MAR 1 2004 _, _J NilesBugte corn ParkRidgeBuglecorn MortoñGroveBugle.cöm Morton Grove zofling. law now ,.alIows:houe.s,, of worship BY WENDY ELLIS - [email protected] toloopeople sat through a lengthy CloseMorton Grove Village Board meeting Monday night, in hopes of deterring the boàrd from approving changes to the A Taste' of Fun village zoning . code regarding Cans adonid wh.the eitwodc of Morton Grove Houses of Worship. After nearly mde schootsit on à table h the comer during 2 and a half hours of discussion, the annusi laste of Mortonove.' For the storg the board did Vote to approve turn tp 23.. the changes, but not before amending and removing one portion of the code that seemed to bring the most criticism from the audience. Until now,all Houses o Worship were required to have a special use permit to operate, no matter where they were located. Under the new zoning code, Houses of Worship will be a permitted useinresidential areas of the village as long as the proposed site is less than 3.5 Wolves Wifl acres.1f the proposed site is Nues West s Watler Mendenball cuts down a larger than 3.5 acres, a Special section of the net after the Wolves victory over Use Permit will be required. New Trier,Friday nlhtMàrch5.For.the story, Any House of Worship drawing see page 19. I 000 or more people will only The Emerald City Îheatre Company performs be allowed in commercial dis- Dr. Suess Green Eggs and Ham and other Seuss Silliness" tricts, not residential. at the Morton Grove Public Library, Saturday The new wording also tight- afternoon March 6. Story Continues... Silliness ZONING page 32. New Chamber eveñt a chance toEmotions high in OLR closing s, honor community's 'unsung' heroesBY WENDY ELLIS [email protected] opportunitytorecognize Nomination forms have Nomination those in their neighborhoodsbeeninsertedintothis motions still run high one week forms for 'Nileswhogolargelywithoutweek's edition of The Bugle after it was announced that Our praise," Chamber Directorand are also printed on page adyof Ransom (OLR) Index Weekly Vol. 47 No. 38 Night of Roses'Kaite DiMaria said. "These29. Additional nomination School in Nues would be closing at award inside are the people who makeforms can be picked up at the the end of this school year. Parents Niles a great place to liveNues Chamber, the Niles and parishioners were taken by sur- Police Blotters and it's important that weVillage Flail, the Nues Park prise by the announcement at a special Calendar hat makes therecognize them." District, the Nues Public meeting last week and many of them Business NilesChamber's The Niles Night of Roses -Library and The Bugle'sare laying the blame at the feet of new "Nightof.Home Grown Suecas Awardsoffices, 7400 N. Waukegan, Parish Priest, Fr. John Hall. Fr;-lall Sçhoòls ....... .. Roses" event special is thatand Dinner Dance will beNues. bas been pastor at the church for the Park Ridge News 11 it will give a rare opportuni-held at the Chateau Ritz, "We hope that the commu- past 9 years. A small group of parents met over 13 ty for members of the corn-.9100 North Milwaukeenity will be very involved in 15 munity to nominate theirSaturday, Apr. 17 beginningthis process," said DiMaria. the weekend in hopes of organizing Election Guide neighbors, village employ-with open bar from 6 p.m. to"It's really a night for them." efforts to let their feelings be known, . 1,9 SpOrts .,. .., ees, fire and police men for7 p.m. with dinner at 7 p.m. Awards will be given in and are circulating petitions asking the Lite : 23 awards to recognize the spe-There will be a cash bar afterthe following categories: Archdiocese to remove Fr. Hall from 27 cial contribution they havedinner. Awards will be pre- BusinessoftheYear the parish. Camp "This isn't 1950 anymore," saidOLR 28 made toward making Niles ssented following dinner. ToAward-recognizes a business Hóme' ..,', place "where people count." make reservations, contact "This event will give peo- the Chamber at (847) 966- Story Continues... Story Continues... Classified '. '..... ple from the community an7606. ROSES page 4. OLR page 4. The Bugle Thursday March 11, 2004 3 I I Tbursdaj March ii, 2004 The Bugle News News consistent day for garbage pickup so For 20.gears We'ue been cOrnmItte4tO The Maine we have gathage on the sùeels evety . dayofthewçek. Theisamdentand Fire damages home making retirement IivInq easg for seniors Course pest pmblem tlt spills over into sur- in rounding sotas.Because hatte aie , . .at a price tht'saffordabIe. multiple ifijse companies involved, unincorporated Maine our sheets get thote to thur limes mom wear andtear due to heavy truck traf fic.Finally, there isnomcrclepmgiain Firefighters gather in the yard nextto home at orbulkpickup pmvision. 