«r-r :^ :F^TJB!l-iIC IDOCTJJ^vdlElSrT ^^jiji^^jKi, \^mi?> FOR THE YEAR 1870. N. H. : MANCHESTER, ^ ^^^ ^ PRINTED BY JOHN B. CI 1871./ ^t'!., ,- NEW HAiVlPSfliUr STATE LIBRARY : TWENTY-KIFTH ANNUAL KEPORT Receipts and Expenditures JITY OF MANCHESTEE, FOR THE FISCAL VEAR ENDING E(JEMBER ;M, 1870, TfXiEIITEIi WITIt OrHER ANNUAL RErORTS AND PAPERS RELATING TO TIIK AFFAUtg OF THE CITV. MANCHESTER, N. 11. I'P.INTED J5Y JOHK B. CLARKE 1871. N 1676 CITY OF MANCHESTER, Ix lioAKi) OK Common Council. AN OliDER aulliorizing the printing of the Twenty-Ul'th An- niuil Report of the Receipts and Expenditures of the City of Manchester. Ordered, if the Board of Mayor and Aldermen concur, That »be Joint Standing Committee on Finance be and. they are hereby Authorized to cause sixteen liundred copies of the Twenty-fifth Annual Report of the Receipts and Expenditures of the City of Manchester, including the Reports of the Overseers of the Poor, 7:he Committee on City Farm, the Trustees, Librarian and Treas- ijjer of the City Library, the School Committee and the Superin- tendent of Public Instruction, the Committee on Cemeteries, the Library Ruilding Committee, the Committee on Lands and Build- ings, and Committee on School-House Repairs, to be printed for the use of the inhabitants of said city, and that the expense xfeereof l>e charged to tlie appi'oprintion for Printing and Sta- i)ionerT. Jan. 17. 1S71. Ix JJoard of Common Council. Read and passed. Wm. R. PATTElsr,PRE,siDENT. Jan. 17, 1871. In Board of Mayor and Aldermen. PiiMed in concurrence. .lAMES A. WESTOK, Mayor. GOVERNMENT AND OFFICERS OK THK CITY OF MANCHESTER, 1870. MAYOK. JAMES A. WESTON CITY CLERK. JOSEPH E. BEN'NETT. ALDERMEN. " Ward 1 —Daniel II. Maxfield, Ward o—Coruelius Healy, Ward 2—Henry A. Farringtoiu Ward G—George H. Hubbard, Ward 3—Peter K. Chandler, Ward 7—Samuel Brooks, Ward 4—Horace P. Watts, Ward S—William CI. Everett. president of common coxtncil. John P. Currier. clerk or common council. Klbriilge D. Hadley. COMMON COUNCIL. Waki) J. AVilliam Eursiel, Ward 5. John L. Kennedy, "William II. Maxwell, Lawrence Foley, John P. Currier. Thomas Willis. AVaed J, Henry W. Powell, Waiu) ti. Dustin L. Jenkins, Thomas R. Northrup, John W. Johnson, William B. Underhill. (ieorge E. Glines. AVaijd o. Simon F. Stanton, Ward 7. David O.Webster, iN^ehemiah S. Bean, John K. McQueston George II. Simmons. William H. Shepherd. AV^iJUJ 4. William E. Patten. Ward 8, Henry H. Fuller, Jacob B. Ilartwell, Harris J. Poor, Joseph B. Sawyer. Albert A. Woodward. MESSENGER. AVilliam Stevens. JOINT STANDING COMMITTEK. Finance. —Messrs. Johnson, liean and Patten; the Mayor and Alderman Brooks. Accounts.—Aldermen Farrington and ilaxfield; Messi'S. Max- Avell, Underhill and Ilartwell. Lands and Buihlings.—Aldermen Watts and Brooks; Messrs. Sawyer, Johnson and Shepherd. Public Instruction.—Aldermen Evei-ett and Fai-rington ; Messrs. McQueston, Powell and Willis. Streets.—Aldermen Chandler and Hubbard: Messrs. Bean, Stan- ton and Fuller. (Jiti/ Farm.—The Mayor and Alderman Watts: Messr*;. }.\<- Queston, Fuller and Jenkins. Seicers and Drains.—Aldermen Chandler and llealy: Messrs. Glines, Shepherd and Foley. Commons and Cemeteries. —Aldermen Maxlield and Ilubl)ai'd; Messrs. Bursiel, Webster and Kennedy. Fire Department.—Aldermen Healy and Everett: xMessrs. Jen- kins, Simmons and Sawyer. 5 Claims. —xYldcrmen Brooks and MaxHcld: Messrs. Patten. Korthrup and Bursiel. House of Correction,—Aldermen Watts and Farrington; Messrs. Korthrup, Gliues and Poor. Military Affairs.—Aldermen Hubbard and Ilealy ; Messrs. Maxwell, Poor and AVebster. Citif Hall.—Aldermen Everett and Chandler; Messrs. Stanton. Woodwai-d and Powell. Lighting Streets.—Aldermen Farrington and Everett; Mcssr.s. Sawyer, Kennedy and Ilartwell. STANDING C'OMMITTEIiS IN liOAItD OF Al.DKIlMKN. Licenses.—Aldermen Healy and Brooks. Enrollment.—Aldermen Maxfield and Farrington. Bills in Second Beading.—Aldermen Hubbard and Watts. Market.—Aldermen Everett and Healy. Setting Trees.—Aldermen Chandler and Ilubljard. Marshal's Account.—Aldermen Maxfield and Chandler. STANDING COMMITTEES IN I50A11D OK C03IM0N COUNCII. Election and Beturns.—Kennedy, AVebster and Xorthrup. Bills in Second Beading —Patten, Simmons and Woodward. Enrollment.