7 .1.9 Recourse available in the institution (Differentiable Friendliness) Lift facility for Divyangjan students Ramp Rails I' VUtg;iv*a '> ilirector lnstitute r: rr Ir,. ii'iJutn 5'[,,:1, -,,.,,", r'l s 1-.7ne]f.n Pu '' it*'*!t,.'agar' Walker for Divyangjan Students Wheel chair for Divyangjan Students {[email protected] I, Director / P.g.S. Modern lnstitute iof Business Management t. Shivajinagar, Pune-S. i,li.-; []ERN I t'l STITUTE 0F BU Sl N E$ S II4AI.IAGEMENI PUNE.5. .';URnO N0......93--........ AFSSNF\Y ELE\/ATORS A}I ISO CERTIFIED COI{PAilY -24434877 R"gdrcffi* /th Ft"oi, p"t"t Height,206, Narayan Peth4g3, Llc Building, Pune - 30. Ph.: 020 124457176 NON COtUlPREHENSIVE tulAINTEi,IANCE CO}ITRACT No. of Elevators To, THE PRINCIPLE, Make of Elevators PooNA MODERN INSTITUTE OF BUSNIESS Type of Elevators ONE YEAR MANAGEMENT, SHIVAJI NAGAR AMC PERIOD From 01.09.'18 To s{.on 19 We are pleased to propose our NON-COMPREHENSIVE maintenance contract for, Electric Passengerl Goods / Hoipital/ Capbul! /Auto Door Elevator/s installed at, above premises, on following terms & conditions- o Our authorized Engineer/Mechanic shall visit the site, periodically during AMC period, on working days ta check up the installation, as well as to clean oil and/or adjust, all parts where such services are neessary-We shall supply the necessary oil, grease, cotton waste etc. We shall take all reasonable care to maintain, the equipmenys in proper & safe working conditions. However, this contract does not include repairs / ovefiaul of the elevator or its spare Parts. o We shall send our engineers to the lift site as quickly as possible, during working hours on regular \i,o*irg days, upon receipt of information from responsible persons. ln case of inegularity in the working of tfe Elevator/s, you are requested to switch ofithe power supply to the Elevators. o The cost of any supply of spares / components, including labour charges, exclusive of consumables, mentioned above shall be bome by you and be paid for in advance. The spares / Components afterrepairs shall notbe covered by any guarantee unless expresslygiven.Allimplied conditionsandwanantiesof laware hereby excluded. dismanled old materials shall become our proper$. A suitable rcbate for the dismanil€d oH materials is considered in the quotation for replacement. , For rendering the above service as per this contract we shall charge Rs. 32,4501- (Rupees THTRTYTWO THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY d.tLV (27,500+1 8% = RS.32,450/-) e This charge is exclusive of all Central / lnters dominion state taxes, Local taxes / Sales tax / terminal octroi or any other taxes, duties, & levies. These if applicable / payable, at any time, will be recovered from you. The cost of the service has been arrived at, taking into account the prevailing cost of materials, Labour & the other rates. o This service shall be valid for the period of ................".... from the date mentioned above. The maintenance of the Elevator shall be continued further, subject to approval of renewal of the contract & payment of then determined contract fees in advance. Branch Off.: Ruchika Apt., 2nd floor, Behind Chaitanya Sabhagrah, Pavananagar, Chinchwad, Pune - 33. Service Gentre : Plot No. 36, Survey No. 75, B/H Navale Banglow, Tathawade, Pune - 33 Factory : S.No. 148, Plot No. 3, Jambe-Sangwade Road, A/p. Jambe, Tal. Mulshi, Dist- Pune - 411033 Email : [email protected] I [email protected] Web: www.poonaelevators.com ' While overhauling or repairs is/are canied out, we shall not loan any replacement unit. o We accept no liability for renewals / repairs necessitated by reasons of negligence / misuse of the equipment or reason by or any other cause beyond our control, except normal-w-ear and tear- The cost of such replacemenurepairs will have to be borne by you & paid in advance. o We shall not be liable for any loss, damage or delay due to any cause beyond our reasonable mntrol including but not limited to acts of Government, strikes, lockout, fire explosion, nooO, thefts, civil commotions, war, miscellaneous, mischief, acts of God or if the lift and its part or the machine room are interfered by the p"i"on, not authorised by us. Under no circumstances we shall not be liable for any consequential damages. We atso willnot be responsibleforanyfataland /ornon fataldamage dueto negligence of elevatorusers. We