•i\ VOL. XXXIX. CHANBUKY, MIDDLESEX COUNTY, N. J., FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1924. NO. 41. THE CHURCHES. 185th REGULAR SCODTS SURPRISE THEIR LARSON. TO RUN AGAIN. First Presbyterian. V^ MEETING. ~ MASTER; GIVE HEM DINNER. Senator Larson's'" announcement BaMncss Hours-Open R:3O. Closo at 0:00. Kvcrr Dnr. Saturday Included. I The grayer Service this Friday The one hundred and eighty-fifth Rev. Frederick Schweitzer, the that he expects to be a candidate to evening at 7:30 P. M. in the chapel. annual meeting of the First Presby- Scoutmaster and founder of the succeed himself this fall causes no Subject for Prayer 'and Conference: terian Church of Cranbury v will be Cranbury Group of Boy Scouts, was surprise. The senator has a liking HOENIG, SWERN & COMPANY '{Elijah, the Tishblte." h<jld in the church on Saturday eve- given a most pleasant • surprise by for politics, he has made a good duuday School' at 10 o'clock. nin'g, April 12th, . at seven-thirty them Tuesday eyening. About.7 record at Trenton, and having had Successor* to S. li. Kaufman Co. Special music by the'--Sunday School o'clock. o'clock they sent^ for him to ctfme to but one- term it Is natural that he Si- orchestra led by the chorister, S. B. 'Matters of special interest are. to the Second Presbyterian chapel should seek public endorsement at Bennett/ come before the' congregationV-ta" ad- where a sumptuous dinner awaited the polls. 8101 South Broad at Lafayette Sts., TRENTON, N. J. Morning Worship at 11 o'clock. dition to the regular election of'offi- him. The boys planned the surprise I We do not know of anything that RADIO ^BROADCASTING—STATION W-W-A-B. V Sermon , by'~"the^nastor. Subject: cers. A social hour will be spent in and Pete Walton, cook for the troup the senator went after that he did "The Parable • of the^ Pearl Mer- the chapel at the close of the meet- prepared and cooked the dinner.(not get. There has been no flourish chant." Matt. .13: 45U6. Special ing. Refreshments, will be served The boys with their invited guests of trumpets or any' particular agita- music. -' under the direction of Mrs. Joseph sat down to a long table set for the.tion, either. The senator's bills and 7.30 P. II. Community Service. C. Chamberli.n. All members and occasion and a real: scout meal was those that came over from the House Sermon by Rev. J. E. Curry. Subject adherents of the congregation are indulged in. Following the dinner, and were entrusted to his care al- "An Ancient Exemplar." Gen. 15:6.urged to be present. Winston Bennett, on behalf of the most invariably got through, the Scouts, presented Mr. Schweitzer senator abiding his time, but always The Month of April Special music by'the Junior Choir. Choir rehearsal Monday evening M. E. Supper and • Conference. with a handsome sliver handled- silk on the alert to take advantage of at a quarter to eight. umbrella, a token of their love and every opportunity. But his success Congregational meeting Saturday A chicken supper was served in esteem for him. Mr. Schweitzer ex- was not always due to clever work; A Month of Important Events evening, April 12th; at seven-thirty. the M. E. Church on Wednesday eve- pressed .his appreciation for the gift, he enjoyed the confidence of his i This will be followed by a social ning to members of the Official and spoke, very highly and proudly j colleagues, and the other senators f 1 hour in the chapel. Refreshments Board of the cliurch and their wives, of the group of boys fie has had the. came to know that any bill fathered T HERE Is a zest in these April days that makes life very will be served under the direction of District Superintendent, Dr. M. E. pleasure of taking on various trips'by Senator Larson was worthy, and -*• much worth living and merchandise in the Store that Mrs. Joseph C. Chamberlin. This Snyder and wife, of- Trenton, were and his many pleasant associations they did not hesitate to vote for it. makes shopping a pleasure to be anticipated.