02 Jul 13 PURCHASE ORDER REGISTER FOR 0011 Regular Accounts Payable-BOA Page 1 15:59 Period: 01/01/2011 - 12/31/2013 Vendor ID Name PO Number Date Current PO Status Description Sts Date Quantity UI Price Tax Total Ck/Vd Dt Invoice Number Vou cher ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- 0001949 Dell Marketing, LLP P0020267 03/02/11 Paid OptiPlex 780 Minitower Paid 03/17/11 1.000 EA 991.8900 91.75 1083.64 03/17/11 XF83X5TT3 V03 50161 for Standard PSU, Genuine Inv 03/16/11 Windows 7 Professional Acc 03/15/11 with Media, 32-Bit, Outs 03/02/11 English. Catalog #: 25 RCRC1080495-2550182. Environmental Fee Paid 03/17/11 1.000 EA 8.0000 8.00 03/17/11 XF83X5TT3 V03 50161 Inv 03/16/11 Acc 03/15/11 Outs 03/02/11 -------------- 1091.64 0001949 Dell Marketing, LLP P0020307 03/24/11 Paid 3 OptiPlex 780 Desktops. Paid 04/07/11 3.000 EA 910.4500 252.65 2984.00 04/07/11 XF8MM3WN5 V03 52707 Inv 04/05/11 Acc 04/04/11 Outs 03/24/11 State Environmental Fee Paid 04/07/11 3.000 EA 8.0000 24.00 04/07/11 XF8MM3WN5 V03 52707 Inv 04/05/11 Acc 04/04/11 Outs 03/24/11 -------------- 3008.00 0001949 Dell Marketing, LLP P0020415 05/26/11 Paid 2GB Dell Replacement Paid 06/09/11 4.000 31.5600 11.68 137.92 06/09/11 XFC5C12R9 V03 55890 Memory Module for Dell Inv 06/07/11 OptiPlex 745 Desktios Acc 06/02/11 (A1302689) Outs 05/26/11 -------------- 137.92 0001949 Dell Marketing, LLP P0020463 06/03/11 Paid 300 GB 10,000 RPM Serial Paid 06/28/11 4.000 EA 302.3900 111.88 1321.44 06/28/11 XFCMX5KP3 V03 56855 Attached SCSI Hotplug Inv 06/28/11 Hard Drive for Select Acc 06/24/11 Dell PowerEdge Servers. Outs 06/03/11 Manufacturer Part# VJR75 Dell Part# 342-2018 -------------- 1321.44 0001949 Dell Marketing, LLP P0020464 06/03/11 Paid Extended Services, Paid 06/27/11 1.000 EA 598.4200 598.42 06/27/11 XFC943J33 V03 56686 Maintenance on Server Inv 06/27/11 4G3VGG1 Power Edge T300 Acc 06/24/11 (6/12/11 - 6/12/13). Outs 06/03/11 02 Jul 13 PURCHASE ORDER REGISTER FOR 0011 Regular Accounts Payable-BOA Page 2 15:59 Period: 01/01/2011 - 12/31/2013 Vendor ID Name PO Number Date Current PO Status Description Sts Date Quantity UI Price Tax Total Ck/Vd Dt Invoice Number Vou cher ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- -------------- 598.42 0001949 Dell Marketing, LLP P0020467 06/06/11 Paid (2) Dell Paid 06/27/11 2.000 EA 1316.1400 243.49 2875.77 06/27/11 XFCC65381 V03 56683 E5520 Laptops. Inv 06/27/11 Acc 06/16/11 Outs 06/06/11 Laptops State Paid 06/27/11 2.000 EA 8.0000 16.00 06/27/11 XFCC65381 V03 56683 Environmental Fee. Inv 06/27/11 Acc 06/16/11 Outs 06/06/11 (1) Dell 780 Desktop. Paid 06/22/11 1.000 EA 910.4500 84.22 994.67 06/22/11 XFCD42T4 V03 56444 Inv 06/17/11 Acc 06/16/11 Outs 06/06/11 Desktop State Paid 06/22/11 1.000 EA 8.0000 8.00 06/22/11 XFCD42T4 V03 56444 Environmental Fee. Inv 06/17/11 Acc 06/16/11 Outs 06/06/11 -------------- 3894.44 0001949 Dell Marketing, LLP P0020468 06/06/11 Voided Optiplex 780 Minitower Void 06/06/11 8.000 EA 829.0000 6632.00 06/06/11 computers for ASB Outs 06/06/11 Environmental Fee Void 06/06/11 8.000 8.0000 64.00 06/06/11 Outs 06/06/11 Tax Void 06/06/11 