K03SOUTH CO. HISTOHJvil* ASS!*i. mssoM. a.i. * ■rt'r' COVERING TOWNUDI Of - HOLMDEL, MADISON MAHLBOKO, MATAWAN AND MATAWAN 80*01108 lls m ta r 91.1 YEAR — 7th W EEK MlIhu) AJWMtetfo* : MATAWAN, W. J > THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1959 Naw'Jarsty Fm*i AmwbUOob Single Copy Ten Cents Matawan School Board Member Groundbreaking For Madison Township High School Referendum On Borough Police Pay Raise At November Election Criticizes Group Asking Separation Matawan Council Votes To Have Enabling I Mrs. Hilda C- Tomaselio, 22 Ordinance Drawn; Paving Cost $4155 Beech wood Terr., MaUwan, a Malawan Borough Council Tues­ _/rnember of the Malawan Township M HS Grid Call [Woman, Child Missing Register in Holm del day unanimously agreed to have Board of Education has Issued the F o o tb all ca n d id a tes for th e 1959 an ordinance effecting a police pay following ftfttement to The Mata* Matawaa High School varsity Registration for students enter­ raise drawn to the proposal may ' wan Journal. M n. Tomaselio said ahould report Aug. 31 at 5:W p.m. ing the llolmdel Elementary School be placed on the ballot at the she prepared the Information be­ at the high school, Coach Barry will be held Tuesday and Wednes­ N ovem ber g e n e ra l election. cause she bellevei that her first Rizio announces. - day from t a.m. until 11 o'clock Borough Attorney John Givens, responsibility aa a citizen and noon and from 1 to 1 p.m. Red Bank, was authorized to draw school board member is to pro* the ordinance and it will be Intro- . Vide the best educational facilities duced at flext m eeting.--- ...... K asible for the children of the Auditor Critical a tawan Township School Dis* Washouts Annoy- According to law. the adoption - trict. The statement alst> reflects ef such an ordinance Is prerequisite the opinion of other members of Of School Taxes llarbor Residents lo a popular vote on the Issue and ^the Matawan Township Board of It la drawn with the atlpulation it Education. '■ Township Almost bccomes void If there is not an Teht Revival Upsets approving vote. The laat raise* i "The residents of Matawan Bor* Y e a r i Double lli Three granted Mitawan Police were by Dugh are being asked to sign a Madlion Zoning Rule popular referendum and ai tha petition for separation of the school Joseph J. Seaman,* Perth Amboy, Madlaon Township Committee power over police pay matter* district. As a citizen and a school Matawan Township auditor, found Monday received a petition , from never wia returned to tne .council board member, I cannot sit back township finances in good shape in S7 reildunts ot the Bayvlew Dr,- by a popular referendum on auch and have our people assume that MRS. FRANCES ORMSBEE. S ubm itting h i t a u d it f o r 1958 to the Garlleld Ave. area ol Laurence an luue, this Hill remain! tha only, the .statements made In thii peti< AMX KEVIN ORMSBEE llarlior calling tor action on the way borough pollce can us* to get , tion are correct. They are not! A Matawan Township Committee A 13-state alarm has been issued erosion by bay wateri In that area. their pay Increaie. Councilman - group calling themselves the 'citi* Tuesday but expressed alarm at for Mra. Frances Ormsbee, 36- They warned that high tldet and Everett G, Carlson, chairman of tens committed for better borough the way taxes for school purposes years-old and her nlnernonths-old rain* have so undermined Bayvlew the police committee, explained. In . schools* have be$n meeting fur* son, Kevin, missing from their had doubled in the past three Dr. that they were demanding outlining the propottl, that It could - lively to develop this information hom e a t 107 D ivision St., K eyport, y e a rs . • 'action be taken on thii condition be advanced either by tht pallet . and are using this means tb divert since Monday morning at 8:50 belore some of our children are circulating a petition among tha : * attention from the need for a new Mr. Seaman noted the surplus of a .m . ;. ■ maimed for life, or perhipa even clilteni for iuch action or by the high school. I cannot conceive that the township had increased frptn Robert Ormsbee reported his k ille d .'' direct Initiative of the governing the people of Matawan Borough *231,000 on D ec. 31, 1951 to $3*7.000 v/ite and child missing at 3:30 p.m. A Ihree-loot waahout was said body Itiell. lie recammendtd tha yvill be diverted in their effort* to Monday. He told Keyport Police on Dec. 31, 19W, indicating the to exist and tht torrantlal ralm ol latter couna and hli fallow