opyjIId L£Lrjr 4c.7 VOL. XVII No. 30 BELMAR, N. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1921 Single Copy Four Cents DEPUTY DISTRICT SUPERVISOR HART FLAYS LOUIS TREBINO L MISS MADELINE AYERS BECOMES BRIDE ENEMIES OF LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE. FOUND DEAD IN STORE OF LEMUEL THOMPSON AT MORRISTOWN Louis Trebino, aged 54, an J Prominent Summer Resident is Autum Bride Open Confession and brilliant defence tiirns Search­ Italian who conducted a small ( The Wedding Took Place Yesterday light on former officers. A wonderful Review fruit aud vegetable store at! 1002 F street, was found asphy. Morristown, N. J., Oct. 6— until November 1st, when they xiated by gas in a small room at A pretty wedding was solemn- will reside at South Orange. N- In order that the citizens of sixteen hundred lodges in the the rear ol liis store about 5 jze(j yesterday at six o’clock i J., in their new home a gift to o clock Monday afternoon- A i , ,, . r . ,, . .. the borough of Belmar may un- United States, Canada, and FANS TO SEE GOOD derstand tlie real aims and ob- wherever the white race lives gas stove with no flame but the f.1 th* Ayers Homestead Prank- the bride . from the groom, jects of thc Loyal Order of BALL GAME TOMORROW gas turned on and a coffeee pot lln Place, when Miss Madeleine Both the young people throughout the worldj seven are Moose a short, but brief history hundred and fifty thousand over the heater were found Ayers daughter of Mrs. John well, known in this city their city their of the order in general and a men. Most of the lodges pro­ when the body was discovered- Bonsall Ayers of this Boro and birth place and are members of fair and open explanation of vide sick benefit and funeral ex He bad beo*i dead about three Morristown, N. J-, became the ol old families of Morris Coun the Histoi'y of Belmar Lodge, is in order at this time. Away back in the year of 1912 .. , ui / vv asm ng- the local lodge knowp as Bel­ . ct„rwic „™n nn epuee and had taken a nap ton Place- The cevemonv was , , . ,, m ar Lodge No- 1327 was insti­ y. rp, ‘ linriins will be used w:,s boiling. He placed performed by Rev. D-M. Brook- Ayers, Jr., who were both . ay- As a means for the better ac- 1 c ' _______ ~___ three chairs alonside each other man the rector of the St. Peter’s or ol this town. Mr. Thompson tuted under the personal direc­ eomplishing^ their ipurposej.-r jt ~ the| HAS NARROW ESCAPE and laid on them. He dropped Fnismmimv ,.i,—ui v, me * ----- 1 tion of District Supervisor W. lodges have organized a central iem. He dropped,Episcopal church and was wit- J. Bennett of Newark, New Jer­ agency called the “Supreme off to sleep and soon tbe coffee nessed by only the immediate graduated from Brown Univer­ sey with a charter membership ------- began to boil. When it boiledbo 11U11UJfamily CI11Wand a few, e\V u-ienos*friends- sityI- teni years• * • ago'v andir is no v Ix)dge of the World. I^yal Or- Motorman Taggart had a nar- over it extinguished the gas. i Miss Ayers a striking brunette r/,1 business in i ewar v, e is of two hundred and fifty of Bel­ der of Moose,” with headquar-»rew ——-j i . pi. v »» vovapcescape uiof iiif»his 111life f whenWlieil one,OUC | Tiie body])0(1\ was removed to .....- _ - 1 ’ m Uiiciu mar’s best known citizens. It ters at Mooseheart,Mooseheart. Illinois. AllAil [ofnf the»H«> AtlanticArtor.*t» Coast Electric undertakin the \vas attired in a wedding gown the nephew of Surrogate Wil­ mo v^uasi caeciric undertaking parlors of J- H ,of white satin and chiffon and was successful from the start the general activities of the | company trolley liam Thompson of Morris and up and until a few years Order center there. the rail atrolley cars left Sexton- County physician Jami- velvet brocade train, lined with it Eleventh son gave a certificate of acci-j silver cloth, a wreath of orange County- To add to the ro­ ago, it enjoyed a splendid repu­ The Loyal Order of Moose af- avenue on x ucautty C mance of the wedding the day • • 1 p • t • . 1 Tuesdayi t evening,'dentalrr\ death. j, blossoms ctvtv^JLadorned IH.II nerher headUlTctil aand I1C tation and possessed the confi­ fords a meeting place for men striking a telepraphiepraph pole- Tag-|Pag-j silrvtvintfSurviving are two sons,cone TV>n>rTony oV.