LAPPEENRANTA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY LUT School of Energy Systems LUT Mechanical Engineering Ville Ahokas Systematic approach to cell room piping material selection in chlor-alkali process Examiners: Docent Harri Eskelinen Professor Juha Varis M.Sc. Janne Tynninen TIIVISTELMÄ Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto LUT School of Energy Systems LUT Kone Ville Ahokas Systemaattisen lähestymistavan soveltaminen kennosalin putkiston materiaalinvalintaan kloori-alkali prosessissa Diplomityö 2017 136 sivua, 39 kuvaa, 21 taulukkoa ja 7 liitettä Tarkastajat: Dosentti Harri Eskelinen Professori Juha Varis DI Janne Tynninen Hakusanat: materiaalinvalinta, kloori-alkali, putkistot, FMEA, LCC, LCA, Eko-idikaattorit, korroosio Joutsenon kloori-alkalitehtaan kennosalin tuottamat väli- ja lopputuotteet aiheuttavat putkistoille korroosioympäristön. Kennosalin putkistoissa esiintyy korroosiovaurioita, jotka toistuvat tietyllä tiheydellä putkiuusinnoista. Näiden putkistojen vauriomekanismeja ja - tiheyttä eivät ole määritelty tarkasti. Joutsenon kloori-alkalitehtaalla ei ole tällä hetkellä käytössä putkistomateriaalin valintastrategiaa. Tämän diplomityön tavoittena on selvittää miksi nykyiset putkistomateriaalit eivät kestä kennosalin putkistoissa vaikuttavia olosuhteita; löytyykö markkinoilta kloori- alkaliteollisuudessa entuudestaan käyttämättömiä putkistomateriaaleja, joita voidaan käyttää kennosalin putkistoissa sekä luoda prosessi putkistomateriaalien optimaaliseen valintaan. Putkistomateriaalin valintastrategialla pyritään minimoimaan elinkaarikustannukset, parantamaan prosessiturvallisuutta ja minimoimaan ympäristölle aiheutuvat vahingot putkimateriaalin valmistuksen ja käytön aikana. Työ suoritettiin pääosin kirjallisuustutkimuksena käyttäen hyödyksi tieteellistä lähdemateriaalia ja Joutsenon tehtaan SAP PM tietokantaa. Tulosten oikeellisuus pyrittiin varmistamaan käyttämällä triangulaatiota. Tuloksiksi saatiin putkistomateriaalin valintastrategia, optimaaliset materiaalit kaikille väliaineille ja löydettiin useita laajalti käyttämättömiä putkistomateriaaleja. Optimaalisen putkistomateriaalin valinta on aina tapauskohtainen prosessi, jossa on noudatettava kemikaaliputkistoja koskevaa kohdemaan lainsäädäntöä. Löydettiin myös useita tutkimuksen aihepiiriin liittyviä jatkotutkimusaiheita. ABSTRACT Lappeenranta University of Technology LUT School of Energy Systems LUT Mechanical Engineering Ville Ahokas Systematic approach to cell room piping material selection in chlor-alkali process Master’s thesis 2017 136 pages, 39 figures, 21 tables and 7 appendices Examiners: Docent Harri Eskelinen Professor Juha Varis M.Sc. Janne Tynninen Keywords: material selection, chlor-alkali, piping, FMEA, LCC, LCA, Eco-indicators, corrosion The intermediate and end-products of Joutseno chlor-alkali plant’s cell room subject the pipelines to a corrosive environment. There are distinguishable corrosion failures that repeat at a certain frequency from pipeline renewal. The failure mechanisms and failure rates of these pipelines have not been determined in detail. There is a lack of a systematic pipeline material selection strategy at Joutseno plant. The aim of this Master’s thesis is to examine why the pipeline materials currently in use do not withstand the corrosion atmosphere in the cell room, to find previously unused piping materials that are not in widespread use in chlor-alkali process industry that could be used for cell room process piping and to create a systematic approach to piping material selection for Joutseno chlor-alkali plant’s cell room. The material selection strategy aims to find the optimal pipeline materials for different chemical mediums with lowest possible lifecycle costs, taking into consideration also the health and safety hazards and to minimize the damage caused to the environment by pipeline material production and use. The work was mainly conducted as a literary review using scientific articles and Joutseno plant’s SAP PM Database. The validity of results was improved by using triangulation method. The following results were gathered: a systematic approach to piping material selection was developed, the optimal materials for all cell room media were selected and previously unused pipeline materials were found. Material selection for chemical pipelines is always a case-by-case process where the legislation concerning the country in question applies. Multiple subjects linked to the subject of the thesis that need further research were found. FOREWORDS The workload needed to finish this Master’s thesis exceeded my expectations significantly. Therefore, I have to thank all of the people involved in the success of finishing my work. I’d like to thank Kemira Chemicals Oy for giving me the opportunity to work on this thesis. Especially I want to give my deepest thanks to Janne Tynninen, Christian Lindgren and all the people from Joutseno site that made this thesis possible. Other special regards go to my examiner Harri Eskelinen for taking his time for holding meetings with me on a regular basis and in giving invaluable insights on material selection strategies. I’d like to thank my whole family for giving me the free time needed for accomplishing this task. I’d also like to thank the material and process experts I have interviewed regarding this thesis. To name a few in question; Juha Hujanen, Mikko Esko and Risto Salakka. Ville Ahokas Ville Ahokas Punkaharju 31.8.2017 4 TIIVISTELMÄ .................................................................................................................... 1 ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................................... 2 LIST OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................... 8 1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 12 1.1 Research problem ................................................................................................ 13 1.2 Goal ...................................................................................................................... 13 1.3 Research questions ............................................................................................... 14 1.4 Research methods ................................................................................................ 14 1.5 Framework ........................................................................................................... 14 1.5.1 Viewpoint ......................................................................................................... 15 1.6 Contribution of the thesis ..................................................................................... 15 2 RESEARCH METHODS .......................................................................................... 16 2.1 Systematic material selection process .................................................................. 18 2.1.1 Failure mechanism data analysis ..................................................................... 21 2.1.2 Lifecycle costs -analysis .................................................................................. 24 2.1.3 Analysis of the ecological and social impacts of material selection ................ 26 2.1.4 The ranking of materials in material selection process for pipelines .............. 30 2.2 Reliability, validity and sensitivity of the used methods ..................................... 31 3 THEORY OF CORROSION MECHANISMS OF DIFFERENT MATERIAL GROUPS WITH AQUEOUS AND GASEOUS SOLUTIONS...................................... 33 3.1 Forms of corrosion in researched process piping ................................................ 34 3.2 Corrosion of metals .............................................................................................. 35 3.3 Uniform corrosion of metals ................................................................................ 37 3.4 Local corrosion of metals .................................................................................... 40 3.4.1 Galvanic corrosion ........................................................................................... 41 3.4.2 Environmentally assisted cracking (EAC) ....................................................... 41 5 3.4.3 Leakage current corrosion ............................................................................... 43 3.4.4 Pitting corrosion ............................................................................................... 45 3.4.5 Crevice corrosion ............................................................................................. 46 3.5 Corrosion of polymers and elastomers ................................................................ 47 3.5.1 Permeation in polymers ................................................................................... 49 3.5.2 Absorption in polymers and elastomers ........................................................... 50 3.5.3 Radiation .......................................................................................................... 51 3.6 Corrosion of ceramics .......................................................................................... 51 3.7 Corrosion characteristics of glass ........................................................................ 52 3.8 Corrosion of composites ...................................................................................... 54 3.8.1 Fiber reinforced polymers ...............................................................................
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