INDEX S. No. Question No. Question Date Subject Division Type 1. Question No. 938 Unstarred 08.02.2017 Special Courts Justice-II 2. Question No. 1031 Unstarred 08.02.2017 Evaluation of Standards for Desk Side Judiciary 3. Question No. 1111 Unstarred 08.02.2017 Digitisation of Records eCourts 4. Question No.1124 Unstarred 08.02.2017 Pending Court Cases National Mission 5. Question No. 193 Starred 15.03.2017 Oath of Judges Desk Side 6. Question No. 196 Starred 15.03.2017 Hearing of cases via Video eCourt Conferencing 7. Question No. 2114 Unstarred 15.03.2017 Establishment of New Benches Desk Side 8. Question No. 2174 Unstarred 15.03.2017 Extension of Parole Admin Unit (II) 9. Question No. 2189 Unstarred 15.03.2017 All India Judicial Service National Mission 10. Question No. 2221 Unstarred 15.03.2017 Pending Cases of Accident National Mission Insurance Claims 11. Question No. *283 Starred 22.03.2017 Speedy Disposal of Cases National Mission 12. Question No. *286 Starred 22.03.2017 Infrastructure in Courts National Mission 13. Question No. 3230 Unstarred 22.03.2017 Division Bench of High Courts Desk Side 14. Question No. 3244 Unstarred 22.03.2017 Legal Service by NALSA Legal Aid to Poor 15. Question No. 3246 Unstarred 22.03.2017 Renaming of High Courts Desk Side 16. Question No. 3309 Unstarred 22.03.2017 Affordable Justice to Poor Legal Aid to Poor 17. Question No. 3364 Unstarred 22.03.2017 Appointment of SC/HC Judges Desk Side 18. Question No. 3373 Unstarred 22.03.2017 Judicial Reforms National Mission 19. Question No. 3379 Unstarred 22.03.2017 Video Recording of Proceedings eCourts GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF LAW & JUSTICE (DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE) LOK SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 938 TO BE ANSWERED ON WEDNESDAY, THE 8TH FEBRUARY,2017 Special Courts 938. SHRI DINESH TRIVEDI: Will the Minister of LAW & JUSTICE be pleased to state: (a) the number of special courts created by various Statutes during the last three years and the current year; (b) the number of cases pending in the above said special courts; (c) whether the Government has conducted a research to see if these special courts have been able to dispose of the cases faster; and ( d) if so, the details thereof and the action taken in this regard? ANSWER MINISTER OF STATE FOR LAW AND JUSTICE AND ELECTRONICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (SHRI P.P. CHAUDHARY) (a)to (d): The creation of special courts, their functioning and any research on disposal rate of cases by Special Courts fall under domain of the State Governments which in consultation with the High Courts set up such Courts as per their requirement from their own resources. The number of special courts created by various States during the last three years including the current year and the number of cases pending in these courts are not maintained centrally. ***** GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE LOK SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION N0.1031 TO BE ANSWERED ON WEDNESDAY, THE 08.02.2017 Evaluation of Standards for Judiciary 1031. SHRI KESINENI NANI: Will the Minister of LAW AND .JUSTICE be pleased to state: (a) whether the Government has any plans to introduce performance evaluation standards for the judiciary and if so, the details thereof; (b) whether this evaluation will be only for judges in lower courts or it will also include High Courts and the Supreme Court judges and if so, the details thereof; (c) the wing of the Government that will be in charge of evaluating judges; (d) whether this evaluation would affect judicial autonomy and if so, the steps taken by the Government in this regard; and (e) whether the Government has studied any evaluation systems used by other countries and if so, the details thereof and the reaction of the Government thereto? ANSWER Minister of State for Law and Justice and Electronics and Information Technology (SHRI P.P. CHAUDHA~Y) (a): No, Madam. (b) to (e): Do not arise. **** , • GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE (DEPARTMENT OF JU.STICE) LOK SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION No. 1111 TO BE ANSWERED ON WEDNESDAY, THE 8™ FEBRUARY, 2017 Digitisation of Records 1111. SHRI HARIOM SINGH RATHORE Will the Minister of LAW AND JUSTICE be pleased to state: a) whether the judicial proceedings/ decisions are available on the website of courts; b) if so, the details thereof; c) whether the records and proceedings of the courts are being digitised by the Government; d) if so, the details thereof; and e) the other initiatives taken by the Government for digitising the records and proceedings of courts to bring more transparency in their functions? ANSWER MINISTER OF STATE FOR LAW & JUSTICE AND ELECTRONICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (Shri P.P.Chaudhary) (a): Judicial proceedings/ decisions of district and subordinate