TTO yW»}ATHIPB— ^ • B o re ^ by'o. S. W*«Ui«r BawiWf . _ , ■'i->-^*'-Lf. v-*^ .■NEt=-wW»s.WJN.. -■■I'': r -- m '■ - - t — t ; w « vv—C aniD. EEurtfoitl. ' ■ >- r -'ATiacA.isB oaiinr‘‘CinMroii«^^ ' -'ter tlio M9Bth of Ai«iirt,‘lM6 \ Secretary Hyde Says Russia Governs French smd Dry Agents Had Raided Jer­ T IS^S MADE FRIENDS Happily — Were Divided WITH THE PHOTOGRAPHEKvl France Also is Hit by S to m ; Caus^ latest Price De­ TO SERV£ SENTENCE sey Plant When Gang Ap­ Sqn Francisco, , Sept. 20, Crews of Small Boats Res­ pression by Speculating by Race, Language and (A P )—Dr. Arthur C. Pillsbury, pears — Agents Are Dis­ Berkeley scientist, returning yes­ terday from the South Seas, cuer-False Rumor Si^s • on Chicago Exchange. Red Leader Who is in Russia Religion. where he donned a diver’s uni­ armed, One is Shot. form and photographed much Says He WiU Not Go Back 1 submarine life, told this one: That Big Cnnarder is k Washington, Sept. 20.— (A P.)— Geneva, Sept. 20.,— (A P.)—Cana­ 1 “Beautiful fish made friends 1 with me. ’ So great was their The Russi^ governnient stood Elizabeth, N. J., Sept. 20— (AP) da was held up before the League Peril— Much Damage R ^ On His Friends. Federal, State and local authorities curiosity that they gathered in charged today by Secretary Hyde of Nations Assembly today, as _ a hordes so’ L could not see to do wth partial responsibility for the sought today to round up a gang of shining example to peoples who are iny work, i would have to brush ported in Coast Towns. gunmen who ambushed a raiding ■ tb.em away with my hands. Be- latest record depression of wheat New York, Sept. 20.— (A P.)—The striving to solve the difficult prob­ party of Federal dry agenfs in a j tween brukies I manned to get prices through^ speculation on the New York Times says four - of the 1 lem of minorities. brewery and killed one of the agents. { some extraordinary- pictures.” Chicago Exchange., seven Communists under long pris­ Sir Robert Borden, former Do- ----- _L_— ;------------ - ------ ! London, Sept. 20.—(AP)— Six John G. Finello, 44, of Philadel­ The agriculture secretary made j minions premier, told Germany, Po­ members of toe crew of toe Fren^ on sentences in North Carolina in phia, a dry agent was shot and public the accusation immediately land and other nations whose rela­ schooner Madelaine Tristan were connection with the Gastonia tex­ killed yesterday when he, walked tions are being oonstahtly disturb­ after conferring with -President tile strike, have arranged to sur­ into the boiler room of the Ris­ rescued today in a terrific gale Hoover. He gave out a telegram dis­ ed because of the presence of for­ U .S . render to the authorities at Char­ ing Sun Brewery where a gang' of which caused distress to numerous patched late yesterday to A. eign racial groups within their bor­ lotte,' N. C., before Sept. 29 to avoid eleven gunmen had lined up and dis­ ders that the problem could be solv- small vessels and lashed toe south­ Bunnell, president of the Chicago armed his companions. The raiding be asked fo^iture of bail.. i ed justly and happily. • ern coast of England and toe north­ B^rd of Trade, in which The men were convicted of the party of fi.ve Federal men came from ON FOREIGN TOPIC done or “Give the minorities every con­ ern‘coast of France. what the exchange had slaying of Chief of Police O. F. Philadelphia. Robert Young, special i American stitutional and legal rightbeyond could do to protect the Aderholt and disappeared shortly supervisor of breweries in New Jer­ The Wejrmouto lifeboat and toe activities. In the shadow of doubt',” said the Can­ farmer agsunst such ; after'the comdetions were upheld on sey was in charge. Portland rocket apparatus figured _______said he had no adian statesman, “ on the other hand Chicago Btinhell ' Aug. 20 by the North Carolina Su­ Three Arretted Gibson and Sackett on Re­ in several exciting rescues. The definite information about the Rus­ impress upon them the necessity Madelaine Tristan was driven on preme Court. They ake at liberty Lea-ving one of their number at sian selling. the entrance sis a guard, the agents tor their co-operation.” toe Chesil beach, Portland, and toe . under bfdl totaling 535,000 lifesaving crew there succeeded in Could Not nfeliver Two of the men who plan to give entered---------------- the brewery.. They arrested Canada’s Problem turn to America Refuse to getting a rocket line over, landing themselves up are Fred Edwin Beal the engineer and two stokers in the Canada, Sir Robert said, “with its Hyde asserted that “obviously it safely six members of toe crew. would be impossible for Soviet Rus­ and K.tr VY. Hendricks,xjAv%A'r\f*'[ro whow>m areArfi said i boiler room. Young' and thr3e agents English and French, inhabitants has Talk About Affairs. sia to deliver grain in Chicago over to have returned to the United remsiined with the prisoners while on this basis happily brought into The Weymouth lifeboat fought its way through high seas into Port­ our tariff, of forty-two cents a bush­ States recently from Soviet Russi.a. Finello went through the plant seek­ harmony a people who were divided Beal is under a 17 to 20 year sen­ ing others. by race, language and religion.” land harbor where toe French ketch, el." . A t that point the gunmen rushed New York, Sept. 20.— (AP.) Leone, had dragged anchors and bad- He said short seljjng of as “lucu tence and Hendricks one of from Dr. Koch Weser, the German into the boiler room with drawn gone on a reef, "rhe lifeboat Res­ as 5,000,000 bushels in Chicago hac spokesman, appealed to the Lea^e Two United States ambassadors 5 to 7 years. guns and covered the agents, v/hom cued toe crew of two and took them been admitted by the AU-RuMian The other two who plan to sur­ to put into operation all its existing Hugh S. Gibson to Belgium and they disarmed. to Weymouth. ' Textile Syndicate of New render are George Cartem, of Miz- machinery to insure justice to Ger­ Fred N, Saqkett to Germany, arriv 20 Finello, unaware of the attack, The British ,*»teamer Temple Mead. which Hyde said had been shown by- pah, N. J., sentenced to 17 to walked into the room. man minority groups in Poland. investigation to be a subsidiary of years, and Louis McLaughlin, August Zaleski,. Polish foreign ed today on the Leviathan which sent out a for help last “There’s Finello—let him have it” Ambassador Gibson is on his way night notified her uwners that she the- Amtorg Trading Corporation. Gastonia, sentenced to ■ 12 to 15 one of the gunmen yelled and step­ minister, defended the Polish ad­ to Los Angeles to settle the estate was out of danger and was proceed­ The latter is the official commercial years. They are said to have been ped behind Young to use his body ministration. He urged that the mi­ this There are lots of ways of getting off a horse, but the cowboy m this of his mother,, who died recently. ing to Cardiff. organization of the So-viets in hiding in this country. as a shield. norities question be removed from Dicture is showing one of the most spectacular of them aU. The photo He will go directly to Washington At toe same timg word was re­ country. To Stay in Russia Finello attempted to fire his gun politics and be considered from a ^'as taken at the rodeo at Ellensburg, Washington, and shows a cowboy tonight to confer with President ceived from the nine thousand ton Not a Subsidiary The other three, Qarence Millei, blit it jammed. The man behind known as “Homer the Qown” coming down frqm his perch m an unex­ humanitarian and moral standpoint.' steamer Unverleigh was blown of Brooklyn, N. Y.; Joseph Harri­ Young opened fire with two guns, M. Zaleski warned minorities Hoover and Secretary of State Peter A. Bogdanov, chairman of pected manner. Stimson and after a few days will ashore on toe rocks at Plymouth son, of Passaic, N. J., and W. W. killing the agent. Finello waa shot groups that solution of the problem Sound. The steamer left Antwerp.« ' the board of the Amtorg, McGinnis, of Gastonia, are reported never would be reached by the continue on'to the Pacific coast. in New York, however, the Textue seven times. Wednesday and encountered bad City and State police were hurried minorities making an appe^ tor He said settlement of the estate concern was not a subsidiary- He to have elected to remain- in Russia weather all toe way. Due, to her to the brewery -with tear gas bombs was the only reason for his visit. said he knew nothing about wheat under the wing of the Comitera foreign support. lightness she would not respond to and the Red Trade Union Intema- and riot guns fearing the attackers The Moral Aspect He h ^ no comment to make on EJu- futures trading activity by the So- STORY OF ANDREE TRIP toe helm and was making for shel­ Uonal. Miller and H a rrii^ are uB'- might entrench themselves in the “It is indispensable tor solution of ropeaii affairs. ter in Plymouth when she was •viet government. der s^tences of 17 to 20 years and place but they had fled in automo- minorities problems‘ in general,” he • Also Silent dashed on toe rocks.
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