153°5’0”E 153°10’0”E 05 510 15 507 511 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 33 33 To Inskip Peninsula and Fraser Island barges Cooloola Great Walk Northern entrance Inset 1 — Cooloola Sandpatch Assembly Area* Easting Northing Latitude Longitude Emergency S6 — Coastal route Scale 1 : 50 000 7105 7105 #,!2+3/.å Scale 1 : 10 000 Contour intervals 5m 71 71 $2)6% AA1 504402 7085464 S 26°21'03" E 153°02'39" fl ood, medical, wildfi re 4Oå2AINBOWå"EACH#ARLOå3ANDBLOW 40 40 4Oå)NSKIPå 2EFERåTOå3åMAP 4INå#ANå ).3+)0å 0ENNINSULAå Double )NLET ANDå&RASERå Rainbow Beach AA 200 )SLANDåBARGES Keep on track 2 506163 7087693 S 26°19'50" E 153°03'42" fl ood, medical, wildfi re 32 Island 32 township 7IDEå"AY Point • Study contour lines for 175 75 75 AA3 506580 7093968 S 26°16'26" E 153°03'57" fl ood, medical, wildfi re 75 shape and elevation. 2/!$ Navigation aid – 4.3km 50 sign/orange marker • Stay on compass bearing AA4 506565 7097227 S 26°14'40" E 153°03'57" fl ood, medical 50 to track 25 — do not deviate. Northern 31 AA 31 #!2,/å entrance 16 Beach AA AA5 507242 7099755 S 26°13'18" E 153°04'21" fl ood, medical 14 2/!$ $/5",%å)3,!.$å$2)6% • Observe all signs and 75 Må orange trail markers. 50 #,!2+3/. M AA6 506954 7104407 S 26°10'47" E 153°04'10" fl ood, medical, wildfi re 25 Rainbow AA6 200 AA15 $2)6% 190 &2%3(7!4%2å #!2,/å Beach AA 71 71 7 505019 7107119 S 26°09'19" E 153°03'01" medical, wildfi re 30 100 30 2/!$å Cooloola Great Walk #//,//,!å$2)6% 75 35 35 200 125 25 Northern entrance .OåOVERNIGHTåORå 25 50 AA8 504684 7108989 S 26°08'18" E 153°02'49" medical, wildfi re LONG STAYåPARKINGå Navigation aid – 200 100 Cooloola 50 25 25 ISåPERMITTEDåATå sign/orange track marker 100 Great Walk 50 4Oå4INå#ANå"AY #ARLOåCARPARK 200 Carlo Sandblow Northern 180 AA9 506036 7112261 S 26°06'32" E 153°03'37" medical only ååååå'YMPIE Navigation aid – 50 entrance Magnetic 7IDEå"AY ååååå-ARYBOROUGHå bearing sign/orange 29 ,%)3(!å 29 25°55’0”S 25°55’0”S Scale track marker AA10 508074 7116480 S 26°04'15" E 153°04'51" fl ood, medical, wildfi re 10.5km 42!#+ 0 200 400m 160.5° 200 2/!$å Double 2!)."/7å"%!#(å2/!$ Island AA11 508346 7121148 S 26°01'43" E 153°05'00" fl ood, medical 0OONA 200 170 ,AKE 125 Point 225 Dead tree trunk landmark AA12 512320 7123852 S 26°00'15" E 153°07'23" fl ood, medical, wildfi re 3/54(å (visual aid - line up between 28 200 28 navigation aids) 50 Kilometres 2/!$ &2%3(7!4%2å 160 AA13 515335 7123846 S 26°00'15" E 153°09'12" fl ood, medical, wildfi re 225 0!#)&)#å 04 04 125 150 Cooloola Great Walk Southern entrance 75 9.4km 7130 7130 150 AA14 518846 7131344 S 25°56'11" E 153°11'18" fl ood, medical, wildfi re 200 Arthur Harrold /#%!. 9.5km 175 2/!$ .OåOVERNIGHTåORå Nature Refuge 7$å/.,9 å &2%3(7!4%2å LONG STAYåPARKINGå 27 27 140 AA15 517141 7129951 S 25°56'56" E 153°10'16" fl ood, medical, wildfi re 200 Bymien ISåPERMITTEDåATåTHEå Basic provisions 100 ,%)3(!å 75 Teewah Picnic Area TRACKåENTRANCE only (Private) Poverty 42!#+ 200 Beach Point "%!#(å2/!$ AA16 512229 7130634 S 25°56'34" E 153°07'20" fl ood, medical 175 75 0OONA 150 125 ,AKE 130 100 "%!#( Cooloola Great Walk AA17 510445 7129372 S 25°57'16" E 153°06'16" fl ood, medical, wildfi re ,AKEå Metres 2/!