PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION IN POLAND 10th May 2020 European The next presidential election Elections Monitor might take place by post only in Poland, a process whose Corinne Deloy democratic, legitimate character is dubious. Analisys An unprecedented decision of parliament: 228 in favour, 228 against. Three PiS deputies opposed the text, three others abstained and In May, Poland might witness an unprecedented one did not vote. A few minutes after the vote, some of presidential election: one without polling stations and these «rebel» deputies changed their minds. Grzegorz ballot boxes that will be held solely by post. The context Puda claimed to have pressed the wrong button. is as follows: on 13 March, as part of the fight against Andrzej Kryj, who had not voted, said he had voted the Covid-19 pandemic, Poland closed its borders, banned but that the online voting system had not taken his rallies and imposed confinement. This will gradually choice into account. A new vote was held a few hours be lifted, but schools and universities as well as shops, later and the text was adopted. except for food stores, will remain closed and international passenger transport will be suspended at least until 26 Responses April. The borders will remain closed until 3 May. Many lawyers, politicians and journalists have warned Previously, postal voting was only allowed in Poland in of the risk of fraud and of violations of the Constitution cases of serious illness or disability preventing access to and the Electoral Code in the postal ballot. According the polling station. to an opinion poll carried out by Pollster and published So how will the presidential election scheduled for 10 by Rzeczpospolita on 23 March, nearly three-quarters and 24 May to decide Andrej Duda’s successor (Law and of Poles (72.2%) and 43% of PiS voters were in favour Justice, PiS) take place? 30 million Poles are expected to of postponing the election. deposit their ballot papers in special mailboxes reserved «If the idea of maintaining the 10 May poll goes ahead, for this purpose. Around 25,000 post office employees will it will be the beginning of the establishment of an deliver and collect the ballots, which will be counted by authoritarian regime in Poland because this election specially convened electoral committees. cannot take place in a fully legal, constitutional manner The electoral law leaves room for the Speaker of Parliament and in accordance with good democratic practice. to postpone the vote by one week to 17 May, which is The legitimacy of the winner can only be doubtful,» constitutionally possible. stressed Antoni Dudek, political scientist and historian «We have to fight the virus and probably the long economic at Cardinal Wyszynski’s University in Warsaw. crisis that will follow, so we have to consolidate power and this is what this presidential election is going to enable,» On 8 April, in an interview with the newspaper said PiS President Jaroslaw Kaczynski. Rzeczpospolita, the European Commission Vice- President responsible for Values and Transparency, Vera On 6 April, the bill put forward by the government Jourova, expressed her «concern about the presidential led by Mateusz Morawiecki (PiS) on postal voting was election, the quality of the voting process as well as first rejected by the Sejm (Sjem), the lower house the legality and constitutionality of such an election». Political issues FONDATION ROBERT SCHUMAN / PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION IN POLAND / 10TH MAY 2020 Presidential Election in Poland 10th May 2020 The Head of the Office for Democratic Institutions and • Malgorzata Kidawa-Blonska won the «primary» Human Rights (ODIHR) of the Organisation for Security organized by the Citizens’ Coalition (PO) led by and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Ingibjörg Solrun Grzegorz Schetyna; 2 Gisladottir, said that «under the current conditions, the • Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz, Chairman of the way the presidential election is conducted might not Peasant Party (PSL); meet international standards». • Robert Biedron MEP, leader of the left-wing Wiosna party (Spring); «Maintaining the presidential election in the current • Szymon Holownia, journalist and presenter, is conditions of total confinement is not the solution,» running as an independent candidate; said Pieter Omtzigt and Azadeh Rojhan Gustafsson, • Krzysztof Bosak, National Movement (RN), MP; co-rapporteurs of the Parliamentary Assembly of • Mirosław Piotrowski, Real Europe Movement; the Council of Europe (PACE) on the functioning • Stanisław Zołtek, Congress of the New Right of democratic institutions in Poland. Both men (KNP); recommended that the elections be postponed until • Marek Jakubiak, former MP, independent; the second half of 2020. «Its organisation in the • Paweł Tanajno, entrepreneur, independent. current circumstances could undermine the legitimacy of the elected President of the Republic, regardless