JUNE 1-2, 2019 ASCENSION SUNDAY THE ASCENSION Forty days after his Resurrection, Jesus ascended into heaven. During this period between his Res- urrection and Ascension, He actually gave the primacy He had promised to Peter, as we read in John 21. The many events between His resurrection and as- cension preclude the theory that He ascended on Easter. His ascension does not mean that heaven is somewhere up in space. This was a way of making clear that He was leaving the present mode of existence. St. Paul in Colossians 3:1 urges us St. Anne’s Annual Picnic will take place on Sun- to live our lives now as if we had already died, had risen, and day, June 9th, Pentecost Sunday. The picnic will had ascended with Him. In a mystical sense we have done that, in that our Head has done that. In the physical sense it is officially begin right after the 11:30 Mass. still in the future. As usual, you are asked to wear RED for Pente- He ascended to receive the glory due to Him as conqueror cost, bring a lawn chair and prepare/share your of sin and death (Philippians 2:8-11); to be our Mediator and advocate with the Father (Hebrews 9:24); to send the Holy favorite dish to feed a crowd. Spirit as He had promised at the Last Supper (John 16:7); and Head wrangler for the event this year is Sue to prepare a place for us as He also promised (John 14:2). Cox, so offer your services, Now He is seated at the Father's right hand, which means that, as He said, "all power has been given to Me in heaven VOLUNTEERS NEEDED and on earth (Matthew 28:18). He always had that power as 1. To man the grills and prepare the hot dogs, God, but now He exercises it as man, as King of the Universe, hamburgers and sausages. God rest the soul of with His Mother beside Him as Queen of the Universe. As God He is everywhere, but not as man, though He is Bill Bennett, our parishioner and friend who present on earth most widely in the Holy Eucharist, even as recently passed away. Bill was always there, man. manning the grill. Besides this real bodily presence in the Eucharist, Christ is present on earth in other, lesser ways. Vatican II 2. To help with set up of the tables and chairs, mix explained the various forms of presence, in the Constitu- the lemonade and tea, and help direct traffic dur- tion on the Liturgy, # 7: "Christ is always present to His ing food preparation. Church, especially in liturgical actions. He is present in the 3. To bring A COOLER OF ICE!!! Sacrifice of the Mass in the person of the priest; 'He is the same one, now offering by the ministry of priests, who 4. To set up and run a game. Some ideas are: vol- then offered Himself on the Cross [citing the Council of ley ball; bubble blowing; egg tossing; corn hole Trent].' But He is most greatly present under the Eucharis- tournament; Frisbee games; games for little ones tic species. He is present by His power in the Sacraments, (tag/Red Rover/freeze tag/dodge ball/etc.); Face so that when anyone baptizes, Christ Himself baptizes. He is present in His word, for He speaks when the Sacred painting or any fun activity. Scriptures are read in the Church. He is present, finally, 5. CLEAN UP when the Church prays and sings the Psalms, He who 6. Last but not least —- to bring food. We promised 'Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in their midst'"(Matthew 18:20). count on you to sign up for your favorite (Taken from The Basic Catholic Catechism PART FOUR: The Apostles' Creed food...appetizer / main course / salad / dessert. VI-VIII Sixth By Rev. William G. Most. (c) Copyright 1990 One of the greatest results of this annual picnic is the opportunity for us to get together, share lots of THIS WEEK’S laughter, admire the children who have grown , take a moment to mourn those no longer with us, MINISTRY ACTIVITIES and to rejoice in the diversity and depth of our SAT., JUNE 1 MASS 5:00pm family here at St. Anne. See you at the picnic. SUNDAY, JUNE 2 MASS 8:00am DUTCH TREAT BKFST 9-11am MASS 11:30am BLOOD DRIVE ON JUNE 2 MONDAY, JUNE 3 NO MASS TUESDAY, JUNE 4 OUTREACH 9:-11am ST. ANTHONY BLOOD DRIVE VISITATIONS 9-11 am FAMILY CENTER PRAYER GROUP 4:45pm MASS 6:00pm SUNDAY, WED., JUNE 5 MASS 7:00am OUTREACH 9-11am JUNE 2 THURS., JUNE 6 MASS 7:00am 9AM till FRIDAY, JUNE 7 FIRST FRIDAY MASS 6:00pm SAT., JUNE 8 CODE RED TRAINING 9am - 1pm 2PM MASS 5:00pm ST. ANNE CATHOLIC PARISH, JUNE 1-2, 2019 PAGE 3 OUTREACH NEEDS: STRONG BODIES PURCHASE A STEP ON OUR STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN TO LOAD AT HARVEST HOPE MONDAYS 9-9:30am UNLOAD AT ST. ANNE’S MON./TUES. 10-10:30am So far the Stairway to Heaven is off to a great start. As of May 28 we have GREAT FOR 44.8% parishioner participation. The goal is to have every parishioner par- SERVICE PROJECTS ticipate by having them take a tab off the staircase, and this is possible be- SCOUTS/HIGH SCHOOLERS / cause we have tab amounts for every COLLEGE STUDENTS. budget. We have commitments of $21,002.00 from the CALL PAT BROMLEY . 