SUSAN G. MAURER, Historian THOMAS F. TRAUD, JR., Law Journal Committee RAY BRIDGEMAN, Executive Director SARAH MUSSEL, Case Editor Copyright © 2014 Bar Association of Lehigh County The Lehigh Law Journal is published every Friday. All legal notices must be submitted in typewritten form and are published exactly as submitted by the advertiser. Neither the Law Journal nor the printer will assume any respon- sibility to edit, make spelling corrections, eliminate errors in grammar or make any changes in content. The Law Journal makes no representation as to the quality of services offered by any advertiser in this publication. Legal notices must be received at 1114 W. Walnut St., Allentown, PA 18102, before 12 noon the preceding Tuesday. Telephone (610) 433-6204. Advance issues $100.00 per year. Single copies $2.00. Payment of annual dues to the Bar As sociation of Lehigh County includes year’s subscription to Lehigh Law Journal. Printed at 206 S. Keystone Ave., Sayre PA 18840 Periodical postage paid at Allentown, PA 18102 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Lehigh Law Journal, 1114 W. Walnut St., Allentown, PA 18102. 2 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL ESTATE AND TRUST NOTICES Executors: William A. Brucker, Notice is hereby given that, in the 2492 Lisa Lane, Allentown, PA estates of the decedents set forth 18104, Constance Gaspar, below, the Register of Wills has 3739 Catherine Avenue, Allen- granted letters testamentary or of town, PA 18103 and Cynthia administration to the persons named. Kazlas, 2051 Livingston Street, Notice is also hereby given of the Allentown, PA 18104. existence of the trusts of the deceased settlors set forth below for whom no Bushner, Carl A., dec’d. personal representatives have been Late of Allentown. appointed within 90 days of death. Executor: Carl M. Bushner, 31 All persons having claims or de- Spring Valley Rd., Malvern, PA mands against said estates or trusts 19355. are requested to make known the same, and all persons indebted to Chamberlain, Helen L., dec’d. said estates or trusts are requested Late of 800 Hausman Road, to make payment, without delay, to Allentown. the executors or administrators or Executor: Boyd D. Chamberlain trustees or to their attorneys named c/o Sandor Engel, Esquire, 825 below. N. Twelfth Street, Allentown, PA 18102. FIRST PUBLICATION Attorney: Sandor Engel, Es- quire, 825 N. Twelfth Street, Beltzner, Gail A., dec’d. Allentown, PA 18102. Late of Macungie. Administrator: Thomas M. Mel- Csulik, Stephen L., dec’d. ber, 200 Franklin Street, Weiss- Late of the City of Allentown. port, PA 18235. Administratrix: Lizabeth Rose Attorney: Jane F. Engler, Es- Csulik c/o Daniel E. Cohen, quire, West 10th Street, Jim Attorney, 3101 Emrick Blvd., Thorpe, PA 18229. Suite 205, Bethlehem, PA 18020. Benner, Joseph C., dec’d. Attorneys: Daniel E. Cohen, At- Late of Lower Macungie Town- torney, Seidel, Cohen, Hof & ship. Reid, L.L.C., 3101 Emrick Blvd., Executrix: Anna M. Benner c/o Suite 205, Bethlehem, PA Emily A. Zettlemoyer, Esq., 18020. Zettlemoyer Law Office, LLP, 53 North 3rd Street, Emmaus, PA Harson, Robert R., dec’d. 18049. Late of Emmaus. Attorneys: Emily A. Zettlemoy- Executor: Courtney W. Harson er, Esq., Zettlemoyer Law Office, c/o Emily A. Zettlemoyer, Esq., LLP, 53 North 3rd Street, Em- Zettlemoyer Law Office, LLP, 53 maus, PA 18049. North 3rd Street, Emmaus, PA 18049. Brucker, Sylvia a/k/a Sylvia M. Attorneys: Emily A. Zettlemoy- Brucker, dec’d. er, Esq., Zettlemoyer Law Office, Late of Allentown, South White- LLP, 53 North 3rd Street, Em- hall Township. maus, PA 18049. 23 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL Hart, Virginia Mary a/k/a Vir- Administratrix: Madeline Klotz ginia M. Hart a/k/a Virginia c/o The Roth Law Firm, 123 A. Hart, dec’d. North Fifth Street, Allentown, Late of Allentown. PA 18102. Co-Personal Representatives: Attorneys: Lisa A. Bartera, Es- Mary Catherine Hart and Jo- quire, The Roth Law Firm, 123 seph Hart c/o James R. Wish- North Fifth Street, Allentown, chuk, JD, Esquire, 2310 Wal- PA 18102. bert Avenue, Suite 103, Allen- town, PA 18104-1360. Musser, David K. a/k/a D. Ken- Attorney: James R. Wishchuk, neth Musser a/k/a David JD, Esquire, 2310 Walbert Av- Musser, dec’d. enue, Suite 103, Allentown, PA Late of Emmaus. 