Delinquency Picture Middletown Clmrcli Site Holmdel Finishes RED BANK REGISTER Thursday, Jan. 2, 1958—31 57 With $126,000 RR Seeks to ^ Reported Improved Cash Balance 1 MIDDLETOWN — A marked will be taken early in 1958 on $300,000 Additional Increase in juvenile cases handled I appointment of the administrator, In Tax Humbles Highlands Service^ by police here in 1957 is reported a post that was created last year by Capt. Raymond T. Walling, but never filled. John A. Murray, Juvenile guidance officer. director of the mosquito control Predicted for 1958 NEW YORK — The Central | slon," Mr. Moore announced, ,"V^ In his annual report to the town- group, wrote In his report that| Railroad of New Jersey disclosed abandon the last 3.6 miles of i HOLMDEL — This municipali- last week-end that it is.pluming single-track Seashore bra ship committee, the officer noted, the recommendation was based ty, which has traditionally prided however, that the actual situation on "assurance by Mr. (John T.) to abandon service from Atlantic from Atlantic Highlands to Hig Itself on the healthy atnt» of Its Highlands to Highlands on its is one of Improvement. Lawley of the township commit- finances, is in the black again lands. Exposed to storms on ' Reasons for the Increase in tee that the township adminis- this year with a whopping $126,- Bayshore branch. east, and unstable ground cond cases, he said, include the popu- trator will be named and func- 651.42 cash surplus, the govern- Abandonment of the 3.6 miles tlons to the west, this expensive) lation gain, greater police vigi- tioning as such on »or before ng body announced Thursday. of Single-track line is one of three i to maJntain sector costs us roof' changes being sought by the rail-! than $100,000 annually to opei] lance and greater willingness of March 1, 1958 ..." "It Is probably tho largest cash civilians to co-operate. Commission members, serving road In an economy program' ate and maintain. We receive le« balance in the history of the ivhlch Earl T. Moore, CNJ prcs-j The types of offenses, he said, without pay, must be relieved of town," Daniel S. Ely, township than $7,000 annually from the fCT have been less serious and the supervisory and executive respon- clerk, said. "We received more Idcnt, said Is compelled by >passengers still using the service! attitude of offenders more satis- sibility in the work, Mr, Murray In taxes this year than we had sheer necessity." "With adequate bus service' 01 factory. Interviews with the vio- wrote. anticipated." Consolidation of certain trains parallel highways, we bclievl public convenience and necesslt| lators and their parents indicate It is. advisable, Mr. Murray As for the 1958 outlook, John nd addition of two units to the that police activity has been large- wrote, that the man in charge of .. This building, on a five-acre plot at 94 Tindall rd., Middletown, will serve as tem- H. Mount, assessor, predicted the Budd car fleet for use on the no longer justifies these contf ing InRRPR from rail operations.' ly responsible for the improve- fogging operations he an em- porary quarters of a new Presbyterian church pending construction of permanent church township will have $300,000 move Matawan-Mlantic Highlands run will be proposed to the Public ment, Capt. Walling reported. ployee of the agency, not some- In tax ratables than this year. New Schedules buildings planned by the Presbytery of Monmouth. Rev Harlan C. Durfee, who has been Utility commission. The rnllrnnd In 1957, the report notes, there one enaged by another agency of Ho noted, however, the munici- In a tew days, according Iso will seek an Increase in were 295 investigations of juve- township government and assign- assigned to ihe new church development, hopes to begin services in late winter or early pality will lose approximately the announcement the rallroai nile cases as against 137 in 1956. ed to fogging on a loan basis, as $70,000 In ratables for veterans Hudson river ferry fares. spring. The church will be the first of the denomination to serve the rapidiy growing 1957 has been our worst year will apply to the PUC for the ne' The 1957 probeB led to 197 for- last year. The commission asks tax exemptions. Mr. Mount said passenger train schedule "di mal complaints. authority to engage a qualified township. that at present count there are since reorganization In 1949," Mr. Moore said in announcing the ed to provide adequate servic With the exception of U of 15 individual, preferably with basic 129 new veteran homeowners to meet present day passenge] who qualify for tho exemption. program. Passenger operation children who have been habitual knowledge of entomology, as su- travel requirements at a reducw violators, all case work during perintendent on a retainer basis. The township stayed