328 Potter in unincorporated Des Plaines, These arejust some conditions our Monday afternoon aftera fire caused extensive residents have endured Ihr over a damage to the two story home.Fire depart- decade. After two yeats of wosking mento from Des Plaines, Mount Prospect, Park Bob Dudycz %ith sevetul levels of govemment Ridge, Prospect 1-Its., and Rosemont helpto Maine Township Supervisorincluding the illinois State extinguish the blaze. The cause of the fire is Legislatum; our Towoship now could under investigation. and Ernie came into myhave ameans to conact many of these office and sat down. Pete said,pmblems thmugh the passage of this "let's talk some lmsh". Hetoldmibindum. me that on the way to woik he saw a lfthe mfemndwn is successful, an possum happily feaslthg at a fàvoeiteadvisory commiftee ofunincorpocated mdsidebufit"agait,agebag". Heresidentswillbe fonnedtoheip dorfia OLR added it not the fist time he's seen agarbage carrier contract. When (Continued from page 1 ) For information;please call mdent making a mess with gathageawanledto awinning bidder, the con- paient Sam Pulso. 'This is the waythey felt there might still be someThey will go forward with efforts to and something should be done about it. w assw standardizsd garbage they'restill running the schools." hope ofkeeping the school open Thathave Fr. Hall removed. "We need Fiule age pickup Conlractpmvisionswill likely Poleo says a number ofpaivnts plan to is not howevemthecase.Theschool issomeone who could listen to us, and on Maith 16, as a community wealso call for containers for recycling picket services this Sunday at Our being closed on the strength ofa via- work with us," said Puleo. can do something about it Theit is anand small fees for bulk pickup. LadyofRansomChuith, and are hop- bility study done by a small genup of it's always a surprise.You're never SUMMIT initiative on the ballot that would pm-Overafl, the situation will be vastly ing other parents wilijoin them. school board members, includingready." said Fr. Hall. "It's not,some- vide for an impmved garbage pickupimpmved and the public health pie- The announcement that the school Board PresidentPattyRsmuach. Kamysthing you're proud ofor happy about. system. Itinafeniithm called "THEserved would close and the 290 students said even some ofthose who conduct- It's a said time because no one likes to TOWNSHIP REFUSE COLLEC- Pete nodded his head and said this would have to go elsewhere, was as ed the study, didn't know that the see things come to an end." Fr. Hall TIONAND DISPOSALACI" SQUARE refememidum isjust the ticket for befter much a surprise to most members ofschool would be closing. "We're there said his biggest concern now is to RETIREMENT RESIDENCE Maine Townshipresidents will have garbage pickúp but where would the the OLR school board as it was to working everyday to find out ways to assure that every 0ER students has a the opportunity to vote and give the possumsgofortheirnextmeal? trug- other parents. Besot Member Carlkeep it open," said Kamys. " And placement fur next year. At least two Township authotity to seek one carrier Accident Paramedics transfer a woman injured,Tuesday morning March 2, gestedtheywritealetterto Ksmys said the board was told in a nobody told in." local Catholic schools have ofibred to (847) 825-1161 topickup gathage in the unincorpotat-Washington. As I returned to work, when he car was involved in an accident witha semi-trailer in the in the 7200 block of Touhy private meeting one week before the Finco said most parents believe the take the entire 21 members of this edareaAtpeeseut inno conPeteand Ernie were loo up the at Touhy i o N. Summit Paru Ridge pickup system in place. Them is no rest ofthe parents, but board members school closing is " a done deal foryear's 7th goide class, so thatthey can address oftheir congressman. were asked not to say anything pub- now" but they are not ready to give up stay together for their final year of ele- I licly. Kamys seid they agreed because hope of reopening it in the figure. mentamy education. Make yourSt Patrick's Day .Fast Lube Systems Reservation now! 9311 N. MichaelCcjurt- Morton Grove, Il 60053 Ph: 847-324444Ø Fax: 847-324-4443 Toll Free: 866-425-4246 - Commerciali Residential Our Famous SFF Mortgage Specialist Corn Beef & Cabbage e New Purchase Loans Complete Dinner Includes Soup, Salad, s Refinance Potato, Choice of Dessert, Jello, Rice ny o t e ollowin servicesC e Multi-Family Apartment Buildings Pudding or Ice Cream, Hot or Iced Tea or I . I o Office Buildings Coffee. Dine in on1y Full Service Oil-Filter-Lube . Construction Loans U !L Transmission Service (reg. $49.95) s Loans for A+to D- Credit P :t DifferentIal Service (reg. $24.95) e No Income- No Job - No Assets Loans $9.95 L Coolant Flush Service (reg.
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