PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 26, 1862 -TOE. 16,___PORTLAND, TERMS $8.00 PER ANNEM, IN ADTANCE. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, CLOTHING, try law has ever been loose enough or inef- Publiched ever? day (Sui days excepted) by tbe _MISCELLANEOUS, THE PRESS Cap and Bella. fective to it. It has com- enough satisfy w ■■ ■ PORTLAND PUttU^HING CO. MONDAY pletely abandoned, too, the sound conserva- At 109 Exchange «t.. Portland. MORNING, MARCH 24. Boston Transcript: Society’s Refrain— tive positiou on monetary questions which : ON ‘‘I know not, 1 ask not if in Terms Eight Dollars a Yea.. To mail subscribers MARCH guilt’s that heart”; a SATURDAY, We ilo not read anonymous letters constituted its chief in the I know tliou 1 ast Ssveo Dollars Year ii paid In advance. 22(1, & ana common, merit early days money, whatever ihou art. CHADBOURN cation, The name and address of the of its KENDALL, writei arc in history, and become the ready advo- THE N1AINF *TATF PRESS all canes indispensable, not for necessarily publicsrioi cate, not simply of a certain wild financial Cincinnati Commercial—Britishers get mad but as a of good faith. Is published every Thursday Morning at f 2.50 a guaranty of when the it in idea, but any financial idea that was wild. yvn say colored troops year, paid advance at $2.00 * year We cannot undertake to return or preserve fongbt nobly. com- A Democratic W IS! munications tbat are not used, platform has rarely been drawn Kates of Advertising : One inch of space, the 168 & 170 MIDDLE 7 Biddeford Miniature: STREET, since 1865 which did not contain a new Every once in a while length of constitutes a I theory column, “square.** some bloated SI 50 per square, daily first week: 75 cents per about that bond-holding editor off an Have Hie of informing ilrcir friends that on and after ityuav regular attache or the Pkjkss is furnisnoo money, ignored the facts of his" slings week after; three insertions, or less, $1.00; continu- Grand Annual pleasure article beaded us Spring with a Card and “Pay you go.” that’s ing every otbei da? after first week, 50 cents. Campaign certificate countersigned by T. tory the principles of human nature. In Well, Stanley teen our invariable Halt square,three insertions, oi 75 one Pullen, Editor. All rule for years. We seldom less, cents; railway, steamboat and hotel fact, no party has ever more earned week, $1.00: 50 ceuts per week after. effectively managers will confer a favor upon us go. Special notices, one third additional. by demanding the titled of _ BY THE credentials of dangerous Under head ot “Amusements” and “Auction MARCH every person claiming to oui MONDAY, 10, 1879, represent Pic.: Sales,** $2.00 per square per week; three insertions onrnal. “Government of tbe people—buy tbe or less. $1.50. Men and Women people—for the people. Advertisement- inserter] in the “Maine Stath If the Union was Press*’ which lias a circulation in Tfiesm worth for it is Mrs. the first large every part worth lighting Lockwood, woman admitted to of the for $1.00 for first paying for. State), per square insertion, GREAT in the is Boston Post: The New Orleans ONE-PRICE practice supreme court, years and 50 ce its per square for each subsequent insertion. CLOTHIERS. fifty old, Picayune k nows of an Address all communications to tali, erect, gray-baired, and tbe possessor of Ohio man who has been at work POK LAND PUBLISHING CO. 1 “Cobneel” Vanderbilt gets little sym- fiDe eyes. She made her first appearance in eight years on a clock. When completed it in the a WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT pathy failure of bis attempt to break semi-mauDish blue cloth eacque, with brass will completely outshine the Strasburg clock, buttons and a velvetine skirt. E N TERTAIN M Thousand Dollars ! his lather’s will. The general verdict plain and will be the most iotiicate piece of mech- ENTS. to is, ■ ji. Seventy will be transferred their When Achilla Marat wss in with a “Served him right.” Florida, anism ever built. Among other thiogs it will Frenchman’s instinct for new and rare foods, REV. J. W. OF show each noon an S-to-7 Electoral Commission HAMILTON he cooked and ate from the entire fruna The people of Louisiana see now the nearly making a President, and a Repnblican rooster Of Boston, will deliver lie popular lecture entitled of the State. He used to cook steak business troubles that come through the alligator in the act cf crowiog as Justice slowly closes “All Mori, of Preacher.,” in a way so delicious that no alligator fn