18104-1360. Administratrix c.t.a.: Cynthia K. Zettlemoyer c/o Emily A. Zettle- Hyle, Marie E., dec’d. moyer, Esq., Zettlemoyer Law Late of Macungie. Office, LLP, 53 North 3rd Street, Personal Representative: Robert Emmaus, PA 18049. L. Ritter c/o Peter P. Perry, Es- Attorneys: Emily A. Zettlemoy- quire, 1600 Lehigh Parkway er, Esq., Zettlemoyer Law Office, East, 1E, Allentown, PA 18103- LLP, 53 North 3rd Street, Em- 3097. maus, PA 18049. Attorney: Peter P. Perry, Es- quire, 1600 Lehigh Parkway Niederberger, Mildred M. a/k/a East, 1E, Allentown, PA 18103- Mildred Niederberger, dec’d. 3097. Late of 5 E. Elm Street, Em- maus. Personal Representative: Rich- dec’d. Longenbach, Randy P., ard P. Niederberger c/o James Late of Slatington. A. Ritter, Esquire, Gross McGin- Administrator: Steven L. Lon- ley, LLP, 111 E. Harrison St., genbach. Suite 2, Emmaus, PA 18049- Attorneys: Jon A. Swartz, Es- 2916. quire, Swartz & Associates, Attorneys: James A. Ritter, Es- 7736 Main Street, Fogelsville, quire, Gross McGinley, LLP, 111 PA 18051. E. Harrison Street, Suite 2, Emmaus, PA 18049-2916. Lovell, Mary, dec’d. Late of Allentown. Nikles, Gisella H., dec’d. Administratrix: Kathleen Brat- Late of Allentown. by c/o Rebecca M. Young, Esq. Personal Representative: Patri- and Lia K. Snyder, Esq., Young cia A. Frederick c/o Kirby G. & Young, 119 E. Main Street, Upright, Esquire, One West Macungie, PA 18062. Broad Street, Suite 700, Beth- Attorneys: Rebecca M. Young, lehem, PA 18018. Esq. and Lia K. Snyder, Esq., Attorneys: Kirby G. Upright, Young & Young, 119 E. Main Esquire, King Spry Herman Street, Macungie, PA 18062. Freund & Faul LLC, One West Broad Street, Suite 700, Beth- Miller, Forrest Edwin, dec’d. lehem, PA 18018, (610) 332- Late of Allentown. 0390. 24 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL Nikles, Robert F., dec’d. Administratrix: Sagrario Anto- Late of Allentown. nia Lisandro c/o Seidel, Cohen, Personal Representative: Patri- Hof & Reid, LLC, 3101 Emrick cia A. Frederick c/o Kirby G. Blvd., Suite 205, Bethlehem, PA Upright, Esquire, One West 18020. Broad Street, Suite 70, Bethle- Attorneys: Daniel E. Cohen, At- hem, PA 18018. torney, Seidel, Cohen, Hof & Attorneys: Kirby G. Upright, Reid, L.L.C., 3101 Emrick Blvd., Esquire, King Spry Herman Suite 205, Bethlehem, PA Freund & Faul LLC, One West 18020. Broad Street, Suite 700, Beth- lehem, PA 18018, (610) 332- SECOND PUBLICATION 0390. Buchfeller, Walter C., dec’d. Schiller, Elizabeth E., dec’d. Late of Whitehall. Late of Allentown. Executrix: Jayne E. Richards Executrix: Dolores L. Luettgen c/o Karess, Reich & Furst, PC, a/k/a Dolores Luettgen c/o 215 N. 9th Street, Allentown, PA Eric R. Strauss, Esquire, Worth, 18102. Magee & Fisher, P.C., 2610 Attorneys: Martin J. Karess, Walbert Avenue, Allentown, PA Esquire, Karess, Reich & Furst, 18104. PC, 215 N. 9th Street, Allen- Attorneys: Eric R. Strauss, Es- town, PA 18102. quire, Worth, Magee & Fisher, P.C., 2610 Walbert Avenue, Buss, Robert C., dec’d. Allentown, PA 18104. Late of the City of Allentown. Executrix: Robin Buss a/k/a dec’d. Schultz, Richard A., Robin P. Buss a/k/a Robin Late of the City of Allentown. Patricia Buss c/o Gail Weiner Executrix: Sandra Seng c/o Amanda Racines Lovett, Es- Shearer, Esquire, 70 E. Broad quire, Gardner, Racines & Street, P.O. Box 1426, Bethle- Sheetz, 3968 Maulfair Place, hem, PA 18016-1426. Allentown, PA 18103. Attorney: Gail Weiner Shearer, Attorneys: Amanda Racines Esquire, 70 E. Broad Street, Lovett, Esquire, Gardner, Ra- P.O. Box 1426, Bethlehem, PA cines & Sheetz, 3968 Maulfair 18016-1426. Place, Allentown, PA 18103. Creitz, Elvin O., Jr. a/k/a Elvin Weaver, Helen R., dec’d. O. Creitz, dec’d. Late of Allentown. Late of the Township of North Executor: Craig W. Rothermel. Whitehall. Attorneys: Reilly, Wolfson, Shef- Executrix: Vicki L. Lindsay fey, Schrum and Lundberg LLP, a/k/a Vicki L. (Creitz) Lindsay 1601 Cornwall Road, Lebanon, c/o Edward H. Butz, Esquire, PA 17042. 7535 Windsor Drive, Suite 200, Allentown, PA 18195. Zuniga, Juan C. a/k/a Juan Car- Attorneys: Edward H. Butz, los Zuniga, dec’d. Esquire, Lesavoy Butz & Seitz Late of the Township of White- LLC, 7535 Windsor Drive, Suite hall. 200, Allentown, PA 18195. 25 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL Csencsits, Joseph F., dec’d. Executrices: Donna L. Bentz Late of South Whitehall Town- and Nancy C. Salter c/o Harry ship. Newman, Esquire, 1834 Penn- Administrators: John S. Kris- sylvania Avenue, Allentown, PA tofits and James J. Mills c/o 18109. Frank M. Skrapits, Esquire, Attorney: Harry Newman, Es- Affiliated with Steckel and quire, 1834 Pennsylvania Ave- Stopp, 2152 Main Street, nue, Allentown, PA 18109.
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