St. Mary Mission Statement: To be companions with Christ ST. MARY our Savior C ATHOLIC C HURCH Sacrament of Forgiveness November 3, 2019 Sunday Masses (Confession) 31st Sunday in Saturday Vigil -5:30pm Sat. 4-5pm or by appointment Lord’s Day -8:30am & 10:30am Sun. 8:00-8:25 am Ordinary Time 106 E. 8th St. • Newton KS 67114 www.stmarynewton.org Parish Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs: 9am-4:30pm; Fri.: 9-12:30 pm Father Nicholas Voelker, Pastor (Emergency only 785-466-6036) Parish Office - 316-282-0459 Mary Ann Bruggeman, Business Manager [email protected] Marcia Mathews, Parish Office Asst. [email protected] Steve Herdler Music Coordinator [email protected] St. Mary School - 316-282-1974 Natalie Steiner-Principal [email protected] Pastoral Council Moderator Amy Antle— (316) 283-5083 RCIA/Stewardship Council Mark Frazier—(316) 727-6287 Altar Society Kathy Chouinard—316-283-5762 CYM (Catholic Youth Ministry) Bill & Carrie Weber— 212-0137 Legion of Mary- President Adoration Chapel Mass Schedule This Week: Steve Holub—316-836-7822 Open Hours: Tues: No Mass; Wed., Thurs., Knights of Columbus Thursday: 1am & Fri.: 8:00 a.m. Dave Englestad-316-804-8632 Friday: 3pm & 5pm Office Hours: Saturday: 1am Mon—Thurs: 9:00am-4:30pm Parish School of Religion Fri: 9-12:30pm Mandy Casey-(620) 200-7278 Mass Intentions Parish Events DAILY MASS: Tues: No Mass; Wed, Thurs, Fri: 8am Scheduled this week: for the Week Monday: SVdP-7pm PC Wednesday: PSR 6:30, CYM 7pm; Seasons of Hope 7pm Thursday: Legion of Mary-6pm; RCIA 7pm; School Tuesday Nov. 5 Council 7pm 5:30 p.m. No Mass Friday: Family Home Rosary (316) 570-7455 for info Wednesday Nov. 6 Lord’s Pantry Next Sunday: G-L ***Keys were found at the cemetery*** If you lost a set 8:00 a.m. Walter Bunting of keys with a flashlight attached, please call Carrol Langenhorst at 316-727-3025 Thursday Nov. 7 ST. MARY SCHOOL HAPPENINGS 8:00 a.m. Lynn Kosminski St. Mary Catholic School Fifth Graders will be presenting "Saint's Wax Museum" on Thursday, November 7th from Friday Nov. 8 9:50-10:30 AM and 12:15-12:55 PM in the school gym. All 8:00 a.m. Mary McNeill St. Mary Catholic School Families and Parishioners are invited to come and hear about our Catholic Saints as pre- Saturday Nov. 9, Dedication of Lateran Basilica sented by our Fifth Graders. 8:00a.m. Lou & Anna Voelker ALTAR SOCIETY The Annual Festive Fall Fair is today, November 3rd. 5:30p.m. People of the Parish Please come over to the gym and enjoy a turkey dinner and browse all of the wonderful booths! Food is served from Sunday Nov. 10, 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 11am until we run out! To go orders available as well! 8:30a.m. Bill & Bonnie Palmer KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 10:30a.m. Ruby Sutton The Knights of Columbus will serve a Pork Chile Supper Sat- urday, November 2nd from 4 to 7:30pm in the OLG parish Please Pray For our Home-Bound & Care Home Parishioners: hall. The proceeds will benefit The Lord’s Pantry. The menu: Geraldine Adkins Gertrude Mahoney Lois Silvernale Pork Chile, rice, beans, tortillas, drink and dessert. The cost- Carmen Alvarado Stella Miller Virginia Schierling $7.00 large plate, and $4.50 small plate. Dine in or carry Charmaine Sara Quinones Sharon Story out. The general meeting will be held Monday, November DeMezza Bryan Sahlfeld Ethel Wetschensky 11th, at 7:00pm in the Knights Hall. Agenda 1) Initiation of new members. 2) Tootsie Roll Drive final report. 3) Memori- Fr. Kapaun library books checked out for over two months al Mass report. 4) Pork Chili report. 5) Fundraiser report. need to be returned to the church office. Thank you! 6) Thanksgiving Basket delivery planning. 7) December activities update. Knights are encouraged to recruit a new Stewardship Message— member and bring him to this meeting. “Fully Alive as Missionary Disciples” Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time Our Gifts to God & Parish Wis 11:22-12:2 / 2 Thes 1:11-2:2/ Lk 19:1-10 Fiscal Year: July 2019-June 2020 "...the Son of Man has come to seek and to save what was Collections for: October 27, 2019 lost." *Regular collection….. $ 11,365.95 Zacchaeus was a dishonest tax collector, yet Jesus only Children’s collection….. $ 46.51 had to come near him to bring about change in his Other: $ 11,412.46 heart! Zacchaeus was moved to repentance in one encoun- ter with our Lord, and he has made a giant step toward Building Fund…. $ 854.80 discipleship. How is Jesus inviting you into His presence today? Perhaps he is calling you into prayer. Maybe you Budget per week is…… $ 15,186.92 have been away from Mass for some time. Do you, like Zacchaeus, desire repentance in your heart? Take some Collections year-to-date compared to budget time on this Holy Sunday to look for Jesus -- even if you through Oct. 27, 2019….. $ (10,279.85) have to climb up in a tree to find Him! Jesus came to seek Your contributions are appreciated! If you are behind, please make every effort to catch up and do your part. Thank you! us out -- the lost and the broken. Listen for his voice and -Father Voelker allow him to draw you into deeper discipleship. 