Ps«« 3 -resident Jeff P. which . Hyde THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Published 34 Page»~-lO Cento at W«stfle)d. N. J. WESTFIELD,, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 19615 Every Thursday Clock-Wise ligious Census Group Don't Burn Outdoors |Memorial Once agnin the season of Day- Expanded Play Area Acting on a directive from the State Department of Conservation light Saving Time draws near and Economic Development WesUield't Town Council and Fire Chief when clock winders on Saturday Martin D. Burke have issued a stiff warning to all persons that »pen Day Staff night will also move the hands |TO Map Canvass Plans burning of any kind is prohibited in Westfield until further notice. one hour ahead and all hands Near For MeKinley It was stated that anyone apprehended in the act of burning A meeting of the Westfield Religi- DeMolay Paper debris, trash, or permitting any outdoor fires of any kind would be will lose an hour's sleep Sunday is Census Group will be held Mon- subject to a maximum Cine of S17S and or one year In jail. Chosen morning. ,y t 8:30 p.m. at Holy Trinity Council Moves a Pickup Due With the return of clear, windy weather, fire officials and others An organization meeting of the Kor m«ny the extra hour of ih School, to discuss plans for a The Westfield DeMolay chap- will tie on the atcrt to clamp down on all offenders of the open burning Memorial Day committee was held daylight will mean time for out- irtiicoming townwide census, prohibition. It was warned. last week in Martin Wallbcrg Post Ordinance For plans being laid call for a can- ter wilt hold Us spring paper do«r activities that «ill last un- drive Saturday. The public is 3, American Legion, whit chairman & of every home in Westfield Henry Barrett in charge. til nest Octolner , . , hut for JM 9, to gather statistical informa- asked to save newspapers and Law Dav USA- Cut-Through magazines. They do not have to Committee officers appointed liiuny mothers then* will He ne- oit on the combined effect of the be bundled. The South side of were: Secretary, Mrs. Henry Bar- rlods of desperation as they try [dividual religious congregations of A Song sought goal of the Parent- town will foe canvassed door-to- rett, post commander: treasurer, to convince the small fry It Is (field on the youth and adults of reactor Association of MeKinley door, and residents are asked to Bruce Conliii, who is also in charge School moved toward realization .. community. A small group has All Citizens Summoned time for bed no matter ttow place (heir papers at the curb. j of bands; veterans' grave decora- Tuesday night when Town Council ten working on the preliminary or- bright the night. (ions and publicity, Metro Locke. itroduced an ordinance to provide aniiation of the Census Group for Residents of the North side To Appear In Court Representatives present were: n cut-through of Pierson St. to iveral weeks and the organization should bring their papers to the following drop off points: homes Capt. Lewis Porst of the Police De- cst Uroad St. now virtually complete, according of David Brown, 515 Woodland "Lmv Day USA" will be observed partment, Fire Chief Martin D. Stemmer Replaces A public hearing on the measure George M. Rounds, United Pres- in the Municipal Court of Westfield Ave.; John HrUman, 150 Stan- Burke, Deputy Capt Ix>onard Sieger 'as set for May 14. rterian, chairman of the Census Tuesday at ? p.m. in the Waleunk more Pl.j Stewart Foote, 221 Boro GOP Split of the Hescue Squad, Donald Hin* With the relocation of Pierson St., map. Room of the Municipal Building. Bailey as Leader Sylvania PI, and Robert Wade, dell, GAH; Cmdr. Joseph Sisto, iginnlng al tho MeKinley School Participating congregations are Mayor Burr A, Towl Jr. and mem- 720 St. Marks Ave. Joint Kozlowski and Alfred MeKweii roperly line, the Westfield Board ethd Baptist Church, Echo Lake bers of Town Council will be present Bars Choice Of of the VFW, Mrs. William Doorrer. Of County GOP tech of Christ, First Baptist to welcome those attending and to Education will be able to develop president, and Mrs. Jennie Pease, enlarged playground area for the lurch. First Methodist Church, discuss the meaning and significance treasurer of the American Legion Party Leader Kinurally Re«clt.cled cfaool's pupils. The students pres* irst Congregational Church of of "Law Day." Auxiliary and Albert J. Macllpr, Lake Stocked fitly must cross Pierson St. tp get to 'cslflold, Holy Trinity Catholic Mountainside — The Republican county American Legion command- By Democrats Al The day will be observed national- MISS DOROTHY GOWOY recreation area across from the hurch, Lutheran Redeemer Church, municipal committee Monday night er, who also is a member of Post 3. ly May 1 and has for its theme Party Meetings Who will sing