1899. OONGRESSION AL~ RECORD-SENATE. 1443 By Mr. RAY of New York: Petition of citizens of the Twenty­ women of Hawaii; which was referred to the Select Committee si:xth Congressi onal district of the State of New York, for the abo­ on \Voman Suffrage. lition of the sale of liquors in Government buildings, etc.-to the He also presented a memorial of the executive board of the Na­ Committee on Alcoholic Liquor Traffic. tional Live Stock Exchange, r emonstrating against the unjust By Mr. ROBINSON of Indiana: Petition of citizens of Steuben statements reported to be made by officials high in authority rela­ County, Ind., to prohibit the sale of liquor in canteens and in im­ tive to the live-stock industry; which was referred to the Commit­ migrant stations and Government buildings-to the Committee tee on Agriculture and Forestry. on Alcoholic Liquor Traffic. Mr. HOAR presented the memorial of Charles Franqis Adams, Dy Mr. SHOW ALTER: Petition of Winfield Grange, No. 1105, of Boston, Mass., and 22 other prominent citizens of the United of Butler County, Pa., urging the passage of the Hanna-Payne States, remonstrating against the ratification of the treaty of ~hipping bill-to tho Committee on the Merchant Marine and peace without amendment; which was referred to the Committee Fisheries. on Foreign Relations. Also, petition of the United Presbyterian congregation of Rocky He also presented the memorials of F. J. Kinney and 61 other Springs, Pa., to prohibit the sale of liquor in canteens, in immi­ citizens, and of Herbert F. Binney and 9 other citizens, all in the grant stations, and in Government buildings-to the Committee State of Massachusetts; of R. C. David and 46 other citizens, on Alcoholic Liquor Traffic. Charles McClusky and 19 other citizens, James H. Kidder, E. By Mr. SULLOWAY: Petition of the Woman's Christian Tem­ Seely Bartlett and 29 other citizens, and of Alexander Law and 2 perance Union and Methodist Church of Center Sandwich, N. H., other citizens, all in the State of New York; of H. E. Thayer and to forbid interstate gambling by telegraph or telephone-to the 10 other citizons, l\Iorrison I. Swift and 33 other citizens, and of Committee on the Judiciary. A. C. Heimbach and 50 other citizens, all in the State of Cali­ By Mr. SWANSON: Petition of the heirs of Meshack Griffith, fornia; of William Hall and 49 other citizens, F . Mentzel and GG deceased, late of Franklin County, Va., praying reference of his other citizens, and of E. S. Lynn and G4: other citizens, all in war claim to the Court of Claims-to the Committee on War the State of Colorado; of 0. L. Kent and 19 other citizens, antl Claims. of E. M . White and 3 other citizens, all in the State of Vir­ · By Mr. TAYLER of Ohio: Petition of the Presbyterian Church ginia; of Miles F . Porter and 28 other citizens, and of S. T. Bitters of Lisbon, Ohio, to prohibit the sale of liquor in Government and 22 other citizens, all in the State of Indiana; of E . l\l. Pope buildings-to the Committee on Alcoholic Liquor Traffic. and of F. C. Gibbs and 23 other citizens, all in the State of Min­ Also, petition of fourth-class postmasters of Mahoning County, nesota; of W. S. Barrett and 0 other citizens and of C. C. P earce Ohio, in behalf of House bills Nos. 4030 and 4031, to increase the and 2.2 other citizens, all in the State of Georgia; of W. H. Ar­ compensation of fourth-class postmasters-to the Committee on buckle and 37 other citizens of Pennsylvania; of Samuel H. Smith the Post-Office and Post-Roads. and 21 other citizens of Kansas; of Henry B. Mueggenborg and 9 By Mr. TAYLOR of Alabama: Petition of Frank A. Lumsden, other citizens of Iowa; of C. M. L ewis and 50 other citizens of John A. Dorgan, and other master pilots of Mobile, Ala., to give Kentucky; of S. C. Beck and 29 other citizens of Connecticut; of to steamboat men the right of trial by jury for infringement of James A. Victor and 69 other citizens of Ohio; of Patrick Garvin the articles of inspection and navigation laws of the United and 19 other citizens of Illinois; of C. P. Overby and 9 other citi­ States-to the Committee on the Merchant Marine and Fisheries. zens of North Dakota; of G. J. Pierson aml !) other citizens of By l\Ir. VANDIVER: Petitions of Thomas .Mix and 221 citizens Michigan: of N. D. Baker and 39 other citizens of West Virginia; of Oak Mound, Mo., and J. D. Ousley and 108 citizens of Pomona, of Frank K. Ryan and 47 other citizens of Miss'ouri; of ::M:. Marshall Mo., ' favoring postal savings banks-to the Committee on the and 19 other citizens of Vermont; of Robort IIaldeman and 20 Post-Office and Post-Roads. other citizens of Nebraska; of Smith .M. Lord ancl 29 other citi­ zens of Maine; of Alexander Nicholas