CCelebratelebratiingng OOurur NNationalational TTreasurereasure T SEUUMM Le 991010 MMonaghanonaghan RoadRoad PPeterborough,eterborough, Ontario,Ontario, Canada,Canada, K9JK9J 5K45K4 ((705)705) 748-9153748-9153 AAnnualnnual RReporteport wwww.canoemuseum.caww.canoemuseum.ca 09 OUR CORE VALUES BAALANCELANCE SHHEEEETT TOTAL This includes the craft, artifacts, and research The Canadian Canoe Museum materials related to canoes, kayaks, and self- CAPITAL propelled water travel. Striving to be known as the OPERATING RESTRICTED ASSETS values the stewardship of its destination for all things “canoe” by celebrating, FUND FUNDS FUND 2009 2008 “The finest museum documenting, preserving, handling, and ASSETS COLLECTION conserving the collection in ways benefi tting its celebrating such an important uniqueness and value. CURRENT aspect of indigenous culture! Cash and Short-Term So much is covered, so well, in Investments $19,683 $194,507 $419,143 $633,333 $620,633 many ways in a wonderfully C Accounts Receivable 6,660 - - $6,660 15,732 designed building and exhibit Inventory 88,477 - - $88,477 60,107 areas. It’s a magical place.” Prepaid Expenses 6,699 - - $6,699 24,451 The Canadian Canoe Museum Being the natural origins of the collection - Visitor from Ontario celebrating where possible and appropriate the 121,519 194,507 419,143 $735,169 720,923 values its people and places, cultures and traditions, the faces and stories of the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit ABORIGINAL ROOTS peoples from which Canadian canoeing tradition CAPITAL ASSETS - - 3,730,028 $3,730,028 3,992,218 has grown. $121,519 $194,507 $4,149,171 $4,465,197 $4,713,141 LIABILITIES CURRENT “Great to finally see this great Accounts Payable museum.” A and Accrued LiabiliƟ es $60,191 $- $60,191 $49,159 Visitor from Ireland Meaning commitment to situating the collection Current PorƟ on of The Canadian Canoe Museum and related activities (exhibits, research, education, Loans Payable - - 12,500 12,500 12,500 outreach) in a context that honours the full historic Deferred Revenue 61,328 - 61,328 66,025 values a continuum of craft, builders, building tradition, and stories of self-propelled water craft from coast 121,519 - 12,500 134,019 127,684 NATIONAL to coast to coast in Canada. LONG TERM “I was very impressed PERSPECTIVE Loans Payable - - 53,125 $53,125 65,625 with the canoe’s home in 121,519 - 65,625 187,144 193,309 Peterborough.” N MUSEUM EQUITY Visitor from Taiwan FUND BALANCE - 194,507 4,083,546 4,278,053 4,519,832 Meaning the museum values the daily nurturing of board, staff, volunteers, membership, and $121,519 $194,507 $4,149,171 $4,465,197 $4,713,141 The Canadian Canoe Museum the museum itself, into a functioning cohesive community organization. And further that it values values “being organized,” meaning commitment to acting respectfully and responsibly in all matters, ANNNUALNUAL REEPORTPORT CRREDITSEDITS ORGANIZATION and striving for excellence and environmental sustainability in all things. Front cover: featured). Mears has been a great friend Printing: The photograph inside the maple leaf of the museum, and a number of guests This report was produced by Lazer of the portaging canoes was taken on of the museum from the UK have told Graphics in Peterborough. National Canoe Day 2009 by Mollie us that they visited the museum because Photography: O Cartmell. “Ray Mears told me to”. Thanks to all of the talented Wraparound cover: Comments: photographers who contributed to this This photograph was shot in the Autumn The visitor comments that are presented report, in particular Don Rankin, Rory Meaning it seeks where possible and appropriate to of 2008 by Dwayne James at the Lodge at throughout this report were gathered Stanley, and Mollie Cartmell. The Canadian Canoe Museum avoid fl at transmission of canoe-related knowledge, Pine Cove on the French River. The birch from our guest book by Bernice opting instead to create in its exhibits and Report design: values collaborative bark canoe on the rocks is the one that Standen. Bernice also graphs the This report was created using Adobe programs a progression of fresh hands-on experiences paddled in The Company that geographical origin of each of our Ray Mears InDesign by Dwayne James. in which visitors can actively explore canoes and Built a Country, an episode of his BBC visitors on a global map, and it is truly EXPERIENCE canoeing traditions. documentary that aired in 2009 to great amazing to see how far some of our E acclaim (and with the CCM strongly guests travel to visit with us. e expected 2009 to be Board Members and our growing FFROMROM TTHEHE CHAIRCHAIR a tough year following group of volunteers, we have Wour severe economic exceeded our budget at the same downturn. In anticipation of this, time as improving all parts of your the Board asked management to museum’s operations. I sense a revise our budgets to refl ect a sizable renewed spirit throughout our reduction in revenue. Expenses organization evidenced by the were