DIRECTORY. ] DERBYSHIRE. ILKESTON. 26~ Pillar Letter Boxes, Nottingham road, cleared at 8.45 & Abbey, Dalley, Dcnby, Denby Common, Dob'hoies, Duf­ IQ un. &; 12·30, 6 & 7 p.li. ; sunday,s. IS p.m. ; Albany field, ¥astwood, Far Lawn, Fal'nah Green, Haz.elwood, st. cleared at 8.3 0 & 9.30 a.m.& 2.30, 6 & 7 p.m.; not Hcage, Heanor, Hilciff Lane, Rolbrook, Hoppinghill, cleared on .gll[lday; l\"orman street, Cotmanhay, cleared Horsier, Horsley Wooc1house, Ilkeston, Kilburne, Kirk at 7.45 a.m. & 2 & 7.15 p.li.; noi cleared on sunday Hallalll, Lady Grove, Langley, Langley Min.s, Little County Magistrates. Hallam, Loscoe, Makenry, MappeI'ley, Marble Works, l\Ia.rlpool, MiliaI'd, ~:Linhay, Motley, Openwoodgate, Smalley Petty S6<Sosional Division. Postern, Ridgeway, Shaw Lane, Shipley, Shire Oaks, Sitwell Robert Sacheverell Wilmot esq. chairman,Stain-sby Shuttle, Sl.lOttle LT llIte, SmaJ.J.ey, Stanley-Ste.nJ.ey Com­ house, Horsley, Derby mon, Stanton-by-Dale, Sbanton Ga.te, Swaiusley, Tood­ Alleyne Sir John Gay Newton bart. C.E. Ohevin, Beliper more, Turnditch, Upper or Over Lane Ball John esq. Dodson house, Ilkeston R.S.O For Bankruptcy purposes tlms coUiI't is included in that of Bembridge William Bell esq. Scarsdale ho. Ripley, Derby Derhy, .Tohn Smj,till, official receiver; Asltibury James Corfidd Fredel'ick C. esq. Ormonde fields, OocLnor, Derby Hall, assistant -official receiver, St. James' chamooI1s, Cox William Thomas Edwards BSq. Spondon haN, De:rby Derby Orampton George Wi~liam esq. Stanton hall, l\"otts Certifield Bailiffs appointed undm' the "Law of DistrOO3 H&'llam William CoUites esq. The Elms, Ripley, Derby AmendmeIllt Act," Hmlry Clemers'On, Park road; Jdhn Mundy Alfred EdwaI'd Miller esq. D.L. Shipley hWl,DeI'lby Fi:;h, Market. place; Oharles William HlIDt, Stamon Pedder Oolonel Charles Denison, Kilbourne hall, Derby ruad ;. lVilliam George Kno.tt, Burns street; Edward Sclnvind Charles esq. Broomfield, MOTley, Derby Ruttun, Bath street 1 Isa.iafu Fisher, Charlotte .street; Sitwell E. Sacheverell Wi:mot esq. HOI1Sley, Derby Morace Moss, Gregory street; Joseph E. lVihitchu.rch, Smith Francis Nichola.s esq. Wingfie.Id park, Derlby ",,"ood street Smith William, Dun'stead ho. LangJey Mill R.S.O. Nobts County l''llice Station, Town hall, Adam Savory, inspec­ Sudbury Francis esq. Field house, Ilkeston B.S.O tor; 2 s('rgpaIlt~ & 13 constaLlBS Tatham Willi&n esq. Stanley house, IlkeSlton B.S.O Fire Brig:lde Station, ~lar~l"t place, Hy. Jas. Kilford, ca-pt Turnffi' Tom Newsum esq. Ea.stwood, Nottingham General CemBlt.ery, Stanton road, William Shakespeare, Wooiley James John AI1t.hur esq. Loscoe, Derby sec.; John Honscr, supocintendent Wright AlIJert Leslie esq. Butterley hall, DCJI'by Dkeston Hospital, Heanor road, IkJ bert Wood M.B.C. S. Wright Fitzherbert esq. The Hayes, Swanwick consulting surgeon; Harry Potter L.R.C.P.Edin. Jsph. OJerk to the Magist.rn.te,s, Fros. Darwin Huish,Market pI Carroli M.B., G.M. & John Jo,seph Tob~n M.D. WiEiam Pelity Sessions a.re held at the Town Hall every thu'llSday Ranklin Paton M,B. G. Willis, Leslie Fyfe Walker M.B. at 11 a,m. & at Heanol' & &ipley every alternate mon­ medioaJ. officers; ..!.rtlmr Butt, hon. sec.; Miss Alice day. The following pl,aces a.re included in the dUvi­ Dean, matron slon:~dnor, Coduor Park. Dale Abbey, Denby, West Park Cemetery, Paork avenue, Arthur Horridge,supt Hallam, Heanor, HOI1Sley, HorsIey WooonoThSe, llkeston, Town Hall, Market place Kirk Hallam, Loscoo, Mapperley, Morey, Pentrich, Rip­ ley, Sandiacre, Slupley, Smalley, Stanley & Stanton-by­ Volunteers. Dale 2nd Volunteer Battalion, Sherwood Foresters (Derbyshire OJrporoation, 1894-95. Regiment) ! of M Co. Capt. M. Hunter, commandant; W. E. Walker, lieut Mayor, Alderman Frederick Beardsley. Public Officers. Aldermen. AS'sUstant Overseer &; Collect<lr {)f POO'1' Rates, John Atten- ·William Merry FreJerick Beardsley b()l'ough Walker, Ma~ket 9treet