1.000 367.7800 367.78 06/06/11 Outs 06/06/11 -------------- 7063.78 0001949 Dell Marketing, LLP P0020469 06/06/11 Paid Manufacturer Part# Paid 06/28/11 20.000 EA 33.6100 62.18 734.38 06/28/11 XFCC56KM7 V03 56762 SNPYG410C/2G Inv 06/27/11 Dell Part# A1302689 Acc 06/10/11 2 GB Dell Certified Outs 06/06/11 Replacement Memory Module for Dell OptiPlex 745 Desktops Manufacturer Part# Paid 06/28/11 20.000 EA 33.6100 62.18 734.38 06/28/11 XFCC56KM7 V03 56762 SNPYG410C/2G Inv 06/27/11 Dell Part# A2149880 Acc 06/10/11 2 GB Dell Certified Outs 06/06/11 Replacement Memory Module for Dell OptiPlex 755 & 760 Systems 02 Jul 13 PURCHASE ORDER REGISTER FOR 0011 Regular Accounts Payable-BOA Page 3 15:59 Period: 01/01/2011 - 12/31/2013 Vendor ID Name PO Number Date Current PO Status Description Sts Date Quantity UI Price Tax Total Ck/Vd Dt Invoice Number Vou cher ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Manufacturer Part# XT496 Paid 07/08/11 2.000 EA 57.5900 10.65 125.83 07/08/11 XFCCF6M19 V03 58130 Dell Part# 430-2768 Inv 06/29/11 2.4/5 GHz Wireless 1505 Acc 07/01/11 PCI Express Internal WLAN Outs 06/06/11 Half-Height Mini-Card for Select Dell Dimension9200C / Inspiron/ OptiPlex/ XPS/ Studio Desktops / Precision WorkStations -------------- 1594.59 0001949 Dell Marketing, LLP P0020484 06/10/11 Paid PowerEdge R210 Chassis Paid 06/22/11 1.000 EA 2214.1900 204.81 2419.00 06/22/11 XFCK84741 V03 56596 with up to 2 Cabled HDs Inv 06/22/11 and Quad-Pack LED Acc 06/22/11 Diagnostics Outs 06/10/11 Item #224-6640 -------------- 2419.00 0001949 Dell Marketing, LLP P0020497 06/15/11 Paid OptiPlex 780 Desktop Paid 06/30/11 5.000 EA 910.4500 421.08 4973.33 06/30/11 XFCR52FM9 V03 56968 for Standard PSU,Genuine Inv 06/30/11 Windows® 7 Acc 06/29/11 Professional,SP1, Media, Outs 06/15/11 32-bit, English Cat #25 RCRC1080495-2550181 State Environmental Fee Paid 06/30/11 1.000 EA 40.0000 40.00 06/30/11 XFCR52FM9 V03 56968 Inv 06/30/11 Acc 06/29/11 Outs 06/15/11 -------------- 5013.33 0001949 Dell Marketing, LLP P0020632 10/24/11 Paid Dell Latitude E4310 Paid 11/22/11 5.000 EA 918.4500 378.86 4971.11 11/22/11 XFK83PRP3 V03 72643 Inv 11/22/11 *********************** Acc 11/18/11 Change Order to change Outs 10/24/11 componenets previously totalling $$801.90/ea. *********************** 02 Jul 13 PURCHASE ORDER REGISTER FOR 0011 Regular Accounts Payable-BOA Page 4 15:59 Period: 01/01/2011 - 12/31/2013 Vendor ID Name PO Number Date Current PO Status Description Sts Date Quantity UI Price Tax Total Ck/Vd Dt Invoice Number Vou cher ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Targus Quick Fly Thru Paid 11/22/11 5.000 EA 21.6000 8.91 116.91 11/22/11 XFK31W9X1 V03 72642 Dell P/N A2041607 Inv 11/22/11 Manufacture P/N TBC023US. Acc 11/18/11 Outs 10/24/11 ************************ Change Order to change from Targus Zip-thru Air Traveler L. Dell Part#A2338314 Manufacture# TBT04401US @ $35.55/ea. ************************ Environment Fee Paid 11/22/11 5.000 EA 6.0000 30.00 11/22/11 XFK83PRP3 V03 72643 Inv 11/22/11 Acc 11/18/11 Outs 10/24/11 -------------- 5118.02 0001949 Dell Marketing, LLP P0020646 11/02/11 