shall r not be required to make safety tests or install attachments on the elevators, whether or not recommended or directed by insurance companies or Govemment or other authorities. We shall not be required to make, any replacements with parts of a different design. o Our Engineer / Mechanic will make visits during the contract period for servicing and breakdown. Additional visits will be eharged extra as per your requirements. o You shall keep clean the complete installation particularly inside of Elevator car, floor entrances, elevator hoist way and entrance to the Machines room. The machine room should be kept under lock and key, only our engineers should be allowed entry. o Outstanding payments due to us on any account will carry interest at the rate of 24%. This however shall not effectour rights to terminate the contract. THIS PROPOSAL WHEN ACCEPTED BY YOU AND CONFIRMED BY US SHALL CONSTITUTE THE CONTRACT BETWEEN US AND ALL PRIOR REPRESENTATIONS OR AGREEMENTS NOT INCORPORATED HERE IN ARE SUPERSEDED. Accepted by For Owner of the Elevator (Secretary/Chairman) Confirmed by For Poona Elevatorc a Group of Engineers for Repairs of all type Lifts. e l. Govt. Apprcved electrical contractor. l. PWD Approved and Licence Holder for types IflIs all of Lift )g M a n ufactu re r & Mainten a nce. ="/hl, la Speciallsf ln high speed and Auto door lifts. * l. We also undeftake : Modemisation, Modification, Retrofifting Reconditioning, Upgradation and AMC of alt type and all make lifts. P. E. Society's BANK VOUCHER Modern lnstitute of Business Management 1186, Shivajinagar. Off J. M. Road, Pune 411 005 Tel. (020) 65294546 Dare : t"l '14 til tt Debit L- .Mr./Mrs./M/s. Particulars Amount Rs. Ps. It'// lwc S>lltu t *.t Z-r. ffdt - (Q9 r L-r '__ 1q \1o \ t€ -:* *-) aanKBSlr\ r*16 J\ ROT I -----\sr*-_Rupees in wor 1' n-$G,tm n) 1- Ss*; @a, ABANE HOSPITAL Dr. SACHIN ABANE Dr.MRS. VANDANAABANE M.B.B.S.,0'oRTHO M.B.B.S., D.O.M.S. AGCIDENT, ORTHOPAEDIG & GENEML + Reg.No, :2003O3/1408 Reg.M,:2M/02568 Parmai0omorcxreround Floor, Behind Oilhopaedic Surgeon Eye Specialist Hariumdn tr,landir, Gadital, Lokseva OPD Timing : Hadapsar, Pune - 28. Ph, : 020 - 269931 28, Mon, - Sat. : 11.00 am to 01.00 Pm Fax:02&26992031. 06.30 Pm - 08.00 Pm CEKTIFICATE is to certify that Mr./Mrs./Mst,/Miss ;rhis U T q+af is under my treatment as on O.P.D. patient (Reg'No' from of'- z5o. tu | in patient from (R"g. No- -- to Sce^fd'i J t sd- ttet Sf / is / /rt being treated fo, fuichrr- ,k l/,r iom q6 \+[tg ro . o st Tqna ftg ' He/ She / is / was allowed to ioin duty on ilr' ABANE SAChIIru R. $.8.8"S", S'QRTHO C*lrsultant O r'rho Paer !ir S::lgeon Reg' lrto. 2C03/S31140S Dr,Mrs. VandanaAbune Dr. Srdlir Abane ,,1 t.l* . v*rryr,. #ti,u t-. ... :.; 6) r;? z Director OL e,e.S. UJ i Modern lnstitute iof Business Management l Q) L Shivajinagar, Pune-S. j i.. Page No. Date; P?p ti co.,*t" o,,^ {o -- 1-1^.a D r" rq c.I6n-, M O d S.r\D € v.d-i f".:t e- f5v-,tiv\9JJ v^.n O-vr UA/\a/AJl Prnn-l - A I StnJ D a..l€ ?-olq S\,^.,tl :- Atf -[r.oco..tion"r 'r^.-A'h o...h .L^ Fo aJ+ qt-,.'d q,r...n @-ro @unrr-d ^Jt a^Jf e-ol St r- 9 ,6\^ -T g\.g.\o^rllr. O,r.r4 q4ru -+}\, o\ q/ .1- v\-e-4 td g. O\,q (-l'n.^-h |nBA / L o,t-r..( ) \l1A v\,o9 C Di-idi M t *!o v\,o . \ L I 1- O ," u.r \J..0 V\Ak be- o\A I! \rs A,tt q--rr {** i ntrtlar'r; a- w O\r\n,t t-o \^.^4-OL,.," , e[arrl- t o--l J,^.AOl.l. O,,V\L * 15 q m-v-(-r lsa I c&u ln i Ft> a\f=) ow id q/^i O'..^^.-&1 \^. olnd. r 0'\-t-r.rzu a.{ @v/n .Eo .rVD n' s o\A-LL \o rni^ri t e \;\r\! Y.r^t q.ll,.fl a..J..< rnrO frr,l v rAt \&r Ot-n \,\t f orlzrF M.\r- 1-tr. vrzvto -{-A-,to,orvl V orn-r'( tro\i\.+'' usiness Management ts uva1inagar, Fune-S. i I ABAT{E HOSPI?AL OT. $ACHINIABANE DT. iiRS. VANDA}IA ABANE t.B.B.$.,0'oHlHo il.B.AS" 0.O.ll.S. AC'IDEIT, ORT}IOHAED$ & GB'IERAL Reg.trb.:X03S31408 Beg.tlo.:2MS21568 OrtrqdlcSurgson EyeSpeciatlct OPD Timir,g: Mm. - Sat. : 11.00 an to 01 .00 pm Ct$.30 pm - 08.ffi pm CERTIFICATN This is to certify that MriMrs.lLdst.lMiss Lalko.u i1 is under my treatment ns or? O.P.il. patient {Reg-No- fr*m o F:- L)a to in patient from (Reg. I\io. To g&- He/ Sfe / is / y'as betng treated fo, fuc,*uw . ks.,,*.hoi J I .{- leave He/ Slfit/rrr / is i *y'r odriseri for - - , *.-0-61+115---- r, o It^" {tg from =f Hel She / is i wGS ollowed to ioitl duty on Dr.Mrs.
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