1871 Census Schedule for Ontario

1871 Census Schedule for Ontario

1871 Census Schedules Finding Aid Ontario Sub- District Division Missing Microfilm District Name Sub-district Name district Number Number Schedules Number C-9888 1 Essex Malden A 1 9 C-9888 1 Essex Malden A 2 8, 9 C-9888 1 Essex Amherstburg B C-9888 1 Essex Anderdon C C-9888 1 Essex Colchester D 1 C-9888 1 Essex Colchester D 2 9 C-9888 1 Essex Gosfield E 1 9 C-9888 1 Essex Gosfield E 2 9 C-9889 1 Essex Mersea F 1 9 C-9889 1 Essex Mersea F 2 9 C-9889 1 Essex Pelée G 9 C-9889 1 Essex Sandwich West H 9 C-9889 1 Essex Sandwich I 9 C-9889 1 Essex Sandwich East J 1 9 C-9889 1 Essex Sandwich East J 2 9 C-9890 1 Essex Windsor K 1 9 C-9890 1 Essex Windsor K 2 C-9890 1 Essex Maidstone L 9 C-9890 1 Essex Rochester M 9 C-9890 1 Essex Tilbury West N 1 9 C-9890 1 Essex Tilbury West N 2 9 C-9890 2 Kent Romney A 9 C-9890 2 Kent Tilbury East B 1 9 C-9890 2 Kent Tilbury East B 2 9 C-9891 2 Kent Raleigh C 1 9 C-9891 2 Kent Raleigh C 2 9 C-9891 2 Kent Raleigh C 3 6,9 C-9891 2 Kent Raleigh C 4 9 C-9891 2 Kent Harwich D 1 9 C-9891 2 Kent Harwich D 2 9 C-9891 2 Kent Harwich D 3 9 C-9891 2 Kent Harwich D 4 9 C-9891 2 Kent Harwich D 5 9 C-9892 2 Kent Dover E 1 9 C-9892 2 Kent Dover E 2 C-9892 2 Kent Chatham F 1 9 C-9892 2 Kent Chatham F 2 9 C-9892 2 Kent Chatham F 3 9 C-9892 2 Kent Chatham (Town) G 1 9 1 of 34 1871 Census Schedules Finding Aid Ontario Sub- District Division Missing Microfilm District Name Sub-district Name district Number Number Schedules Number C-9892 2 Kent Chatham (Town) G 2 C-9893 3 Bothwell Howard A 1 2 C-9893 3 Bothwell Howard A 2 9 C-9893 3 Bothwell Howard A 3 8,9 C-9893 3 Bothwell Orford B 1 9 C-9893 3 Bothwell Orford B 2 9 C-9893 3 Bothwell Orford B 3 9 C-9893 3 Bothwell Orford B 4 6, 9 C-9894 3 Bothwell Camden C 1 C-9894 3 Bothwell Camden C 2 9 C-9894 3 Bothwell Zone D 1 9 C-9894 3 Bothwell Zone D 2 9 C-9894 3 Bothwell Bothwell E C-9894 3 Bothwell Sombra F 1 9 C-9894 3 Bothwell Sombra F 2 9 C-9894 3 Bothwell Dawn G 1 9 C-9894 3 Bothwell Dawn G 2 C-9894 3 Bothwell Euphemia H 1 9 C-9894 3 Bothwell Euphemia H 2 9 C-9895 4 Lambton Moore A 1 6, 8, 9 C-9895 4 Lambton Moore A 2 9 C-9895 4 Lambton Moore A 3 9 C-9895 4 Lambton Moore A 4 9 C-9895 4 Lambton Enniskillen B 8 C-9895 4 Lambton Oil Springs C C-9895 4 Lambton Petrolia D 1 7, 8 C-9895 4 Lambton Petrolia D 2 8 C-9895 4 Lambton Brooke E 1 8, 9 C-9895 4 Lambton Brooke E 2 8, 9 C-9896 4 Lambton Sarnia F 1 9 C-9896 4 Lambton Sarnia F 2 8, 9 C-9896 4 Lambton Sarnia F 3 9 C-9896 4 Lambton Sarnia G 1 C-9896 4 Lambton Sarnia G 2 9 C-9896 4 Lambton Plympton H 1 9 C-9896 4 Lambton Plympton H 2 8, 9 C-9896 4 Lambton Plympton H 3 8, 0 C-9896 4 Lambton Plympton H 4 9 C-9897 4 Lambton Warwick I 1 8, 9 2 of 34 1871 Census Schedules Finding Aid Ontario Sub- District Division Missing Microfilm District Name Sub-district Name district Number Number Schedules Number C-9897 4 Lambton Warwick I 2 8, 9 C-9897 4 Lambton Warwick I 3 9 C-9897 4 Lambton Warwick I 4 9 C-9897 4 Lambton Bosanquet J 1 8, 9 C-9897 4 Lambton Bosanquet J 2 9 C-9897 4 Lambton Bosanquet J 3 8, 9 C-9897 4 Lambton Bosanquet J 4 9 C-9897 5 Elgin West Aldborough A 1 9 C-9897 5 Elgin West Aldborough A 2 7, 9 C-9897 5 Elgin