Madbon College Librar Harrkonburg, VirftJnU 'HE BREEZE BEPZi * Vol. XXXV Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia, Friday, September 19, 1958 No.l Hello! Glad Youve Come Nineteen Senior Counselors To Greet Incoming Freshmen Madison Adds Faculty Members Nineteen senior counselors will Cross, Allene, daughter of Mr. and greet a large incoming freshman class Mrs. Robert H. Cross, Jr., Ports- at Madison College on September 21 mouth, Va. Filling Vacancies In Departments as the newcomers report to their Culler, Barbara, daughter of Mr. freshman dormitories. and Mrs. J. Ned Culler, Richmond, "Many new faces will be seen on the Madison College faculty when the fiftieth session formal- The objective of the student coun- Va. ly begins September 26," said 'Dr. G. Tyler Miller, President. There will be eleven replacements seling program is to help the new Gush, Charlotte, daughter of Mr. and fifteen new positions, including ten on the faculty of the Anthony-Seeger Campus School. The student become self-directing and cap- and Mrs. Delberf C. Gush, Norfolk, able of using her own resources. Sen- Va. new faculty list will include one exchange from England and one temporary to replace a faculty ior counselors possess certain quali- Hardy, Mary Lois, daughter of Mr. member on leave for advance study. ties such as: ability to get along with and Mrs. Crisman Hardy, Bedford, The administrative staff and each of the divisions of instruction are affected by these changes. younger girls; ability and desire to Va. There will be a part-time Director of Public Relations as a replacement while the divisions of in- understand their problems, and abil- Heatwole, Nancy, daughter of Mr. struction will have the following number of changes: The Humanities, four; Natural Sciences, nine; ity to influence by inspiring confidence and Mrs. Warren P. Heatwole, Har- and respect. Senior counselors havej risonburg, Va. the Social Sciences, three; and the Teacher Education including the campus school, eleven. high standards of citizenship. The 1 Henson, Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mr. John David Diller has been elected assistant professor to fill a new position in the Art De- major responsibility of a senior coun- Mrs. D. Norman Henson, Roanoke, partment. He received the degrees of Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of Texas and a selor is to interpret the spirit and Va. Master of Fine Arts at the Cranebrook Academy of Art. He comes to Madison from Eastern ideals of Madison and to assist them Hundley, Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Tennessee State College, where he was Assistant Professor of Art and acting chairman of the Art in every way to become well ad- and MTL Wm. P. Hundley, Rich- justed to college life. mond, Va. Department. He was born in Albany, Texas and is married. The Madison College senior coun- Keith, Sharon, daughter of Mr. and Miss Nancy Margaret Warlow joins the Madison College faculty as an exchange teacher from selors for the 1958-59 session will re- Mrs. E. H. Keith, Norfolk, Va. England. She will replace Miss Frances Grove TJ^ the Madison College Art Department who will J turn to campus on Saturday, Septem- Lambert, Joan, daughter of Mr. and serve as an exchange teacher in England next session. Miss Warlow is a graduate of Cardiff Col- ber 20 for. conferences with Dorothy Mrs. Karl C. Lambert, Richmond, Va. lege and was awarded the National Diploma in Design. She has been serving as teacher at the S. Garber, dean of freshman women McGinnis, Beverly, daughter of Mrs. who will entertain the counselors in Virginia Perrese, Richmond, Va. Tasker's School of Art in England. her home. Morris, Beth, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Bennett Reimer will occupy a Mr. William A. Laughrun has been Mr. Kenneth Williams, Assistant SENIOR COUNSELORS FOR Mrs. Joseph B. Morris, Richmond, Va. new position as Assistant Professor elected to the position of instructor Professor of Mathematics, received 1958-59 ARE: Snelling, Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. of Music. He will work especially in English and part-time Director of the degree of Bachelor of Arts and Biscoe, Patricia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Snellings, Winchester, in the area of woodwinds and band Public Relations. Master of Arts at the University of and Mrs. Alfred Biscoe, Orange, Va. Va. director. He received the degree of Dr. Z. S. Dickerson, Jr., Professor Kentucky. Brenner, Barbara, daughter of Mr. Stover, Carolyn, daughter of Mr. Bachelor of Music from Fredonia of Business and Business Education, Mr. Jack L. Harris, Assistant Pro- and Mrs. John Brenner, Franklin, Va. and Mrs. Garnett E. Stover, Harris- State Teachers College and of Master has been elected as head of the De- fessor of Mathematics, received the Brooking, Louise, daughter of Mr. onburg, Va. of Arts at the University of Illinois. partment of