FAMILY: CENTRARCHIDAE (sunfishes) FAMILY: CYPRINIDAE (minnows) Bluegill Orangespotted Sunfish Smallmouth Bass Bigeye Shiner Lepomis macrochirus Lepomis humilis Micropterus dolomieu Notropis boops Characteristics: deep-bodied, small mouth, Characteristics: small with orange spots Characteristics: large mouth, vertical dark Characteristics: large eye relative to black spot posterior dorsal rays on side, long white-edged opercular flap bars are sometimes present on olive- body size, large mouth with a small bronze colored sides of the fish, juveniles head, dark lateral stripe extends from have an orange and black band on the cau- the lips through the eye to the end of dal fin the caudal peduncle Green Sunfish Redear Sunfish Largemouth Bass Blacktail Shiner Lepomis cyanellus Lepomis microlophus Micropterus salmoides Cyprinella venusta Characteristics: elongated body, large Characteristics: large, short opercular flap Characteristics: large mouth, upper jaw Characteristics: prominent black spot at mouth, black spot posterior dorsal & anal with a bright red crescent marking extends past the eye, dark midlateral the base of the caudal fin, large stripe from snout to base of the caudal fin diamond shaped scales outlined in black, breeding males develop yellow fins Longear Sunfish White & Black Crappie Spotted Bass Bluntnose Minnow Lepomis megalotis Pomoxis annularis, Pomoxis nigromacula- Micropterus punctulatus Pimephales notatus Characteristics: small, deep-bodied, long tus Characteristics: resembles the largemouth Characteristics: blunt, rounded snout, opercular flap Characteristics: large mouth, deep-bodied, bass, but uncommon to find fish weighing predorsal scales are smaller and more both silvery in color, black crappie has ir- more than 1.5 lbs, tooth patch exists on crowded together than scales on the regular dark blotching compared to faint tongue, often times the eye is red in color sides, dusky band is present from snout vertical bands of the white crappie, black to caudal peduncle ending with a black crappie also has a longer dorsal fin & 1-2 spot more dorsal spines MALE FEMALE Golden Shiner Yellow Bullhead FAMILY: POECILIIDAE (livebearers) Tishomingo National Fish Notemigonus crysoleucas Ameiurus natalis Characteristics: golden color, sharply de- Characteristics: white chin barbels, long Western Mosquitofish Hatchery curved lateral line, a long curved anal fin, anal fin compared to black & brown bull- Gambusia affinis may reach 12 inches in length heads, varies in color between black, yel- Characteristics: only livebearer in Oklaho- low and brown ma, small, robust with a round caudal fin, black spots present on dorsal and caudal NATIVE FISH OF fins, often seen at water surface, pregnant females have dark spot near anus UPPER PENNINGTON CREEK FAMILY: ICTALURIDAE (catfishes) FAMILY: PERCIDAE (perches) Channel Catfish Logperch ILLUSTRATIONS, TEXT & PHOTO CREDITS: FAMILY: ATHERINOPSIDAE Ictalurus punctatus Percina caprodes fulvitaenia All illustrations and drawings - Credit: D. Brook Silverside Characteristics: juveniles have black Characteristics: largest Oklahoma darter, Raver/USFWS Labidesthes sicculus spots on sides, deeply forked tail, grayish conical head with pointed snout, 15–20 Photos: brook silverside, blacktail shiner, Characteristics: elongated shape with blue & white coloring, spines present on dark bars present on sides of fish, colors logperch, orangethroat darter - Credit: C. long pointed snout, silver midlateral dorsal and pectoral fins range from olive green to yellow Thomas, T. Bonner, B. White side/Freshwater Fishes of Texas: A Field Guide/Texas A&M Press stripe, reaches lengths up to 5 inches Photos: bigeye shiner - Credit: M. Mettee, P. O’Neil, J. Pierson/Fishes of Alabama and the Mobile Basin/Oxmoor House Photos: bluntnose minnow - Credit: Ohio DNR Text - Credit: R. Miller, H. Robison/ Fishes of Flathead Catfish Orangethroat Darter Oklahoma/University of Oklahoma Press Pylodictis olivaris Etheostoma spectabile Credit: C. Thomas, T. Bonner, B. White side/ Characteristics: broad flat head, caudal Characteristics: fins, throat & breast often Freshwater Fishes of Texas: A Field Guide/Texas FAMILY: CATOSTOMIDAE (suckers) fin slightly notched, some juveniles have a appear bright orange on breeding males, Golden Redhorse white triangle on the upper rays of the bands of blue are present on sides and This brochure was created to be used for edu- Moxostoma erythrurum caudal fin, color varies between yellow, fins, adult fish rarely exceed 2.5 inches, cational purposes only. The fish represented in Characteristics: Caudal & anal fins are brown & white with some mottling of females are drab and non-descript this brochure do not reflect all fish species grey to olive in color, paired fins have an those colors found in Pennington Creek. orange cast, & breeding males have tu- MALE Tishomingo National Fish Hatchery is located 15 minutes North of bercles on snout, anal & caudal fins Tishomingo off HWY 7 in the community of Reagan. From Tisho- mingo head North on HWY 377 approximately 10 minutes. Turn left (west) onto HWY 7. The hatchery is located on the right ap- proximately 4 miles from the junction of HWY 377 and HWY 7. FEMALE (580) 384-5463 .
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