The Index of the All-Seeing Eye of Agamotto Aaron, Chris, 177 and the Book of Cagliostro, 60, Aaron, Jason, 111, 112, 114 61, 64, 66 absolute logic, 22, 90 Celtic heritage, 7 action, virtuous, 62, 66 as combination of Socratic actualization, 133 teacher and god as teacher, acupuncture, 7, 166, 170 169 Adam, 61 comic book representation, adultery, 223 82–3 Agamotto, 58, 156 on the consequences of magic, aikido, 213 114 alchemy, 120 death, 16, 22–3, 42–3, 65–6, 79, Allen, Barry, 213 90, 94, 131–2, 179, 242 see also Flash, The dislodges Strange’s astral form alternate dimensions, 121, 156, 184, from his body, 20, 31, 71–2, 207 104, 167 see also multiple realities; and Dormammu, 224 multiverse on energy transfers, 108 amor fati (love of fate), 11, 13, 14 on eternal life, 23 amorality, 21, 130 initial judgment of Strange, 12, Ancient One, 2, 19, 25, 27, 31–3, 19–20, 32, 39, 70, 71, 166, 37–8, 63–6, 73, 78–9, 85, 93, 170, 171, 210 102–3,COPYRIGHTED 139, 142–5, 148, 159, and MATERIAL Kaecilius, 12, 193 166, 169–72, 177, 179–80, keyhole metaphor, 19–20, 38, 187, 199, 220, 226, 231 70–2, 78–87, 93, 108, and blind spots, 79, 80 128, 170 Doctor Strange and Philosophy: The Other Book of Forbidden Knowledge, First Edition. Edited by Mark D. White. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2018 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 250 0003419849.INDD 250 3/9/2018 1:12:20 PM THE INDEX OF THE ALL-SEEING EYE OF AGAMOTTO 251 life attenuating strategies, 10, 17, Nicomachean Ethics, 178 22–3, 60, 64, 66, 83, 88, 90, physics, 115–17 94, 96, 191, 193–6, 221 translation, 116 on the limits of knowledge, 70–1 and virtue ethics, 21, 178, 182 on magic, 151, 155 Arthur, King, 243 and Mordo, 201 astral dimension, 20, 156, 167, on the multiverse, 154 198, 234 and natural law, 90, 91, 94 astral form, 2, 20, 31, 55, 71–2, 79, and personal transformation, 104–5, 107, 116, 167, 198, 134–5 234, 241 portrayal by Tilda Swinton, astronomy, 142 1, 82, 85 Athens, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 75 and the Problem of Dirty Hands, Atwater, Dr. Gina, 228 191–6 Augustine of Hippo, Saint, 219, on rule breaking for the greater 220–3 good, 23 Concerning the City of God self‐centeredness, 96 Against the Pagans, 221 and Socratic Heroism, 71 Confessions, 220, 222–3 Strange as student of, 6–7, 20, 31, On Free Choice of the Will, 223 40, 42, 74, 113, 211, 229 worldview, 221 on Strange’s capacity for authenticity, 17, 18, 22–3, 43–4 goodness, 42–3, 65, 131, authority figures, blind faith in, 64 132–3 Avengers, The, 1, 95, 183, 198, Strange’s promises to, 182 204–5, 232, 246 Strange’s relationship with, 182 and time, 128, 130–1 Bachalo, Chris, 111, 112, 114, 177 and the Vishanti, 240 Bacon, Francis, 8, 78–9, 117 whitewashing, 82–3 Baconian project, 8–13 worldview, 103 bad faith, 37–8 angels, 221–2, 244 balance, 214 angst, 17, 18, 19, 22 Banner, Bruce, 246 animal spirits, 106–7 see also Hulk, The animus, 11 Bar with No Doors, The, 115 anxiety, existential, 38–9, 44 Batcave, 198 Aquinas, Saint Thomas, 89, 116, Batman, 198 239–40, 242–3, 245–6 see also Wayne, Bruce Summa Theologiae, 239 Beast, 52 Aristotle, 115, 119, 120 belief, 62, 164, 172 and causes, 115 false, 54 and ethics, 62, 66 healing through, 63, 64, 