cut and Board Members were motivated management that have asked to to raise $30,000 to cover formed a cohesive team and have possible donation shortfalls. spent countless hours ensuring We knew our model for operating we put our best foot forward in the museum had to change. all events, the enthusiasm from Jim Stewart our increasing base of volunteers, Planning meetings were held Chair, Board of Directors with staff and Board Members. the hard work from our Gala Management were encouraged to Committee members and resulting pursue ideas for both increasing success of our annual Beaver Club revenue and curtailing expenses Gala, the Development Committee’s “I loved it! I didn’t know without affecting programming. organized and professional Canadians were also known A concerted effort was made to approach to fundraising, The CCM for their canoes.” improve our communication with 3.0 Committee’s success in guiding our stakeholders both present and our future direction working Visitor from Columbia future, and clear objectives were in concert with our city and the agreed to along with new reporting excitement at Board meetings. structures to gauge and ensure Although we have a long way to go targets were being met. This allowed as we continuously strive to improve the Board to complete its transition your museum we have confi dence from a management Board to a that our future is bright. We can governance Board, delegating the now start to reach across daily operations to a very solid our nation and tell our management team that has earned compelling our respect. stories. I am delighted to report through the extra effort of management, staff, JJimim SStewarttewart, AAlexlex MMccKKay,ay, GailGail SSimmons,immons, Jaamesmes RRaffan,affan, andand JeremyJeremy WWardard pportageortage aacrosscross CCharlotteharlotte SStreettreet iinn ddowntownowntown PPeterborougheterborough oonn NNationalational CCanoeanoe DDayay 22009009. PPhoto:hoto: MMollieollie CCartmellartmell Page 1 FFROMROM TTHEHE STERNSTERN ational Treasure, the theme resulted in the whole Thompson of this year’s Annual Report, Brigade organization, based in OUURR NAATIONALTIONAL TRREASUREEASURE Ncomes from the title of a Alberta, coming on board as a multi-media presentation delivered sponsor of National Canoe Day. to groups in a dozen cities across In February, we opened the Herb western Canada, in partnership with Pohl Exhibit, on the occasion of the canoeing clubs and organizations Wilderness Canoe Association (of which who hosted the events. The goal Pohl was a member) annual meeting of the tour (which is continuing at the museum, which initiated this year in eastern Canada and discussions about a very exciting the northern United States) was new possible partnership with to raise awareness and support for that organization and its popular the museum and its remarkable Canadian Canoe Routes website. James Raffan collection. We’ve partnered with our next Executive Director These connections in Manitoba, door neighbour, RONA Building Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Centre, in a volunteer-led project to Columbia redouble an outreach and build raffl e canoes. We partnered “We shall return as this is a partnership thrust that started much with RapidMedia, a national tonic for our souls and feast closer to home. At some point in publisher, and Wild Rock Outfi tters, 2009, as we participated in meetings here in Peterborough, to host the for our eyes. Canoes made to create new master plans for Reel Paddling Film Festival. And us Canadian. Thank you for Downtown Peterborough and again we’ve made a cross connection to the preserving our heritage.” for the lands around Little Lake, Peterborough Folk Festival. we accepted the likelihood that it What is driving these partnerships Guestbook comment from is going to be some time before we is a new or renewed confi dence Michael Ignatieff and achieve the long-term goal of getting by everyone inside and around Zsuzsanna Zsohar federal recognition of the museum the organization that this cultural and its collection. But instead of improvisation called The Canadian worrying about becoming a national Canoe Museum is an enterprise museum, we decided to just start worth celebrating. Strength and “Wonderful museum with acting like one. Central to that effort quality in our membership (which the wealth of information. is a concerted push to connect and includes more and more people Thank you!” form partnerships with as many outside Ontario), our attendance, kindred organizations as we can. our volunteer corps, our workshops, Visitor from Serbia In January, Eric Williams, Captain exhibits, educational programming, of the Paddle Canada 1 team in outreach initiatives, and in our the cross-Canada re-enactment of amazing staff—all very much a part David Thompson’s epic journey, of the National Treasure that is was here to donate his the CCM—are powering our crew’s fl ag and signal and extending our maps.
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