courts for 17,259 computerised courts of the country as on 3n1 Feb, 2017 are available on the e-Courts portal (http://www.ecourts.gov.in). The portal provides online services to litigants such as details of case registration, cause list, case status, daily orders, and final judgments. Litigants can access case status information in respect of over 7 crore pending and decided cases pertaining to these courts. (b): Statewise breakup is placed as Annexure. (c) and (d): Under _the eCourts Mission Mode Project, more than 3 crore Orders/ Judgments of the computerised courts of the country Page 1of3 \ • have been digitised and made available online by the Courts. In addition to the digitisation of records, digital technology is bein utilised for Video Conferencing (VC) facility in 493 court complexes and corresponding jails for production of accused for judicial remand purposes. (e): Apart from eCourts Mission Mode Project initiatives, the other initiative taken by the Courts · is digitisation of legacy data pertaining to district and subordinate courts. Page 2 of 3 - Annexure Details of courts where the judicial proceedings/ decisions are available on the website of courts as on 3rd Feb, 2017 as per the National Judicial Data Grid (NJJ)G) i State ' Number of Courts i ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR !13 : ANDHRA PRADESH 527 i ASSAM '293 - . -···--~------ ,,_._.. , ···-·· -·'· -·---- ··-·--····-····--··•-..-·.--···--·''"" ·- ---·-·· ~-- ,., -·-•·"· ' .... "I BIHAR . 1397 ! • •. -· ···-··------........ _.,_ - • "· . .,. ----------- - .• '"" ·- ...,,. "'"'''"'""""'_______ " --- ----- ---------..--- '""" ----·""l 1·-c1:fANDIGARt~r------ . 50 CHHATTISGARH l·i5ELHT-·····--·---·----------- l :-----···----- ------···-- -..-.-·--- _,, ________ .... ·---- ------····-·-·"'-. i DIU AND DAMAN , DNH AT SILVASA ;--······ .. ········-···············-··· ............... --.-.... ·--·---·-·········---.. ·--·· :GOA : GUJARAT iHARYANA .. -·. --·-·-·------'····1·55····-694 - ···-···············-------·····-· ···- --- -···--······: , HIMACHAL PRADESH I JAMMU AND KASHMIR ' 134 :JHARKHAND :545 '--- .. --------· ----··--·---~-----~ -- -· ---·------------ ·-· --········---·-··-···--·· -- -· -- - ---- . -- ... -----·. -··- ···-·····-··---· _.. ______ - -- . ·--·. ···-·····-···-······-··<>········-·-----.. ---- -· . -··-·-·-··-·-- : KARNATAKA . 824 i---~-------~------------------------------- ------------- ----·--·---·--------------------·-- --·-··----------------·-· ··-···---------- ---- l KERALA I;_MAHARASHTRA MADHYA PRADESH __________________________ _ 2546 1--------------------------------------------------·-·-------------------·- 'MANIPUR 23 -------------·----------------·-------· ------- -- -----·- :iMfzo"RANI______________________________ MEGHALAYA ', 1119 : ORISSA ____________________________ -------------- J 529 ________ ---- :-PUN~J"A·B- - - ................... -- ---- - - -;-7-30· - ................... -- -·- :R.AJASTHAN r::~x~~-'•~·-···• --• .............. ____ _ I TAMIL NADU ·-rEIANGANA .. t-f RIPORA- --- -- Page 3 of 3 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE LOK SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 1124 TO BE ANSWERED ON WEDNESDAY, THE oaTH FEBRUARY, 2017 Pending Court Cases 1124. DR. ANUPAM HAZRA: SHRI DUS HY ANT CHA UT ALA: SHRI RAYAPATI SAMBASIVA RAO: SHRI GOPAL SHETTY: SHRI RATTAN LAL KATARIA: SHRI CHANDU LAL SAHU: SHRIMATI REKHA VERMA: SHRI AJAY MISRA TENI: SHRI CHANDRA PRAKASH JOSHI: SHRI R. DHRUVA NARAYANA: SHRI S.P. MUDDAHANUME GOWDA: SHRI RAJU SHETTY: SHRI HARISH CHANDRA ALIAS HARISH DWIVEDI: SHRI NISHIKANT DUBEY: SHRI SHARAD TRIPATHI: SHRI HUKUM SINGH: SHRI RAJESH VERMA: SHRI OM BIRLA: SHRI M.B. RAJESH: SHRI RAHUL KASWAN: DR. MANOJ RAJORIA: SHRIMATI JAYSHREEBEN PATEL: Will the Minister of LAW AND JUSTICE be pleased to state: (a) the details of the civil and criminal cases pending at various levels in the judiciary, State and district-wise; (b) the steps taken I being taken to address the high pendency of cases; (c) the details of the vacancies of judges at various levels in the judiciary; (d) the steps being taken to fill up these vacancies; and (e) the details of any other initiative taken by the Government to provide speedy justice to the citizens? ANSWER MINISTER OF ST ATE FOR LAW AND JUSTICE AND ELECTRONICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (SHRI P. P. CHAUDHARY) (a): The data on pendency of cases is maintained by Supreme Court and High Courts. As per information made available by the Supreme Court of India 50,826 civil cases and 10,874 criminal cases were pending in Supreme Court of India as on 23.11.2016. The details of pendency of civil and criminal cases in each of the High Courts and District I Subordinate Courts as on 31.03.2016 are given in the Statements at Annexure - I and Annexure - II respectively. (b): Disposal of cases in courts is within
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