79, 166, and friendship among equals, 183 169 and god, 239, 240, 243 justification and evaluation, 61 metaphysics, 115 in matter, 79, 102 Metaphysics, 239 Berdyaev, Nikolai, 234 0003419849.INDD 251 3/9/2018 1:12:20 PM 252 THE INDEX OF THE ALL-SEEING EYE OF AGAMOTTO Bergson, Henri, 125–35 Chaerephon, 69 Creative Evolution, 126 chakras, 7 Berkeley, George, 59 channeling, 64, 121 bias, 78–87, 224 China, 83–4 Bible, The, 61 Chinese immigration, 235 Bifrost (Rainbow Bridge), 156 Chitauri, 225 Billy, Nurse, 5, 19 choice/decision‐making biology, 141–2 authentic, 44 Bishop, Jeffrey, 8, 9 commitment to, 44 Blessing, Morganna, 187 and the creation of self, 96 blind spots, awareness of, 79–80 freedom of, 37, 43–4, 96 body, 55–6 importance of, 41 within the Baconian project, 8–9 and the meaning and value of life, as machine, 9 35, 40–5 mind‐body dualism, 55, 101–10 Chondu, 115 modern medicine’s approach to Christian virtue, 243 the, 8–9 Christianity, 7, 26–9, 58, 116, Bohr, Niels, 158 220–1, 223, 243–4 Book of Cagliostro, 60–1, 64–6, Cicero, 89 130, 193, 242 Clarke, Arthur C., 122 Book of Vishanti, 113, 236 Clea, 1, 49, 180, 182–4, 187, 242, brain, 102, 106–7, 109 245 Brother Voodoo, 1 Cloak of Levitation, 21, 105 Buddhism, 213 cogito, ergo sum (“I think, therefore Zen, 78, 212 I am”), 55, 56 bushido, 212 collective consciousness, 61 butlers, 198–200 Collector, 156 compassion, 133 Cagliostro, 242–5, 247 Conan Doyle, Arthur, 18 Caine, Kwai Chang, 212–13 Confucius, 213 call of conscience, 17, 20 conscience, call of, 17, 20 Camelot, 243 consciousness, 102 Camus, Albert, 23 collective, 61 Captain America, 184, 219 expanded, 204 Cargill, C. Robert, 82–3 Law of Consciousness, 89–90, casting, 82–3 93, 94 Catholic Church, 116 and time, 126, 129–30, 132–4 Catholicism, 240 see also self‐consciousness causality, Aristotelian, 115 consequentialism, 192–6 causes, 115 control, 6, 10, 13, 22, 95–6 see also first cause lack of, 243–4 Celts, 7 Copenhagen interpretation, certainty, 54, 57, 59 158–9 0003419849.INDD 252 3/9/2018 1:12:20 PM THE INDEX OF THE ALL-SEEING EYE OF AGAMOTTO 253 Copernicus, Nicolaus, 117, 142 inevitability of, 13–14, 16–19, cosmos, 242 229–30 courage, 44, 63, 73, 75, 178–9 as insult, 13, 21, 22 intellectual, 63, 64, 66 death penalty, 231 creation, 242–5 decision‐making see choice/ creativity, existential, 40 decision‐making Creator God, 57–8, 238, deductive reasoning, 112, 113, 239–42, 247 116 Crito, 74 Defenders, The, 1, 183, 184, cultural bias, 82 197 Cumberbatch, Benedict, 1, 18, demonic, the, 246 106, 224 demons, 43–4, 232–3 Descartes’, 54, 57 Daredevil, 219, 240 personal, 13, 14 dark, 232 deontology, 178, 192–5 Dark Dimension, 21, 27, 32, 94, Derrickson, Scott, 164 130, 143–5, 156, 184, Descartes, René, 8, 104, 108, 219–20, 223, 233 119–20, 126 and the Ancient One’s great age, cogito, ergo sum, 55, 56 10, 22, 23, 60, 64, 88, 90, epistemology, 53–6 94, 96 and God, 57, 58 Clea as ruler of, 183 mathematics, 153 and Kaecilius’s pursuit of Meditations on First Philosophy, immortality, 73 54, 56, 57 and life eternal, 17, 22 metaphysics, 120 portals to the, 60 mind‐body dualism, 55 Strange in the, 15 and nature, 119 dark magic, 191–6, 218–19, and physics, 120, 153 232, 247 and solipsism, 56–7 consequences of