aSamuel Robinson Frands Sudbury Certifying F,acwry SurgNlD, Robert Wood, 19 Market pI -Samuel Richards William Tatham Calleclor of ASiSessed Tax~, Charles W~lliam HUM, 35 Those Aldermen before whose name (a) is placed r~tire in S>taVion road 1895, the others in 1898. Medical Officer, No, 3 DiJst.riot, BasioI'd Union, Harry Councillors. Potter L.B.C.P.Edin. Ba.tfu s.treet Regist:ra.r of Births & Deaths for Ilkesown Sub-distme:t. Central Ward. Guorge Barker, St. Mary street Presiding Alderman at Ward Elections, Samuel Robim;on RRgistrar of Marriage<!, WilLiam Merry, Market place tBenjamin Gregory !James O'Hara Places of Worship, with times of Services. tSamuel Wood *George Archer St. Mary's Ohurch, Re'V. Edward Muirhead Evans M.A. tCharles Maltby *Edwin Sutton wear; 8 & II a.m. & 3 & 6,30 p.m.; trequent dWly Korth W.ard. services Presiding Alderman at Ward Elections, Samuel Richards. St. Bal"liholomew, HalJam Fields, Rev. William Thomas tWilliam Barton tEnoch Limb S<traibford, curate in oharge; 8 &; II a,m. & 6,30 p.m. ; tRichard Hunt "Samuel Bloor wednesday, 7.30 p.m tNathan Buxton *Isaiah Fisher Roly Trinity Church, Granby street, Rev. John Edward Spul1h Ward. !libbe-rt Binney M.A. (vioor); 6·45, 8 & 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. daily; Holy C<lmmunion 8 a.m. (except tues. & Presiding Alderman at Ward Elections, Francis Sudbury. thurs. 6.45 a.m.) &; 7.30 p.m tGeorge Haslam tJoseph Scattergood St. John t~e Evangelist, Nottingham road, served from teharles Mitchell *Horace Moss St. )Ial')'s; 8 &; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; daily, 10 a.m. tEdwin Hall *Edwin Trueman & 7 p.m Marked thus t retire in 1895. Our Lady & St. Thoma.s (Ca.tholic), Regent street, Rev. Marked td.ms t retire in 1896. Ja.s. McCarthy, priest; 9 & II: a.ID_ & 6.30 p.m.; dailJy, Marked thUll * retire in 18 97. 8 p.m Baptist, Queen street, Rev. Geoo-ge Dean J effcoat; 10.45 . Offic9I'3 of the Corpol"altion. a.m. &; 6 p.m.; tues. 7.30 p.m TOlln Clerk, Wright Lissetit, Town hall Christian Testament Di9Oi.ples, Belvoir .stJreet ;10.30 a.m. Treasurer, Frederick Abel Smith & 6 p.m Medica'l Officer of Health, John J. Tobin M.D. Stanton rd Congregational, Market pla<:e, Re'V. James HM"bert Bain- Boroug-h Surveyor & Engine€r of Water Works, Henry oon; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m James Kilford, Town hall Collgreg,amonal (Kensington); 6,30 p.m. & tues. 7.30 p.m Sanitary Inspeotor, Thomas Evan!l, South street Methodist New Connexion, Stamford street, various; Collector of Rat00, Frederick Beardsley, Album ho.BuN la 10·45 a.m. & 6 p.m Sergoont-M-Mace, Achilles Brown Prim.itil"~ Method~st, Bath stJreet, Rev.John HeI1I'y He~ms- Gas Works Manager, Frederick Chilton Humphrys hall; 10·45 a.m. & 6 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m Primitive Mesthodi,st, :NotJtingha.m :road; 10.45 B.m. &; 5 Public E&tablislunents. p.m. ; thllr:.uay,~-> 7 p.m County Court held in the Town hall, monthly, altternately Uruiwrian, Anchor row, Market place; 10.30 a.m. &; with Belp&r, His Honor William W. Cecil Smyly ~.C.. 6.30 p.m LL.B. judge; John Borough, registrar; chief olerk, Wesleyan Methodist Free Church, South street, Rev John Thomas Hall, Dkestoll. The following is a list o.f places Parkin; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; tues. 7.!5 p.m in the Oounty CoUl't d.i:strict :-.Am~gate, Awsw(}rth, Ebenezer Methodist Free Church. Awsworth road,various; Bargate, Bedlam, Belper. Belper GOl'ses, Belpel' Lane' 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; tues. 7 p.m End. BlackJb1'OOk, Boghouses. Bottlebrook, Broadiholme, ·Wesleyan, Buth street, Rev. Am.b.uJ." B. Rolford; 10.30 Buckland Hollow. Ohevin, Copper Yards, Cotm:anfb.ay, a.m. &; 6 p.m.; tuBS. 7 p.m Cowhoustl Lane, Cos.sall, Coxbenoh, Cumbersome, Dale Wesleyan; Station TOad; 10.30 a.m. & (5 p.m.; tues. 7. 1 5.
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