Price 35 Cents Pu blishe d j an uary 1 95 6 by the ME I A N FO $ N DA TIO N FO R THE BL A R C IN D 6m EW Y K 1 1 1 W i S N N Y. 5 EST TREET, OR , . IN THE $ . A . PRINTED S HA T E W BY IN I C . LLI M RD PRESS, F O R E W O R D Periodicals in ra ised print for the blind or in Talking Book form represent an additional source of reading material for blind persons, supplementary to the books and other printed or recorded matter pro id o h v e d by the federal government through the Library of C ngress . T is new edition of the compilation Pe ri od i cals of Spe cial In te res t to B lin d ' Persons i n k ri n t is a guide to this additional re ading matter . It also lists p publications dealing with work with the blind or furnishing informa tion on specific groups , schools or associations within the field . Thirty three of these are published in the United States and two in Canada . There are four braille periodicals published in Canada, and there 1 0 th e t h - are 2 in United States . Of e latter twenty nine are devoted to specific subject matters or furnish current news and professional discus sions of interest to blind people or to those who work with the blind . Thirty-seven are religious publications ; eight are reprints of i n kpri n t current events papers for the grades and high school; twenty- four are special organs for schools, alumni groups, and agencies ; and four peri odi cal s - are specially devoted to the deaf blind . Blind readers who prefer New York Point have a choice of two z r . maga ines, and Moon reade s may receive two periodicals in that type There are nine periodicals published as Talking Books at the prese nt i time . The wide circulation of the periodicals published in this country for blind persons and on work with the blind i s an indication of their Th e e value to the field . Am rican Foundation for the Blind presents ub li caton this list as an aid in the selection of the type of p wanted . A M . ROBERT B RNETT Executive Director C O N T E N T S PAGE BRA ILLE IN KPRINT General and Profe ssm n al Publications m ni and d School , Alu Agency Perio icals BRA ILLE General and Special Subjects Religi ous Periodicals Current Events School Papers Sch o u and P o ls , Al mni Agency eriodicals Periodicals for the Deaf-Blind MOON N EW Y ORK POINT TA LKING BOOK C A N A D A Inkpri n t C . C . B . Ou tlook PUBLISHER : The Canadian Council of the Blind 6 R L 9 idout Street, South, ondon , Ontario : EDITOR Mrs . Sadie Bending Inkpri n t and braille; quarterly; 3 2 pages; news of the Council Canadian blind; free ; established 1 948 ; copies . National News of the Blin d PUBLISHER : Canadian National Institute for the Blind 1 86 T 2B Beverley Street, oronto , Canada ’ : e il EDITOR Paul C . O N Inkpri nt ; twice a year; 1 4 pages ; Dominion and world news regarding 1 the blind ; free ; established 940; 2 copies . Bm i lle ’ L A cti on Typhlophile Canadienne PUBLISHER : Societe Am ical e des Aveugles 6 1 . D 4 5 St enis , Montreal , Canada L. EDITOR . Father $ . Guillemette 6 French braille ; monthly; 4 pages ; spiritual articles and news , free 1 1 8 0 . Canada and U . S . 75 ¢ in Europe ; established 95 ; 4 copies . B ok C C . Ou tlo PUBLISHER : Canadian Council of the Blind 6 R r L r 9 idout St eet, South, ondon , Onta io EDITOR : Mrs . Sadie Bending EMBOSSER : National Braille Press Braille grade 2 and i nkpri n t ; quarterly; 1 00 pages ; news of the Council 1 and the Canadian blind; per year; established 1 95 2 ; 70 cop es. 5 The Braille Courier PUBLISHER : Canadian National Institute for the Blind 6 2 B 4 Baldwin Street , Toronto , Ontario e EDITOR : Robert W . B ath 2 O ct - 6 ; Braille grade ; monthly, July; 4 pages ; a general magazine to Canadians ; established 1 92 1 ; 700 copies . Our Rendezvous PUBLISHER : National Association of Home Teachers EDITOR : Gloria Mortimore EMBOSSER : Canadian National Institute for the Blind 1 86 2 B Beverley Street , Toronto , Canada Braille grade 2 ; quarterly; 60 pages ; home teaching matters ; t ab li sh e d 1 8 60 94 ; copies . $ N I T E D S T A T E S In kpri n t General and Professional Public ations BVA Bulletin : . PUBLISHER Blinded Veterans Association , Inc 6 . o 1 D . 08 N . W . 