all failure of their credit as a the book of the Constitution and steps to tbe people. The sus- Florida up In CONGRESS NEW PERFECT FITTING lilted up especially for this part of their business. Also would an- would recognize it as a morsel of one of Sideboard for STREET M. E. CHURCH, STYLE, pension of the banks of New Orleans be his refreshments. nounce that they will open on the First Floor a may brothers. He worked long and faithfully to — OK mako the described as a “Greenback a tutkey buzzard palatable bv good Victory”—hut A cooking, but at last gave it up iu despair. When lovely young lady, at the t'me when belles Monday March Cadmean victory it will prove. Evening, iitli, a.-ked how be liked it be 'Ob ! f can e t io said, Glasgow were scarcer tbaD they are low, at quarter before eight. Admission, 10 cents. any kind bird—1 am not affrate to eat aoyzing, First Mr. Tilden has been into f was talbiog with a from a distance mh22 Class service have gentleman Retail pressed no d2*, GARMENTS! prejudice, but za buzzard is net Department, on board Her goode.” about that and its The conversa- Majesty’s Ship Pinafore by the city gayeties. in which will a Tbe New York tion turned balls and the WALKING HATCH they keep large and complete line of wicked Albany Journal which says: “Mr. male reporters are guilty of upon attendance at — — tbe when tbe BETWEEN Introduced to the Public at One Time. Tilden feels better since Randall’s victory. enormity of calling the new brocades Dolly them, gentleman laughingly asked Vardeos. ft is the “Have STANLEY C. CHAPMAN & GEO N. And so do his sisters and his nephews and difficult to teach a man any- question: you many beauties in BRIGGS his thing about fashions, but wben be does learn Glasgow, Miss-?” On which tbe yonng At Lancaster organs.” Hall, anything he never for?et9 it. So long as there lady naively replied, “Oh yee, sir; there are IIOMIAV EVENING, March 35th. A PERFECT AVALANCHE To the mind of the Boston Post “It would remains one male journalist into whose bead five of ns!” Walking will commence at 7 o’clock. Admission, WOOLENS, a some woman once 25 cents, to ail parts of the hallmb21d3t* be handsome evidence of an era of good weary forced the knowledge that a certain Danbury News: Tbe disposition of foar-fiftbs if kind ol figured stuff was called ! Of Goods Exhibited under one Roof. feeling Hon. Simon Cameron and the Wid- the MUSI C H Nobby Dolly Varden, so long tbe name will bs found of world is given in the Incident in tbe life ALL. ow Oliver would 'make and make a in the of those up’ writings men, and very grateful of aNangatacb blacksmith. He was standing at TAILORS’ cugbt all women to tour of as be if they do not ssy that and TRIMMINGS, the country Romeo and Juliet. bis one when he saw a Mar. 24 & 25. tbe forge day, party of Monday Tuesday Dolly Varden was nobby and was cut bias. to j Simon would be immense in the balcony —Boston Transcipt. teamsters driving swiftly down the road toward The Eminent Actor, Ulr. Excel, to AND Nothing scene, aud the widow would lots of the shop. “Lord a he Nothing bou- Jennie June that a massey!” “noth* Equal, get says female milliner grunted; to quets.” would not trim a straw hat twelve boars before irg do, and then everybody comes on at TO BE tbe time at which tbe had been once.” The coming teams dashed by tbe shop GEORGE A. HILL I FOUND IN EASTERN NEW ENGLAND. Up to dale the annual interest has been accustomed to without “Lotd a do it ail the years of her life, not eveo to sell it, stopping. massey!” be grum- Supported by MEN’S FURNISHING reduced since January oue-third on $270,- but that tbe men who are in bled; '‘nothing to do, aid drives ; GOODS, tbe business die- everybody .T. C. MYEE’S 000,000 of the national a debt, pretty good bonnets at all a right by!” i which will offer at play boars with recklessness they record for the ogre Sherman and the fshfiPlfinrr tn a mall f™. __;_I NEW lORK COMPANY, Repub- ■ An of New Even an Boston Transcript: The lieet-footed Mercn- Array Style Garments which lican party to make. The interest will be imported bonnet has lo particular In the great Society Drama sacredness to tbeir sbe says. ry is out a eroggara arier ail. tie never rises til* still farther reduced and thus the profane mindg, are Money All they do is to swear at tbe cost of tbat "bit late of a cold Magnificent in Popular Prices! of morning. simply I mli6 d2m Power tighten its grip on the throat of the trumpery,” and exhibit it to the first woman tbat comes along.
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