A4 . TOWNER COUNTY RECORD HERALD' March 13, 2021 equalization of assessments will be taken by quired to appear and defend against th- March 16th at 7 pm at the Ron Anfinson farm. the several local equalization boards as fol- Complaint in this action, a copy of which i: March 6 and 13, 2021 lows: herewith served upon you by serving UPOI; The Boards of Township Supervisors and the undersigned an Answer or other prope r their Assessor will meet as a Board of Equal- response within twenty-one (21) days afte r Township Meeting ization within the first fifteen days of April at the service of this Summons upon you, ex_ Dash Township Annual Meeting will be on the usual meeting place of the Township clusive of the day of service. If you fail to d., March 16th from 6-6:30 pm at the Sarles Fire Board of Supervisors. Date may be changed so, Judgment by Default will be taken against Hall. pursuant to NDCC 57-09-01. you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. March 6 and 13, 2021 The City Council of each city and the City Dated this 1st day of February. 2021 , Assessor will meet as a Board of Equaliza- OLSON & BURNS P:C. tion within the first fifteen days of April at the IS/JOSHUA J. WOLFE Township Meeting usual place of meeting. Date may be Richard P. Olson (Bar ID: #03183) Mountview Township Annual Meeting will Notice to Creditors changed pursuant to NDCC 57-11-01. Joshua J. Wolfe (Bar ID: #07838) be on March 16th at 2 pm at the Paul and The County Board of Commissioners will Attorneys for the Plaintiff Wendy Juntenen residence. meet as a Board of Equalization on the first 17 First Avenue SE Nathan Gibbens. ND License #07111 March 6 and 13, 2021 GIBBENS LAW OFFICE Tuesday in June at the Towner County Court- P. O. Box 1180 PO. Box 708 house. Minot, ND 58702-1180 Cando. ND 58324 All meetings are for the purpose of review- (701) 839-1740 Township Meeting ing and equalizing the assessment of prop- [email protected] phone #701-968-3342 Grainfield Township Annual Meeting will be erty in each assessment district. Each [email protected] [email protected] on March 16th. Election and excess mill levy taxpayer has the right to appear before the Attorney for: Estate at 10 am at the Todd Oakland farm. appropriate Board of Equalization and peti- NOTICE OF NO PERSONAL CLAIM Probate No. 48-2021-PR-00004 March 6 and 13, 2021 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TOWNER tion for correction in the assessment. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that no COUNTY, STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA This notice is given pursuant to the provi- claim for money judgment recovery is made In the Matter of the Estate of Kendall sion of Section 57-02-51 and 57-12-01, North personally against any defendant herein and Township Meeting Haberstroh. Deceased. Dakota Century Code. that this action relates to the foreclosure of a Sorenson Township Annual Meeting will be [11 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Dated at Cando this 2nd of March 2021. real estate mortgage. This notice contains on March 16th. Election and excess mill levy undersigned have been appointed co-per- Bonnie Good the description of the real property at issue at 10 am at the Todd Oakland farm. sonal representatives of the above estate. Towner County Director of Equalization in the above-entitled action, which is situated March 6 and 13, 2021 All persons having claims against the said As the COVID-19 situation in North Dakota in Towner County, North Dakota, to-wit: deceased are required to present their claims continues, and the requirement to practice Lot 4, 5, and 6, Block 8 of the original Rep. Luke Simons, R-Dickinson, was expelled from the State within three months after the date of the first social distancinq, the State Tax Department Townsite of Cando, Towner County, North Township Meeting Assembly last week. (Photo by Dylan Sherman) publication or mailing of this notice or said is recommending Local Boards of Equaliza- Dakota claims will be forever barred. Claims must tion to consider allowing alternate methods This action will be filed in the office of the Victor Township Annual Meeting will be on either be presented to Michael Haberstroh for hearing individual property tax appeals. Towner County Clerk of Court in Cando, March 16th at 9 am at the Todd Johnson N.D. lawmaker expelled and Jill Waldera, co-personal representatives In-person attendance is not required. Ap- North farm. of the estate, at c/o Gibbens Law Office, P.O. peals can be submitted via teleconference, Dakota. March 6 and 13, 2021 Box 708, Cando, ND 58324, or filed with the written or digital submissions. Please contact Dated this 1st day