PAGE SIX UNION PRESS-COURIER Thursday, April 19th, 1945, Mrs. Josephine Shutco, of Barnesbo- SGT. JOHN SHUTCO ro. The soldier was called for mili- BLATT BROTHERS 18 KILLED IN ACTION tary service on June 5th, 1941, and was assigned to overseas duty with Sgt. John J. Shutco, aged twenty- |p, infantry sixteen months ago. six years, was killed in action of the Frm ey HIGHL IGHTS 16th of March in Germany, the War Department has informed his widow, Buy War Bonds and Stamps. GR AND OF SPORTS ACTIVITIES TREASURER’S SALE OF SEATED LANDS (Continued from Page Two) THEATRE PATTON = » PATTON BASEBALL TEAM considered retiring to his South Car- = 2 8 The Patton Baseball team held a olina farm. Ywner or Reputed ii gi Ownor or Reputed Owner 'k { i Owner meeting in the American Legion Walker Cooper has a baby who Fri., Sat., April 20-21 i i Home last Wednesday evening and will not eat breakfast unless daddy is i il i 1 plans were made to start the coming present. So no matter at what hour Dagwood looks info J. Stephens s. M. Hammer season. the last man was retired the night be- Sudan!..where adveriture 49.19 fore, Cooper had to be up at the crack P, alk 36.90 The club elected Charlie Swab as lives and romance rules! | Dane Borough manager and Leo Grimme as secre- of dawn. There is nothing wrong with the crystal |Isaac C. Wilt Est. 69.35 No. tary of the team. the big catcher’s health, ‘but he was Upper Yoder Township Paul James “ere A Scott Bea dith No. 3 Plans were made as to securing weary of the hours. ball...and his Lot No. 72 ... 8.44 1{C. Don Mishier— David Cornelius, equipment and transportation for the Johnny Hopp, who was enjoying his 0. 14.94 club. Also the erection of a back- finest year in baseball had to ask Cisto D. “Grosina. 243-244 118.69 stop at the ball park is necessary for time out toward the end of last 11.86 along with keeping the field in con- season because of indigestion, attrib- dition. Plans for the handling of uted as much to the irregular hours 10.72 these matters were made. and meals as to a spinal ailment. 12.87 The Patton team enjoyed a suc- A crack and veteran St. Louis base- cessful season last year after a late ball writer requested another assign- start. With the addition of a few | ment if night baseball would be more promising players the fans can | played to such an extent as last sea- charles Hemsing- expect a brand of ball equal to, not son. Ma ry Kautman better than any in this section. Eating at all hours, not knowing Est. Charles Swab, the new manager, when to eat, players, writers and fans desires that all baseball prospects have become sandwich men and No. 1|/Minnte be on hand at the regular practice night hawks with moonlight baseball. ress or E. sessions to be held every evening at ston, No % | Peoples Physicians warn afgainst going to George Makin the local ball park. A game is be- bed on, top of a heavy meal, so many Nathan lien. 14 ing arranged with the Madera club on of the players stay up into the wee Mary Milter Decoration Day to open the season. Ada Ruth Martin small hours of the night. McClain 3 ok ok ok Xk Pittsburgh had the Vince DiMaggio McNal 0. NORTHERN CAMBRIA incident and the night club tab man- 1|Joseph BASEBALL LEAGUE agers lose control. , No. 318 16.00 has Samuels. No. 1 CIty ‘ot Jonistown The newly - organized baseball | Attendance shows that given i 2 45 league in Northern Cambria County | enough light, night baseball will put Delroy TF. Slick, Twelfth Ward with ANDY DEVINE No. 140 - % ia. y Est. held a meeting last Thursday eve- itself out. Sam “Breadon, for one, | No. 407 - | 1-3| Wm. - ning at the Barnesboro Moose Home promises his athletes that there will GEORGE ZUCCO | 1] gonn a and it is the desire of the league to be considerably less of it this season. ROBERT WARWICK | i! 130m “B. Young et increase its membership to 10 teams. Larry MacPhail was right when he | | said the novelty must not be per- .08 | Thirteenth’ “Ward Six teams have already designated Washington Township %| Stephen A. Bu their entry into the loop, they are mitted to wear off and that seven Michael Andr 9.93 | J — Sun., Mon., a ny 22t024 John Koons 76.83 % [John E. dentrack Barnesboro Polish American Legion, night games are sufficient. Lilly Borough 16.96 Fifteenth Ward Barnesboro Moose, Bakerton, Moss Matinee Sunday at 2:30 |Clarence Penning- ton — Creek and Patton. SPORT PICKUPS Surf. ..... 12.16 z 1|Lemuel Arbzugh .. President John Wagner, the newly John Smsinek | 2| %|/Home Owners Leo Houck, veteran boxing coach, |Bertha Ve 48 | Loan Corp.