$å Freshwater campground #OOROIBAH 26 26 Southern entrance and day-use area 50 AA18 509597 7134171 S 25°54'40" E 153°05'45" fl ood, medical, wildfi re 100 50 150 -!8)-),,)!.å2/!$ 200 200 50 012345 50 7$å/.,9 å 120 175 Teewah * Please turn over and read the section titled ‘Emergencies’ for further information. 200 3.5km Treat before &ORåLEGENDåREFERåTOåMAINåPROFILE KM 200 100 drinking Beach 150 240 Kauri walkers' camp ** This is a guide only. Always seek advice from 000 before moving to an Assembly Area. They are not Inset 2 7$å/.,9 å 25 25 Noosa North Shore Kauri walkers' camp 100 25 25 necessarily safe areas from wildfi res. Areas 7-9 are in a fl ood zone. Remember — you won’t be evacuated in 50 180 Double Island Treat before drinking an emergency unless you inform the rescue authorities that you need help. Point Lighthouse 2!)."/7å 200 Magnetic Noosa River ferry &RESHWATER 120 bearing Treat before drinking Crossing Freshwater 3UN4HURåAMPM ,AKE 50 26°0’0”S 26°0’0”S 1.4km 100 (Leisha Track) campground &RI3ATåAMMIDNIGHT 340.5° Before setting off on your walk, ensure your GPS hand held unit is confi gured to the right settings. Look out 175 Elevation in metres 60 and day-use area S6 .OOSAå2IVER Navigation aid – 200 25 25 Teewah Beach Northern Beach Scale for a permanent survey marker at the track entrances — a stamped brass plate attached to the upright logs. 100 sign/orange marker 25 24 175 150 24 0 500 1000 1500m 125 125 7$å/.,9 å 0 "ROUTHAå Stand next to the marker and see if the coordinates match up with assembly areas 1 or 18 — depending on To Freshwater Campground To Carlo 0 200 400 600 800 1000 7ATERHOLE and Kauri walkers’ camp Sandblow AA12 AA S5 342%%4 13 your location. Eastings and Northings based on Map Grid of Australia GDA94 on UTM projection in zone 56. 25 -//2).$),å 4Oå4EWANTINå Latitude and Longitude shown as Degrees, Minutes, Seconds based on GDA94 map datum. 175 507 511 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 GREAT SANDY 7$å/.,9 Disclaimer: Printing this on-screen version of this map may distort the topographic data. Use it only to plan your walking trip and pre-book your camping. Purchase the topographic map brochure—printed to scale—before embarking on your Great Walk. NATIONAL PARK 505 06 07 504 057100 06 35 509 10 11 98 98 71 71 505 20 7!9å 20 Scale 1 : 40 00025 Scale 1 : 40 000 Scale 1 : 40 000 S1 S2 7100 While every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the data, the Department of Environment and Resource S5 Inset 2 — Freshwater campground Management makes no representations or warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability Scale 1 : 5 000 AA4 AA8 Rainbow Beach 7$å/.,9 å 09 for any particular purpose and disclaim all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in Cooloola Great Walk 34 Brahminy negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damage) and costs which you Northern entrance #//,//,!å walkers' camp 35 may incur as a result of the data being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason. &RESHWATER 75 97 97 Dutgee 25 3/54( 75 ,AKE 2IVER walkers' camp The representation on this map of any road or track is not evidence of Public Right of Way. People using private AA18 Litoria Treat before 09 ,AKEå drinking roads do so at their own risk. Owners permission should be obtained. 