- The Store will be the one hundred and eighty- their guests for the occasion. After with them. This put Middlesex in an enviable . family thrills to the daily arrival of a new season's mer- fifth regular annual meeting- of the the supper, the First Quarterly The Scouts and their guests pres- position in the upper house of the chandise lovely, airy apparel and things to make the home Congregation. AH, the members and Conference was held, and a most en- ent at the dinner were: Carl Puer- legislature. It has been a position of adherents are urgently requested to joyable evening Bpent by all who at-schner, James Dey, Donald Campbell power and influence. Having served fresh and charming through the warmer days. The Store be present. tended. G-rover Bennett, Franklin Scott, so well during his first term, there has planned many pleasant surprises for its customers in John Hughes, Charles Grover Clif-|is no reason why Senator Larson connection with all this month's events. Second I'resbyterlan. HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY ford Laird, Herbert Johnson, Win-'should not ask for a public endorse- ston Bennett, Stanley Owens, Banks ment at the polls in November. Congregational meeting this eve- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ely enter- Stahl, Franklin Lancaster, Wayne Surely the Republican party owes ning in the church building at 7.30. tained on Tuesday evening in honor Stahl, Donald Owens, Ernest Lux, him a renomination ,and the people Sunday school on Sunday morning of their daughter Mary, in celebra- j William Sprawl, John Barlow, John will find little excuse for refusing to at ten o'clock and Men's Bible Class i tion of her tenth birthday. Those' Nicholls, Jack Wilson, Pete Walton, sending him back to the senate for at the smae hour. | present were Kathryn Stahl, Celeste Rev. Frederick Schweitzer, Albert another term. For the Smartest Frocks of Snnnner The Senior Christian Endeavor Barlow. Ethel Mueller, Mary and C. Grover, Henry Conover, James —Evening News, Perth Amboy. will meet in the cnapel Sunday eve- Sarah Smith, Mildred Hagerty, Thel- Ewart, LeRoy Scott, E. C. Wilson, The best dressed women in New York and Paris are wear- ning at 6:30 o'clock. Topic: "My ma Nicholls, Eleanor and Martha A. L. Burroughs. $2,500.00 So Far for St. Peter'b. ing dresses of these self same fabrics and fashion authorities decisions and what they have meant Soehler, Mrs. George Hopple, Jean-j Cranbury ought to feel mighty to me." Leader, Stanley Owens. It ette Hopple, Mrs. Stout, Alice Stout,) proud of this troup of boys who are Chairman C. R. Wicoff, informed tell ns many of them will be the favorites this summer. will be a Memorizing Initial meet- Mrs. Mattie Ely, of Hightstowrv; | our own. They have earned by their us this morning that $2,500.00 had Prices are indeed in a most likable scale and the fashioning ing. All the young' people are Mrs. Jones Bergen. Refreshments own efforts every piece of equip- been subscribed thus far by people of a favored frock will cost less than anticipated in many welcome. were served and a very pleasant eve- ment that goes to make up such an. in Cranbury and vicinity for St. cascs. The Brainerd Chapter of the ning was enjoyed by the young folks organization. They have stuck well • Peter's Hospital, New Brunswick, Westminster Guild will meet on together and the community had an, The canvassers are still busy and it Changeable Chiffon Taffeta—Our regular price $2.25. Wednesday, April 16th, at 2.30 p. m. LEGGETT WILL PROBATED. opportunity to see them function Is hoped they will reach the 53,000 Special $1.95 Yard. A fine soft two-tone Taffeta Silk for with Mrs. Alvah Probasco. As this last summer when they took com- mark by tomorrow night. I street or evening wear. Yard wide. is the first meeting of the new year The will'of James P. Leggett, late plete charge of the Fresh Air Camp There have been many who have I it Is hoped every member will try to of Cranbury, who died on March 19, on the school grounds and gave of responded liberally to this great , I Krepe De Leen, $1.75 Yard. Yard wide. One of the new he present. 1924, was probated last Friday their time and efforts to make a few1 charitable movement but there are knitted silk materials for spring or summer wear. Comes The Good Friday Service will be ' morning by .Surrogate Forman. A boys from the slums of New York in every campaign, some people who in black, white, navy, brown, cocoa, dark gray, light gray, hela'Vthe Chapel "on April 18th, I son-in-law, Charles Petty, of Cran- happy for two weeks. The Scout- turn their backs upon it—people | tan, almond green or Chinese blue. with address by the Pastor. bury, is named as executor. master is to be commended for his whom God has blessed with means, On Easter Sunday there will be' daughter Myrtle is given all of the untiring efforts in his love for boys health, happiness and yes, prosperity "Corticelli" All Silk Printed Crepes—Our regular price the Baptism of Infants and children furniture in her home at Borden- and his accomplishments 'with the They have a thousand and one ex- $3.00. Special $2.05 Yard. 40 inches wide.
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