—No. appointed head of the league espe- who went to Greenland three months West Carroll Townsbl | cially desires to make contact with Michael Burzen- | ago as an army sports consultant, sky Ser tsanertsaninneen | | pADY aires Emeigh Run, St. Benedict, Hastings, has returned to his duties as Physical Michael Campbell | |Seventeenth Ward Mary Fox ..... | 1| Victoria Hatteras Ebensburg, Colver, and Revloc. Any cducation instructor at Pennsylvania Mary A. | | No. 619 interested organization, however, can State College. He will serve as Coach Mo C Fomble 37 | Cambria Li | Coal Co. Loghee receive all the information by writing Joe Bedenk’s baseball aid again this Met bie “Coal | —(Jas Moore- | John Emmerling) to John Wagner, Barnesboro or call- spring. Steve Terebus, coach at McCombie Goal | | Cambria Lockie ing Barneshcro Telephone No. 7. Southmont High for the last three | | Coal Co.—No. | | Bl Miller hi ok ok kk years was elected head coach at t 0 - | | por B' Smith shopMcCombie FOUR CLUB RACE SEEN Windber High School, John Kawchak, i 4 leambris Lochrie | al Co — IN NATIONAL LEAGUE assistant coach at Johnstown High Band House |McCombie Coa | ¥ Qonn Emmer- | | During the last few years the St. School for the past three seasons will Tipple| IC: Louis Cardinals have been the choice be assistant coach at Windber. | 1 Louis C of the majority to cop the National Terebus and Kawchak were foot- 9 1! ane ‘& Mary Chu- League flag and they did. It is dif- ball teammates at Joseph Johns Jun- | | bara—No. 1045 ferent this year. The predictions are ior High School, Johnstown High | 1% |Jessie M. Davis & | | Eliz. Morris— divided between the St. Louis Car- School and later Carnegie Tech and | | Nos. 2959, 2960 dinals, Pittsburgh Pirates, New York | their dream of becoming a coaching % | |Lizzie Depple ..... | 1|Beatrice Die m— Giants and the Chicago Cubs. Four | combination became a reality. | No 6 clubs in a thick fight for the pen- Col. Edward Eagan, New York | 2|Chas “Gram- STARRING | | I ng—Nos. 1086, nant is better than one team winning | state athletic commission chairman, | 07 with ease. | predicts the new boxing champions ' Gland The Pittsburgh Pirates claim great will come out of the armed forces. “Champion Joe Louis,” Col. Eagan No. pitching—Rip Sewell, Preacher Roe, 1/pavid Living- said, “must be past his prime now.” wr Margaret OBrien, OE | . 325 . Nick Strincevich, Max Butcher, Fred {Daniel Ott— Ostermueller and Al Gerheauser re- “Even as far back as the Billy Conn | 87 bout, he was fighting a losing cause. Hires cently acquired from the Phillies in No.:: 5: . ee a trade for Vince DiMaggio. Louis did not defeat Conn. The wild Von Lunen MEET ME IN ST LOUIS The catching of the Pirates with Irishman defeated himself. I believe “Willett— it will be an army man who will de- Mary Lucille Tom Marjorie 11, 20 the veteran Al Lopez is good. The | infield and outfield are veterans. The || throne Louis.” ASTOR BREMER DRAKE MAIN team can hit. It was hot in the last | Pfc. Griffith Baugher, who until four months ago never rolled a bowl- Screen Play by Irving Brecher and Fred F. Finklehoffe * Based on the Book weeks of the 1944 season, better than | by Sally Benson * Directed by Vincente Minnelli ® Produced by Arthur Freed the Cards at the time, and the club | | ing ball has compiled an average of 204 for 61 games which would place has the same lineup to resume with | 2 1] lschn w retgTo? | him among the leading bowlers in the addition of a few promising play- | | Twenticti § w ard Kati ers acquired from the Albany Club || the country. Wed., Thurs, April 25-26 | Nos 178, last season. The Brooklyn Tigers professional I 186, 187 | football team has merged with the 8 Alga i Duwell— The Chicago Cubs are the envy of 1 37, 40 Boston Yankees. All the combined every club in the league with their | %l Johnston n Trust clubs home games except one, against _Truste By pitchers and catchers. The Cubs are | the New York Giants will be played 1annis LL well stocked with outfielders and in- | in Boston. fielders. There is plenty of hitting | - 1] (carrie Tewis—No. The Chicago Cubs are claiming 190 ase provided. Bill Nicholson is able to | Pheer more than average speed in the in- 1 Reriha leave his war job and become a full |' feild and outfield. They also claim No. 40 creer time player. As to the pitching of 113 me Overiori Mickey Livingston and Dewey Wil- the Cubs, Paul Derringer, veteran, N 0. liams are the speediest afoot of all 1|John Skulk “(Shu- has this to say: “Looks like the pitch- lik) No.
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