FEATURE ARTICLES RHODONITE-PYROXMANGITE FROM TANATZ ALP, SWITZERLAND Franca Caucia, Luigi Marinoni, Maria Pia Riccardi, Omar Bartoli, and Maurizio Scacchetti The chemical, physical, and gemological properties of attractive rhodonite-rich rocks from Tanatz Alp (Switzer- land) were investigated using classical gemological methods, petrographic observation, and analytical techniques such as X-ray powder diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. The color of the sam- ples varied from pale pink to purplish pink; they were opaque and contained braunite, rhodochrosite, and spes- sartine. The gem-quality samples have an attractive color and are compact with no fractures. Tanatz Alp rhodonites are characterized by the presence of other minerals such as kutnohorite, spessartine, ankerite, rhodochrosite, khristovite-(Ce), pyroxmangite, and chlorite. The presence of the polymorph pyroxmangite was also confirmed by micro-Raman analyses. The samples had a chemical composition of MnO (45.97–48.64 wt.%) and SiO2 (46.70–47.92 wt.%), with very low amounts of MgO (0.64–1.65 wt.%) and CaO (<5 wt.%). Rhodonites from Tanatz Alp have some economic importance because of their use in jewelry and ornamental objects. hodonite is the Mn-rich member of the pyrox- state gem in 1979. Rhodonite is collected as a lap- enoid group; it is triclinic with a structure idary material and ornamental stone and is used to Rmade up of silicate chains parallel to the c-axis, make cabochons, beads, small sculptures, tumbled in turn composed of a repeating sequence of five stones, and other objects. High-quality crystals of tetrahedral units. The chains alternate with M octa- hedral sites, designated M1 though M5, where diva- lent cations reside (Deer et al., 1997, and references In Brief therein). The ideal chemical formula is MnSiO3. Rhodonite of this composition has been synthesized • Rhodonite from Tanatz Alp in Switzerland is associ- but has never been found in nature, where Ca, Mg, ated with kutnohorite, spessartine, ankerite, and rhodochrosite. and Fe2+ replace Mn (Ito, 1972). Rhodonite was first discovered in 1790 in the Ural • Classical gemological methods, petrographic obser- Mountains near Sidelnikovo. The mineral was vation, and analytical techniques demonstrated the presence of the two polymorphs of MnSiO3: named in 1819 by the German naturalist Christoph rhodonite and pyroxmangite. Friedrich Jasche. The name is derived from the Greek • Fashioned rhodonites from Tanatz Alp display an at- rhodo, which means “rose,” because of its character- tractive pale pink purplish pink color. istic pink color (figure 1). The Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg preserves many precious and deco- rative objects made with rhodonite that belonged to the Russian aristocracy, especially the czars. Even this mineral can be very expensive. Rhodonite is gen- today, Russian children exchange rhodonite eggs for erally found in massive translucent to opaque aggre- Easter as a gesture of friendship. In the United States gates, and the best-quality gems are transparent. The there are important rhodonite mines in New Jersey crystals have perfect cleavage in two directions and and in Massachusetts, which declared it the official low hardness (5.5–6 Mohs), making it one of the most difficult gemstones to cut. For this reason, faceted rhodonites are typically sold as collectible gems See end of article for About the Authors and Acknowledgments. rather than for jewelry use. GEMS & GEMOLOGY, Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 110–123, http://dx.doi.org/10.5741/GEMS.56.1.110 Rhodonite is very similar to its polymorph, pyrox- © 2020 Gemological Institute of America mangite, and to rhodochrosite (MnCO3). Pyroxman- 110 SWISS RHODONITE FROM TANATZ ALP GEMS & GEMOLOGY SPRING 2020 Figure 1. Rhodonite bead necklace and ear- rings. Photo by Emily Lane; courtesy of Dona Dirlam. gite has a structure very similar to that of rhodonite, acids, whereas rhodonite is resistant to acids and usu- with a repeating sequence of seven tetrahedral units; ally associated with manganese oxides. the distinction from rhodonite therefore requires Rhodonite and pyroxmangite contain small more accurate investigations with techniques such amounts of Ca, Mg, and Fe2+ substituting for Mn2+; as X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and electron mi- the P-T compositional stability limits have been in- croprobe. Rhodochrosite differs in that it frequently vestigated by many authors, but there are still uncer- shows white streaks of calcite and is reactive to hot tainties (Ito, 1972; Peters et al., 1973; Ohashi et al., SWISS RHODONITE FROM TANATZ ALP GEMS & GEMOLOGY SPRING 2020 111 1975; Maresch and Mottana, 1976; Brown et al., 1980; 1999), but those in the Tanatz Alp (figure 2) are less Akaogy and Navrotsky, 1985; Abrecht, 1988; Taka- well known. This work investigates the chemical, hashi and Hariya, 1995; Zanazzi et al., 2008; Diella et physical, and gemological properties of rhodonite al., 2014, and references therein). The two minerals from Tanatz Alp. can generally be distinguished on the basis of their chemical composition, as rhodonite contains a higher DESCRIPTION OF THE DEPOSIT amount of Ca (more than 0.05 wt.