—ITnderhill, Ilartwell and Powell. ASSES.SOIIS. Moses O. Pearson, Timothy Sullivan, Horace 1*. Simpson, Isaac Whittemore, John F. Woodbury, Joseph N^. Prescott, Isaac D. Palmer, T. S. Montgomery. OYEUSEEnS OF THE POOI!. S, S. Moulton. Hugh Conroy, S. J. Young, John Morse, Js'ahum Baldwiu, Horatio Fradd, Moses E. Georgw, George H. Coll)y. 6 SCHOOL COMMITTEE. Henry C. Sanderson, Patrick A. Dcvine, Marshall P. Hall, Ephraim S. Peabody, Thomas Borden, James Dean, liamnel Upton, DeLafayette Robinson. SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Joseph G. Edgerly. I50ARD OK ENGINEERS. Edwin P. Richardson, ChUf. Benjamin C. Kendall. Wilberforce Ireland, Elijah C'handler, Andrew C. Wallace. SOLICITOR. ifathan P. Hunt. O^ce—Patten's Buildiiij TREASURER AND COLLECTOR. Henry R. Chamberlin. Office—City Hall Buildint DEPUTY COLLECTOR. Harrison 1). Lord. Union Build ini TRUSTEES OF THE CITY LIBRARY. Hon. Daniel Clark, Samuel X. Bell, William P. Newell, Waterman Smith, Hon. Wm. C. Clarke, Hon. E. A. Straw, ]'hinehn.s Adams, John P Currier, ex officio. Hon. James A. Weston, ex officio. LIBItARIAN. Charles H. Marshall. INAUGURAL ADDRESS HON, JA.MES A. WESTON, MAYOR, THE CITY COUiNCIL OF IIANCHESTEK, DICLtVEUKD BEFORE THE TWO BRANCHES IN CONVENTIOl^ .lANUAllY ", 1871. CITY OF MANCHESTER. An Oriler to Print the Mayor's Inaugural Address. Ordered, if the Board of Common Council concur, That the City Clerk be hereby authorized to cause to be printed, for the use cf the City Council, three hundred and fifty copies of the Address «f His Honor the Mayor, delivered this day l)efore a convention of the City Council. Ix lioAiti) OF Mayor and ALDifiOiKX, Jan. 3. 1871. Read and passed. J. E. BENNETT, City Clerk. Tx Board of Commox Couxcil, Jan. 3, 1871. Head and pa>si'd. ELBRIDGE (x. HADLEY, Clekk. ADDRESS. Gentlemen of the City Council: The events of another year have passed into history : their attending cares and responsibilities have given place to new purposes, their joys and sorrows have become a part of human experience, and the lessons suggested by them should give us wisdom for approaching duties. Notwith- standing the great fire staid for awhile the growth of our municipality, and the severe drouth threatened alarmingly, not only our personal comfort but to place its withering hand upon the chief sources of our industrial and financial prosperity, manifold blessings and the full measure of suc- cess in their countless pursuits have been bestowed upon the people, and may well awaken in our hearts a grateful response to the Giver of all our mercies. As we devote ourselves to the public service for the next municipal term, let us not fail to recognize the Supreme Ruler of the Universe as the source of all wisdom and power, and, relying upon His aid and guidance, let us cheerfully and hopefully, but earnestly, enter upon the dis- charge of our several duties, determined to manage the important trusts confided to us, for the greatest good of all our people. FINANCES. First, as of the greatest importance, I desire to ask your 10 attention to the financial condition of the city, as shown by the Treasurer's books : Statement of the City Debt Jan. 1, 1871. Amount of funded debt January 1, 1870, $401,900 00 Decrease during the year, 8,800 00 Amount of funded debt Jan. 1, 1871, Amount of temporary loan Jan. 1, 1870, 28,001 00 Decrease during the year. 7,275 00 Amount of temporary loan Jan. 1, 1871, Interest now due, estimated at Outstanding bills due Jan. 1, 1871, Total debt and interest January 1, 1871, Cash in the treasury Jan. 1, 1871, Notes due the city. Interest on same. Net indebtedness Jan. 1, 1871, Net indebtedness Jan. 1, 1870, Decrease of the debt during the year 1870, <|21 971 42 The valuation, as returned by the Assessors for the past year, is $10,710,252, showing an increase of more than a half million of dollars over the valuation of 1869. The rate of taxation on -filOO was 2.48 in 1869 and 2 18 in 1870. The total amount assessed by tax last year was 1238,- 483.63. This sum was appropriated as follows : Por State tax .¥50,562 00 " County tax 15^947 47 " Municipal purposes .... 166,974 16 $233,483 63 I think it will be conceded by all that this important dc- l)artracnt of the government has always been managed with great prudence and careful foresight, as our present good 11 coudition so well attests. The present indebtedness of the city is less than four per cent, on its valuation, and about three-fourths of this was occasioned by the late war. Since the re-establishment of peace, many valuable and costly improvements have been made. The Court-House, Library Building, and two School-Houses have been erected, capa- cious sewers constructed, new streets opened, a new steam fire-engine ])urchased, and other works of a permanent character accomplished. The expense of all these has been met by annual taxation, besides applying each year a handsome sum towards the extinction of the city debt. In view of such a record our citizens may well be gratified. the . Bonds to the amount of !^8,800 became due past year, and have been paid. Other bonds amounting to $6,000 mature the present year, for the payment of Avhich you will be called upon to make provision. Heretofore a large surplus has remained in the city treasury from the first of July, the commencement of the payment of tiic new tax list, till the following March or April, from which the city derives no advantage.
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