Ufie cAlincty - cAlines, $nc. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF WOMEN PILOTS (Jieu/8 ^iettek International Headquarters — P. 0. Box 1444 — Oklahoma City, Oklahoma AIR TERMINAL BUILDING — WILL ROGERS FIELD----------------NOVEMBER, 1959 3oth ANNIVERSARY EDITION 9 5 9 (VWefca INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS President's Column Public Relations President November, 1959 Have you filled out and returned EUGENIA R. HEISE HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! We are 5019 N. Cumberland Blvd. the recipients of two most appropriate the questionaire? We have frequently Milwaukee 17, Wisconsin anniversary gifts. From Ruth Mugele been asked questions about ratings Vice President of the Colorado Chapter came the por­ of members and number of aircraft RUTH DEERMAN trait of Amelia Earhart which she owned or available to members and painted, to be hung in Headquarters. 405 Camino Real this information, when tabulated, will El Paso, Texas We have reproduced it on the first page. From the Zontians, we have give us accurate information to use. Secretary received two priceless scrap books. We also hope to obtain information LOUISE SMITH These date back to 1928 and the next which will be the basis for some news 421 Edgedale Dr. time you visit Headquarters you will stories. As stated, no information on High Point, North Carolina want to allow a couple of extra hours individual members will be used in to browse through them and relive Treasurer aviation as they have preserved it for any way, without her consent. All in­ BARBARA KIERNAN us. (Did we really ever wear such formation is kept at national head­ High Field hats?) Each of you will shortly receive quarters and only statistics will be Franconia, New Hampshire your personal anniversary gift, the generally used. So please send in your Executive Committee booklet which has been in process for several years edited by Kay Brick questionaire as soon as possible. BRONETA DAVIS EVANS Minco, Oklahoma with art work by Marion Lopez. Want to go to Europe? The Howard- The latter part of September and Davis Travel Agency is setting up a BARBARA EVANS first of October, I had the good for­ tour of Europe for Ninety-Nines only. 40 Stuart Place tune to visit with four Sections, and Of course, you can take your husband Manhasset, New York greatly appreciate the courtesy of the and if there is enough space, you can BARBARA LONDON members who arranged the meetings 624 Armando Dr. making it possible to see so many in include friends. A brochure, outlining Long Beach 7, California so short a time. First to Toronto and the itinerary and giving costs and the Canadian Section where we met other information, will be sent to you Deadline For News in the Flying Club and had a wonder­ shortly. This is not just a tour of The 25th Of Each Month ful chance to become better acquaint­ ed. Since their group is small, they Europe—they have contacted Aero would like to be invited to nearby Clubs in a number of cities and they Chapter and Section meetings and I are all having receptions for us. So To All assured them that you will be de­ we will have the added advantage of lighted to appraise them of your mee- News Letter ing dates and sites. On to New Eng­ meeting aviation people in all the land and Boston where we relived the cities. We will travel by jet from New Reporters T A R and the weather became too York each way and will be escorted much for Flighty Lady’s pilot and she through Europe. In fact, after the re­ Deadline—In editor’s hands by was abandoned for more prosaic plies from the Aero Clubs started the 25th of each month, Wynema transportation. In New York, the thrill Masonhall, Minco, Okla. Do not of a helicopter ride over Manhattan coming in and all very enthusiastic send to headquarters. through the courtesy of Mr. Herb abcut greeting the women pilots, Mr. Heading — Please head each Fisher of the New York Port Authority Howard of the travel agency has de­ page of report as to Section, and a dinner at which Kyung O Kim, cided to go along, just to make sure member at large from Korea, was an Chapter and Reporter. This pre­ everything goes according to schedule, vents mixups with news from honored guest. To Wilmington to dis­ he says. Actually, I think he realizes other chapters. cuss the 1960 Convention plans (being on the inside track, I can assure you what an excellent opportunity to actu­ Contents—Type double spaced, that you had better mark the dates full width of regular sized paper, ally get acquainted with the people in July 14-17 right now so nothing inter­ if reports exceed one type w rit­ other countries and he is going for the feres with your attendance). In Wash­ ten page, please number para­ ington with the Middle East Section fun. He said it is a trip that he couldn’t graphs in order of importance. we heard reports of committees and possibly set up for regular tourists. Unless numbered the last para­ discussed some of the projects we graph is usually the one deleted, We plan to contact women pilots in the are planning. Throughout the trip I if the occasion arises. Do ript countries we will visit and invite them became more and more convinced write on backs. to join us so we can get acquainted that nowhere are there any women with them. Pictures—Color prints will not quite as special as the Ninety-Nines. reproduce, glossy black and This trip has been mentioned at I only wish each of you could have some of the Section meetings and in­ whites preferable. Do not write been with me. on the backs, but attach the terest is so great that it may be Since we do not publish the News names and occasion to the bot­ necessary to limit the reservations Letter in December, may I wish you tom of the picture with Scotch now a wonderful holiday season and Tape for removal in printing. to the Charter Members who are still By following the above pro­ active and whose help and guidance Coming Events cedure you will make my task we have all enioyed a very special May 13 • 15, 1860 and the printers a little easier, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! so thanks a million. South Central Sectional Meeting Editor Houston, Texas *. Eugenia R. Heise. to 99’s and 491/£ers. But if you have The Whirly - G Mrs. Edna Gardner Whyte friends who want to go, send in their 3155 Willow Park Drive reservations, but it should be with the International Women Fort Worth 11, Texas understanding that they might not be Helicopter Pilots accepted. We do not want to disappoint any 99’s. 610 Shoreham Building Mrs. Jennie Burbeck (James) This is strictly a travel agency deal Washington 5, D. C. 15704 Belshire Street —the 99’s are involved only to the ex­ Norwalk, California tent that the Executive Board has Doctor Valerie Andre authorized the mailing of brochures 27 rue Lasserre (4) Mrs. Evelyn S. Bryan (W. J.) to all members and authorized the Box 667 agency to call it a 99 Tour. Issy-les-Moulineaux Jefferson City, Tennessee But they have planned a trip with (Seine), France our special interests in mind and it is one which I believe will be especially Madame Jacqueline Auriol Mrs. Arlene Davis (M. T.) enjoyable. 2 Quai de Gesvres Pent House, The Lake Shore I am especially interested in know­ Paris IV, France Cleveland 7, Ohio ing who is going so if you plan to go, try to get your reservation in early, as Mrs. Wini Gronvold (R. M.) I would like to send publicity material Mrs. Ann Shaw Carter (Edward S.) 1722 North Sycamore on the women who will be on the trip 777 Burr Street to European newspapers and aviation Fairfield, Connecticut Hollywood 28, California periodicals. Loretta Slavick, Mrs. Janey B. Hart (Philip A.) Mrs. Marilyn Grover Heard (Robt. N.) Chairman 735 West Allegan Public Relations P. O. Box 941 Lansing 33, Michigan Carmel, California Mrs. Charlotte S. Kelley (Leonard A.) ATTENTION Miss Jean Ross Howard 51 Governor Long Road 2900 Connecticut Avenue All Section Governors Hingham, Massachusetts Washington 8, D. C. If you have not already done so, w ill you please appoint your Section Mrs. Barbara Kiernan (Francis) Scholarship Chairman at the earliest Miss Clara E. Livingston West Knoll Road possible moment, and advise your Box 37 Andover, Massachusetts Chapter Chairmen her name and ad­ Dorado Airfield dress. Dorado, Puerto Rico All Section Scholarship Chairmen Mrs. June Reynolds will be obliged to select their commit­ P. O. Box 207 tees very soon, as applications from (3) Mrs. Nancy Miller Livingston Candor, North Carolina their Chapters will be coming in with­ (Arlo) in the next thirty days. All Scholar­ Livingston Air Service, Inc. Miss Elynor Rudnick, President * ship applications must be in the hands P. O. Box 531 Kern-Copters, Inc. of the respective Section Scholarship Corvallis, Oregon P. O. Box 186, Station B Chairmen by January 15, I960, for Bakersfield Airpark processing; and the selections of the Section Scholarship Committees, on Fraulein Hanna Reitsch Bakerslield, California the basis of one application for each Frankfort/M (2) Mrs. Dorothy L. Young (Paul E.) 100 members or major fraction there­ Kettenhofweg 55, Germany of in their Section, must be forwarded 6412 N.W. 20th Drive on to me by February 15, 1960. (1) Mrs. Marilyn Himes Riviere Bethany, Oklahoma Thank you all for your cooperation ( ) Sequence of Instructor’s Ratings in observing these deadlines.
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