B LOOMSBURY Bloomsbury Press Walker & Co. Bloomsbury Fall 2012 September – December For the most up-to-date Edelweiss catalog information, visit http://edelweiss.abovethetreeline.com CONTENTS BLOOMSBURY PRESS Unaccountable Marty Makary, M.D. 2 Hidden Harmonies (pb) Robert Kaplan and Ellen Kaplan 4 El Narco (pb) Ioan Grillo 5 Volcker William L. Silber 6 .BLOOMSBURYPRESS.COM What’s the Economy Good For, Anyway? (pb) John de Graaf and David K. Batker 8 America Aflame (pb) David Goldfield 9 Fever Season Jeannette Keith 10 WWW The Watchers Stephen Alford 11 BLOOMSBURY PRESS BACklisT HIGHligHTS 12 WALKER The Wild Duck Chase Martin J. Smith 13 Theodore Roosevelt in the Badlands (pb) Roger L. Di Silvestro 14 Leningrad (pb) Anna Reid 15 Mirror Earth Michael D. Lemonick 16 Spectrums David Blatner 17 A More Perfect Heaven (pb) Dava Sobel 18 The Sugar Barons (pb) Matthew Parker 20 The Damnation of John Donellan Elizabeth Cooke 21 Leonardo and The Last Supper Ross King 22 The Miracle of Trees Olavi Huikari 24 ALKERBOOKS.COM Grammar Rachel Grenon 24 W . walker BACklisT HIGHligHTS 25 WWW BLOOMSBURY Salvage the Bones (pb) Jesmyn Ward 26 Welcome to Your Child’s Brain (pb) Sandra Aamondt, Ph.D. and Sam Wang, Ph.D. 28 The Shadow Scholar Ed Dante 29 The Odyssey Seymour Chwast 30 The Most Memorable Games in Patriots History Jim Baker and Bernard M. Corbett 32 Just Plain Dick Kevin Mattson 33 Wilderness Lance Weller 34 Midnight in Austenland (pb) Shannon Hale 36 Painter of Silence Georgina Harding 37 Rabid Pamela Redmond Satran 38 Raising Wrecker (pb) Summer Wood 40 The Man Who Never Died (pb) William M. Adler 41 Unbored Joshua Glenn and Elizabeth Foy Larsen 42 Rip Tide (pb) Stella Rimington 44 The Geneva Trap Stella Rimington 45 Prophet’s Prey (pb) Sam Brower 46 .BLOOMSBURYUSA.COM Finding Casey Jo-Ann Mapson 47 Don’t Shoot (pb) David M. Kennedy 48 WWW Abbey Road Alistair Lawrence 49 Hand Me Down World (pb) Lloyd Jones 50 WWW . B LOOMSBURYPRESS.COM A Halloween Treat Edward Gorey 51 Saint Melissa the Mottled Edward Gorey 51 Decades Cameron Silver with Rebecca DiLiberto 52 Ru Kim Thúy 54 50 Licks Pete Fornatale with Bernard M. Corbett 55 Zoo Time Howard Jacobson 56 Polpo Russell Norman 58 The Light of Amsterdam David Park 59 The Hungry Ear edited by Kevin Young 60 Big Ray Michael Kimball 61 The Illustrated Guide to Ducks and Geese and Other Domestic Fowl Celia Lewis 62 Hard Twisted C. Joseph Greaves 63 Life! Death! Prizes! Stephen May 64 Babysitting George Celia Walden 65 Wilpon’s Folly Howard Megdal 66 The Trapeze Artist Will Davis 67 WWW BLOOMSBURY BACklisT HIGHligHTS 68 BLOOMSBURY QATar FOUndaTION PUblisHING 69 . W BLOOMSBURY UK IMPORTS 70 ALKERBOOKS.COM BLOOMSBURY SPECIALIST David Bowie Style Danny Lewis 72 Embellished Karen Nicol 72 Knitty Gritty Aneeta Patel 73 Wisden Cricketers’ Almanack 2012 edited by Lawrence Booth 73 Classic Cycle Routes of Europe Werner Müller-Schell 74 The Complete Guide to Pregnancy and Fitness Morc Coulson and Sarah Bolitho 74 The Arvon Book of Crime Writing Michelle Spring and Laurie R. King 75 The Arvon Book of Literary Non-Fiction Writing Sally Cline 75 Harbour Manoeuvres Step by Step Lars Bolle and Klaus Andrews 76 The Adlard Coles Maintenance Logbook for Sail and Power Robert Dearn 76 Skipper vs Crew / Crew vs Skipper Tim Davison 77 Reeds Crew Handbook Bill Johnson 77 WWW MACmillan GIFT REPRESENTATIVES 78 SUbsidiarY RIGHTS QUERIES 79 .BLOOMSBURYUSA.COM ORDER INFORMATION 