%) than pyroxman- Tanatz Alp is located about 2.5 kilometers south of gite. Rhodonite and pyroxmangite often occur to- the village of Splügen in the Swiss canton of Grisons. gether as a bladed intergrowth, in various types of ore The geological setting is similar to that of the more deposits and Mn-rich lithologies (Ohashi et al., 1975; famous Val Ferrera. Tanatz Alp lies between the crys- Jefferson et al., 1980; Pinckney and Burnham, 1988; talline basement and the sedimentary cover of the Millsteed et al., 2005; Michailidis and Sofianska, Tambo nappe in the so-called Spluga zone; a short dis- 2010). tance to the east is the nappe of Suretta. Both nappes Deposits of rhodonite are found all over the world. belong to the Pennidic domain and are formed by The most important are those at Broken Hill in New rocks of the crystalline basement, metamorphosed South Wales, Australia, where the best single-crystal gems are found (Millsteed et al., 2005; Millsteed, during the Alpine orogeny, and by overlying shallow- 2006); Franklin, New Jersey, in the United States basin sedimentary sequences, which were subse- (Nelson and Griffen, 2005); many areas of the Ural quently metamorphosed into Mn- and Fe-rich schists Mountains (Bukanov, 2006; Brusnitsyn, 2010); and quartzites (Biggioggero and Montrasio, 1990; fig- British Columbia, Canada (Simandl et al., 2001); ure 2). The first description of the minerals from Huánuco, Peru (Wilson,1989); Minas Gerais, Brazil Tanatz Alps was by Kenngott (1866), who reported (Quinn, 2004; Leverett et al., 2008); Pajnsberg, Swe- the discovery of rhodonite in Mount Splügen. den (Lee, 1958); and several localities in Japan At the beginning of the twentieth century, interest (Ohashi et al., 1975). A variety of rhodonite contain- in manganese minerals increased considerably, and ing high levels of zinc (up to 10 wt.% ZnO), called this Swiss resort became an economically important fowlerite, was found at Franklin, New Jersey (Nelson source (Grenouillet, 1920). Rhodonite in Tanatz Alp and Griffen, 2005). occurs in large isolated boulders between half a meter In the Italian Alps, rhodonite has been found in and a meter long (figure 3), distributed along an ex- the Praborna mine near San Marcel in Valle d'Aosta tension of about 100 meters on the slope to the west (Mottana, 1986), Feglierec near Alagna Valsesia in of the switchbacks ascending the pass at an elevation Piedmont (Peters et al., 1978), Monte Forno in Ma- of 1,720 m. Between 1918 and 1920, excavations were lenco Valley, Scerscen in Lombardy (Diella et al., carried out to identify the original outcrop of this 2014), and Monte Civillina in Veneto (Schiavinato, mineral, but without success. Since 1970, stonecut- 1953). Rhodonite is also found in the Apennines ters and artisans have rediscovered an appreciation for chain, in the mines of Gambatesa and Molinello in the manganese minerals of Tanatz Alp, which are Graveglia Valley in Liguria (Marchesini and Pagano, multi-colored, hard, and free of cavities and cracks. 2001), Alpe Ravinella in Strona Valley (Bertolani, Many collectors around the world also became inter- 1967), Scortico in the Apuan Alps (Di Sabatino, 1967; ested in this area, where several very rare and attrac- Mancini, 1997), and Campiglia Marittima in Tuscany tive minerals can be found (gasparite, khristovite, (Capitani et al., 2003). Italian rhodonites are translu- franklinfilite, tiragalloite, and manganberzeliite; Roth cent or opaque and microcrystalline with a pale to and Meisser, 2011). deep pink color; only those from Monte Forno in Val The source region of these rhodonite-bearing Malenco (Diella et al., 2014) and Scortico (Apuan boulders has never been identified, and its mineralog- Alps) can be truly considered gem-quality since they ical composition is still the subject of investigation. are transparent enough to be faceted. It is believed that the manganese-rich deposits The manganese deposits in the Rhetic Alps of formed during the Tertiary, under zeolite and green- Switzerland that contain rhodonite, such as Falotta schists facies metamorphic conditions (Roth and and Alpe Parsettens in the Oberhalbstein or Fianel Meisser, 2011). It was assumed that the mineraliza- and Starlera in Val Ferrera, have been widely investi- tion took place in the Triassic carbonate sediments, gated (Trommsdorff et al., 1970; Peters et al., 1973, similar to the famous deposits of Fianel and Starlera 1978; Wenk and Maurizio, 1978; Brugger and Giere, in nearby Val Ferrera (Brugger and Giere, 1999), but 112 SWISS RHODONITE FROM TANATZ ALP GEMS & GEMOLOGY SPRING 2020 Innerferrera P. SurettaSuretta SplügenSpluga Pass Pass P.PP. TambòTambò Montespluga Lakelake P. EmetEmet Chur 0 1 km SWITZERLAND P.Bernina Bormio Chiavenna Calcschist Marbles and quarzites AmphibolitesOrthogneiss Roffna porphyroids Garnet micaschists ITALY Bellinzona Tirano and paragneiss Sondrio 0 30 km Fault Village Mountain Figure 2. Geological map of the Tanatz Alp area in Switzerland.
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