2 St. Mary Catholic Church-106 E. 8th Street, Newton, KS 67114 DOCTRINAL SECTION In the Holy Mass, a true and proper sacrifice is offered to Parish Information the Blessed Trinity and this sacrifice is propitiatory both Communion to the Sick for men living on earth and for the souls in Purgatory. The If you are unable to attend Mass opinion is, therefore, wrong that says that the sacrifice of due to age, illness, or are recovering the Mass consists simply in the fact that the people make a from surgery, call the parish office so spiritual sacrifice of prayers and praises, as well as the that Communion may be brought to opinion that the Mass may or should be defined only as you. Christ giving Himself to the faithful as their spiritual food (see Council of Trent, sess. 22, c. 2). “The Mass, celebrated Bulletin Deadline by the priest representing the person of Christ by virtue of Must be submitted in writing no later than 10am on Tue. the power received through the Sacrament of Orders and Religious Education Class Times (PSR) offered by him in the name of Christ and the members of Grades 1st- 8th - Wednesday 6:30 - 7:40pm Mandy His Mystical Body, is the sacrifice of Calvary rendered sac- Casey (620) 200-7278 ramentally present on our altars. We believe that as the bread and wine consecrated by the Lord at the Last Supper Catholic Youth Ministry (CYM) were changed into His body and His blood which were to Wednesday: 7pm; Grades 9-12 Greg & Resa Daven- port/Bill & Carrie Weber. be offered for us on the cross, likewise the bread and wine consecrated by the priest are changed into the body and Perpetual Adoration of Blessed Sacrament blood of Christ enthroned gloriously in heaven, and we Chapel is located at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 415 believe that the mysterious presence of the Lord, under S. Ash. If interested in a permanent hour call coordinator, what continues to appear to our senses as before, is a true, Lettie Kruse at 283-0026. real and substantial presence” (Paul VI, Apostolic letter Rosary Prayer Line Solemni hac liturgia (Credo of the People of God), 24). To activate, call Michelle Stump at 620-386-0421 or if ~Raymond Cardinal Burke she is not available call both Barbara Fayette 283-6467 & Lou Kuestersteffen 283-6414 to activate both prayer REVERSE THE RULING lines. Few Kansans realize that the Kansas Supreme Court’s re- cent abortion ruling brings grave consequences. Its practi- Welcome/Registering cal effect nullified nearly all legal protections for the un- Welcome to St. Mary’s Catholic Parish. Please register by born and mothers in crisis. Abortion in Kansas is now virtual- calling or dropping by the parish office. Please keep us ly unregulated. The only reasonable response is passage informed of changes of names, addresses, numbers, etc. of a state constitutional amendment by a vote of the peo- Interested in the Catholic Faith ple. Please attend an ecumenical REVERSE THE RULING A warm invitation is extended to non-Catholics to attend RALLY set for Thursday, November 7 at 7 p.m., at Grace any of our religious services. They are particularly invited Community Church, 1600 S. Anderson Road in Newton to to learn more about the beliefs and practices of the learn more about this dark turn in the culture of life and Catholic Church. For more information, call the parish how you can help restore a pro-Life Kansas. office at 316-282-0459, or Mark Frazier at 316-727- A Nation That Kills Its Own Children Is A Nation Without Hope 6287 . ~Pope John Paull II Information About Sacraments Sacrament of Baptism Readings for the week of November 3, 2019 Sunday: Wis 11:22—12:2/Ps 145:1-2, 8-9, 10-11, 13, 14 Parents are required to be registered in the parish. Call the [cf. 1]/2 Thes 1:11—2:2/Lk 19:1-10 parish office to make arrangements. Monday: Rom 11:29-36/Ps 69:30-31, 33-34, 36 Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick [14c]/Lk 14:12-14 In an emergency of serious illness, if sick and confined to a Tuesday: Rom 12:5-16b/Ps 131:1bcde, 2, 3/Lk home, entering a hospital or local nursing home - please 14:15-24 notify the rectory.
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