• . » . • • ■ • 'x J tha future change the .course of the goods fo r manufacture, eahlee, Small Things world's history for the better?" Returns oonds, excess eredltl and all other Hassett Say^ Army Benefit Manchester In the late afternoon and evening such taxable goods. Average Daily Circulation ' "About Town .South Church was boat to a The last day Is October 31. The Widither Dale Book number of young people from the He^s W ounded For theyfoatli of aeptoaber, Ittt Forecast of L'. 8. Weather Bureau Ta Play Here W orth WhUe Nutmeg Trail of the Norwi^Dis- Before Nov. 1 0 «B «n l iPrtfMW OinUr M«. 41, trict at a rally. Rev. J. Eller will ttMt at «U« iM t Wd« RWirw Tonight W. Armistice Dinner 8 ,3 5 4 , Moderate to occasionally heavy / — Mothers’ Club meeting, Center of Jewett City, andid RpV. Howard rain tonight and W'sdnesday morn­ ;»Uoii C m ^ te m o m m aiwUiv Pastor WaWl Describes ToWer,nwi executive s^efetaetary of Assessors. Give Warning Relatives o f Local Sea­ Member of the Audit Important busi- “ This Is the Army” to church. Rabbi . Abraham J. Feld­ Of VFW Auxiliary ing; no Important temperature bfMCht IV at Uilt man in book review. ' What We Can Do to Christian Educatioii of the confer­ To Local Residents man Hear from Him Bureau of Clrealatloeo change* I fresh winds. Be Pi^sented at the Tomorrow ence were leader^ Epworth Circle of the W.SXI.8. of South church Hallowe’en Party. Catholic La­ Me^ Real Test. Who Are Liable. At Hospital Bate. Manchenter-^A City o f Village Charm State Tomorrow. with Misritiazel Origga as chair­ Andereon-Shea Auxiliary, No. M utaac F ocw t TaD Otdan of dies of Columbus, Center Springe man served supper. club house. Tha assessors -are asking those 2046, Veterans of Foreign Ware, Relatives of Thomas Lao HaS- (Claaataed AdvertWag aa Pago 8) MMBon, will tttla avcnins The Army wtll be at full This is a great daiOJor small . Ipoun'g people of the Youth Fel­ VOL. LXIII., NO. 22 MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1943 (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS M T:SO.hi the IfaMiUe Temple. Wedneeday, Oct. 27 things," said Rev. W. Ralpli Ward. lowship with Miss Anna Wilbur, who have to file returns of taxable win hold Its annual Armisticie sett who waa wounded on Sep­ strength at the special showing of Meeting, 'Educational Club, Na­ director of Christian Education property In Manchester, to do so dinner st the Post rooms on Sat- tember 7 in Vie Italian invasion, "This Is the Army’’ at the State than Hale school at 7:30, Jr., in his sermon at South Metho­ Pfc. Aleaander Ferrwon of the were in charge of the social period. before the end of this week if they u rd ^ evening, November 6 at 7 :15. have Just received, letters from tomorrow for the benedt of • Ih* Surgical dressings for Red dist church yesterday morning, U. a. M. C., eon of Mr. and Mre. ’’because in the small things'of life In the evening wonhip Mrs. Post members will be the gueais of him, dated at a base hospital ^ Trying to Rip Clark Greets EisenhowcJ in Naples Army Emergency Relief Fund. Cross. All women welcome each Irene Towle and Mrs. Ines ’Truax wish to save the additional 10 per North 'Africa, where he ha's .been Alexander Fercueon of Footer Wednesday, 10 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. the great matters meet their real the auxiliary. A charge will be Warrant Officer Evans of the shared iii the service marking the cent that they must add if .the list confined. The young sailor etates Four Red Armies r •tteet ie home on furlough from test. The test of the four freedoms made for auxiliary and club mem- American Legion Home, Leonard beginning of a Week of Prayer and AlUed Const Artillery (A A) Band will is not filed on time. that he had to undergo a stom­ Sieze Farria Island. He will report berc and their friends. Lillian street. is being made by each of us as we Self Denial by the Women’s So­ Hole in Story tok further training at Cherry present the full band on the State grant their express or deny them it is not necessary for any per­ Cheney, chairman, has aa her com­ ach operation, also that/nls back stage at 8 o’clock and will play sev­ Friday, Oct. 29 ciety. Mr. Ward preached the ser­ was injured, but h e /s getting o Folnt Naval Air Base In N. C. In Hallowe'en Dance, Army and by our own way of life." son who owns only real estate or mittee, Dora Modean and Past eral patriotic numbers while \ the Describing this at the true sec­ mon on the,theme "Power to see it Presidents Gertrude Buchanan, along nicely and h o ^ s within a Pursue Germans ten days. Navy club at clubhouse.