SWINGING ! AROUND GOLF NEWS OF THE GOLF WORLD IN BRIEF By HERB GRAFFIS Sports Guild of Michigan, at its annual teur GA of Miami, Fla. ... It has 500 banquet held this winter, honored Warren members ... It will hold tournaments of Orliek, pro at Tam O'Shanter, Orchard all kinds, establish handicaps and rate Lake, for his outstanding work in golf . courses in the area. Awards are made to persons prominent A tournament to help promote women's in baseball, basketball, swimming, tennis, collegiate golf will be held Apr, 10-12 at hockey, etc. in addition to golf . Previ- Ocean Reef CC, North Key Largo, Fla. ous golf winners were Walter Ha gen, ... It's being sponsored by U. of Miami Walter Burkemo and Chick Harbert . Illinois Turfgrass Fdn., 104 Floricul- Orliek has been keeping busy during the ture, Urbana, 111., recently incorporated winter running a four-net indoor school, as non-profit organization ... It will work called International House, in Detroit . closely with the U. of Illinois Dept. of It gives employment to himself and his Horticulture . New clubhouse recently assistants, Ben Lula and John Monitz . opened at Ft, McPherson (Ga.) CC . Among its features are a sand bunker Course there has been re-designed and and platform with uphill and downhill now measures 3050 yds. International lies. Golf Championship and Canada Cup William W. Cook, club mgr. at Mini matches will be played at Portmarnock CC, Springfield, 111., died recently . , GC, Dublin, Ireland, June 23-26 . He was pres. of the Illinois chapter of They're being moved up from usual fall the CMAA . Southern Seniors GA of playing . Kansas Turf Assn. and Heart Pinehurst, N. C., has eight tournaments of America GCSA holding joint meeting scheduled between May 4 and Oct. 13 . Mar. 15th . , . Shawnee-on-Delaware, Pa., Most are three-day events . William observing 50th anniversary, has released McWane of Birmingham is chmn. of the its tournament calendar for 1960 ... In- tourney committee . , Frank Strafaci is vitational will be played Apr. 28-May 1; executive dir. of the Metropolitan Ama- Junior Open, Aug. 8; Waite Memorial, Meet the 1960 officers of the GCSA. They ore, from left to right (front row): Gene C. Nutter, executive dir.; I. E. Lambert, Prairie Dunes CC, Hutchinson, Kans., vp; James E. Thomas, Army Navy CC, Arlington, Va., pres.; Sherwood Moore, Winged Foot, Maraaroneck, N. Y., jecy-treas. In the GOLFDOM second row are the directors: Roy Nelsan, Ray is foe CC, Home wood, III.; L, W. DuBose, Houston CC; EEmer Border, Los Posos CC, Camarilla, Calif.; Ted Rupel, Cherry Hills CC, 34th Year Denver, Colo.; Henson E, Maples, Pinehurst (N.C.) CC; and Walter A. Wogner, Lancaster (O.) CC, MARCH 1960 Aj for that supt's holiday, many of the greenmosters ' made a tour of Houston courses when the convention was over, visiting Brae-Burn and Houston CC among them. Gtltdam It published monthly Hcspt Nov. end Dec. at Hochslls, 111. Aeeoptanee under Section J4-H, P.L.&R. AuthirlieiS Ptfease addresesst all advertising, circulation & editorial correspondence it GOLFDOM, 407 S. Dearborn St., Chicago J, Sept, 6-11 and Festival of Golf, Oct. 17-20. AtLai Lawn Mower Diversa, Inc., Dallas, Tex., investment firm, plans multi-milt ion dollar recreation,, commercial and residential development LAPPING MACHINE for Ontario, Calif. Golf and recreation area, now in completion stage, has art lS-hole course , . Although Sam Snead never has won the Open, he has hung up quite a few records in the USGA event . .. According to Bill English of the Daily Oklahoman, Oklahoma City, Snead is tied with Ben Ilogan for most times under par for the entire distance — 3; most scores- under 300 — 17 (15 in succession); most subpar IS hole rounds — 16 (with Ilogan). A compact, light-weight ln«Mn* for lip- ping ill mad*It ill Hand, Power and Sang National Inv, tournament committee Mow*nl May be Mltty ui*d en work bench sent delegation to Palm Springs, while or Floor, eliminating the fitting ol heavy mowers. Th* simple height adjustment tor Desert Classic was being played, to in- tti* teal ihjft may be uted from *'/," to vite players to take part in its event, to- 10V . Equipped with levaral attachments to fit different raet shaftl. Metal bloc I* For be played May 11-15, at Colonial CC, Ft. rolleri. Steel standi to support tha mower. Worth , . Ben Hogan and Byron Nelson FULLY GUARANTEED traditionally get first bids, which they did this year . , . New England GCSA List Price, Without Motor $39.00 planning to give award to Jesse A. De- List Price, With Motor $61.50 1'Vance, who spent many years at Rhode Writ* for Bulletin. Island University in agronomical research Atlas Lawn Equipment Co. work . Cecil White of Richmond ««21 Olive Street Read. St. Louis 2*. Missouri (Calif.) GC recently had 21 putts for 18, then went out a week later and took 45. SAVE TIME AND MONEY use Scotts turf program and a Scotts Spreader ® Eastern