Know Before You Go BANGLADESHKAZAKHSTANKYRGYZSTANHONGAZERBAIJANEASTINDONESIACAMBODIALEBANONARMENIABAHRAINBHUTANJORDANKUWAITBRUNEIISRAELCHINAJAPANINDIALAOSIRAQIRANBALI TIMOR KONG A Guide to Keep You Safe Abroad provided by: Pathways to Safety International Updated JulyNovemberDecemberJanuaryMayAugustJuneApril 201820172018 20182019 2018 2018 20162017 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY KNOW BEFORE YOU GO: INDIALEBANONLAOSKYRGYZSTANKUWAITKAZAKHSTANJORDANJAPANISRAELIRAQIRANINDONESIAHONGEASTCHINACAMBODIABRUNEIBHUTANBANGLADESHBALIBAHRAINARMENIAAZERBAIJAN TIMOR KONG 2 Let’s be perfectly clear, the number one way to prevent sexual assault is to not rape. While the responsibility of ending sexual gender based violence is on the perpetrators, this guide will offer general safety tips, country-specific information, and resources to help prevent and prepare travelers for the possibility of sexual assault abroad. GENERAL SAFETY TIPS: 1. Use the buddy system and travel with friends. 7 out of 10 2. Be aware of social and cultural norms. For example, looking at someone in rapes are the eyes when you speak to them is perfectly normal in the U.S., but in committed another country that could signify you’re interested in the person. by someone known to the 3. Recognize controlling behavior when entering a relationship. Most rape victim1 survivors recall feeling “uncomfortable” about some of their partner’s behaviors such as degrading jokes/language or refusal to accept “no” as an answer, whether in a sexual context or otherwise.2 4. Avoid secluded places where you could be more vulnerable. Meet new people in public spaces and let a trusted friend know where you’ll be beforehand. Always have a backup plan in mind. 5. Trust your gut. Many victims have a “bad feeling” right before an assault takes place. It’s okay to leave a situation that is making you feel uncomfortable. Stay alert and aware in new social settings and places. ALCOHOL AND DRUG AWARENESS: • Always watch your drink being poured and carry it yourself, even to the bathroom. • “Drug-facilitated sexual assault drugs,” also referred to as club drugs or roofies may turn your drink slightly salty, bright blue, or cloudy. Effects such as distorted judgment, loss sense of time, sight, sound, identity, and overall consciousness can be felt within 15 minutes and may last up to 4 hours.3 • India’sLebanon’sLaos’KyrgyzstanKuwait’sKazakhstan’sJapan’sIsIraq’sAlcohol HongEastChina’sThereBrunei’sBhutan’sBangladeshBali’sBahrain’sArmenia’sAzerbaijan’sIndonesia’sTherael’s legalTimor’s legalKong’slegalis legal legalpurchasecurrently drinking legal legaldrinkingdoesdrinking legaldrinkinghas drinkinglegal drinkinglegal drinking drinkingonenot drinkingand no agedrinking drinking age age have ofdrinking age ageconsumptionagein thein is age Jordan variesageais Laos18.isage legallowestage 18.age is18.20. isVisitorsage is418. is44is 18.byTraditional is The21,drinking Drinking 418.restrictions1818. 4Armenia21.jurisdiction.alcohol isDespiteexcept4 4and rate4 Laoswillillegal VisitorsAlthough the notage.of is ranks consumptiondrinkinginis beinginalcoholconsidered policefindAceh knownin However,Iran.should In JordanCambodia.number Bihar, a liquorand4 culturestrictlyheavily consumptionAlthoughfor avoid is Papua alcoholGujarat,itsan rates1ina out majoritylongInimportant revolvesenforce Muslimhalalgiving 2015, there whereofin is tradition Manipur,10Asiarestaurants prohibitedin alcohol a inare thecountry,Muslim around Israellawalcohol duealcoholway manylaw. was ofNagaland, to toisas nation, strongrespect While Lebanon atis theincreasingdrafted cateringbondpeopleaconsumption illegal.schoolsgift majority Hong liquors, alcoholand unless andand who to to4has Beingandconnectimpose atshowingKongLakshadweep Muslims,continue Muslim alcohol beers,theyone is amonguniversities. widelya is Muslim-majorityof a arewithfamous yourlegal and thepopulation.but availableAseanto certainavailable people, smuggletherewinesfastestjiudan minimumdrinking Thefor countries. that arewhichits in country’s “drink amongbut for However, alcoholbars, excitingis no theircountry,age always illegal. are An of