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For more information, please contact [email protected]. • ;111e 80, No . 13 Ser ving t he Howard University community s ince 1924 November 15, 1996 his Week's ~ighlights: Graduate students gain leadership Cf\ t\iPUS New GSA leaders overcome obstacles to revitalize organization :nt organizations - other in the ~radualc program 1han ~ili zc lo create By Lawanda Amaker with the undergraduate program," Hilltop Staff Writer Booner said. ;rnda hy the ) car rile executive board said thev 111c Grnduate Student A,semhl) arc hoping to use GSA a, a tool to 2000. i, horn agt1in, and it 100k three men bridge lhe ,gi,p between graduate 10 hrini. 11 back to life. :md pmfossmnal student,. A2. Prev ,ou,ly unrecognized by the "List year GSA was tel1 wilhOUI University. coordinator lloward a wa} to transcend," Booner said. Sterling, vice coordinator Leslie "We had no way ofe leclingofficer, Bmrner and financi:11 adviser and we needed people lo give ~\IPUSPLUS Preston Frazier worked during the graduate and profos,iona I ,tudcnts ,um mer to get the graduate student ~ voice on campus." 1,rrd men \\ Ork to go,~rnmcnt oil 1he ground Some of GS,\\ plans include .1 \I 1cr 111ilial set-hack, in stint \\ ith Border Bahie, and a ':t Black m:tks election, for officers and financial mixer luncheon tlMt will include di,pu1c, "ith IIUS,\ at the graduate and professional ,1udcn1s. al annual beginning of 1he )car. the three .. It is c,~cntial tha1 \\C arc a part llow ard siudenh arc now poised 10 ol campus tire:· Slcrling said. •h~r lo Brother gi,e gradu,11c sllldents direction. "Manv of our students did not know "If we did 1101 ,1art working this ii \\as·I lomecoming. We have to be . • 1nlcrl'l1Ce. ,um mer with the admini,1ra11on to that link between the ,1uden1s and resurrect GSA. it would Mill be the Uni"ersity." AJ. no11cxis1en1." Sterling ,aicf. More than 4(K) graduate ,1udcnts !'he three wrote proposals arc enrolled at I loward. and GSA promoting awareness for graduate want, lo make sure they gi,c back to .111d pmles,iorwl representation in 1he Univc~ity after gra<fuation.11\C LOCAL the Gcnernl Assembly. olfic:crs said 1hi, is 1hcirchancc 10 let S1erling w,,s a member or GSA 1he adminismuion kno\\ the) arc , :111 )Ott th rel, on last year ai1d decided 10 rcvi,e the Ir) ing 10 ,1ar1 ,omc1hinga1 I loward. association wi1h Booncr and At last month's General 1-r.t ✓. icr's help. Assemhly meeting. GSA members Unlike m1hl ,111dc111 organi1.11ion, made ur otore than hair or 1hc \\hu ,,•lct·t ofliciab before 1h.: acli\l' students ;l!tendiog vr.,r. th.: GSA ofliccrs were not "\Ve: ,,\,nt C\t!nonc 10 kntn'-' that elcc1ed until Sept. ~6. we (GSA) arc llcre 111 create a PhOIO by Alda Muluneh Sterling ,a,d GSA is used 10 posi11w .,tmO\phcrc for gmdua1eand rela\ ing issue, uf ,1udcn1 concern professional student,." Frazier ,.,id. GSA financial adviser Preston Frazier (left) and coordinator Howard Sterling are two of the like' more funding for grndualc "We arc rebuilding and becoming ,tlt(font, and additional library space. ,tron~cr. By nc.xt year GSA can students who spent their summer working on ways to rekindle Interest In the graduate student "Presenlh. 11 i, more import.tnt dcfinucly make 1hc difkrcnce." to !ind \\3}' 10 intcmct with each government organization. S,.rah I louse fiir tutoring and panior ship Respecting veterans on their day A I0. HU students, administration reflect on holiday's meaning XATl(JN.i\.L wars. but especially those that power mn"emenl and its effect on "To meel her was ver) spiritual By Janine A. Harper fought in 1he Vietnam War because Jloward·s campus. Hilltop Staff Writer for me," said Robinson. who t\ refutes link to they were spit on "hen the came "Even mihtanl students like remembered the Life magazine home," Thomas said. Stokeley Carmichael had to give photograph during the days of the 5. drug trade. The wail of a lrumpcl plaving llarry Robinson, inlcrim vice respect to my skills at war:· war. "Taps .. pierced lhe cold air on presidenl of Academic Affairs, left Ro6inson said. Al2. Vc1cmn\ Da} al Arlingion Nalional behind hi, wife and l-year-0ld child On Ve1eran\ Day in l 992. 