at May chool. ;adison Avenue Chapel, St. Luke's With Trout "Equal Justice Kor All Under the failed to pick a chairman after the fellowship luncheon ;eUiodist Church, St. Paul's Episco- Law," "Law Day USA" has been 10-member group split down the Jay A. Stemmer of Clark, direc- With the construction of the cut- sl Church, Temple Emanu-EI, the proclaimed annually by presidents middle in twtt ballot attempts. tor of the Union County Board of nrough, the town will take the nee* For Derby Red Cross Chapter Freeholders was elected-llepubllcun sary legal stops to vacate the per- Mtarian Fellowship of Westfield, of the United States since 1U58 and A committee member said another county olmirmnEi and Jnmes -I. Kin-May Fellowship ri the United Presbyterian Church, Lindsay M. Collins, engineer, to- its observance is spearheaded by the meeting is expected to be held Sun- ion of Pierson St., which now runs* ncally of Railway was re-elected la addition to Mr. Rounds, the ex- day announced that the lown had members of the American Bar Asso- day. Maps Plans For last the school grounds and tcrml- Democratic county chairman Tues- aiiive committee includes the fol- ordered 450 trout from the Eden elation. In this country il is the Monday night's session was at the Day Guests To lates at Osborna Avo. wing; George Kcenan Jr., Holy Brook Trout Hatchery in anticipa- counterpart o( May Day in Commu- day night at both political parties Lindsay Collins, town engineer, home of Floyd Fronke.iifie.ld, 1001 Anniversary held orgunziatimial meetings. •inity .secretary; William H. Red- tion of the Kotnry Club of Wcstficld's nist Russia and its satellites, a time Sunny Slope Dr. Hear Soloist as estimated the cost of relocation annual Fishing Derby at Mindowas-1 when'toerirans everywhere rwTcdf- Stemmer, lormer Mayor of Clark t approximately $7,509, the funds m, First Methodist, treasurer: the Nominated were Mrs. J, P, Glea- As its part in this year's observance kin Park, Saturday, May 4. Mr. , and currently serving his second 'or which have been included in the ;ev. A. L. Tubbe, United Presby- ate themselves to the principles of sun of 597 Woodland Ave., incum- of tlie 100th nnniversm-y of the found- Miss Dorothy Gowdy of Westfield Collins stated that !0 trout, 15-20! throe-year term ar a freeholder, suc- :urrent capital improvements. The ;rian, ministerial advisor; James frec-doui under law rather than the bent, and Mrs. Vivian Daniels of 333 ing of the world-wide Red Cross well-known and popular soprano, will inches long and tagged would be ceeds Charles 1*. bailey of Westfield development of the play area will McKnight, United Presbyterian, rule of might. 1 Forest Hill Way. movement, the WcsUield-Motmlnln- be soloist at the May Fellowship who served »s I he OOP county lend- x the resiMMisibility of the Board of toirman of the survey and tabula- also on hand for prizes. Students at Westfield Senior High j side Chapter is making plans for ii Luncheon of the United Churcl The latter ran uncommitted in er for live years. He bnd slated .education and it understood that 99 section; Warren G. Buhler, St. Boys and girls, 12 years of age or and Roosevelt and Edison Junior last week's primary, Mrs. Glenson we-ek-lonn celebration starting Mon- A'omen of Westfield and vicinity. earlier that he was not u candidate. hese funds have also been provided aul's, chairman of public relations under may register at the park at High Schools have been invited by ran on the Regular Organznlion He- day, May 13. f(ir another term. Mrs. Gowdy, born In Dukes Park or in the board's budget, net publicity, and Victor Deichert, 8 a.m. Prb.es will be given to each their respective school principals to publican ticket. The chapter lins requested Mayor Somervllle, a graduate of West Sid< Kimieally Ims bended the Demo- A rcsolutiun was passed honoring Irst Baptist, chairman of the re- boy and cadi girl for the first fish | mtend the Tuesday night court scs- Mountainside Republicans, led by Burr Towl of Weslfield and Mayor High School in Newark, began he crats' committee since 10IH. AI- Hichard J. Behrens, IB, of 4S5 Chan- ruitment and training section. caught, the longest fish caught, tbo j sjOn and "Law Day" program, Mayor Orlin K. Johnson, nominated Orlin Johnson of Mountainside t( tliiiiu:h purty winkers were sharply musical education at an early uKe It is anticipated that 640 men, smallest fish caught and the largest j \ spokesman (or the observance their two council candidates last issut! proclamations declaring the ning Ave., a student at Holy Trinity divided in the recent primary elee- She has been the recipient of scho' omen and high school seniors will fish caught in addition special prizes } jlt,rc saj,i probably no one ever sum- week, Gilbert K.
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