Otherpurchasenon-Muslimsrestaurants,averagetraditionalhostrememberandcourage”21,restrictionsdrankIndonesiaindustrialized but drinkdiverse drinks, agein has oflarge is except behindlimitsholds 7 drinkyetto common, elsewhere litersnightlife,asand andpace proportionsnations,to many varyduringconservative is shops.beclosed istourists koumissyourself consumedpassed. frombut Kazakhsdrinking on howeverthe5 doors,Menit’s the 18-25duringover , month 4according an acceptable Cambodians islands. viewsinare peris alcoholicit the yearsLebanonthe notis celebratory Muslim ofperson tabooage onOECD Ramadan.4necessarily ofto drinking ofto age.drinkyour consumeforoften andper18hasdrink 4 maydevout toasts. 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Domestic whenthan have6 clinking.are been violence visiting proposals5 awas new reportedfor establishment. a nation-wide to be a frequent alcohol resultban.5 CULTURALof heavy drinking INFORMATION: in Laos. MajorCULTURAL Religions: INFORMATION:70.2%BuddhistHindu54%ShintoMuslim83.5% Muslim, Muslim,Balinese79.8%, 83.9%, 99.4%, (official) 40.5%Muslim Buddhism26.2%other Hinduism, 96.9%,Christian, (includesChristian,14.2%, 71.4%, 13.4%Muslim Christian 5.6% Zoroastrian,0.2% ChristianityMuslim, 1.9%, Druze,other, 2.3%, Christian 2.5% 2.8%lessSikhJewish, 2%, Christian, than1.7%, atheist, Other0.4%, and 1%other 7.8%Christian) otherand0.5%Jews, and (Note:0.5% unspecified.0.8%.Baha’is, unspecified 0.3%,Buddhism.6 total Buddhists,unspecified: is6 more 52%5 than Hindus 0.4% 100%6 and because Mormons many7 CULTURAL INFORMATION: 6 peopleMajor Religions:adhere to both 80%87.2%Judaism Shinto Muslim Muslim, 72%, and (Sunni Islam6.9% Buddhist majority),Protestant,17%, Christianbeliefs.) 11% 2.9% Russian 62.1%, Catholic, Druze Orthodox, 1.7% 1.6%, Hindu, None 3% Jewish/Roman 0.7% 3.8%.6 6 Catholic/Buddhist,5 7 3% Protestant MajorCULTURAL Religions: INFORMATION:TextMuslim43%BuddhistMuslim:Armenia of the 97.2%90.8% Apostolic: 18.2%, population (official; Hindu: Christian 92.6%, 8.2% followspredominantly 5.1%,Evangelical: Buddhist: Muslima mixture 0.6% 1%,1.8%,Sunni), of other: Christian:Buddhism,folk Christian religion,2.4%, 0.3% none: Taoism2.2% 21.9%, Other: 1.1%, and Hindu unspecified: <0.4%. Confucianism. < .1%, Jewish 2.9%. While < .1%,7 thereother are0.7% Jewish, Legal System: IndiaKazakhstan’sCambodiaTheIndonesia, IranianLebanese operates is includingLegal governed legal legalunder System system system thea underfederal regionis is 6 ais aacivil a civilparliamentary mixof law lawBali, of system civilsystem is based law basedrepublicconstitutional influenced based on ona civilsystemon the the lawbyFrench monarchy, theFrenchwith system, traditions legalits civil judicial in intermixeddesign whichcode, of5 branch Romanand Ottomanthe 6 withexecuted Prime basedlaw. customary legal TheMinister heavily according judicial tradition is lawon the and the toand andhead Shia legal MajorChristian,(includes(Baptists,Legal System:Religions: Daoist Pentecostals,Hindu (Taoist)),and 66% Muslim Lutherans, Buddhist, unaffiliated populations 30.7%nondenominational 52.2%. Folk present, Religion, Hong 1.5%Protestants, Kong Christian, is largely Presbyterians, 0.9% secular7 Unaffiliated, as and a society. Charismatics).⁵ 0.7% Other. systemofLegalreligiousIslamicRoman the government.System: operatesjurisprudence.Dutch laws. law. The TextJordan’sTheJapanIAatsrael’s CIt 6fourthree ombination Cambodia’sPeoples’Republicis Thehasdivided mainlegal legallevels: governmentmultiple Republicsystemcourtof system by of district, Armenialegal ExecutiveCustomary systemscourts, is systemis of isbased provincialcomprised madeisBangladesh aincluding Power,are: sovereign,Lawis on upcomprised the commonand ofand ofSupreme judicialthe is district,aRoman federal, mixtureheadeddemocratic Supreme law.of court Advisorycivil Dutchsummary, withInstead byof law Leader,Ottoman,bothsystem, state,theLaw. based Council, of highest afamily, Inpresidentbasedawho the jury, theBritish,on isadministrative MinistrycourtUNhigh, semi-autonomouson judgesthe Transitional socialand headbeingand makeofaIslamic supreme. justiceprime ofState, the the decisions court
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