^she carried- — 1 a- 1beautiful shower chosen was the 68th anniver-V dence of the general public. from alLwalks of life on erms,gart jumped to save his life. No jn |j)C naVy and Angelo living bouquet of lillies of the valle\ sary of the marriage of thc of equality and mutual confi- passengers were in the car- Now in order that Justice shall of emiabfv nnrl mutual ---------------- at home, a daughter Tessie liv and bridal roses- She was at grandparaents of Miss Ayers, be upheld, it is but proper that dence. It teaches loyalty to _.o _______________ wnvitu out’ was cl 1“ 1 * ^ ’ ' ' undoubtedly it will be readily we tear the blinders from her country, loyalty to family andj ORGANIZING FOOTBALL ling at home, a stepson. George tended by her sister Mrs. Ro-\recalled py many of the Morris- loyalty to self as cardinal prin-j recalled by many of the Morris- eyes and face the naked truth. TEAM j Jefferies of Bradley Park and a bert A- McKellar and was given townians that her grandparents ciples thata make for content-! stepdaughter Mrs- Mamie Mar- away by her brother John j celebrated their Golden Wedd- The local lodge fell into the ment- < of self aggrandizing individuals row of 226 Sixth avenue, Brad^Bache Ayers. Edward A. Thom iing in 1903 at the same home in Efforts are being made to or­ ley Park w here the body was pson. the brother rtf the groom | which the wedding took place- whose only interest was to get OUR HISTORY ganize a football team. Those what they could out of it. and removed bv Undertaker Sexton was best man and Miss Mae I The bride received innmr In 1888 the. Loyal Order of interested are E. Donald Stcr- Funeral- - services were held at Thompson_______ thc XAV/Mvi.flower girl. Thex iit; jgj gifts u l from — with that object in view they 1A « ’ " * Moose was founded. ner, Andy Vola and llack Gif- Carmel church at 10:30 only adorment of jewelry was j them a chestfriends, of silverwareamongst played the game of hide and It luuuucu. I*-*-, rt"uv .V,UV* a,r‘(' S p v in Tluirsdav morning and .inter- a handsome diamond pendant from the parents of Mr. Thom seek with the clean-decent- hon­ fraternalwas not unlike many other, ford Candidates for-the_ eleven was m;t(lr in the Catholic the gift of endearment from, pson Ilie house was artishc- est and reliable members whose mal societies in the origi-| should comniumcate with metorv at Asbury. I the groom- As the bride an 'ally decorated with autum lea- nal conceptionconception and conduct of .above men- Sb far eightV * 1pky-j-----~7 __ .nrmu-W ■’wl- ’W hearts were in the success of the Order.Drder ,. - fersel's have been secured.seenrort Tin ( „ _______ .yiui ciuium lea- proached the room in which......... j^ves, palms, sm ilax'and flowrers the Moose. They were blind­ Until the year 1906. the or­ initial practice will probably be HOLIDAYS FALL ON [the ceremony was performed an folded as to the real uses of the held at Worthington field next by Mrs- E. A. Holton, florist, ganization was of small conse­ orchestra, from the Brcslan Tlie flickering light from doz club and its name- And gam­ quence bttt in that year Hon. week- NEXT WEDNESDAY jjew York, behind a bling, drinking and carousing ens of candlesticks in two old- James J. Davis, now Secretary . bower, . V 1 V/of ■ palms|/clilllO illin th?I I U hallII*UJ IU^'*dis- was freely allowed, so much so ! As “Yum Kipper” and Colum- corded the wedding march on fashioned glass chandeliers, of Labor in the Cabinet joined LOCAL BUILDERS TAKE heir-looms of tlie family for that when the decent and res­ the society becoming its 247th IM a v a t u u d bus Day falls on next Wednes-Jstringed instruments consist- pectable element discovered it, AW^lHbK tAKIN ku fj.,Y niany 0f the local stores, ing of a harp, violin and violin- many years set-off the decora­ member, and at once started to tions about the rooms in a most thev immediately denounced re-organize the Loyal Order of --------- will be closed- “Yum Kipper” (cello. After the ceremony a; such methods. It was hard on Longman and PridlAm, local the day of fasting will be ob- reception was held pleasing manner but was not an Moose and re-dedicate it to high ‘vhich all innovation as several of the'old­ those who prosecuted the good tasks and great purposes.-• contractors "and builders, have served ------ 1 u~bv *u~the Hebrews. Ser-[c'"“ present enjoyed- name of the Moose to let go. taken another partner in the vices will be held in the Eleven-, Mr. and Mrs. Thor«’nson de- er members of the family w'ere Mr. Dayis gathered around business It is Jay Pridham ’s married by candle light sun- But when the reighteous and him some of America’s strong­ th avenue Synagogue- inartcd at eight o'clock on God fearing members, who liv­ son Jay, Jr- who was born on n! plied from the same chande- est fraternalists and many of Wednesday morning.
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