Amateur, which will be played AQUA-GRO Aug. 17-21 at Elizabeth Manor G & CC, NON-IONIC ORGANIC WETTING AGENT Portsmouth, Va., had 286 participants from 20 states ... It was won by Ward See Your AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR Wettlaufer of Buffalo , . No. Calif. PGA NORTHEAST section holding charity pro-am, Mar, 28, Conn.: Hubbard-Hall Chem. Co., Portland; C. M, at Richmond GC . One hundred per Jenkins, So. Glastonbury. Maine; Jack I), Mansur, cent of entry fees go to charity , . , Cen- Fryeliurg. Moss.: The Clapper Co., West Newton; tral Virginia Turf Assn. sends letter to Tlie Ma govern Co., Inc., Springfield. New York: state House of Delegates asking passage H. E, Davis Co., Albany; Eaton Equipment Co., of bill to finance turfgrass research at Hamburg; Hyson Associates, Inc., Gien Head; Virginia Ag Experiment Station. Hal stead Dist. Corp., Mt. Kisco; I.afkin Golf & I.awn Supply, White Plains; Rochester Fertilizer Lauderdale Lakes CC, Ft. Lauderdale, Co., Rochester; (1. P. Squires Co., East Norwich; officially opened Feb. 12 . , Pro is Lionel Vaughan's Seed Co., New York. New Jersey: F, Callaway, English born pro, who has Doggett-Pfiel Co., Springfield; Halco Chemical been in the business for 45 years . Co., Kenilworth, He's the same fellow after whom the MID-ATLANTIC Handicap system is named . Paul Rid- Maryland: Baltimore Toro Co., Baltimore; G. L. ings, publicist who handles the National Cornell Co., Betbesda. New Jersey: H. W, Ridg- Invitation tournament, recently distributed way Co., Mickleton. Penno.: Butler Valley Supply a handy, pocket size 1960 PGA schedule Co., Drums; Howard Kiscatldin, Lebanon; Farm . It's a very convenient thing for golf & Golf Course Supply Co., Phila.; Lawn & Golf writers, etc. Supply Co., Phila.; Philadelphia Toro Co., Phila,; E. H. Griffith, Inc., Pittsburgh; Krigger & Co., Start work on Atlantus GC, 18-holc Pittsburgh. SOUTHEAST course, located 25 miles north of Atlantic Florida: BarCo, Inc., Lake Worth; Cale's Lawn & City • , • It's part of a huge recreation Golf Supply, Jacksonville; Joe Whitehead, Fort development , . Barbara Romaek, Ladies Lauderdale. North Carolioa: E. J. Smith & Son, PGA trouper, who is said to look like Charlotte. Tennessee: Hardison Seed Co., Nash- Kim Novak, only healthy, reveals that wo- ville; Terai, Turf & T oro Co., Knoxvillc. Virginia: men circuit players are reading less of Richmond Power Equip. Co., Richmond, Armour and Hogan in favor of the glamor CENTRAL and fashion magazines . Construction Illinois: Geo. A. Davis, Chicago; Good-Life Chem- well along on building of first 9 of Brook- ical Co., Effingham. Indiana: Kenney Machinery wood GC, Arden, N. C, . It's scheduled Co., Indianapolis; The Garden Gate, Fort Wayne. to be opened July 1, with second 9 due to Iowa: Leon Short & Son, Keokuk. Kentucky: Dixie be completed in 1962 . Arden is in Lawn Supply Co., Louisville, Missouri: Link's the Asheville vacation resort area. Nursery, Creve Coeur; Kobison's Lawn & Golf Course Supply, Kansas City, Michigan: Hiram F. More than 50 firms donated materials Godwin & Son, Detroit; Johnson Supply Co., in 1959 to Midwest Turf which carries on Pontiac; Parmentrr & Andre, Grand Rapids. its research at Purdue University , . Minnesota; Farmer Seed & Nursery Co., Faribault; Round Hill CC, tied in with a real estate Minn, Toro, Inc., Minneapolis. Ohio: A. Stuart development in Danville, Calif., plans to Baker, Dayton; I. G. Harmon, Carlton; Jacobsen be ready for play in Aug, or Sept. , Power Lawn Mower Co., Columbus; John R. Norm Tauscher is pro . , 6600 yd. course Skinner Co., Mantua. Wisconsin: Horst Eng. & Equipment Sales, Chilton; Reinders Brothers, was designed by Lawrence Hughes . Milwaukee; Wisconsin Turf Equipment Co., Through mid-February it looked as Janesville. though only four first-time participants SOUTHWEST & ROCKY MOUNTAIN would be playing in the Tournament of Colorado: Barteldes Seed Co., Denver. Idaho: Steve Champions, to be played May 5-8 in Las Regan Co., Boise. Oklahoma: Hob Dunning-Jones Vegas ... In recent years there has been Inc., Tulsa. Texas: Baron Chemical Co., El Paso; as many as eight or nine first time starters. Goldthwaite's Texas Toro Co., Dallas; Fort Worth; Houston; San Antonio. Utah: Steve First 9 of Royal Palm Y & CC course Regan Co., Salt Lake City. opened in late Feb. , , It's located in Boca Raton, Fla. ... It was designed by WESTERN Robert Trent Jones and Sam Snead is California: Butler's, San Diego; Ewing Turf Prod- pro , . , Jack Redmond recently sent us ucts, Sail Francisco; Pacific Toro Co., Los a half bushel of clippings extracted from Angeles. Oregon: Joe Ilerberger, Oregon City. South American newspapers , . We can Washington: Washington Turf & Toro Co., Seattle; Spokane. figure out Just enough Spanish to learn CANADA that Jack is murdering them in Brazil, Ontario: F.
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