of February, 2021 Court. your local assessor for details and submis- OLSON & BURNS PC. Township Meeting over 'pattern' of misconduct Dated this 24th day of February, 2021. sion deadlines. IS/JOSHUA J. WOLFE By Dylan Sherman using profanity but not for his posi- /s/Michael Haberstroh March 6 and 13, 2021 Richard P Olson (Bar ID: #03183) Atkins Township Annual Meeting will be on March 9th at 9 am at the Farmer's Union In- NDNA Educational Foundation tion against wearing a mask. Personal Representative Joshua J. Wolfe (Bar ID: #07838) 5750 106th St NE Attorneys for the Plaintiff surance office. BISMARCK - After three hours Several legislators argued against Rolla, ND 58367 Bids 17 First Avenue SE March 6, 2021 of emotional debate, the North expulsion, saying they believed Si- Dated this 24th day of February, 2021. P. O. Box 1180 Dakota House of Representatives mons had not received due process. /s/Jill Waldera CALL FOR BIDS - Minot, ND 58702-1180 Township Meeting voted Thursday, March 4, to expel They said a formal investigation Personal Representative MOWING OF COUNTY PARKS (701) 839-1740 510 13th Ave NE TOWNER COUNTY is requesting bids for [email protected] Rep. Luke Simons, R-Dickinson, by should be held before the House took Olson Township Annual Meeting will be Rolla, ND 58367 the mowing and trimming of three (3) County [email protected] March 16th at 10 am at the Jackie Smeltzer a vote of 69-25. such a grave step - the first of its kind Nathan Gibbens Parks - Armourdale, Snyders Lake, and a March 6, 13 and 20, 2021 residence. The House convened as a Com- in North Dakota, apparently - and GIBBENS LAW OFFICE portion of the Bisbee Dam. This is a 3 year March 6 and 13,2021 mittee of the Whole, something that that House rules required it. P. O. Box 708 contract that will be paid out monthly begin- Notice hasn't been done in decades, to de- Rep. Ben Koppelman, R-West Cando, ND 58324 ning May 1, 2021. Please make your bids re- Attorney for Estate flect the amount for ONE YEAR. We are Township Meeting bate whether to expel the three-term Fargo, said the assembly can't just February 27, March 6 and 13, 2021 asking that a bid be submitted for each park. Applications for Sales Tax Dollars representative. A vote to expel a Teddy Township Annual Meeting will be follow the rules it likes, but must fol- If you would like all three parks, and are not The Cando Community Developmenl March 16th. Election at 9 am and meeting to member of the House needs a two- low all the rules. "Due process can Notice to Creditors willing to assume the contract unless all 3 Board is accepting written requests from follow at the David Lagein residence. thirds majority to pass, which it re- never be considered a distraction," he parks are included, please submit one bid but qualifying organizations for funds available March 6 and 13, 2021 break it down by park. For more information ceived. said. "Follow our duty to not con- from the receipt of City Sales Tax dollars. Michelle Gibbens, ND License #07096 please email Michael Britain, Applications are available at the City Audi- Debate on the expulsion resolu- sider expulsion based on accusations GIBBENS LAW OFFICE [email protected] or call the Towner tor's office and online at candond.com, and Township Meeting tion, sponsored by the chamber's ma- on harassment or misconduct, that P.O. Box 708 County Auditor's office at 701-968-4340 ext. must be received in the office of the Auditor 2. Howell Township ~nnual meeting and elec- jority and minority leaders, began are uninvestigated and thus un- Cando, ND 58324 by Friday March 19 at 4:00. A financial state- tion at March 16, 2021 at the Carl Peters Bids are to be placed in a sealed envelope, with personal testimony from Rep. proven." (701 )968-3342 ment of the organization must accompany Farm' at 1:00 - 2:00. marked "Bid for County Parks" and mailed or the application. Organizations applying may Brandy Pyle, R-Casselton, who de- Rep. Rick Becker, R-Bismarck, Email: [email protected] March 6 and 13, 2021 Attorney for Ross Keller dropped off at the Towner County Auditor Of- have one representative present to discuss tailed comments Simons had made argued against expulsion as well, but Probate No. 48-2021-PR-00002 fice, PO Box 603, Cando. ND 58324. The their respective application at 8:00 a.m. on toward an intern in a committee he noted he was not dismissing any- IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TOWNER deadline for submitting a bid is Friday, April Tuesday, March 23 at the First State Insur- Township Meeting COUNTY, STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 2nd, at 5:00 p.m.
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