0 $ 2 •mini app les ^ V n e w s l e t t e r V o l 1 5 No. 5 The Minnesota Apple Computer Users' Group, Inc. Calendar of MAY 1992 Events M T W T F 1 4 5 6 Mac Main Meeting 7 8 Bloomington Educational Center 90th St & Portland Ave. So. 7.00 p.m. Rooms 210-211 Subject: Video Spigot Mike Carlson: 866-3441 Melvyn Magree: 559-1108 11 12 13 14 15 Apple II GS and ^mini'app'les Apple II Main Meeting Board Meeting SWAP MEET Washburn Com. Library 7:00 p.m. 5244 Lyndale Ave. So.Mpls. Lexington Branch Library Saturday May 16th Subject:: Genealogy Programs University & Lexington Aves. Tom Ostertag: 488-9979 St. Paul, MN, 7:00 p.m. Apache Plaza David Laden: 488-6774 10 - 3 p.m. —> ** FileMaker Pro SIG *21 18 MacCAD/E SIG 19 20 22 Micro Age Computers Highland Park Library Fourth Dimension'" SIG 5909 Baker Rd. Suite 530 7-9:00 p.m. Autoline, 2714 Patton Rd, Minnetonka 7:00 p.m. Steve Wilmes 450-7448 St. Paul, 7:00 p.m. Bill Langer: 937-9240 North Shore MacCIG Ian Abel: 824-8602 Daron Applequist: 938-7001 Bethlehem Lutheran Church MircoSoft Works SIG Grand Marais, 7:00 p.m. Highland Br. Library, 7:00 p.m. Jim Ringquist: 218-387-2234 25 26 27 28 29 AppleWorks0 SIG Mac Programmer SIG Mac Desktop Murray Jr. High, 2200 Buford Murray Jr. High, St. Paul, Publishing SIG St. Paul, 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Subject:: Think-C Jefferson El. School, Rm 201 25th St & Hennipin Ave So Subject:: Maceos/Task Gervaise Kimm: 379-1836 Files - What.How.Why Bob Grant: 827-6294 Jim Shields: 434-9836 Notes: The deadline for articles is the 1st of the preceding month. If you want your article in June's newsletter, we SIG - Special Interest Group must have your copy by the 1st of May. We accept advertising and want ads until the 10th of the month. CIG - Community Interest Group Coordinators, please call Dick Aura (941-1198) by the 1st to have your meeting listed correctly. THE CALENDAR FOR JUNE IS ON PAGE 4 The Minnesota Apple Computer Users' Group, Inc. mini'app'les P.O. Box 796, Hopkins, MN 55343 Board Members: This is the Newsletter of mini'app'les, the Minnesota Apple Computer Users' Group, Inc., a Minnesota non-profit club. The whole newsletter is copy righted © by mini'app'les. Articles may be reproduced in other non-profit Board of Directors User Groups' publications except where specifically copyrighted by the President David E. Laden 488-6774 author. (Permission to reproduce these articles must be given by the author.) 675 West Wheelock Pkwy, Please include the source when reprinting. St. Paul, MN 55117 Questions — Please direct questions to an appropriate board member. Vice-President Tom Lufkin 698-6523 Users with technical questions should refer to the Members Helping Mem 2078 Highland Parkway bers section. St. Paul, MN 55116 Membership — mini'app'les Secretary attn: Membership Coordinator P.O. Box 796 Treasurer Hopkins MN 55343 All members receive a subscription to the newsletter and all club benefits. Publications New members receive a package of member lists and software catalogs. Rand Sibet 560-8103 Membership eDOMs At Mail Software Greg Carlson 544-8252 Meetings Order Operations & Resource Allen Mackler 424-8889 M e m b e r s : 5 1 / 4 " e D O M s S 3 . 0 0 Add SIG: Macs Tom Shaff 225-1191 5 1 / 4 " S y s t e m $ 1 . 0 0 $1.00 SIG: Apples Tom Gates 789-1713 3 1/2" Apple/Mac eDOMs S5.00 Director At-Large Jason Mooney 894-3778 3 1 / 2 " S y s t e m S 3 . 0 0 per 3 1/2" System 7.0 (9 disks) S15.00 disk, Coordinators Non-Members: 5 1/4" eDOMs S6.00 $4.00 maximum. Beginners Consultant Earl Benser 884-2148 3 1/2" Apple/Mac eDOMs Si0.00 Dakota County Tom Michals 452-5667 Make checks payable to: mini'app'les Shows &. Conventions Mail to Mini'app'les: Attention: CDOM Sales Volunteer Coordinator P.O. Box 796, Hopkins, MN 55343 866-3441 Mac Users SIG Mike Carlson (days) Dealers — mini'app'les does not endorse specific dealers. The club Melvyn Magree 559-1108 promotes distribution of information which may help members identify best 4tli Dimension SIG Ian Abel 824-8602 buys and service. The club itself does not participate in bulk purchases of CAD & Engin. SIG Bill Langer 937-9240 media, software, hardware and publications. Members may organize such DeskTop Pub. SIG Bob Grant 827-6142 activities on behalf of other members. FileMaker Pro SIG Steve Wilmes 450-7448 Newsletter Contributions - Please send contributions directly to HyperCard SIG Peter Fleck 370-0017 die Newsletter Manager, David Undlin, 6670 West 133rd St., Apple Valley, Mac Computer Art. MN 55124 or upload to David on the mini'app'les BBS or DTP Exchange & Design SIG Joy Kopp 440-5436 BBSs. You can also reach Dave at 432-0913 (voice & FAX). Mac Novice SIG Tom Lufkin 698-6523 Deadline for material for the next newsletter is the 1st of the month. An Mac Programming SIG Gervaise Kimm 379-1836 article will be printed when space permits and, if in the opinion of the MicroSoft Works SIG Ken Edd 631-3679 Newsletter Editor or Manager, it constitutes material suitable for publication. Jim Ringquist North Shore Mac Users (218) 387-2234 Meeting Dates — Please phone calendar dates and changes to: Dick Aura at 941-1198. Apple II Users SIG Tom Ostertag 488-9979 Apple UGS SIG Mark Evans 935-7251 mini'app'les BBS - 892-3317,24 hours: 8 data, 1 stop, 0 parity AppleWorks SIG Jim Shields 434-9836 mini'app'les Voice Mail -229-6952 Apple II DTP Beginner's Basic SIG Tom Alexander 698-8633 Advertising — this position is vacant Languages/Tech SIG Wesley Johnson 636-1826 Tech. Adviser (hdwre) Software Director's Staff Newsletter Publication Staff Mac eDOMs: Jacque Gay, Jim Spencer & Mary Publications Director Kosowski Newsletter Manager David Undlin 432-0913 Apple eDOMs: Bill Job, Randy Peterson & Tom Gates Editor Michelle Parks 571-3788 eDOM Sales: Mac - Allen Mackler & Mary Kosowski Advertising Apple - Les Anderson Production Manager Earl Holdridgc 922-7311 Liaison Contacts (Contact with non-mini'app'les SIGs) Layout Layout Jane Vandcn Plas 537-4384 Genealogy Melvyn Magree 559-1108 Dick Aura 941-1198 Medical Stewart Haight 644-1838 Calendar/Delivery Contributing Editor/Layout Tom Edwards 927-6790 CP/M Jim Rosenow (414)261-2536 PACER Center Karen Samuels 827-2966 Contributing Editor Peter Fleck 370-0017 TC/PC Gervaise Kimm 379-1836 Contributing Editor Steve George 935-5775 Circulation this issue: 1000 VOL. 15, NO. 5 CONTENTS May 1992 I N T H I S I S S U E Welcome New Members 5 Mac HyperCard SIG News 5 Notes From the Mac Programmer's SIG 6 m& • • ' System 7 Upgrades in the Workplace 7 Exploring the Apple/IBM Alliance 9 A New Macintosh, the LC II 12 TidBITS#112/13-Mar-92 — Another New Mac Virus 13 Please accept my 14 Apple II Frequently Asked Questions mini'app'les MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION. System Software Listing 17 IIGS Terms: Excerpted From the "'Beginnes' Notebook" 18 Please Print or Type: It It's Going to be Called a Profession, Then It... 20 1. Name From the Desk of Our Software Director Macintosh eDOMs 22 Address Macintosh System Software 24 City State Zip- Apple IIGS eDOMs 25 Res. phone_ Bus. We Forgot One 27 Renew ID# Exp. Date. Apple lie - 5.25" eDOM 29 Classified Ads 30 2. Please enroll me as a mini'app'les member. □ Regular [1st year] $20.00 Advertising pages 30-32 □ Renew [one year] $15.00 □ Educational $50.00 □ Foreign $30.00 D Corporate $100.00 □ Sustaining $25.00 ADVERTISERS D Donation $ (laxdodudahto) Member Classified Ads 30 3. Please tell us your special interests: TCCN 30 Which personal computer do you use: RAMCO 31 □ Apple II □ Macintosh Portable □ Apple III HyperActive Software 31 □ Macintosh Powerbook □ Apple lie D Macintosh Quadra Laser-print Supply/Dodd Technical Back Cover □ Apple lie □ IBM or IBM clone □ Apple llc+ Areas of Interest: □ Apple IIGS D Business Application □ Laser-Other □ Home Application □ Macintosh Plus □ Educational Application The Fine Print □ Macintosh SE □ Desktop Publishing The Mini'app'les newsletter is an independent publication not affiliated, sponsored, or sanctioned by Apple □ Macintosh Classic □ Other Computer. Inc. or any other computer manufacturer. The opinions, statements, positbns.and views herein are □ Macintosh LC those of the author(s) or editor and are not intended to be the opinions, statements, positions or views of Apple Do you own or use: □ Macintosh II Computer Inc., or any other computer manufacturer. Apple®, the Apple® #, Apple IIGS®. AppleTalk®, D Printer □ Macintosh SE/30 AppleWorks* Macintosh®, ImageWriter®, LaserWriter® are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. □ Laser Printer LaserShare™, Finder™, MultiFinder™ and HyperCard™ are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. PostScript*is a □ Macintosh si □ Modem registered trademark of Adobe Inc. Times®and Helvetica®are registered trademarks of LinoType Co. □ Macintosh fx □ Scanner D Macintosh llcx/llci □ Other IF YOU ARE MOVING. .. □ Referred by: ... please Copy your newsletter mailing label showing current address in this space: □ Check if interested in volunteer opportunities. let us know six weeks I.D.#: Exp. Date: Special Areas: before you move so we Name: D Check if you do not wish to receive non-club promotional can change Street: mailings. your address. City, St., Zip: Thank you.
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