using, worldview, 106 193–4, 195 desire, 223–4 dark matter, 32 dimensional energy, 64, 108, 109, Darkforce Dimension, 156 144, 151, 155, 156 Dear, Peter, 120 Ditko, Steve, 1, 89, 96, 177, 178, death, 10 187, 209 acceptance of, 23 divine, the, 89, 116 conquering, 10–11, 17, 22, 60, see also God; gods 64, 192 divine figures 58 as enemy, 8, 14, 17, 22 divine law, 239, 243, 244 as failure, 5–6, 10, 15 divine revelation, 53–4, 239 as giver of meaning to life, 16, 17, Doctor Doom, 53, 249 23, 131–2 Doctor Strange: Into Shamballa inability to control, 90 (graphic novel), 180 0003419849.INDD 253 3/9/2018 1:12:20 PM 254 THE INDEX OF THE ALL-SEEING EYE OF AGAMOTTO Doctor Strange: The Oath (comic and scale, 225–6 book miniseries), 207, 209, as sentient being, 220, 222, 210, 211 223, 224 Doctor Strange (film), 1–2, 5, survival, 225 17–23, 25–33, 35–45, 60–6, and violation of the natural 69, 71, 79–85, 88, 90–6, law, 21 101–10, 112, 139, 151–2, double‐slit experiment, 157–8 160, 164, 166–7, 169–70, doubt, 54–6, 57, 224 179, 209–10, 224, 228, 231, Dracula, 241–2, 247 233 dragons, 243 and Dormammu, 219, 220 dread, 18 and martial arts training, 211 Dream Dimension, 232 and the multiverse, 155, 156–7 dualism, 55, 101–10, 159 and natural law, 88 duration, 126, 128–34 and the Problem of Dirty Hands, 192 Earth, 160 and the role of humanity in the as center of the universe, 116, universe, 152–3 142, 161 scientific consultant, 152 Dormammu’s planned absorption and time, 125, 127, 129, 131–5 of, 15, 23, 220, 224, 225–6 Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers and Galactus, 224 Supreme (animated movie), Earth‐616, 156 228, 232, 233–4 Earth‐199999, 156 Doom, Victor von see Doctor Doom Eden, Garden of, 95 doppelgängers, 52 Een’Gawori slugs, 116 Dormammu, 12, 14, 27, 32, 42, 57, Einstein, Albert, 126, 153, 158–9 66, 94, 183–4, 192–5, 204, Einstein‐Rosen bridges, 156 233, 238 Ejiofor, Chiwetel, 1 bargain with Strange, 88, 92 élan vital (life force/vital impulse), battle with Strange, 14–15, 23, 133 43–4, 60, 95–6, 132–4, 156, Eliot, T. S., 126 161, 192, 211–12, 220, 222, emotion, relational, 129–30 225–6, 235 empiricism, 35–6, 39, 50–2, 126 evil of, 219–27, 232, 235 empirical evidence, 54, 154 as force of nature, 219 empirical method, 153 inauthenticity, 23 Empirikul, 111, 113, 114–15, Kaecilius’s summoning of, 130, 131 117–19 lack of a concept of morality, 219, energy, dimensional, 64, 144 224 drawing on, 108, 109, 151, as nemesis of Doctor Strange, 155, 156 219, 220 epistemology, 49–59, 60–7, 224 planned absorption of Earth, 15, virtue epistemology, 62–3, 64–6 23, 220, 224, 225–6 essence of things, 45 0003419849.INDD 254 3/9/2018 1:12:20 PM THE INDEX OF THE ALL-SEEING EYE OF AGAMOTTO 255 eternal law, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247 and substance dualism, 103 eternal realm, 12, 13 value of, 40 eternal recurrence, 43–4 existentialism, 37–45 “eternal return”, 14, 15 existential anxiety, 38–9, 44 Eternity, 71, 224, 238 existential creativity, 40 ethics, 178 existential dilemmas, 42–3 Aristotle’s, 62, 66 existential meaning, 35, 39, consequentialism, 192–6 40, 43 deontology, 178, 192–5 existential value, 39 “golden mean”, 178–9, 180, 187 Eye
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