![Literature Cited Robert W. Kiger, Editor This Is a Consolidated List Of](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
RWKiger 5 Jul 18 Literature Cited Robert W. Kiger, Editor This is a consolidated list of all works cited in volume 4, whether as selected references, in text, or in nomenclatural contexts. In citations of articles, both here and in the taxonomic treatments, and also in nomenclatural citations, the titles of serials are rendered in the forms recommended in G. D. R. Bridson and E. R. Smith (1991). When those forms are abbreviated, as most are, cross references to the corresponding full serial titles are interpolated here alphabetically by abbreviated form. In nomenclatural citations (only), book titles are rendered in the abbreviated forms recommended in F. A. Stafleu and R. S. Cowan (1976–1988) and F. A. Stafleu and E. A. Mennega (1992+). Here, those abbreviated forms are indicated parenthetically following the full citations of the corresponding works, and cross references to the full citations are interpolated in the list alphabetically by abbreviated form. Two or more works published in the same year by the same author or group of coauthors will be distinguished uniquely and consistently throughout all volumes of Flora of North America by lower-case letters (b, c, d, ...) suffixed to the date for the second and subsequent works in the set. The suffixes are assigned in order of editorial encounter and do not reflect chronological sequence of publication. The first work by any particular author or group from any given year carries the implicit date suffix "a"; thus, the sequence of explicit suffixes begins with "b". There may be citations in this list that have dates suffixed "b" but that are not preceded by citations of "[a]" works for the same year, or that have dates suffixed "c," "d," or "e" but that are not preceded by citations of "[a]," "b," "c," and/or "d" works for that year. In such cases, the missing "[a]," "b," "c," and/or "d" works are ones cited (and encountered first from) elsewhere in the Flora that are not pertinent in this volume. Abbild. Beschr. Cact.—See: L. K. G. Pfeiffer and C. F. Otto [1838–]1843–1850 Abegaz, B. and B. Tecle. 1980. A new triterpenoid glycoside from the seeds of Glinus lotoides. Phytochemistry 19: 1553–1554. Abh. Königl. Ges. Wiss. Göttingen = Abhandlungen der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Abh. Math.-Phys. Cl. Königl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. = Abhandlungen der Mathematisch- physikalischen Classe der Königlich bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abh. Naturwiss. Vereine Bremen = Abhandlungen herausgegeben vom Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereine zu Bremen. Abrams, L. 1904. Flora of Los Angeles and Vicinity. Stanford. (Fl. Los Angeles) Abrams, L. and R. S. Ferris. 1923–1960. Illustrated Flora of the Pacific States: Washington, Oregon, and California. 4 vols. Stanford. Academia Sinica. 1959+. Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae. 80+ vols. Beijing. Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. = Acta Botanica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. Acta Bot. Mex. = Acta Botanica Mexicana. Acta Bot. Sin. = Acta Botanica Sinica. [Zhiwu Xuebao.] Acta Univ. Lund. = Acta Universitatis Lundensis. Nova Series. Sectio 2, Medica, Mathematica, Scientiae Rerum Naturalium. [Lunds Universitets Årsskrift N.F., Avd. 2.] Adamson, R. S. 1956. The South African species of Aizoaceae III. Galenia L. J. S. African Bot. 22: 87–127. Adamson, R. S. and H. M. L. Bolus. 