'Ille p_hotograph was used _10 fuel CcmelCr). lhc Viclnam Ve1eran·s 10 fight for his countr} in the Robinson again became involved in the anu-war movement 111 the Memorial in D.C. and ci1ies Vietnam War. the war. 1his lime as director or the Un ited States. In an ac1 or 1hroughou1 1hc na1ion. The ,ad Vietnam Veteran, lvlcmorial Fund. reconciliation and a call for peace. "When I gm off the plane !in Kim laid a wrealh at the \\iln. JERNATION \L no1es 1oud1ed 1hc countle" graves \ ietnam ]. il was a 1115 degrees," "hich sponsors a touring wall. a and the conscience of n nation lei! Robinson said. ·•1 jusl kne\\ I could replica original in Washington. Kafcle Simms, a sophomore mmission \\ ill to reflect on th<' cost of" ar. nm ,pend a year liere." On Monda), Robinson. a ROTC member. spent tlic day at 'lb some lhm,1rd Muden1,. Robinson ,pcm a 1hrcc-mon1h recipient of a Bronze star for lhe Arlington Nallon:11 Cemc1ery crime,; commit­ Monda) wa, ju,1 another day off. a tour in Vietnam. On July 4. 1967. gallantry and a Purple I-lean. gave visiting ihe grave of Brigadier chance to gc1 over 1hc Sunday nigh1 he was hospitalized for JO day, and welcomutg remarks at a ceremony Gen. John J. Pershing. founder or . ring .\parlhcitl's parties. then sen1 from the Indonesian at the Viclnam \V.1r Memorial Wall. 1he Pershing RiOes Traternily. of To other,. it held 3 deeper jungles to Andte\\S Air Force Base Among the more than 58.202 which Simms is a member. hcyda). meaning. ut Maryland. names cfironicling the dead and Simms. a political science "My father 1old me all he had llis service in lhe war ended a1 missing in action soldiers, seven of major, said his thou11.h1, arc also AJ3. wcnl through. and Iha! when he the Walter Reed Medical Center. those names belong to I loward with John M. Bischo'it one of the had come liomc. they called him five hlocks from where he had alumni. like Sammy Stewart. 731 missing and unaccounted for in 'baby killer· and 01her names," said grown up in the District. Robinson said. Vietnam. Felici.i Thomas. a senior l'rcnch "When I returned. it was about The Veteran's Day memorial EDITORIAL Photo by Alda Mulu""'1 major. 1he time (Manin Lulherl King was scr, ice was highligh1cd bv a speech "Knowing lhe amoun1 oftorlurc Participants In Veteran's Day For the R01 C c.idct. the holiday killed." Robutson said. "f wcnl back lrom Phan Kim, who was pictured the POWs were sub/·ected 10 I jusl ~ncan corpora­ memorial services dressed as wa., more than an,,thcr d,l)' IO ,lc.:p in. to I lownrd to gel my masters in cily at 1he age or 9 running from a hope lhal ifhc died. 1c died like lhc Calvary Troops from the Civil "I think Veterans Day i, planning." m1palm auack. The photograph was warrior he was," Simms said. ~ rk ncing racial War era. significanl 10 1he veter.ins of all Robinson rememhers the Black used a, propaganda for the war. imination should 6-.: bo\, cotted. Town hall meeting B ison prepare to challenge Al 6. addresses 'Framework,' 'dangerous' Morgan State Bears PULSE outreach center urmcr Jovce Gu\ career victory wi1h his last win in safely Charles Fields (34 solos, 4 . College of Art" and Science. By Ivan J. Aranha Orangeburg. S.C., last weekend. interceptions). ehcr wisdom. "Tlie merger will cut down on Hilltop Staff Wriler Both Mi1chell and Wilson arc By J a nine A. Ha rper the amount of admini,1ra1ion and former professional players that arc The Bison arc headed by the A21. llilllop Staff Writer will ,ave money. but the exact cager to bring their !cams 10 war. s1rong arm of sophomore amount saved has not been The Howard Uni,crsity Bison Howard is ranked second in the quarterback Ted White. determined,'' Santaga1i s:1id. football team will take on 1he MEAC under No. I Florida A & M While was named MEAC Campus ~ecurity and school Studen1 reprc,enii11ivcs· requests Morgan Slate UniV"etsity Bears in a and second in lhe Sheridan Black offensive player of the week for his SPOR'fS mergers topped the li,1 of Mudcnt for security guards po,ted in every Middle E:istern Atlantic College Football poll. but sialistics dorm 24 hou~ a dav were answered performance against South concerns at IIUSA's Town Hall Conference halllc 1omorrow al mean noth ing 10 Wilson. who is Carolina. Ht: Men·s Socci::r meeting ll1eMlay.
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