34 Wisconsin Avenue , Washingt n , C : EDITOR Irvin P . Schloss Inkpri n t and braille ; monthly; 1 2 or 1 6 pages ; news of interest blinded veterans ; per year; estab lished 1 946; copies . Braille Book Review for : . PUBLISHER American Foundation the Blind, Inc 1 1 6 1 1 5 West th Street , New York , New York Inkpri n t and braille ; b i -monthly; 1 6 pages inkpri n t ; a guide to braille and Talking Book publications ; free to libraries and agencies ; estab li sh d 1 e 93 2 ; 1 000 copies . The Guide Post PUBLISHER : Connecticut Board of Education of the Blind ’ 1 6 Hrt fd n a rd Con e cti cu t 5 Capitol Avenue , f EDITOR : Marjory Poden Ink ri n t t - 2 - o p monthly, Sep June ; 3 pages ; advice and inf rmation for 1 parents of preschool blind children ; free ; established 949; 1 87 copies . Ho s r S ar- o ie t Light PUBLISHER: Ind ianapolis S tar T : Mr e i EDI OR . Chet P rk ns R 1 0 2 F d o oute , Box 5 5 , In ianap lis, Indiana Inkpri n t ; monthly; 4 pages ; general information relating to the blind; free; established 1 954 ; copies . In ternational Journ al for the Education of th e Blin d I : PUBL SHER International Journal for the Education of the Blind, Inc. 1 86 L s 6 . 7 Frankfort Avenue , oui ville , Ky : EDITOR Paul J . Langan Ink ri nt 0- n p and braille; quarterly; 2 24 pages ; an educational jour al, primarily for schools for the blind; per year; established 1 95 1 ; copies . I : m . PUBL SHER Braille Institute of A erica, Inc 1 V r L 2 . 74 North e mont Avenue, os Angeles 9, Calif EDITOR J . Robert Atkinson Inkpri n t ; 24 pages ; 3 times a year; material regarding work for the s 1 blind; free; e tablished 93 2 copies . Listen ‘ PUBLISHER : Catholic Guild for the Blind 1 0 49 Franklin Street, Boston , Mass . : EDITOR Rev . Thomas J . Carroll Inkpri n t ; b i -monthly; 8 pages ; tabloid size ; national and local news regarding blindness and blind people , special columns ; free ; established 1 949; copies . N ew Outlook for the Blind : PUBLISHER American Foundation for the Blind , Inc . 1 1 6th 1 1 5 West Street , New York , New York : EDITOR Howard M . Liechty Ink ri n - p t and braille ; 1 0 times a year; 3 2 40 pages ; a magazine for pro fes i on l s a workers for the blind ; per year; established 1 907 ; l cop es . Th e Reporter PUBLISHER : Industrial Home for the Blind 1 w 5 7 Willoughby Street, Brooklyn , Ne York EDITOR : Beatrice Jones - HB Inkpri nt ; monthly; 8 1 6 pages ; news stories and information on I - work with the blind and deaf blind ; free ; established 1 942 ; copies . Th e See r PUBLISHER : Pennsylvania Association for the Blind 1 60 S r . 7 North econd Street, Ha risburg, Pa EDITOR : Philip N . Harrison Inkpri n t and braille ; quarterly; 45 pages ; work for th e blind and pre ' v en ti on of blindness ; free; established 1 930; copies. Tal kin g Book Topics PUBLISHER : American Foundation for the Blind 1 1 6th 1 1 5 West Street , New York , New York Inkpri n t and Talking Book ; b i -monthly; 8 1 6 pages; a guide to new Talking Books; free ; established 1 935 ; copies. We the Blin d PUBLISHER : Pennsylvania Federation of the Blind 1 . 5 37 Spruce Street, Philadelphia 39, Pa : EDITOR Mrs . Florence Plenty Inkpri n t and braille ; quarterly; 3 2 pages ; free ; articles of interest to the blind; established 1 937 ; copies . n n P ri i als School, Alum i, and Age cy e od c The Alabama Brass PUBLISHER : Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind Talladega , Alabama EDITOR : Ray Ful sh um Ink ri n t p and braille ; quarterly; newspaper form , 4 pages ; senior num b er 8 u , 4 pages ; editorial , feature stories, poems , al mni news and school news ; 50¢ per year; established 1 949; 5 00 copies . Arizona Cactus PUBLISHER : Arizona State School for the Deaf and Blind Tucson , Arizona T : . EDI OR E W . Tillinghast Inkpri n t ; monthly during school year; 1 6 pages ; professional and school 1 0 news ; free ; established 924 ; 45 copies . The Bulletin PUBLISHER : Connecticut Board of Educati on of. the Blind 1 6 o 5 Capitol Avenue , Hartford, C nnecticut EDITOR : Dorothea Simpson Inkpri nt ; monthly; 2 -3 pages ; material of interest to members Board; free; established 1 945 ; 2 1 0 copies .
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