Paid OPTIPLEX 780 DESKTOP Paid 11/22/11 9.000 EA 892.3400 662.56 8693.62 11/22/11 XFK5541P5 V03 72592 Inv 11/21/11 Acc 11/15/11 Outs 11/02/11 STATE ENVIROMENTAL FEE Paid 11/22/11 9.000 EA 8.0000 72.00 11/22/11 XFK5541P5 V03 72592 Inv 11/21/11 Acc 11/15/11 Outs 11/02/11 DELL PROFESSIONAL 17 INCH Paid 11/22/11 9.000 EA 132.2500 1190.25 11/22/11 XFK5J3PW5 V03 72593 MONITOR Inv 11/21/11 Acc 11/15/11 Outs 11/02/11 STATE ENVIROMENTAL FEE Paid 11/22/11 9.000 EA 8.0000 72.00 11/22/11 XFK5J3PW5 V03 72593 Inv 11/21/11 Acc 11/15/11 -------------- 10027.87 0001949 Dell Marketing, LLP P0020693 12/15/11 Paid Dell 3115cn 8,000 Page Paid 03/08/12 3.000 EA 115.8900 28.68 376.35 03/08/12 XFMDPX4R5 V03 82370 Black Toner Cartridge Inv 03/06/12 (310-8395) Acc 01/09/12 Outs 12/15/11 -------------- 376.35 0001949 Dell Marketing, LLP P0020757 02/10/12 Paid 02 Jul 13 PURCHASE ORDER REGISTER FOR 0011 Regular Accounts Payable-BOA Page 5 15:59 Period: 01/01/2011 - 12/31/2013 Vendor ID Name PO Number Date Current PO Status Description Sts Date Quantity UI Price Tax Total Ck/Vd Dt Invoice Number Vou cher ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Base unit: Inspiron 620 Paid 04/19/12 6.000 EA 644.9900 319.27 4189.21 04/19/12 XFNPJKTR7 V03 89828 minitower,black bezel Inv 04/18/12 (225-0983) Acc 02/28/12 Processor:Inspiron 620, Outs 02/10/12 Intel Core i3-2120 processor (3MB Cache,3.30 GHz) (317-6997) Memory: 6GB DDR3 SDRAM, 1333MHZ-1X4GB/1x2GB9317-7 004) Keyboard: (330-3620) Monitor: Dell 18.5 inch, IN1930F Flat Panel Monitor (320-2446) Video Card: Intergrated Intel HC Graphics 2000(320-2052) HardDrive:500GB NCQ Serial ATA Hard Drive (7200 RPM) w/16MB Data Burst Cache (342-2717) Hard Drive Controller: Black Bezel (318-0938) Operating System: Windows Live Wave 4 (318-0455) Operating system: You have chosen a Windows 7 system (330-6097) Dell Resource DVD with Application back up (331-2553) PC-Restore, Dim/Insp (420-6436) Dell Welcome, software dimension/inspiron (420-6576) Dell Connect 2.1 (420-7938) Dell, software, Wild Tangent Inc games (420-9352) DataSafe Local Backup(420-9691) Dell-Download-Flag (421-0092) Skype Voip Software application (421-0756) genuine Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit, English, no media (421-5693) ebay webslice (421-2087) Basic stage (421-3645) 02 Jul 13 PURCHASE ORDER REGISTER FOR 0011 Regular Accounts Payable-BOA Page 6 15:59 Period: 01/01/2011 - 12/31/2013 Vendor ID Name PO Number Date Current PO Status Description Sts Date Quantity UI Price Tax Total Ck/Vd Dt Invoice Number Vou cher ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- White Pages.com, webslice (421-4117) Trusted ID, Icon (421-4582) Jagex,webslice, icon (421-4583) Nest Jump, Webslice, icon (421-4584) Dell owners manual installed on your system, (463-2282) Dell support center 3(421-4652) Dell Logitech USB optical Mouse (330-8652) Adobe Acrobat Reader (410-0547) 16x DVD +/RW Drive (318-0857) Roxio Creator Starter, No Media (421-4542) Bundled Software: Microsoft office starter: reduced functionality word & Excel w/ads.
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