Swbscnbe to the Rec- ' —ord. It'pays to get tlie: o : ■* best. - ’ . No-. 4 SIXTY-SECOND YEAR BUCHANAN, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JAN. 81, 1929 , Looking Out—-Over The Top Spinning-Wheel Not A 1 king Now Here’s OALSEN MAH FIRE LEAVES Of The Fast Yet CLUB NETS’ - i® !iirs the i i i i f p Proposition RUN DOWN BY i -9-CHILDREN $100 F R lk OX DECENCY RUNAWAY CAR •.SHELTERLESS [.COMIC SHOW : Bi Haws. Leazenby Home on N. lliflti Wedding Box Offi ce There's nothing pays like kindness Clarence Pennell Is- fifiiii pays 181111® And, courtesy and pleasant ways, Crushed When Car Main Gutted By Success in Spite of Just smiles and decent words and such Runs Wild. Flames. Weather. * ’ That cost so little, mean so much; lllllllp > Think what you will, the fact re­ NO INSURANCE * 5 4 " mains.. NEAR STATE LINE s* 0 T A K E . P ART Lack of good: will is lack of brains; So get a smile that’s full of grace And drape it clear across your Second Time Family Thirty Club Extends face, Wind Starts Auto In And: find some more that’s full of Loses Residence In Thanks to Men charm Downhill Skid And pile 'em up high on your arm, That W ay. Who Helped. And when you walk along the Over Ice. street Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Leazenby, Just heave them smiles at all you Clarence Pennell of Galien, is: 80S North Main Street/ and nine In the neighborhood of $100 meet. now receiving treatment for ser­ children wore homeless Monday was realized by the Thirty Club , Just fill ’em: with your whole ious injuries in, a South Bend hos­ night as the result of a blaze as tlie result of the two presenta­ soul's heft pital as a result of being run down which gutted tlie upstairs and roof tions of the Womanless Wedding And scatter ’em to right and left. by a car in a peculiar 'accident of their house, destroying all bed­ Wednesday and Thursday of last Just fill your heart with good, on U. S. IS, a half mile south of ding, and most of their' clothing. week, that sum. representing 50 per cent of the net proceeds after glad words; the state line Thursday. It is practically certain that the Then go and throw ’em to the expenses of over $100 had been Mr. Pennell had been to: New fire started around a stovepipe subtracted. .... birds; Carlisle in company with R. C. which went through the floor into Just heave one at some solemn Owing to unfavorable travelling Groom in the latter’s car and was; an upstairs room before entering Gandinolia is shown operating it. grouch ONE would, expect to find all old conditions, the main floor of the returning to Galien, when they AS if the side windows of an auto­ a car with a roller-blind sliding! the chimney. Mrs. Leazenby was spinning wheels either'forgotten in It is known as the “neighbor­ And see him duck, and holler roof! * Maybe, the excuse for it is . Clark Theater was filled to only' were stopped by a truck which had mobile weren't enough from which home at the time, with the two somebody’s attic or in some side- hood spinning wheel”—its use be­ •‘ouch.” to give the occupants a chance t o ' youngest children, baking- bread. about 60 per cent of capacity' stalled in the road in front of them. to view the scenerv. Now look. street antique; shop. ‘Yet here’s ing offered to-all women who de- Just throw ’em random to the kids Groom stopped and set the brakes see airplanes: overhead—-or some­ She smelled paper burning and each night, representing about And all these darned old katydids; one that was discovered; still in usel sire to do'their work in an old- half the total seating capacity of on his car at the top of a hill, thing like that? went into the adjoining room to afc [-lull House, Chicago. Mrs. E.l fashioned way. And katydidn’ts round the town and the two men walked down to see if the children were playing main floor and balcony together; Who hide their face behind a assist the truck driver. The wind with fire. Then she rushed up the Although the crowd was scarce frown. ..started Groom’s car coasting Repub. Committee stairway, but when she opened the Kazoo Alimony large enough to spur the cast to There’s nothing pays like decency, noiselessly down the hill with PONTIAC AUTO door into tlie south room, she was ICE BLOCKADE its best, the production was gen­ V And there’s a chance a, smile can locked wheels; The two men were To Hold Meet At met with a blast of flame that Jumper Arrested erally' pronounced to be very good. be. unaware of the pursuit, until the drove her back. She ran out doors Members of the Thirty Club ex­ When seas o f trouble rise and roll skidding vehicle caught them, just B. H. Monday AGENCY RENTS and her screams managed to at­ By Local Police tended their thanks after the A life preserver for a soul; brushing Groom and picking Pen­ tract the attention of neighbors,; IS RELEASED production to the 70 members of And there’s a chance a word may nell. up on the running board; He jvho turned in a fire alarm. the cast who gave freely of their Otto Clark, erstwhile Kalamazoo be was, carried several rods with the Benton Harbor has been select­ JOHNSON BLDG. 1! 