82 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 22 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juni 2009 SHORT NOTE Herpetofaunal data from Ilovik and neighboring islets (Cres-Lošinj Archipelago, Croatia) As part of a cooperation between the Zoological and Botanical Garden of the City of Budapest, Hungary and Öko-Centar Beli, Cres, Croatia, Hungarian zoologists repeat- edly visited the islands of the Cres-Lošinj Archipelago since 2002 and extended their research onto smaller islets surrounding the two main islands in 2007. In that year the authors collected herpetofaunal data on the Ilovik Archipelago located south of Lošinj. Seven islets of this island group (Batelić (Školjić), Ilovik, Kozjak, Male Orjule, Sveti Petar, Trasorka, Vele Orjule, Fig. 1, Table 1) SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 22 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juni 2009 SHORT NOTE 83 were visited on May 7 to 10 by means of a which are themselves the crumbled and now rented ship as well as power boat kindly submarine slopes of the mountains of the made available by the Lošinj Marine Edu- Istra Peninsula (Čićarija and Učka mountain cation Centre. ranges) (TÓTH et al. 2006). Climate and The area is best known zoologically vegetation are typically Mediterranean, the for its important nesting population of grif- predominant plant cover on these limestone fon vultures Gyps fulvus, and the only per- and dolomitic islands is garrigue or mac- manent school of bottle-nosed dolphins chia; woodland (mainly Quercus ilex as Tursiops truncatus, in the entire Northern well as Pinus halepensis) is found almost Adriatic. In addition, the type specimen of exclusively on Ilovik. There are no perma- the monk seal Monachus monachus has also nent water bodies (rivers or lakes) on these originated from the Kvarner region. Herpe- islands, the sources of freshwater are tem- tofaunal data on Ilovik and neighboring porary ponds and wells. Ilovik is the largest islands are to be found mainly in the works and best known, as well as the only perma- of KAMMERER (1926), WETTSTEIN (1926) nently inhabited among these islands, with and BRELIH (1963). the sole settlement giving home to approxi- Podarcis melisellensis fiumana (WER- mately 100 people in 2001, and with a har- NER, 1891) and Podarcis siculus campestris bor extremely popular to yachtsmen in the DE BETTA, 1857 are the two dominant lizard holiday season. species on the Kvarner Islands (MAYER & Vele Orjule (Oriule Grande) is PODNAR 2002). The lizards’ zoogeography, entirely uninhabited, the occasional pres- their speciation as well as the history of ence of humans is seen only in the tempo- their dispersal were first discussed in detail rary shelter of fishermen and a jetty. The by WETTSTEIN (1949). Whereas P. melisel- island is densely covered by bushes, very lensis is the most common (most abundant) few trees grow in the garrigue habitat, con- species on both Cres and Lošinj, the territo- sisting mainly of Cupressus sempervirens ry of P. siculus is situated on the surround- and P. halepensis. Some Euscorpius scorpi- ing smaller islands, thus forming a “ring” ons were found under stones and planks and around that of its smaller relative (KAM- numerous P. siculus were seen. MERER 1926; WETTSTEIN 1949; TÓTH et al. The presence of this lizard was report- 2006). Of the two main islands P. siculus is ed by KAMMERER (1926), BRELIH (1963), found only on Lošinj, in the harbor of Mali and HENLE & KLAVER (1986). According to Lošinj, suggesting that it has been intro- WETTSTEIN (1926) GALVAGNI collected spe- duced there by man. Of small-bodied cimens between June 7th and 9th, 1911 on lizards P. melisellensis is thus dominant on the islets of Kozjak, Trasorka, Batelić, and the two large islands, besides the sporadi- Male and Vele Orjule, of which WETTSTEIN cally occurring Algyroides nigropunctatus gives measurements in his (1926) work. To nigropunctatus (DUMÉRIL & BIBRON, 1839) our knowledge vouchers from Vele Orjule and Podarcis muralis (LAURENTI,1768) are available in the collections of the (DIECKMANN 2004). Prirodosloveni Muzej Slovenije, Ljubljana Ilovik and neighboring islets represent and the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien. extensions of the islands of Cres and Lošinj, The coloration of the animals observed Table 1: Coordinates, size and elevation of the studied islets south of the Cres-Lošinj Archipelago, Croatia. Name Coordinates Coordinates Size Maximum Date of N --> S W --> E (km2) elevation (m) visit 2007 Batelić (Školjić) 44º28’57’’- 44º28’53.5’’N 14°33’47’’-14°33’51’’E 0.04 ~ May 7 Ilovik 44°27’52’’- 44°26’27’’N 14°31’46’’-14°34’45’’E 5.8 88 May 7+8 Kozjak 44°28’50’’- 44°28’28’’N 14°32’27’’-14°32’46.5’’E 0.21 ~ May 7+8 Male Orjule 44°29’42’’- 44°28’57’’N 14°33’45’’-14°34’14.5’’E 0.34 11 May 7 Sveti Petar 44°28’18.5’’- 44°27’33’’N 14°32’29.5’’-14°33’55.5’’E 0.96 62 May 7+10 Trasorka 44°29’44.5’’- 44°29’34.5’’N 14°32’24.5’’-14°32’33’’E 0.04 ~ May 7 Vele Orjule 44°30’31.5’’- 44°29’36’’N 14°32’42’’-14°33’45’’E 1.1 30 May 7 84 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 22 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juni 2009 SHORT NOTE 1 2 3 4 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 22 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juni 2009 SHORT NOTE 85 appeared typical to us, and, having no natu- south of the region dealt with here) P. me- ral enemies, they were very abundant just lisellensis occurs. We were unable to ven- like anywhere else in the archipelago under ture far into the dense vegetation and ob- comparable conditions. served lizards only on the bare coastal strip, Male Orjule (Oriule Piccola) some of which were uniform greenish. is presently uninhabited, but as we were told Vouchers collected by earlier workers are by the owner of our boat, a recently died fish- available at the Naturhistorisches Museum erman used to live here. The house is sur- Wien (NHMW 11311:29). rounded by gigantic Phoenix canariensis, a Batelić (Školjić)is an uninhabited lawn freed from stones, and scattered in the islet (rather a cliff) covered mainly by low garrigue there are some Opuntia ficus-indi- vegetation due to the intense grazing activity ca of considerable dimensions. In addition of goats which can survive here as well as on to Qu. ilex, Juniperus oxycedrus, Agave other deserted islands in the absence of americana and C. sempervirens also occur. water. Characteristic plants include Heli- There are numerous paths leading in all crysum italicum and Pistacia terebinthus. directions on the island, which are kept The presence of P. siculus was report- passable by grazing goats. ed by KAMMERER (1926), WETTSTEIN (1926), Podarcis siculus seems to be the sole BRELIH (1963) and HENLE & KLAVER reptile species on this island (KAMMERER (1986); voucher specimens are available at 1926; WETTSTEIN 1926; BRELIH 1963; HEN- the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien. Inter- LE & KLAVER 1986). According to the latter estingly, both KAMMERER (1926) as well as authors voucher specimens are available in WETTSTEIN (1926) state that the lizards in- the collections of the Prirodosloveni Muzej habiting these islands, and in particular Slovenije, Ljubljana and the Naturhisto- Batelić, have a darker coloration than those risches Museum Wien. We caught several living elsewhere. However, we cannot con- specimens among the fallen palm leaves and firm this on the basis of our observations of between tree trunks. These exhibited a great exclusively typical colored specimens. On variation in coloration and pattern, i. e. there the other hand, numerous specimens with were both uniform green and melanistic missing tailtips were seen, pointing to the individuals in addition to typical specimens. presence of predators. Trasorka is covered by dense thorny Kozjak (Kosjak) is an uninhabit- bushes in the absence of goats. The sea has ed islet. No goats were seen, however, a deposited huge piles of garbage, mainly number of patches freed from thorny bush- plastic, along the rocky coast. The most es were obvious in the plant cover, which typical plant on the island is C. semper- consisted of Punica granatum, H. italicum virens. and Euphorbia sp., among others. The only reptile observed on this islet Podarcis siculus were not only scarce was P. siculus, as already reported by HENLE on the islet, but also extremely wary. All & KLAVER (1986) on account of KAMME- specimens observed had a typical coloration. RER’s (1926) data, and mentioned by WETT- The presence of this species was reported by STEIN (1926). HENLE & KLAVER (1986) spe- WETTSTEIN (1926) as well as HENLE & KLA- culate that Trasorka (Tasorka) is identical VER (1986) on account of KAMMERER (1926). with Tramerka, but the two are definitely Anumber of voucher specimens are avail- separate islands: whereas Trasorka is inhab- able at the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien. ited by P. siculus, on Tramerka (Mala and Sveti Petar (San Pietro di Nembi), Velika Tramerka are located off Molat, is an uninhabited islet off the coast of Ilovik, ___________________________________ Figs. 1-4 (opposite page). Fig. 1: The studied islets in the south of the Cres-Lošinj Archipelago, Croatia. 1 - Trasorka, 2 - Vele Orjule, 3 - Male Orjule, 4 - Kozjak, 5 - Sveti Petar, 6 - Ilovik, 7 - Batelić (Školjić). Fig. 2: Small pond on Ilovik Island (Croatia). Fig. 3: Amplectant pair of Bufo viridis LAURENTI, 1768. First record of the species from Ilovik Island (Croatia). Fig. 4: Hierophis gemonensis (LAURENTI, 1768). First record of the species from Ilovik Island (Croatia). 86 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 22 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juni 2009 SHORT NOTE from which it is separated merely by a nar- was a pair of amplectant Bufo viridis LAU- row channel. There are a number of build- RENTI, 1768 (FIG.
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