80 INDEX 81 1 BLOOMSBURY PRESS For the most up-to-date Edelweiss catalog information, visit http://edelweiss.abovethetreeline.com MEDICINE SEPTEMBER HARDCOVER U.S. $28.00 / Can. $29.50 320 PAGES 6 1/8" x 9 1/4" ISBN 978-1-60819-836-8 alsO AVailable AS an EBOOK TERRITORY WORLD englisH CANADA BLOOMSBURY PRESS Via PENGUIN BLOOMSBURY PRESS SUBRIGHTS serial and AUDIO FILM/TV WRITERS’ REPRESENTATIVES MARKETING NATIOnal PRINT, Online, and BROadCAST media Campaign 5-CITY TOUR: BalTIMORE, BOSTON, WASHINGTON, D.C., .BLOOMSBURYPRESS.COM PHiladelpHia, NEW YORK OP-ED and BLOG Campaign WWW SOCial media Campaign FOCUSED OUTREACH TO HealTH, SCIENCE, and POliTICal media Serial OppORTUNITIES DIGITal ASSETS: AUTHOR VIDEO, DEDICATED WEBSITE, FAQ FOR paTIENTS, RESOURCES 2 UNACCOUNTABLE WHAT HOSPITals WON’t Tell YOU and HOW TransparenCY Can REVOLUTIONIZE HealTH Care Marty Makary, M.D. An urgent call for action from a leading surgeon to make our health care more transparent, more democratic, and safer for patients. Dr. Marty Makary is co-developer of the life-saving checklist outlined in Atul Gawande’s bestselling The Checklist Manifesto. As a busy surgeon who has worked in many of the best hospitals in the nation, he can testify to the amazing power of modern medicine to cure. But he’s also been a witness to a medical culture that routinely leaves surgical sponges inside patients, amputates the wrong limbs, and overdoses children WWW because of sloppy handwriting. Over the last ten years, neither error rates nor costs have come down, despite scientific progress and efforts to curb expenses. Why? .BLOOMSBURYPRESS.COM To patients, the health care system is a black box. Doctors and hospitals are unaccountable, and the lack of transparency leaves both bad doctors and systemic flaws unchecked. Patients need to know more of what health care workers know, so they can make informed choices. Accountability in health care would expose Marty Makary, M.D., dangerous doctors, reward good performance, and force positive change nationally, using the power of the M.P.H., is a surgeon at free market. Unaccountable is a powerful, no-nonsense, non-partisan diagnosis for healing our hospitals Johns Hopkins Hospital and reforming our broken health care system. and a professor of health policy at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Excerpt from Unaccountable: Health. He is a regular medical commentator From my earliest days as a medical student I’ve wondered why the same patient wheeled off for heart bypass for CNN and FOX News, surgery in Houston would simply be given an aspirin in San Francisco. I have long considered it self-evident that and appears weekly on a good medicine is not local; best practices are universal. Good and bad medical care in the U.S. is sold on an open wide variety of programs market, except that (unlike in other free markets) consumers have no information to make decisions … to discuss health In the last few years, experts who gauge the quality of medical care have formalized fair and simple ways to topics. He is a leading measure how well patients do at individual hospitals. These statistics are telling; they identify the good and the patient-safety researcher bad outliers. [But] as a result of the failure in information transparency in America, we are left frustrated with our and led the World Health health care, forced to walk blind into the local hospital or doctor’s office. Hospitals are black boxes—and they Organization’s effort to like it that way. develop ways to measure health care quality. He tweets @DrMartyMD. 