within Its losses, he said, have Increased to Resting Up, Maybe, $3.4 million. cost of operation. It contemplate! the year was of a type easily The superintendent would be 1957 budget, Mr. Ely said, with consolidating certain trains "Mr New Presbyterian Church $889 to spare. There were no Tho Atlantic Highlands-High- handled by the juvenile aid bu- available part-time all year, and For a Busy Evening? now operate during hours of otii reau or Juvenile conference com- full time from June 15 to Labor emergency appropriations during lands operation, he said, costs the day to operate fogging equipment MIDDLETOWN — It hap- the year. railroad more than $100,000 a centrated heavy travel with coi mittee, with parental co-opera- pened a little too curly In the siderably less than a capaclt tion, Capt, Walling reported. and. plan and execute various oth- Planned for Middletown Concerning board of education year and brings In revenue ot er control measures. Employment day to be blamed on New Year's finances, Mr. Ely aald he had ess than $7,000, load." Parents Co-operate ' eve. "If these schedules are app; of a school teacher or other in- MIDDLETOWN — Plans for a recommended that the board In- Serve 90 Dally "There has been a very notice- A Llncroft woman called po- vest the funds it now holds for ed, we plan to add two additions dividual with freedom from sum- new Presbyterian church on a Railroad spokesmen told The able decrease in resistance from mer employment is suggested. five-acre tract at 94 Tindall rd., S&L Opens lice headquarters at 1:28 p. m. school construction In 30, 60 and units to our existing seven-ca parents," he noted, "and a defi- here, were announced this week Tuesday. There was a man, 90-day notes. Register the average dally traf- Budd fleet. These additional Bud nite increase in co-operation, in- Ask Representation by'the Presbytery of Moqmouth, she roported nervously, lying "As far as I know, the board Ic on the run that would be ab- cars will provide efficient shut dicating very strongly that the Recurrence of drainage prob- Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Office Today unconscious in her colliir. has not Invested these funds yet," indoncd i» about 80 persons. Moat tie service, with completely moi Patrolman Frank W. Olrason, of those, It was reported, use the majority of parents are finally lems arising from new home con- Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, now MIDDLETOWN — Every visi- the clerk said. "It should be done em air conditioned equipment recognizing the dangers of juve- struction suggests, the report con- serving two churches In Mount on desk duty, dispatched a pa- immediately so the interest In- Wnter Witch station, which Is 2.5 between Atlantic Highlands an tor will receive a free souvenir trol car and the Lincroft first miles from Atlantic Highlands. nile delinquency and have learned cludes, that a member of the Joy, Pa., has been called to talra and those who open savings ac- come will help reduce the $20,000 Matawan. Carefully co-ordlnatef that a great effort is being made commission be appointed to the over the new church develop- aid squad to the address. At yearly Interest payments the To serve them, the railroad scheduled connections are belli counts will'receive special gifts 4:35 the patrol officer reported: schedules eight southbound and by all concerned to help them planning board, or that a mem- ment. when the Shadow Lawn Savings board must make." provided at Matawari 'wit and their children." ber be designated as official ob- No one unconscious, exnctly. seven northbound trains Monday through New York and LOB and Loan association opens its The man was a washing ma- Low Water Pressure through Friday. There are six Township Committeeman Wal- server to participate in planning new Middletown Shopping Center Branch railroad trains betwee ter J. Bills, police chairman, com- board discussions. | chine service man. "He had Tho committee withheld pay- louthbound and eight northbound Point Pleasant and Jersey Cit office today, according to John crawled under tho machine to ment of a $354 bill from West trains Saturdays, and four south- mented that the juvenile aid bu- The report notes that the board G. Lawley, president. and Newark." of education had agreed to correct fix it and fell asleep. Tlmt la Keansburg Water company for bound and five northbound trains The ICC also wlll.be petltlone reau, a comparatively new unit of The office, latest addition to the all." fire hydrant rental service. The the police department, Is doing by Sept.-15 a drainage condition Sundays, for an adjustment of Mtorstat retail and service facilities at the 12-month invoice Included nix- The New York single-trip fare commendable work, ..
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