^- through.” an automobile to file, aa this is ’X patrons are being seated. ond front of this war, Mr. Ward Bertha Wetherelh Florence Peter­ short time to be^vatided to this Of Detective A platoon of WAACs will act as Saturday, Nov, 8 taken care of by the assesso Anderson-Bhea AuxUlary No. said, “ Every day aa we come into son. Maud Leggett and Jane For­ country for a rew r Towns Regional meeting' of Soroptl- f • 10 Gains; ushers during the evening and a contact with people of other races without the necessity of the person tin. The first information in regard IdM, V. F. W., win meet In the Jeep load qf MP's will be on hand mist clubs at "Y." Post rooms at Manchester Green and grant to them the freedom we No Celebration appearing, but there is the neces' The committee has planned a to his InjurlM was received Sep­ Retreat Speeded Questions Shouted De* within andNylthout the theater Annual Armistice Dinner at sity for those who have certain nice dinner and a pleasant evening tember yii/-vhm his mother, Mrs. tomorrow evening at eight o’clock Post Room. Anderson-Shea Auxi­ want for ourselves we are winning during the perfaJ^ance. tha battle of democracy and mak­ personal property that must be to follow. The menu has been aementine Palmer of 159 Oak- signed to Trap Mi­ ■harp. The club will hold a MaJor J. A. McDonald of the liary, V. F. W. Of Navy Day Here tianowe’en party Saturday eve­ ing a Juat and permanent peace filed. This includes store owners, posted on the Bulletin Board, also a lan^^treet received an unsigned ami Policeman and local Sunday, Nov. 7 poasibla. If on the second front who must file the value of their place has been made to register tqJegram, apparently from o ^ rt Badly Mauled Nazi Units Defense ning of this week. Chaplain GorsUne wilrw^ress the 18th anniversary of dedication stock and fixtures, machinery, for the dinner. Reservations will Film Actor ^s now (MtabUshed on our own door­ Walter Leclerc has received Kis buddies. / Waging Desperate But Cause Change in Tale. assembly on the meanlnV^of the qF South Methodist church. step w« can conquer race prejudice water power, farming tools, dams, be cloMKl October 30, and the c6mr Brownie Troop No. 25 will meet Army Emergency Relief Wednemday, Nov. 10 notice from the Governor's office horses, cattle, sheep, goats, swine, mittee ask. that all planning to at­ and blgotiy; If we can live in peace Futile Rearguard Ac­ Nassau, Bahamas, Oct. 26.— {JPt at ISmanuel Lutheran church to­ which all the profits of the s| Hallowe’en Tea. Green PTA at between ounelvee and those who of his appointment as chairman of poultry and Jewelry, household fur­ tend regfiater before that tin).' by The Motheis Circle of Bt. Ber­ Idea Behind Nazis Apparently Fall morrow afternoon at 3:15. nard will meet Wednesday evening —With a bare-flsted cross-examin­ picture showing will be devoted. the Green school, differ with us then we will have in the Navy Day celebration for Man­ niture, libraries, tractors and road calling the following numbe;:8, V. F, tions Along 200-Mile Federal Jobs Bitter Fight The band concert will start at 8 Saturday, Nov IS our hand th# key that will unlock machlnenr, aircraft machinery, W. a u b , 3818, Lillian Chepfey, 4379, with Mrs. John Hartl^lii TUaatt- ation, the defense tried today to Back to New Posi­ o’clock and the picture, two hours 1 Cedars Ceremonial at chester. farm produce, mechanics’ tools. or Gertrude Buchanan, 8806. vUle. Front; Thousands of Mercy Plane Orford Parish Chapter. D. A. ,the gates of thie troubled world There will be no parade and little break down the testimony of a tions; Some of Rear­ tL , win meet Thursday, October in lengrth, will begin Jil 8:15. Masonic Temple, 'and let it out upon the pastures .of Not Halting Seen on Tax All seats for tomorrow’s pro­ Friday. Nov. 26 other visible activity as there is Nazis Reported Killed. calm, deliberate American detec­ 38 at 2:30 In th^ Town and Coun­ peace and goodwill.’' no time to organize. In view of the tive who had oqtlined to a Baha­ guards Still Offer ty a u b building. 22 Woodland gram are reserved and tickets are Annual ball. Memorial Hospital Little Thinge That Count IVavy Ambulance Plane still available at the State theater Auxiliary at Hotel Bond. fact that Wednesday is Navy Day mas Supreme court Jury key points Street, Hartford, with Ruth Mr.
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