++~'~'~";:!::ii: ;!:ii!i!ii :ii i:, !i :;~:;ii;ii ii!!;;Tiil;iiiiiiiiiii!i i ;ii ~=~iii HYDROCARBONEXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION' Volumes 1-7, 9-18, 19a, 21-27, 29, 31 are out of print. 8 Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering 19b Surface Operations in Petroleum Production, II 20 Geology in Petroleum Production 28 Well Cementing 30 Carbonate Reservoir Characterization: A Geologic-Engineering Analysis, Part I 32 Fluid Mechanics for Petroleum Engineers 33 Petroleum Related Rock Mechanics 34 A Practical Companion to Reservoir Stimulation 35 Hydrocarbon Migration Systems Analysis 36 The Practice of Reservoir Engineering (Revised Edition) 37 Thermal Properties and Temperature Related Behavior of Rock/Fluid Systems 38 Studies in Abnormal Pressures 39 Microbial Enhancement of Oil Recovery- Recent Advances - Proceedings of the 1992 International Conference on Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery 40a Asphaltenes and Asphalts, I 40b Asphaltenes and Asphalts, II 41 Subsidence due to Fluid Withdrawal 42 Casing Design - Theory and Practice 43 Tracers in the Oil Field 4.4 Carbonate Reservoir Characterization: A Geologic-Engineering Analysis, Part II 45 Thermal Modeling of Petroleum Generation: Theory and Applications 46 Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production 41' PVT and Phase Behaviour of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids 48 Applied Geothermics for Petroleum Engineers 49 Integrated Flow Modeling 50 Origin and Prediction of Abnormal Formation Pressures HIfUKUI~AKlJUN I:XPLUKA!IUN AND PRODUCTION FRANK JAHN, MARK COOK & MARK GRAHAM TRACS International Ltd. Falcon House, Union Grove Lane Aberdeen, ABIO 6XU, United Kingdom ~ ELSEVIER 2003 Amsterdam - Boston - London - New York- Oxford - Paris San Diego - San Francisco - Singapore - Sydney- Tokyo © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. This work is protected under copyright by Elsevier Science, and the following terms and conditions apply to its use: Photocopying Single photocopies of single chapters may be made for personal use as allowed by national copyright laws. Permission of the Publisher and payment of a fee is required for all other photocopying, including multiple or systematic copying, copying for advertising or promotional purposes, resale, and all forms of document delivery. Special rates are available for educational institutions that wish to make photocopies for non-profit educational classroom use. 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Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, in particular, independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages should be made. ISBN: 0 444 82883 4 (Hardbound) ISBN: 0 444 82921 0 (Paperback) First edition 1998 First edition 1998 Second impression 1999 Second impression 2003 Third (revised) impression 2000 Fourth impression 2000 Fifth impression 2001 Sixth impression 2001 Seventh impression 2003 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data A ¢.atalog record from the Library of Congress has been applied for. ISSN: 0376-7361 (Series) (~The paper used in this publication meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). Printed in The Netherlands. V CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1 About This Book ..................................................................................... 1 1.0 THE FIELD LIFE CYCLE .............................................................................. 3 1.1 Exploration Phase ............................................................................ 3 1.2 Appraisal Phase ............................................................................... 5 1.3 Development Planning ..................................................................... 5 1.4 Production Phase ............................................................................. 6 1.5 Decommissioning............................................................................. 7 2.0 EXPLORATION ............................................................................................ 9 2.1 Hydrocarbon Accumulations ............................................................ 9 2.2 Exploration Methods and Techniques ............................................ 15 3.0 DRILLING ENGINEERING ......................................................................... 29 3.1 Well Planning ................................................................................. 29 3.2 Rig Types and Rig Selection .......................................................... 32 3.3 Drilling Systems and Equipment .................................................... 35 3.4 Site Preparation ............................................................................. 42 3.5 Drilling Techniques ......................................................................... 44 3.6 Casing and Cementing .................................................................. 53 3.7 Drilling Problems ............................................................................ 56 3.8 Costs and Contracts ...................................................................... 60 4.0 SAFETY AND THE ENVIRONMENT .......................................................... 65 4.1 Safety awareness .......................................................................... 65 4.2 Safety management systems ......................................................... 68 4.3 Environment ................................................................................... 70 4.3.1 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) ......................................... 70 4.3.2 The EIA Process ............................................................................... 72 4.4 Current environmental concerns .................................................... 73 vi 5.0 RESERVOIR DESCRIPTION ..................................................................... 75 5.1 Reservoir Geology ......................................................................... 76 5 . 1.1 Depositional Environment ................................................................. 76 5.1.2 Reservoir Structures ......................................................................... 81 5.1.3 Diagenesis ........................................................................................ 86 5.2 Reservoir Fluids ............................................................................. 89 5.2. 1 Hydrocarbon chemistry ..................................................................... 89 5.2.2 Types of reservoir fluid ...................................................................... 95 5.2.3 The physical properties of hydrocarbon fluids .................................. 97 5.2.4 Properties of hydrocarbon gases .................................................... 105 5.2.5 Properties of oils ............................................................................. 108 5.2.6 Fluid sampling and PVT analysis .................................................... 112 5.2.7 Properties of formation water .......................................................... 115 5.2.8 Pressure - depth relationships ...... ......................................... 116 5.2.9 Capillaty pressure and saturation-height relationships ................... 120 5.3 Data Gathering ............................................................................. 125 5.3.1 Classification of methods ................................................................ 125 5.3.2 Coring and core analysis ................................................................ 126 5.3.3 Sidewall sampling .... .................................................................. 129 5.3.4 Wireline
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