4.0 walkers' camp #OOLOOMERAå 0!#)&)#å 125 Carlo Sandblow 08 Treat before 07 This map incorporates data which is: © Commonwealth of Australia (Geosciences Australia) 2010. ,AKEå drinking 50 /#%!. #OOTHARABA 33 Treat before S4 150 © State of Queensland, Department of Environment and Resource Management. 2010. 34 drinking .OOSA 96 75 96 +).'3å 100 2!)."/7å"%!#(å2/!$ 15 15 Campsite 5 26°5’0”S 26°5’0”S 100 Campsite 4 08 150 Campsite 15 /.%å7!9 100 "/2%å 125 12 Teewah 100 Landing 07 Campsite 3 ! 75 175 50 2IVER 32 5 Campsite 13 2/!$ 09 Mount 504 33 95 95 AA7 Teewah Beach camping zone 50 Seawah 175 175 07 508 0917 10 510 1125 12 25 50 150151 175 50 200 Campsite 9 200 Kilometres 175 175 Campsite 8 175 200 20 20 200 200 Scale 100 : 40 000 Scale 1 : 40 000 20 200 20 200 200 25 S3 200 S4 150 150 25 06 150 175 2252 175 175 16 200 31 Metres 25 150 24 200 .OOSAå AA 25 3 ,AKEå 25 94 94 #OOLOOMERA 200 125 7$å/.,9 å 32 71 71 175 10 10 100 150 Dutgee 17 Litoria 175 175 Cooloola walkers' camp AA walkers' camp 100 06 10 125 Teewah Village 125 100 (Private land, no facilities) 125 AA12 Legend Kauri Treat before 05 Treat before Wilderness walkers' camp drinking drinking 150 AA16 Cooloola Great Walk QPWS information 0.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 200 71 (inc. after hours) 200 15 23 30 25 100 175 Campsite 5 S3 Coastal route 93 93 24 125 175 31 Toilets 175 Treat before 150 Group site Campsite 4 16 75 Inset 1 drinking &2%3(7!4%2å2/!$å7$å/.,9 å Campsite 3 No access Walkers’ camp 150 0 1.0 1.5 (pre-booked group 05 50 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 to beach Showers 125 13 permit holders only) Trail AA17 Great Walk entrance +).'3å 175 200 15 09 Gas BBQ AA 0 6 200 1 5PPERå 175 175 04 200 Campsite 1 07 "/2%å "ROUTHAå 10 0 100 150 200 /.%å7!9 Bymien Campsite 2 Picnic table 7ATERHOLEå 26°10’0”S 26°10’0”S Cooloola 12 Sealed road 2/!$ 10 29 picnic area Campsites 92 92 200 22 Camping Sandpatch 14 175 23 200 71 05 Unsealed minor road 05 225 30 Accommodation 15 175 04 175 Major sand track 200 Cooloola (4WD only) Caravan 200 Freshwater campground Sandpatch 150 125 03 75 125 (ARRYgSåCAMPINGå Minor sand track General store 08 ANDåDAY USEåAREA (4WD only) 0OONA 2/!$ 225 175 17.3km 200 175 ,AKE 200 Restaurant 150 200 (54å 91 91 28 21 225 Treat before (!2293å Management tracks 1375 drinking 200 22 Teewah (No public access) Lookout (unfenced) 175 75 Hot/Cold 225 29 ,AKEå 25 Educational Beach 200 200 ,AKEå #OOLOOLA 03 14 200 #OMO Walking track Lighthouse 175 group site (pre-booked River Fuel 25 group permit AA11 225 02 200 7124 holders only) Locked gate Ferry 225 15 15.2km 70 70 200 125 90 90 225 200 71 71 Bridge No fires 71 2/!$ 20.5km 20 27 00 00 05 12 21 14 125 No camping 150 20.3km 200 &IGåTREEåPOINTå 02 06 28 125 13 CAMPINGåANDå Parking Untreated water 150 200 08 11 DAY USEåAREA (treat before drinking) 09 Emergency helipad 01 150 2/!$ 14.8km &2%3(7!4%2å +INABAå AA 225 tal route 9 175 125 INFORMATIONåCENTRE Brahminy 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 AA7 Assembly Area 89 89 11 NOTåSTAFFED walkers' camp 200 S2 National park 200 19 175 26 200 QPWS 75 Ramsay's Hut 11 71 150 20 information centre Arthur Harrold 125 27 01 7$å/.,9
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