Business and Business degree of Bachelor of Arts at George- and Mrs. William Brooking, Orange, Wilkinson, Sandra, daughter of Mr. He is now a candidate for a degree Education. town College and Master of Science Va. and Mrs. Lee Otis Wilkinson, Ports- of Doctor of Education at the Uni- Mrs. Earlene Andes Smith will be at the University of Kentucky. Brooks, Stuart, daughter of Mr. and mouth, Va. versity of Illinois. From 1955 to 1957 an assistant professor of business and Miss Marilyn Crawford, Assistant Mrs. Grayson P. Brooks, Richmond, Wolfe, Ann, daughter of Mr. and he was band director at Richmond business education and serve as field Professor of Physical Education, was Va. Mrs. S. A. Wolfe, Winchester, Va. Professional Institute. supervisor for student teachers in the awarded the degree of Bachelor of field of Business Education. She re- Arts at the Woman's College of the ceived the degree of Bachelor of University of North Carolina, Master Freshmen Entering New Way of Life; Science at Madison College and Mas- of Arts at the University of North ter of Arts from the George Pea- Carolina, and Doctor of Education Class Offers Variety of New Talent body College for Teachers. * at the University of Texas. A large Freshman class of approximately 465 are beginning their college career here at Madi- Mr. James K. Grimm, instructor in Miss Patricia Soares, instructor in physical education, received a Bache- son. There will be 410 boarding students and 55 day students. biology, received the degree of Bach- elor of Science at Concord College lor of Science degree at Bowling Distribution of these students ranges from 90% Virginia students and 10% out-of-state stu- and Master of Science at the Univer- Green State University and is present- dents. The states represented (besides Virginia) are California — 2, Connecticut — 1, District of sity of Tennessee. ly doing graduate work. Columbia — 3, Delaware — 6, Florida — 3, Maryland — 9, New Jersey — 10, New York 7, Mr. William Francis Jones, Assist- Mr. Henry L. Sublett, Jr., Asso- North Carolina — 3, Pennsylvania — 5, South Carolina — 1, and West Virginia — 6. ant Professor of Biology, was award- ciate Professor, Coordinator and ed the degree of Bachelor of Science Principal; Bachelor of Arts degree, from Davis-Elkins College and the Duke University; Master of Educa- degree of Master of Science from tion, University of Virginia. Madison College. Mrs. Mildred Dickerson, Assistant Mrs. Doris, T. Poole has been elect- Professor and Supervisor of the Nur- ed as Assistant Professor of Biology sery School; Bachelor of Science, to replace Dr. Murl Shawver, who re- Eastern Kentucky State College and signed to accept another position. She Master of Science, University of has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Kentucky. Winthrop College and is working on Mr. Charles M. Blair will be As- her Doctor's degree which she ex- sistant Professor, Supervising'Teacher pects to receive in biochemistry from in the Sixth Grade. the University of North Carolina. (Continued on Page 6) Assembly System Features Changes by Pat Davies In the past, the assembly system before, waitresses and student teach- has been a source of misunderstand- ers while working will be excused. ing for both Freshmen and upper- There are several advantages classmen. Previously, all women stu- brought by this change. The pro- dents, with the exception of waitresses grams will be of a higher quality and and student teachers with teaching of more interest to the student body. conflicts, have been required to at- This system eliminates over cutting tend assemblies on every first and and encourages and strengthens per- This till be a familiar sight on Madison's campus during the forthcoming week. third Mondays and every Wednesday. sonal honor. The assemblies will be Jane Geooiegan, a junior, is seen in the process of helping incoming Freshmen with their unpacking. However, all students were allowed more enjoyable because we will be two cuts in Monday and two cuts in able to sit with our roommates and classmates instead of in seats assigned Among the many ne v faces on be Mrs. Sally Livick in Jackson, Mrs. Point riflewoman, Alice Courtney. Wednesday assemblies. All students in alphabetical order. campus will be three fi .-shman for- Edwina Momburg in Ashby, Mrs. She is the National Rifleman Asso- were required to attend the "compul- The system has been changed for eign students. From Yugc ilavia comes Annabell Beasley in Spotswood, Mrs. ciation's junior expert with the .22 sory" assemblies. These are Convo- our own benefit and it is only right Agnes Derrick in Sheldon, Mrs. An- rifle and is the holder of 10 medals cations, Founder's Day and "Moving Jasenka Majer, from T rkey comes that we should not take advantage of Virginia Aliotti, and fr >m Ottawa, nie Kieffer in Cleveland, and Mrs. won in tournaments in the past. Up" Day.
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