Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 6-14-1963 The Ledger and Times, June 14, 1963 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, June 14, 1963" (1963). The Ledger & Times. 4227. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/4227 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. "Between-the-Lakes" Area To Be Made Nationa Recreation Area Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper In The Afternoon Newspaper God • Daily For Murray We and Trust Calloway County United Press international DI OITR 64tli YEAR Murray, Ky., Friday Afternoon, June 14, 1963 MURRAY POPULATION 10, 100 Vol. LXXX1V No. 141 .PAVING PROGRAM WILL GET UNDERWAY is Opening Night Ducats" Mayfield Paving Company NewLarry MurrayHenson Coach h Project To For Stars Selling Murray High Is Cafeteria Fund Well Says Lancaster tudents Will Low Bidder For Work Here Demonstrate Tickets for the opening night per- formance of -Stars in My Cress n.'' are selling rapicils. to The Murray Cita. Council last faith" bond on deposit with the accordingEnter Program 6-02 Frank Lancaster, the show's buso night accepted the bid of the May- city clerk. ;which will be refunded news manager field Paving Company for the pro- on completion of the work Jar Raising Project Use of Land The first performance will be Six Callowoy County students posed paving program in Murray Much work has been done to ready summerni. company June 22 in the new Kentucky Lake have been accepted to study at a this The entered city streets for the paving The Arnsht heater "Only 200 'ickets summer science and 'a bid of $7.82 per ton of 'saying proper base for paying has been President Kennedy today notified mathematics are left for people in Murray." training program imxture for the low bid. Two other built up on must unpaved .streets Congressman Frank Albert Stubble- this summer at i9 Lancaster said, "and unless they Murray State College firms bid on the project. Middle- proposed for paving, however some 0 field and Senator John S Cooper get their orders in soon they'll miss west Roads with a bid of $7.85 and cannot be paved because of recent At Faxon that the Tennessee Valley Author- Those selected include: Beverly' Set Construction Company the premiere." Brooks, the M H water and sewer line installations. ity will develop a National Recrea- R. Nancy L. Cowin, Bev- All tickets for opening night are with a bid of $800 per ton. Since Mai 24 the city has placed tion Area as a demonstration in erly Ann Goode, Linda Truett Lilly, The first money making project. funds would be raised in a com- unreserved and all are $3 each. The council will ask the Mayfield 400 loads of gravel on Story. Henry. resource development in the 170.- Peggy L Robertson. and Ann Beale to raise funds for the construction munity effort. Tickets may be bought at the "Stars company to place a $1,000 "tid Johnson. North 17th street and 000 acre "Between the Lakes" area Rafael) who all attended Murray ,fg of a new cafeteria. at Faxon School The county board of education In My Crown" office at Lancaster- 19th street to give these streets which lies between the TVA Ken- I'High School • will be undertaken by the Futon told a delegation of parents at a Veal store a better and broader base This tucky' Lake reservoir on the Tennes- The training program is jointly Mothers Club on Saturday night. meeting in January that the local Bible School For work was done by the Murray see River and the Army Corps of sponsored by Murray State and June ?and system did not have available suf- Street Department, Murray Water Engineers Barkley Lake reservoir the National Science Foundation. Church Will Begin Plans for the project call for a ficient capital outlay funds for Ac Sewer System and the Murray on the Cuniberland River. One hundred-twer'y five students variety show and an ice cream sup- building a new room Rev. Mischke Sanitation System Two thirds of the area involved from twelve states will attend the Vacation Bible School will begin per in addition entertainment will Under present plans the money Streets set up to be paved on the lies in Western Keotucky with the eight-week session Most of the at the Locust Grove Baptist Church be provided by the Rhythm Ram- for the project will be raised in the "one-third cost share" basis are as remaining one third in Tennessee. stiasients will live on campus dur- on Monday. June 17, from 1:30 to blers bawl. community and the county will Larry Hansom Transferred ing the program follows, For a distance of about 40 miles but a few from 4.30 each afternoon. The need for a new cafeteria arose then let the contract for construc- Booth 11th and Story ion the above each darn the shoreline of nearby will commute. Tuition and There will be classes for all chil- as the result of a lack of class- tion The Murray Board of Education curvet about 500 feet last the lakes lie only from six to ewelve at least half of room-and-board ex- dren ages 3-16 Eiveryone is wel- room space Plans have been ap- An estimated $1.000 is needed night elected Larry Henson as Bagwell Subdivision i part of this by miles apart. - To Memphis penses will be asounnd by the col- come If transportatton is needed, head basketball coach at Murray c proved to build a new lunch room the first of August to begin the ige and the National area, 3500 feet High School to replace Larrs 0 They enclose a narrow strip of Science Foun- 1:S...se call 753-6271 and convert the present lunch room building program, a Mothers Club dation, Cherry from Spruce to Chestnut. Bale who recently resigned wooded ridges up to 300 feet with Into needed class room soace spokesman told the Ledger At Times Res Walter Mischke has been 1100 feet a broad stretch of reservoir on each The major objective of the pro- flails for the construction of the today Pledges for transferred to the Mullirts Memorial Broad from Sycamore to Nash approximately Henson, a native of Flora. III.. side_ gram is to offer excellent high Funeral For Monroe new building were approved by the half the amount haft already been Methodist Church in Memphis. Ten- Drive 1125 feet has had three years successful The president noted that this school courses to a selected group Calloway County Board of Educa- recemed from patrons of the school nessee. according to information re- Slig.n. Tomorrow S 9th from Sycamore to Nash teaching and coaching experience area is within 200 miles of ten mil- of capable students who will not tion only after the patrons of the and it is important that the leased at noon today by the Mem- Drive. 1125 feet re- at Mascouthah. High School lion people living in the midwest have an opportunity to take surh school assured the board that the mainder be raised soon Funeral services for Norman Mon- North 17th. part of it, 1000 feet He holds both B S and Master's and thus the development ; of a courses in their own high schools_ It is hoped that thea money can roe Slitter will be conducted Satur- Locust froni Hickory to Williams Degrees from Murray State Col- Motional Recreation In In addition to the rigid subject Rs Mimed Area that day at 11 o'clock at the-Max Chur- feet in tlase-fer to begin lege where he played varsity bask- matter presentation, guidance and 608 on location meets She recommendation chill Chapel BPS Puri/ Matthews the building early enough to etball and tennis Te received the eouseling services will be emphasis- On Wiese sereets /le city pays low use made by the Out of Doors Recrea- will officiate anal burial will be in College High of the room for the tall Most Valuable Senior Basketball ed in order to acquaint students (Colillioned eel Page 41 school tion Resourcrs Review Commission the Barnett Cemetery term Award at Murray State with their capabilities and with the Final and endorsed by the president in Mr anger, age 67. died Thursday completion of the interior career opportunities in science. his special message to congress morning the Murray Hospital of the nee room which will be at- The new coach is married to the at FBLA Chapter last year that recreational facili- tached former Patty Se-henk He resided at 201 East Maple Street Five Members to the present building will of Flora, Ill, ties for our more densly populated Survivors previously be made during the fall term as and they have two daughters, Vicki Revival Still In not listed in- • area should be a priority target grandchildren additional funds can be raised thro- I Jo. 6. and DeAnn. 14 months They chide 21 Nearly half the land under con- Progress By Church Wins Award ugh serials projects of the Mo- are members of the Methodistod • Friends may call at the Max Initiated By sideration for the Recreational -- thers Club Church and plan to move to Mur- Area Churchill Funeral Home. silready is in Federal ownership in The revival in progress at the Tickets to the variety show and ray on August 15 Dan Harelson.
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