'When the fire engine arrived, . BY SNOWFALL time during the rehearsals and Balm in a soul’s Gethsemane flying* car and, then crushed a- ed by the executive committee of the flames had burned out the in­ benedict who had sought relief the two performances. For there’s no poor untutored son gainst .the side of the truck as the Berrien: County Republican from the burdens of alimony by Of Adam who’s so far undone terior o f tlie upstairs room and The members of the cast were: the car sideswiped it. Committee as. the place for the R. F. BLANKER ENTERS damaged the roof. The firemen Record Tie-up of Car coming to Buchanan, was placed Butler, F. A. Brewster; Bride’s But what he’s good enough for you county Republican convention to INTO PARTNERSHIP under arrest yesterday- afternoon W eeping Mother—Glen Smith; To: smile and say “good morning"' A nearby farmer came to their be held February 6. soon had the blaze under control, by Under Sheriff Clarence Dun­ assistance and rushed Groom to WITH C. BEAVER. and, the downstairs part was un­ Bride’s Comforting Father—Jesses to; Attorney Charles W. Gore, form­ T raff ic Ended bar on request of the Celery' City And all your durned high hatted- the Epivorth Hospital at South Arrangements for the- tenure o f damaged save by water. In. addi­ Allele; Bad Little Brothers, Mr. er prosecuting attorney, will act as tion to the damage to the building, authorities, who arrived later in Stevens, Chas. Boone; Mr. Ikey ness Bend, where it was found that he the quarters in the Johnson build­ Tuesday. the day' to secure him. He will had; incurred a double fracture o f temporary chairman of' the county the Leazenby family lost four beds, Rosenstein—Steve Rudoni.; Bride’s Is lack of knowledge, more or less. convention. The big Naval Re­ ing on Front street, now occupied answer to charges o f non-payment A pleasant word can’t be amiss— the collar bone; four broken ribs, by the postoffice have been made a dresser, washstand, and other Grandfather, Harleigh Squires; serve armory has been designated bedroom furniture, and most of The ice blockade which held of alimony'. Bride's Grandmother, E. Snod­ No- body asked you for a kiss. and: a- lung puncture. He is re­ by tlie newly organized Beaver- automobile and bus transportation ported to be making a satisfact­ as the place for the meeting, which, the family clothing. grass; Charlie Chaplin, E. O. The best recipes for making wall be called promptly at 2 o'­ Slanker Motor Company, which in this district practically para­ ory recovery. will take possession as soon as the Mr. Leazenby had purchased the; Hubbard; Uncle from. Niles, Pltay friends clock ia the afternoon. lyzed for a week,” was lifted. Tues­ Graffort; Aunt from Niles, J. A. M.re smiles that turn up at the Afterstriking- the. truck, Groom's postoffice can be moved to the Le­ house, but had allowed, the insur­ day by a snow storm which fell FUNERAL WREATH ends. car caromed, into a: bank at the, Township and precinct, commit­ gion building, probably about ance to lapse during a ten month White; Little Twin Sisters, Leon tees throughout the county have on the ice in, sufficient quantities t<?-Empbelis'M3'‘T‘5Cf 7}??j,er; Mary side of the road, mashing two -March 10. S*,... period when he was out, of work to 'lessen-the Banger of skidding. o w i v fenders and bending-an axle. been instructed to name their dele­ Carl Beaver has taken into. part-, last year, following tlie close of . MEG. I1 T E R F IS Picftford, Keith McKay.; Groom’s gates to the county convention at Snow-- lias continued intermit­ Haughty' Mother, Carl Hamilton; ----------------- o — — - nersliip Raymond F. Slankcr, at the cotton mill at Niles, where he once. present manager of the Up-To- had been employed as: fireman.
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