coun- provide educational facilities for that his wife had been emotionally early Sunday morning were de­ dlmen eoncurred, , ■ ' their children. township had sustained no financial ufset for the past two months and setback because of the defalcation clared to havt m ade the con­ The appeal for thii action cim t J‘l wpuld flka to point;,out the lhat a neighbor had seen ber drive dition worse. It wai reported one followingInaccuracies: . uncovered durihg the year. Mr. from Borough Police Chltf John olf In their 1WD black Chevrolet child alraady had fallen down th* J. Flood, ii w u ratd.at .thi <pmoU ‘ ' “(1) It Would Mean One-Third Seaman emphasized it was a sedanette early that morning. She wtahout at that polnt. meeting ti followi; ' tower Costs To The Borough If was wearing a light colored blouse "cash" surplus. Richard Pine, Madison Township Board ol Education president, lilts out th* first shovelful of sarth Committeeman/bonsld Macrae Petltlea ror laerttie , We Were A Separate School Dls* and shorts. ' ,. What disturbed pie auditor was fer the construction of fha naw Ugh achtol thereby getting underway tb* project tl the Qaub tract, Rout* reported the townihlp would hive IS and Tlcetown Rd. “On behalf of tha m tm Uri ot trlct. Thls !• aheer nonsense. There According to police Mrs. Orms­ that taxes for school purposes, in to get lha permlulon of the own­ Principal participants la th* ceremony were, (left to right). Robert R. Blunt, Middlesex County Super­ the Police Department ol th e #re basic costs that must be" as* sofar as the township's share In er* ot Bungalettea, Inc., owning bee had left notes for her two sons, intendent of Schools; wilUant J, Sample, naw Madison Township Superintendent of Schools; Mr, Ptast Borough ol Matawan, I reipoctfylly { timed by every school district. Let flve-and seven-years-old, and for the Joint school diBtrict is concern­ tht adjacent land, to etatt repalri, j^assnme that we separate and Mayor John L. Chamberlala, aad Jetiph G. Iloff. vice president af th* board of education. petition your Honorable Body for her husband. She is believed to ed , h a d a d v a n ce d from $3.61 p e r Mayor Chamberlain explained his "workmen's'’ garb aa due to th* fact he cam* to the ceremony Aa this la private properly, and (a house the borough children in the an Increaie in th t’ialarlei of Hit have about $0 In cash.with Jier. $100 In 1956 to $10.22 p e r <100 Jn directly from a tour et ItApectlon of tbe work ot emergency craws repairing damage It roads m d other make the work accdmpllih Ita pur­ . three buildings in Matawan. The Police O lllccn of our municipality, . Too Emotional 1958, nearly doubling in three Installations from th« torrential ralsn. the night before. pose, a Joint undertaking for a '> borough would have to provide “As you know, the mm ol this The contents of the husband's years. Mr, Seaman found this nine comtrucjlon of an overall guard department do tholr, utmost day. About $120,000 Io basic admlnistra* against the eea li neceaaary. Their itote have not been revealed, but times the 50 points Increase In fate and night to keip laSptnd order . - tivie costs which now are shared Bendix To Buy co-operation, financial and other in the notes to the boys, Mn, fo r m u n icip al p u rp o ses. H e a lso w as Enter Matawan Local Police Aid In our llflrough. Wlth^modasty, I 4 by both Municipalities In tbe dls* critical of the Jump in the county wlie, must be obtained. Jrickjhese costsinclude salaries Ormsbee said’that-she was too fcdward P. Kolar, g*n*ral mas* may aay that th» resldonti ,m»y emotional to be a good mother and rate from $2.29 per $100 to 13.04 Another Drainage Problem be proud ot the. complement . if a w|»rit»tendcnt* board secre* ager ,1 Beodtx AvUthM Carp, ot our per SlOQ In the three years. This, New York Raid Committeeman Jo h n Phllllpa police lore* ahd thalr wp»*. lb U ty,cnstodian of achool money*, that the boys would understand Beauty Contest plants In thla ar*ar MM*ac*d when they were older that .what he found, was well beyond the mu­ brought up another problem of [Order to>**p up their spirit »M :: V Auditor, board attorney, librarian, nicipal increase of from $4.22 per Registration . Fadaral Uqnor Count drainage tn Laurence Harbor. He (continued on page M n ) guidance director, attendance of- aha wak doing was for the best. Sh* told tbe toys that t^elr father - Frotn Findings Here ‘ aald water accumulate! In a Caleb fleer, : school physician,.
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