and 0 other citizens of Ala­ bama; of Henry W. Fletchernnd9 othercitizensofNewHamp3hire; SENATE. of W. l\I. Jones and 9 other citizens of Arkansas, and of P. B. Wat­ rns and !) other citizens of Oklahoma, remonstrating against any SATURDAY, Februar·y 4, 1899. extension of the sovereignty of the United States over the Philip­ Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MrLDURN, D. D. pine Islands in any event, and over any other foreign territory The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's pro­ without the free consent of the people thereof; which were re­ ceedings, when, on motion of l\Ir. ALLEN, and by unanimous con· f erred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. sent, the further reading was dispensed with. Mr. MITCHELL presented a memorial of Local Union No. 61, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Journal will stand ap­ Cigar Makers' International Union, of La Crosse, Wis., r emonstrat­ proved, if there be no objection. It is approved. ing against any extension of the sovereignty of the United States REDUCTION IN NUMBER OF OFFICERS IN NA. VY. over the Philippine Islands in any event, and ovor any other for­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a commu­ eign territory without the free consent of the people thereof; nication from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting, in response which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. to a resolution of the 2d instant, a table showing the reductions l\.Ir. ALLEN presented a petition of the Woman's Suffrage As­ in the number of officers of the Navy u·nder the operation of the sociation of Tablerock, Nebr., praying that the right of suffrugo act of August 5, 1882 ; also the reduction in each branch of the be granted the women of Hawai.i; which was referred to the Select naval service, the method by which the reduction was accom­ Committee on Woman Suffrage. plished, etc.; which was referred to the Committee on Naval Af­ He also presented a petition of sundry citizens of Minden, Nebr., fairs, and ordered to be printed. praying that the rank of second lieutenant be given to veterinary Rurg-eons in the Army; which w as referred to the Committee on MESSAGE FROM THE HOlJSE. Military Affairs. A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. W . J. He also presented a petition of Local Union No. 1, International BROWNING, its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had agreed Union of Bicycle Workers and Allied Mechanics, of Toledo, Ohio, to the report of the committee of conference on the disagreeing praying for the passage of the eight-hour bill; which wa3 r eferred votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the to the Committee on Education and Labor. bill (H. R. 11487) m akin~ appropriations for the diplomatic and He also presented the petition of T. A. Wiese and 81 other citi­ consular service for the nscal year ending June 30, 1900. zens of Central City, Nebr., praying for the maintenance of the The message also announced that the House hacl passed a bill prohibition law in the Territory of Alaska; which was referred to (H. R. 2374) authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to issue a the Committee on Territories. duplicate bond to Benjamin H. March, executor of the last will Mr. GALLINGER presented a petition of the Woman's Chris­ and testament of Ruth March, deceased; in which it requested tian Temperance Onion of Somersworth, N . H., and a petition of the concurrence of tho Senn.te. the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Grantham and North ENROLLED DILL SIGNED. Grantham, N. H., praying for tha enactment of legislation to pro­ Tho message further announced that the Speaker of the House hibit the sale of liquor in canteens of the Army and Navy and of h acl signeu the enrolled bill (H . R . 6718) for the relief of Samuel Soldiers' Homes, and in immigrant stations and Government build­ Racey; and it was thereupon signed by the President pro temporc. ings; which were referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. He also presented a petition of the Woman's Christian Tem­ PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. perance Union of Somersworth, N. H .. praying for the enact­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore presented a petition of sundry ment of legislation to prohibit the transmission by mail or mter­ citizens of the United States, praying for the enactment of legis­ state commerce of pictures or descriptions of prize fights; which lation to prohibit the sale of liquor in canteens in the Army and was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
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