of The electorial campaign the outcome of the ballot,» they said. Upolding the poll undeniably benefits the outgoing «The presidential election raises serious concerns about President of the Republic, Andrzej Duda, who is the only basic democratic standards (...) The law on universal one able to campaign in a confined country. The ban postal voting will enter into force at the earliest on 7 May, on rallies and the confinement have obliged the other after going through the parliamentary procedure. It is candidates to cancel their campaign meetings. Already administratively impossible to organise elections within a favourite in opinion polls before the outbreak of the three days without running a serious risk of electoral pandemic, Duda has seen voting intentions in his favour fraud,» said ECFR member Piotr Buras, who recalled that rise and those of his rivals fall at the same rate since the no Council of Europe representative or OSCE observer confinement. Many observers expect a strong abstention will be able to travel to Poland to monitor the vote. rate in the event of a postal vote, which would favour the outgoing head of State. Only one third of Poles say The bill on postal voting now awaits the approval of the they are prepared to vote under these conditions. Senate, where the opposition has a majority. However, the government can override a possible refusal by the The PiS is anticipating that the re-election of Andrzej Upper House. On 18 April, the PiS tabled a bill amending Duda would undoubtedly be more difficult in a the Constitution with a view to extending the term of few weeks or months’ time when Poland faces the office of the outgoing Head of State Andrzej Duda by economic and social consequences of the health crisis 2 years (from 5 to 7 years). The text provides that the as well as, perhaps, the anger or dissatisfaction of the first round of the presidential election scheduled for 10 population with the way its leaders have handled the May will be cancelled under the new rules. crisis. The election of a head of State from the ranks of the opposition would be bad news for the PiS since the The candidates standing latter could use his right of veto to oppose laws passed by parliament: the Sejm can only reject the head of 10 people are officially candidates in the presidential State’s veto by a majority of 3/5ths of the votes, a elections on 10 and 24 May: majority which the PiS does not have. • Andrzej Duda (PiS), outgoing president of the Andrzej Duda is the first President of the Republic to Republic, is seeking a second term; have visited all 380 electoral districts in Poland during Political issues FONDATION ROBERT SCHUMAN / PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION IN POLAND / 10TH MAY 2020 Presidential Election in Poland 10th May 2020 his term of office. He likes to show his interest and Blonska 9%, Krzysztof Bosak and Szymon Holownia esteem for «ordinary Poles» living in small towns 8% each and Robert Biedron 5%. and rural areas. These people, who sometimes feel that they are regarded as «second-class» citizens, The Presidential Office 3 appreciate Andrzej Duda’s attitude towards them. Conversely, his main rival, Malgorzata Kidawa- The role of the Polish Head of State is mainly honorary, Błonska, is seen as someone representing urban but not insignificant. Elected for 5 years, he has a Poles and liberal elites. The PiS accuses her of right of veto which the Diet, the lower house, can having no political agenda except to criticize the only reject by a majority of 3/5ths of the votes, which actions of the outgoing president or government. The must also take place in the presence of at least half strategy pursued by the opposition, which involves of the deputies. The President of the Republic may turning every national election into a vote about the decide alone to hold a referendum, a procedure that government, did not pay off in the parliamentary is not widely used because of the low turnout in the elections of 13 October 2019. country for such elections. He is the head of the armed While all opposition candidates, as well as the forces; he ratifies international agreements, appoints mayors of the country’s largest cities, have called and dismisses ambassadors and exercises a right of for a postponement of the presidential election, amnesty by which he can overturn court decisions on arguing that the postal ballot would be unfair and appeal. Under the Constitution, he may not serve more undemocratic, they remain divided on the strategy to than two consecutive terms. be followed to achieve this. A candidate for the office of President must be at least According to the survey carried out by the Social 35 years of age. In order to stand for election, he or she Change Institute between 10 and 13 April, outgoing must collect 1,000 signatures from voters, which he or President Andrzej Duda would be elected in the first she presents to the Polish Electoral Commission.
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