West Aldborough A 3 9 C-9898 5 Elgin West Dunwich B 1 9 C-9898 5 Elgin West Dunwich B 2 9 C-9898 5 Elgin West Dunwich B 3 9 C-9898 5 Elgin West Southwold C 1 9 C-9898 5 Elgin West Southwold C 2 C-9898 5 Elgin West Southwold C 3 9 C-9898 5 Elgin West Southwold C 4 9 C-9898 6 Elgin East Yarmouth A 1 9 C-9898 6 Elgin East Yarmouth A 2 9 C-9898 6 Elgin East Yarmouth A 3 9 C-9898 6 Elgin East Yarmouth A 4 9 C-9899 6 Elgin East St-Thomas B 9 C-9899 6 Elgin East Malahide C 1 9 C-9899 6 Elgin East Malahide C 2 9 C-9899 6 Elgin East Malahide C 3 9 C-9899 6 Elgin East Malahide C 4 4 C-9899 6 Elgin East Dorchester South D 1 C-9899 6 Elgin East Dorchester South D 2 9 C-9900 6 Elgin East Bayham E 1 9 C-9900 6 Elgin East Bayham E 2 C-9900 6 Elgin East Bayham E 3 9 C-9900 6 Elgin East Bayham E 4 9 C-9900 6 Elgin East Vienna F C-9900 7 Middlesex West Mosa A 1 9 C-9900 7 Middlesex West Mosa A 2 9 C-9900 7 Middlesex West Wardsville B 9 C-9901 7 Middlesex West Ekfrid C 1 9 C-9901 7 Middlesex West Ekfrid C 2 9 C-9901 7 Middlesex West Ekfrid C 3 9 3 of 34 1871 Census Schedules Finding Aid Ontario Sub- District Division Missing Microfilm District Name Sub-district Name district Number Number Schedules Number C-9901 7 Middlesex West Metcalfe D 1 9 C-9901 7 Middlesex West Metcalfe D 2 9 C-9901 7 Middlesex West Caradoc E 1 9 C-9901 7 Middlesex West Caradoc E 2 9 C-9901 7 Middlesex West Caradoc E 3 9 C-9901 7 Middlesex West Caradoc E 4 9 C-9901 7 Middlesex West Strathroy F 9 C-9902 7 Middlesex West Delaware G 1 9 C-9902 7 Middlesex West Delaware G 2 C-9902 8 Middlesex North Adelaide A 1 C-9902 8 Middlesex North Adelaide A 2 C-9902 8 Middlesex North Williams West B 1 C-9902 8 Middlesex North Williams West B 2 C-9902 8 Middlesex North Williams West B 3 C-9903 8 Middlesex North Williams East C 1 C-9903 8 Middlesex North Williams East C 2 C-9903 8 Middlesex North Williams East C 3 C-9903 8 Middlesex North Lobo D 1 C-9903 8 Middlesex North Lobo D 2 C-9903 8 Middlesex North Lobo D 3 C-9903 8 Middlesex North McGillivray E 1 C-9903 8 Middlesex North McGillivray E 2 C-9903 8 Middlesex North McGillivray E 3 C-9903 8 Middlesex North McGillivray E 4 C-9903 8 Middlesex North McGillivray E 5 C-9904 8 Middlesex North Biddulph F 1 8, 9 C-9904 8 Middlesex North Biddulph F 2 8, 9 C-9904 8 Middlesex North Biddulph F 3 8, 9 C-9904 8 Middlesex North Biddulph F 4 8, 9 C-9904 9 Middlesex East Westminster A 1 9 C-9904 9 Middlesex East Westminster A 2 9 C-9904 9 Middlesex East Westminster A 3 9 C-9904 9 Middlesex East Westminster A 4 9 C-9904 9 Middlesex East Westminster A 5 9 C-9904 9 Middlesex East Dorchester North B 1 9 C-9904 9 Middlesex East Dorchester North B 2 9 C-9905 9 Middlesex East London C 1 9 C-9905 9 Middlesex East London C 2 9 C-9905 9 Middlesex East London C 3 9 4 of 34 1871 Census Schedules Finding Aid Ontario Sub- District Division Missing Microfilm District Name Sub-district Name district Number Number Schedules Number C-9905 9 Middlesex East London C 4 9 C-9905 9 Middlesex East London C 5 9 C-9905 9 Middlesex East London C 6 9 C-9905 9 Middlesex East London C 7 9 C-9906 9 Middlesex East Nissouri West D 1 9 C-9906 9 Middlesex East Nissouri West D 2 9 C-9906 10 London London Ward 1 A 9 C-9906 10 London London Ward 