843-662-1644 143 tabs already taken to date, which is 42% of our goal in monies raised. There are still 173 tabs re- maining for the 100 parishioners that have yet to EXPERIENCE chose a tab. Thank you to everyone supporting the construc- THE TIME OF MERCY! tion of our new parish hall by showing your sup- port. Each person can make a difference. Please plan to attend the Mercy and Mary Retreat at St. Joseph’s Catholic School, 100 FLAGS TO BE RETIRED AT DINNER St. Joseph’s Dr., Greenville 29607 on Fri- KNIGHT NEWS day and Saturday, July 19th and 20th. It FLAGS TO BE RETIRED AT DINNER will feature Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, as Knights of Columbus Assembly 1574 is speaker. joining with the Trail Life Scouts to host a This retreat includes: dinner Saturday, June 15, at St. Anthony’s Family = Five Conferences with Fr. Gaitley : Center. Personal Testimony: Now is the Time of The event will start with a social hour after the Mercy 5:00pm Masses at both St. Anne and St. Anthony. St. John Paul II: Fatima & the Great Mercy Pope St. Maximilian Kolbe: Mary’s Instrument of Dinner will be served at 7:00pm. Mercy After dinner, the Trail Life Scouts will retire St. Thérèse: The Way of Merciful Love U.S. flags by performing the recommended flag Your Role in this Time of Mercy retirement ceremony (weather permitting). If you = Coffee & Donuts have a U.S. Flag that is showing wear from display, = Lunch with the Marian Missionaries and is ready to be “retired,” please bring it to the = Retreat Mass & Divine Mercy Chaplet Family Center or give it to a Knight or Scout to be = Adoration & Benediction a part of the ceremony. = Personal Testimonies = Book Signing with Fr. Gaitley & More! MEPKIN ABBEY COOKBOOKS New Special Rate: $49; register now at EventsMa- rianMissionaries.org; for more information, call $20.00 413-944-8500 Ext. 10. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR GRADUATES Congratulations to all our graduates, whether from high school, college, or special training. We are proud of you and wish you well in all your future efforts. The following graduates provided their infor- mation: NAME GRADUATE OF DEGREE/COLLEGE OF CHOICE Eric Mays Hanna Pamplico HS Guilford College Jonah Kolsrud USC School of Business Finance Dbl Mjr. Finance & Operations; Supply Training Sarah Burns Halls HS, Knoxville TN University of Georgia Lorraine Bennett Spiritual Director School A Parish Spiritual Director PAGE 5 ST. ANNE CATHOLIC PARISH, June 1-2,2019, 2019 HOLY MASS SCHEDULE AND INTENTIONS LECTORS/EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS SATURDAY, June 1 JUNE 8-9, 2019 5:00pm +MARY BISCUP SUNDAY. June 2 5:00pm 8:00am LIVING & DECEASED MEMBERS LECTOR … JOHN BILLHEIMER OF ST. ANNE PARISH EUCHARTISTIC MINISTERS … PAT WEAVER & 11:30am +BILL BENNETT MARLENE VANKORB MONDAY, June 3 NO MASS ALTAR SERVERS … STEVE KUBILIUS & MARC WEAVER TUESDAY, June 4 CANTOR … POLLY PRICE 6:00pm A SPECIAL INTENTION WED., June 5 8:00 am 7:00am + JEFFREY YOUNGBLOOD LECTOR … MARY GRACE MIMS THUR. June 6 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS … MARY MIMS & 7:00am +FOR ALL DECEASED VETERANS OF PARISH MARK SPINAZZOLA FRIDAY, June 7 ALTAR SERVERS … ELIZABETH MIMS 6:00pm +BILL BENNETT CANTOR … MARIE NOVOTNEY 11:30am PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS LECTOR … MARIBETH OSBORN THOSE WHO ARE ILL EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS … DAVID KAHN, SR. & Please notify the parish office or Fr. Noel of the circumstances in MARY JO DUNDGEON placing a family member on our sick list. Usually, names will be ALTAR SERVERS … TBD removed after three weeks unless notified otherwise. Please ad- CANTOR … CELLY KAHN vise us when the need for prayer has passed. (* new name). *** Rose Couch Lance Schriber Willie Gregg JUNE 15-16, 2019 Ed Walsh Haynes Cain Ed DeFalco 5:00pm Paula Sumter Karolina Bobek Gail Todd LECTOR … M.J. WEIR Betty Bellefeuil Nancy Rogerson Ester Hyman EUCHARTISTIC MINISTERS … JIM & ROXANNE ROBINE Edward Knowles Deac. Robert Gerald Stephen Hawkins ALTAR SERVERS … FRAN BARCOMB & ROB LANTZ Karl Hyman, Jr. Minnie Barnes Hsin Yi Armstrong CANTOR … POLLY PRICE Mary Goodson Gil Tria (Fr.’s brother) Aquilina Tria (Fr.’s mother) Filipina Fullero (Fr.’s sister) 8:00 am The Sick of our Outreach Program LECTOR …WANDA JAMES SENIOR LIVING & NURSING HOME RESIDENTS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS … NAOMI FRANKS & The Carolinian -- Gerry Bauer, Lana Coban MARY BARCOMB Faith Nursing Home — Victor Agoha CANTOR … MARIE NOVOTNEY Gene’s Residential — Elaine Corey Elmcroft — George Laug 11:30am Presbyterian Home — Minnie & Laurence Barnes LECTOR … MARIANNE KEENAGHAN Annie Miller EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS … FRANK & DOLORES BOYSIA Indigo Pointe—Paul Castellane ALTAR SERVERS … TBD Homebound—Barbara Pecca, Barbara Bate, Patty Warr, CANTOR … CELLY KAHN Florence Mack *** THOSE IN THE ARMED SERVICES Trevor Johnson Jarrrod Lettieri PRACTICE FOR CANTORS Billy Brown Cody Carpenter OUR EXPECTANT MOTHERS AND THEIR BABIES Interested in becoming a Cantor? Our Music Director Jeff Walsh will be offering practice ses- sions and training for anyone interested in becom- WEEKLY OFFERTORY ing a cantor for services at St.
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