- 1 - MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST MOLINE, COUNTY OF ROCK ISLAND, STATE OF ILLINOIS TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 2015 6:30P.M. PLEDGE Mayor Thodos led the City Council and all those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL Mayor Thodos called the meeting to order and directed City Clerk Arletta D. Holmes to call the roll. The following Aldermen were present: Helen Heiland, Gary Almblade, Jeffrey Stulir, Ed DeJaynes, Humberto Aguilar, Gary Westbrook, and Mayor Thodos. Absent: Robert Cheffer. Mayor Thodos informed the Council that Alderman Cheffer had Knee Replacement Surgery and will not be in attendance tonight. PUBLIC COMMENT: Mr. Bill Norman, 4516 5th Street B, East Moline, Illinois –Mr. Norman expressed his concerns, regarding not getting a response from the Police Department. Mr. Norman believes he has been very patient in waiting for a response. Mr. Norman has asked about getting a No Parking signs placed in two locations in the City. Both locations are on 45th Avenue. The first location goes into Paragon Park from here to the corner. The street light is blocked out due to a tree being there, and as you turn the corner there is a parked car right in front you. The second location is on 45th Avenue that goes from 5th Street to Kennedy Drive. Mr. Norman is requesting that parking be allowed on one side only. Chief Moreno stated that they went up and surveyed that area and they are recommending – No change, leave as is. Chief Moreno will send the person who did the survey, to talk with Mr. Norman regarding the details of his decision. CITY CLERK’S REPORT Clerk Holmes wished the City Council and all of those in attendance a Happy New Year. The City of East Moline will be having a primary election in Ward 2, the candidates running our Alderman Gary Almblade, and Brandon Anderson. Clerk Holmes encouraged everyone in the 2nd Ward to get out and vote. The General election will be held on April 7, 2015. ADDITIONS/CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA None CONSENT AGENDA City Clerk Arletta D. Holmes, read the Consent Agenda that included the following: A. Approval of City Council Minutes of December 15, 2014. B. Approval of Committee-of-the-Whole Minutes of December 15, 2014. C. Approval of Salaries for January 16, 2015 in the amount of $456,858.02 D. Approval of Salaries for January 2, 2015 in the amount of $422,158.56 E. Approval of Salaries for December 19, 2014 in the amount of $387,694.32. F. Approval of Bills for January, 2015 in the amount of $528,909.90 G. Approval of Bills for December, 2014 in the amount of $1,964,669.69. - 2 - A motio n was made by Alderman DeJaynes, seconded by Alderman Westbrook , to approve the Consent A genda as presented. Upon roll call the fol lowing voted in favor: Heiland, Almblade, Stul ir, DeJaynes, Aguilar, and Westbrook. Motion carried. REPORT BY MAYOR Mayor Thodos notified the City Council via e-mail regarding a letter he has received from Arlington International Race course, advising the City that they will cease operation at Quad-Cities Downs , effective close of business on January 31, 2015. Mayor Thodos gave a brief overview and history of the operations at Quad City Downs. Quad City Downs ceased live racing in1993, and the City has not receiving any gaming revenue since then. Mayor Thodos also had the opportunity to speak with Mr. Jim Stumpf, Vice President, Off-Track Operations, regarding various aspects of this, and what the future may hold . Mayor Thodos will keep the Council updated as things change or progress. Mayor Thodos informed the Council that Diane Hosford has resigned her position on the Library Board leaving a vacancy on the Library Board. Mayor Thodos asked for Council approval to appoint Mr. Van Thompson to fill the vacancy on the Library Board. A motion was made by Alderman Westbrook, seconded by Alderman Heiland, to approve the appointment of Van Thompson to fulfill the term of Diane Hosford on the Library Board. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Heiland, Almblade, Stulir, DeJaynes, Aguilar, and Westbrook. Motion carried. CITY ATTORNEY JOHN CALLAS PRESENTED THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: ORDINANCE 15-01: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ABATEMENT OF THE AD VALOREM TAXES LEVIED TO PAY PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON CERTAIN OF THE GENERAL OBLIGATION ALTERNATE BONDS (WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM ALTERNATE REVENUE SOURCE), SERIES 2014, OF THE CITY OF EAST MOLINE, ILLINOIS; AND CONCERNING RELATED MATTERS. A motion was made by Alderman Westbrook, seconded by Alderman DeJaynes, to waive the reading of Ordinance 15-01. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Heiland, Almblade, Stulir, DeJaynes, Aguilar, and Westbrook. Motion carried. A motion was made by Alderman Westbrook, seconded by Alderman DeJaynes, to adopt Ordinance 15- 01. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Heiland, Almblade, Stulir, DeJaynes, Aguilar, and Westbrook. Motion carried. RESOLUTION 15-01: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST MOLINE, ILLINOIS, AUTHORIZINGAPPROVAL OF THE VEHICLE DISPOSAL OF A RETIRED SQUAD CAR DESCRIBED AS A 1990 FORD CROWNVICTORIA VEHICLE. A motion was made by Alderman DeJaynes, seconded by Alderman Almblade, to approve Resolution 15-01. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Heiland, Almblade, Stulir, DeJaynes, Aguilar, and Westbrook. Motion carried. RESOLUTION 15-02: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST MOLINE, ILLINOIS, AMENDING THE APPROVAL OF THE CONTRACT AGREEMENT BETWEEN MCCLURE ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. AND THE CITY OF EAST MOLINE FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES RELATIVE TO THE 13th STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT. - 3 - Mr. O’Donnell, City Administrator - This item is being brought directly to the regular City Council meeting, rather than the Committee-of-the-Whole meeting due to timing reasons. As staff began to plan this project … 13th Street was to be resurfaced from the intersection at 19th Street all the way to Archer Drive, some additional grant funds from the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) became available. We applied it to this project and by applying it to this project we had to meet federal standards. This meant doing all of the sidewalk ramps; we submitted all of our plans. IDOT responded stating that the City had to do all of the sidewalk ramps. After much discussion, comments and questions was held regarding various aspects of this project…. A motion was made by Alderman Westbrook, seconded by Alderman Heiland, to approve Resolution 15-02. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Heiland, Almblade, Stulir, DeJaynes, Aguilar, and Westbrook. Motion carried. COMMITTEE-OF-THE-WHOLE (Alderman Heiland) Alderman Heiland had no items for discussion. All other items have been covered under the Consent Agenda Ordinance and Resolution. CITY STAFF COMMUNICATION: Each City Staff member present was given the opportunity to inform the City Council and those present of events in their departments: Mr. Lambrecht, Maintenance Services Director – Mr. Lambrecht reported to the City Council that between 17th & 15th Avenue and 9th Street Maintenance crews are replacing 3 valves. This project should be finishing up soon, and the road will probably be patched in the spring. Mr. Drake, WWWTP Facilities Director – Mr. Drake reported to the City Council, that a water leak occurred on Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at the Water Plant. The Water Plant lost approximately 3 Million gallons of water in about 5 hours. Their normal usage is 4 Million gallons per day on average. Ms. Petersen. Director of Finance – Ms. Petersen informed the City Council that the fiscal year end was December 31, 2014. A Summary of Revenue and Expresses as of December 31, 2014 was distributed to the City Council. Ms. Petersen updated the City Council on what the State of Illinois owes the City. The State owes the City 2 months of income tax, and that amounts to $238,619.00. There water/ sewer usage for the E.M. Correctional Center they are also 2 months behind at the end of December, 2014 in the amount of $132,527, total due is $371,147. Mayor Thodos commented that the City has no recourse to collect what is owed the City. The income tax went back to 3.5% from the 5%, so there could be cash flow problems in the future. Mayor Thodos inquired about the Bond sale, Ms. Petersen stated that the Bonds were sold 2 weeks ago with a net savings value of approximately $317,000, and the closing was on December 29, 2014. Mr. O’Donnell, City Administrator – Mr. O’Donnell reported to the City Council that we a still in the process of getting funds through Rock Island Growth for the rehabilitation and grant program for housing. The City has received numerous inquires and calls regarding this program. The City will begin accepting applications once funds are received. Chief DeFrance, Fire Chief – Chief DeFrance reported to the City Council that the long awaited reorganization of the Fire Department began on January 1, 2015. The department is now in the process of moving things around. Chief DeFrance stated that the department did not hire anyone, but believes - 4 - they have taken some steps that he believes will help to eliminate or reduce some over-time. The department negotiated this about 6 months ago or longer. Chief DeFrance introduced Battalion Chief Gary Robinson, Battalion Chief Robinson was promoted from Captain to Battalion Chief on January 1, 2015, and he is 1 of 8 promotions throughout the Fire Department. Battalion Chief Robinson will be taking over the duties of Fire Prevention, which is Code Enforcement and Public Education; he will be at the Morton Drive Station.
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