2 B 9 C-9906 10 London London Ward 3 C 1 9 C-9906 10 London London Ward 3 C 2 9 C-9906 10 London London Ward 4 D 9 C-9906 10 London London Ward 5 E 9 C-9907 10 London London Ward 6 F 9 C-9907 10 London London Ward 7 G 9 C-9907 11 Norfolk South Houghton A 1 9 C-9907 11 Norfolk South Houghton A 2 9 C-9907 11 Norfolk South Walsingham B 1 9 C-9907 11 Norfolk South Walsingham B 2 8, 9 C-9907 11 Norfolk South Walsingham B 3 8, 9 C-9908 11 Norfolk South Charlotteville C 1 9 C-9908 11 Norfolk South Charlotteville C 2 9 C-9908 11 Norfolk South Charlotteville C 3 9 C-9908 11 Norfolk South Woodhouse D 1 9 C-9908 11 Norfolk South Woodhouse D 2 9 C-9908 11 Norfolk South Woodhouse D 3 9 C-9908 12 Norfolk North Middleton A 1 C-9908 12 Norfolk North Middleton A 2 9 C-9909 12 Norfolk North Windham B 1 8, 9 C-9909 12 Norfolk North Windham B 2 8, 9 C-9909 12 Norfolk North Windham B 3 9 C-9909 12 Norfolk North Windham B 4 8, 9 C-9909 12 Norfolk North Townsend C 1 8, 9 C-9909 12 Norfolk North Townsend C 2 8 C-9909 12 Norfolk North Townsend C 3 8, 9 C-9909 12 Norfolk North Townsend C 4 8, 9 C-9909 12 Norfolk North Simcoe D 9 C-9910 13 Oxford South Dereham A 1 9 C-9910 13 Oxford South Dereham A 2 9 C-9910 13 Oxford South Dereham A 3 9 5 of 34 1871 Census Schedules Finding Aid Ontario Sub- District Division Missing Microfilm District Name Sub-district Name district Number Number Schedules Number C-9910 13 Oxford South Dereham A 4 9 C-9910 13 Oxford South Norwich South B 1 9 C-9910 13 Oxford South Norwich South B 2 C-9910 13 Oxford South Norwich North C 1 9 C-9910 13 Oxford South Norwich North C 2 9 C-9910 13 Oxford South Norwich North C 3 9 C-9911 13 Oxford South Oxford East D 1 9 C-9911 13 Oxford South Oxford East D 2 9 C-9911 13 Oxford South Oxford West E 1 9 C-9911 13 Oxford South Oxford West E 2 9 C-9911 13 Oxford South Ingersoll F 1 9 C-9911 13 Oxford South Ingersoll F 2 9 C-9911 13 Oxford South Oxford North G 1 9 C-9912 14 Oxford North Nissouri East A 1 8, 9 C-9912 14 Oxford North Nissouri East A 2 8, 9 C-9912 14 Oxford North Zorra West B 1 8, 9 C-9912 14 Oxford North Zorra West B 2 8, 9 C-9912 14 Oxford North Zorra West B 3 8, 9 C-9912 14 Oxford North Embro C 8, 9 C-9912 14 Oxford North Zorra East D 1 8, 9 C-9912 14 Oxford North Zorra East D 2 8, 9 C-9912 14 Oxford North Zorra East D 3 8, 9 C-9913 14 Oxford North Woodstock E 1 8, 9 C-9913 14 Oxford North Woodstock E 2 8, 9 C-9913 14 Oxford North Brantford F 1 8, 9 C-9913 14 Oxford North Brantford F 2 8, 9 C-9913 14 Oxford North Blenheim G 1 8, 9 C-9913 14 Oxford North Blenheim G 2 8, 9 C-9913 14 Oxford North Blenheim G 3 8, 9 C-9913 14 Oxford North Blenheim G 4 8, 9 C-9914 15 Brant South or West Burford A 1 9 C-9914 15 Brant South or West Burford A 2 9 C-9914 15 Brant South or West Burford A 3 8, 9 C-9914 15 Brant South or West Burford A 4 9 C-9914 15 Brant South or West Burford A 5 9 C-9914 15 Brant South or West Oakland B 9 C-9914 15 Brant South or West Brantford West C 1 9 C-9914 15 Brant South or West Brantford West C 2 9 C-9914 15 Brant South or West Brantford West C 3 9 6 of 34 1871 Census Schedules Finding Aid Ontario Sub- District Division Missing Microfilm District Name Sub-district Name

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