1950. Aizoaceae. In: R. S. Adamson and T. M. Salter. 1950. Flora of the Cape Peninsula. Cape Town. Pp. 363–365. Adamson, R. S. and T. M. Salter. 1950. Flora of the Cape Peninsula. Cape Town. Adanson, M. 1763[–1764]. Familles des Plantes. 2 vols. Paris. [Vol. 1, 1764; vol. 2, 1763.] (Fam. Pl.) Adansonia = Adansonia; Recueil Périodique d'Observations Botaniques. Addisonia = Addisonia; Colored Illustrations and Popular Descriptions of Plants. Aellen, P. 1928. Neue adventiv Chenopodium aus Schweden. Bot. Not. 1928: 203–210. Aellen, P. 1929. Beitrag zur Systematik der Chenopodium-Arten Amerikas. Verwiegend auf Grund der Sammlung des United States National Museum in Washington, D.C. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 26: 31–64, 119–160. Aellen, P. 1929b. Chenopodium ficifolium Sm. und seine Verwandten der aurasischen Flora. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 27: 220–223. Aellen, P. 1929c. Chenopodium amaranticolor Coste et Reynier, Ch. purpurascens Jacquin, Ch. giganteum Don, Ch. quinoa Willd., Ch. moquinianum Aellen und Ch. reynieri Ludwig et Aellen. Eine nomenklatorischen und systematischen Studien. Ber. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. 38: 5– 23. Aellen, P. 1930. Die systematische Stellung und Gliederung der R. Brownschen Gattung Dysphania. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 63: 438–490. Aellen, P. 1930b. Eine neue Sektion der Gattung Chenopodium (Sect. Tetrasepala). Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 63: 490–492. Aellen, P. 1933. Die Arten der Sect. Orthosporum der Gattung Chenopodium L. Verh. Naturf. Ges. Basel 44: 308–318. Aellen, P. 1959. Amaranthus. In: G. Hegi et al. 1936+. Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa, ed. 2. 6 vols. in 14. Munich. Vol. 3(2), pp. 465–516. Aellen, P. 1960–1961. Chenopodium. In: G. Hegi et al. 1936+. Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa, ed. 2. 6 vols. in 14. Munich. Vol. 3(2), pp. 569–659. Aellen, P. 1961. Corispermum. In: G. Hegi et al. 1936+. Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa, ed. 2. 6 vols. in 14. Munich. Vol. 3(2), pp. 716–723. Aellen, P. 1964. Corispermum. In: T. G. Tutin et al., eds. 1964–1980. Flora Europaea. 5 vols. Cambridge. Vol. 1, pp. 99–100. Aellen, P. 1964b. Atriplex. In: T. G. Tutin et al., eds. 1964–1980. Flora Europaea. 5 vols. Cambridge. Vol. 1, pp. 95–97. Aellen, P. 1973. Zum Formenkreis von Chenopodium L. Sect. Ambrina (Spach) Benth. und Hook. und Sect. Nigrescentia Aellen. Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 19: 1–12. Aellen, P. and T. Just. 1943. Key and synopsis of the American species of the genus Chenopodium L. Amer. Midl. Naturalist 30: 47–76. Alikutty, K. M. and N. M. Aleyas. 1978. Experimental weed (Glinus oppositifolius) toxicity in cattle. Kerala J. Veterin. Sci. 9: 145–148. Allg. Gartenzeitung = Allgemeine Gartenzeitung. Ambasta, S. P., ed. 1986. The Useful Plants of India. New Delhi. Ambrosi, F. 1854–1857. Flora del Tirolo Meridionale.... 2 vols. in parts. Padua. (Fl. Tirolo Mer.) Amer. Bot. (Binghamton) = The American Botanist; A Monthly Journal for the Plant Lover. Amer. Hort. (Alexandria) = American Horticulturalist. Amer. J. Bot. = American Journal of Botany. Amer. J. Sci. = American Journal of Science. Amer. J. Sci. Arts = American Journal of Science, and Arts. Amer. Midl. Naturalist = American Midland Naturalist; Devoted to Natural History, Primarily That of the Prairie States. Amer. Monthly Mag. & Crit. Rev. = American Monthly Magazine and Critical Review. Amer. Naturalist = American Naturalist.... Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid = Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid. Anales Mus. Hist. Nat. Montevideo = Anales del Museo de Historia Natural de Montevideo. Anales Soc. Ci. Argent. = Anales de la Sociedad Científica Argentina. Anderson, E. F. 1965. A taxonomic revision of Ariocarpus. Cact. Succ. J. (Los Angeles) 37: 39–49. Anderson, E. F. 1986. A revision of the genus Neolloydia B. & R. (Cactaceae). Bradleya 4: 1– 28. Anderson, E. F. 1987. A revision of the genus Thelocactus B. & R. (Cactaceae). Bradleya 5: 49–76. Anderson, E. F. 2001. The Cactus Family. Portland. Anderson, E. F. and W. A. Fitz Maurice. 1997. Ariocarpus revisited. Haseltonia 5: 1–20. Angiosperm Phylogeny Group 1998. An ordinal classification for the families of flowering plants. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 85: 531–553. Ann. Bot. Fenn. = Annales Botanici Fennici. Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York = Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. = Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugduno-Batavi = Annales Musei Botanici Lugduno-Batavi. Ann. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. = Annales du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. ["National" dropped after vol. 5.] Ann. Nat. = Annals of Nature; or, Annual Synopsis of New Genera and Species of Animals, Plants, &c. Discovered in North America. Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. = Annales des Sciences Naturelles. Botanique. Annuaire Conserv. Jard. Bot. Genève = Annuaire du Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques de Genève. Anthony, M. S. 1956. The Opuntieae of the Big Bend region of Texas. Amer. Midl. Naturalist 55: 225–256. Applequist, W. L. and R. S. Wallace. 2001. Phylogeny of the portulacaceous cohort based on ndhF sequence data. Syst. Bot. 26: 406–419. Arcangeli, G. 1882. Compendio della Flora Italiana.... Turin. (Comp. Fl. Ital.) Ariz. Cactuses—See: W. T. Marshall 1950 Armesto, J. J., G. P. Cheplick, and M. J. McDonnell. 1983. Observations of the reproductive biology of Phytolacca americana (Phytolaccaceae). Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 110: 380–383. Arnold, H. L. 1972. An Analysis of the Taxonomic Status of a New Taxon in the Genus Salsola. Ph.D. dissertation. Utah State University. Arp, G. 1973. Studies in the Colorado cacti VI. An interesting hybrid Opuntia from southwestern Colorado. Cact. Succ. J. (Los Angeles) 55: 219–221. Asa Gray Bull. = The Asa Gray Bulletin.... Ascherson, P. F. A. 1859–1864. Flora der Provinz Brandenburg.... 3 vols. Berlin. (Fl. Brandenburg) Ascherson, P. F. A. et al. 1896–1939. Synopsis der mitteleuropäischen Flora. 12 vols., some in parts. Leipzig. (Syn. Mitteleur. Fl.) Atlantic J. = Atlantic Journal, and Friend of Knowledge. Atlas Vasc. Pl. Texas—See: B. L. Turner et al. 2003 Atriplex Canada—See: I. J. Bassett et al. 1983 Aublet, J. B. 1775. Histoire des Plantes de la Guiane Françoise.... 4 vols. Paris. [Vols. 1 and 2: text, paged consecutively; vols. 3 and 4: plates.] (Hist. Pl. Guiane) Austin, D. F. 1984. Resumé of the Florida taxa of Cereus (Cactaceae). Florida Sci. 47: 65–68. Austral. J. Bot. = Australian Journal of Botany. Backeberg, C. 1958–1962. Die Cactaceae. Handbuch der Kakteenkunde. 6 vols. Jena. (Cactaceae) Backeberg, C. 1966. Das Kakteenlexikon. Enumeratio Diagnostica Cactacearum.... Stuttgart. (Kakteenlexikon) Backeberg, C. and F. M. Knuth. 1935. Kaktus-ABC. En Haandbog for Fagfolk og Amatører.... Copenhagen. (Kaktus-ABC) Bailey, L. H., ed. 1900–1902. Cyclopedia of American Horticulture...
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