3 ALSO AVAILABLE MATHEMATICS SEPTEMBER PAPERBACK U.S. $18.00 / Can. $19.00 304 pages 5 1/2" x 8 1/4" B&W illUSTRATIONS THROUGHOUT ISBN 978-1-60819-398-1 TERRITORY WORLD englisH Bozo Sapiens PB CANADA BLOOMSBURY PRESS Via pengUIN Michael Kaplan and Ellen AGENCY JanklOW & NESBIT LTD. Kaplan ISBN 978-1-60819-091-1 MARKETING U.S. $16.00 COVerage IN PRINT paperbaCK COLUMNS also available as an eBook FOCUSED OUTREACH TO maTH, parenTING, and EDUCATION PUbliCATIONS and WEBSITES ACademiC markeTING ALSO AVAILABLE EBOOK HC ISBN 978-1-59691-522-0 U.S. $25.00 HU C ZEN HIDDEN HARMONIES HOTO: HOTO: P .BLOOMSBURYPRESS.COM THE LIVES and Times OF THE PYTHagOrean THEOREM Robert and Ellen Kaplan have taught mathematics Robert Kaplan and Ellen Kaplan WWW to people from six to sixty, at leading independent “Hidden Harmonies is a stunning book, taking the most classic theorem in mathematics and schools and, most recently, exposing its story, its human story, for what it really is: true poetry.”—James Tanton, educator, at Harvard University. mathematician, and author of The Encyclopedia of Mathematics Robert Kaplan is the author of the bestselling A squared plus b squared equals c squared. It sounds simple, doesn’t it? Yet this familiar expression The Nothing That Is: A opens a gateway into the riotous garden of mathematics, and sends us on a journey of exploration in the Natural History of Zero, company of two inspired guides, Robert and Ellen Kaplan. With wit, verve, and clarity, they trace the life of which has been translated the Pythagorean theorem, from ancient Babylon to the present, visiting along the way Leonardo da Vinci, into 10 languages, and Albert Einstein, President James Garfield, and the Freemasons—not to mention the elusive Pythagoras together they wrote The himself, who almost certainly did not make the statement that bears his name. As in the authors’ bestselling Art of the Infinite and Out The Nothing That Is and Chances Are …, the excitement of mathematics leaps from the pages of Hidden of the Labyrinth. Ellen Harmonies. Kaplan is also coauthor of Chances Are: Adventures Praise for Hidden Harmonies: in Probability and Bozo Sapiens: Why to Err Is “Showing the theorem’s endless versatility, the Kaplans and their logic- and symbol-permeated text will engage those Human, cowritten with who delight in doing the math.”—Booklist her son Michael Kaplan. “The Kaplans have given us a wonderful, fun, and entertaining math book.”—Library Journal They live in Southampton, Massachusetts. 4 CRIME/CURRENT AFFAIRS NOVEMBER PAPERBACK U.S. $18.00 / Can. $19.00 336 pages Praise for El Narco: 5 1/2" x 8 1/4" 8-page COLOR INSERT “El Narco achieves ISBN 978-1-60819-401-8 something unattempted in the English-language TERRITORY WORLD, all langUages reporting on the Mexican CANADA BLOOMSBURY PRESS Via PENGUIN drug war: it lays out in clear AGENCY CURTIS BROWN LTD terms the contours of a world that has existed for MARKETING years and only grown more NATIOnal PRINT and BROadCAST media barbaric as it’s graduated Campaign to ‘war’ status.” Online CONSUMER adVERTISING Campaign —Bookforum COVerage IN paperbaCK COLUMNS Tie-IN TO breaking NEWS WWW ALSO AVAILABLE EBOOK .BLOOMSBURYPRESS.COM HC ISBN 978-1-60819-211-3 U.S.
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