. \ PAGE TWENTY THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1969 Daily Net Press ^ A . - ' i iWanrliPiitfr lEtti^mns Ifpralii For The Week Ended The Weather 2ime 28, U W the use of trainees at that Fair, continued warm and school. humid tonight and tomorrow. Town Gets $8^769 Grant Low tonilght about 6S. High to­ Other budget reductions made Yarnott'Kehl Dohkin Chides Democrats 15,459 necessary by the lower grant morrow in the 80s. For Teacher Aides Plan ManeheUer— A City o f Vittage Charm are: $3,000 to $1,600 for admin­ Oh Case Mt. Study Issue 'Manciiester''has beei;.^ granted At that time, the assumption istration; $1,600 to $600 for Miss Evannle Elizab^rth Kehl /'V teachers’ released time to work VOL. NO. 239 TWENTY-TWO PAGES HIANCHEOTER,' CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1969 (Cteastfled AdrertUiig on Page 11) $8,769 by the State Deipartmerit was that a grant of $26,000-36,- and Rudolph Martin Yamott, Manchester’s Republican ICE TEN CENTS with trainees; $875 to $263 for tion " is exactly for that, a of Education under the Educa­ 000 would be forthcoming. Be­ bo^ of Bolton, were united in town chairman today oha'rged fusibility study, and for noth­ cause of the reduced grant. clerical help; and $1,130 to $146 tion Professions Development m&riage Saturday, May 31, at ing else.” Cone said several changes have fqr supplies and equipment. that Democratic Statd Rep. N. St. Maurice’s Chtu*ch, Bolton. On Tuesday, Boggini, who Act to work with Manchester had to be made In plans. In­ Cone said MCC would probab­ Charles Boggini and the legis­ was on record for spending the CJommunlty College in training stead of the 10 aides originally ly conduct a threer-week orienta­ The bride is the daughter of lature’s State Development Wrong Sentence teacher aides to cope with the tion period for trainees, who Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Kehl Committee, of which Boggini is $50,000 on an option but not for requested to work each semes­ MIAMI (AP)— Metropoli­ expanding speciaJ,. education would start working in the of Clark Rd. The bridegroom a member, “did not have the a study, announced that, as far ter at Bennet and Keeney St. tan Court Judge Tom Lee program. It was one of nine schools about Oct. 1. The 10 is the son of Mr. and Mrs. facts, whc.T they recommended as he is concerned/ "not one Schools, 6 will be employed; $6,- cent of state money will be told Brian Southard that Nixon Sees Way 0 n trainees, he assumes, will take grants totalling $270,470 to eight 000 will be allocated from the Rudolph W. Yamott of Wilkes- $50,000 of taxpayer's money for one course at MOC the first spent on a feasibility study for three traffic charges agetmit state communities. grant for their salaries Instead Barre, Pa. still another study of Case Mt. semester, meet weekly to eval­ "There are many such re­ a state park at Case M t.” him would be dropped If the At its March 24 meeting, the of $21,000 originally ]>lanned; The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Arthur uate their work experiences,, ports in existence now, and the He said that, after conferring ■21-yeac-pId man registered to Board of Educatloni heard a and the trainees will work 12 J. Reilly of St. John’s Church, vote. and carry a full academic pro­ $50,000 would have been spent with Mathews, it was his (Bog- presentation (or a one;year co­ weeks instep of 16. Rensselaer, N.Y., performed gram the second semester. glni’B) understanding that the Judge Lee listened as an operative teacher aide training A* Bormet^ Cone said, one side the double-ring ceremony. The on a useless study," said M. Last December, when MCC •ii Adler Dobkln. $50,000 will remain intact In the elections clerk adked South­ pixgram made by Jay Stager, wll’ be assigned to the library Rev. Robert W. Cronin, pastor announced the inauguration of state’s 1969-71 budget. He said ard his party affiliation and By Thieu s New St He praised GOP State Rep. MOC asststant profes.sor ' of Inei ructlonal materials area; of St. Maurice’s Church, was the youth reidled, "Republi­ a’ teacher aide training program Donald (Jenovesl "for being that It will be up to the 1971 philosophy and coordinator of another to the sclencq depart­ celebrant at the nuptial Mass. can.” the program; Allan Cone, Ben- for the 1969 - 70 school year, alert to the fact that the $60,- General Assembly to determine ment, which is Introducing a Mrs. Joyce Cavanagh was “And after I went to all WASHINGTON (AP)— net Junior High Schwl prin­ Tatro said, "There will be room 000 is fOr future studies and what to do with It. new inquiry approach; and the for approximately 30 full-time organist, and Mrs. Marguerite that trouble,” said the Judge, President Nixon said today cipal; and Jamies O. Tatro, thlid to work with a below aver­ Geer was the soloist. Bouquets not for an option to purchase.” Today, Dobkin said that he who described himself as a MCC director of the division of and 40 part-time trainees when Then, he chided Boggini for would like answers to two ques­ new peace proposal.^ by age group in the English or so­ the programs are laimched next of gladioli and carnations were "wretched Democrat” arts and sciences. By a 5-0 saying, 10 days ago, that it was tions — "How much of this type Hope Seen President Ngtiyen Van cial studies departments. Prin­ fall. We hope eventually to have on the altar, and sprays of car­ vote, with one abstention, the his (Bogglnl’s) interpretation of legislatlim, based on half Thieu of South Vienam cipal Edward Timbrell of room for 160 full-time and 200 nations decorated ithe candle board approved the training that the funds could be used facts, has come out of this Dem- Keerey Is oUt of town and un­ part - time para - professional stands. ’■ In Remarks ■ “should ojien the way at program fProject TAP). for an option. ocratic-controlled. i legislature? available for information about trainees.” «. last for a rapid settle­ Hie bride was given in mar­ The $50,000 controversial item How many $60,000 errors has it At that time, it was announc­ Laird Bars ment" of the Vietnam riage by her father. She wore Is part of the omnlbuB bonding taken, to bring the state to its ed that MCC would offer one- Of Gromyko war — if the Communist.s a full-length gown of silk organ­ bill approved by the 1969 Gen­ present financial plight?” and two-year para-professlondl za,'designed with sabrina neck­ will begin serious negotia­ eral Assembly, placed there The $50,000 item for a feasi­ WASHINGTON (A P ) ^ Mob- training programs In conjunc­ line, Chantilly lace, empire bod- Compromise tions. upon recommendation of the bility study of Case Mt. ' was cow's latest forelign policy out­ tion with Connecticut Valley Ic re-embroldered with seed- In a lengthy statement hsUlng legislature’s State Development recommended by the chairman line has encouraged/^lxnn ad­ Hospital, Mansfield State Train­ pearls, long sleeves, and de­ Thieu’s suggesticsui for a politi­ Have You Tried It? Committee. of the legislature’s State De­ ministration officials who hope ing School, and school systems tachable chapel-length watteau Over ABMs cal appros^ to a settlement, The bill specifically states velopment Committee, State for an era of inlproving East- in Andover, Bolton, Coventry, train appllqued and bordered NUon eak): that the $50,000 U for a "feasi­ Rep. Victor Tudan of Windsor. West relations^/ East Hartford, East Windsor, with matching lace. Her elbow- WASHINGTON (AP)— " If the Other aide genuinely bility study for a state partt at It followed a public hearing on Specificaiw/the policy speech Ellington,' Enfield, Glastonbury, lengthy veil of organa was at­ Secretary of Defense Mel- wants peace, tt now has a coni- Hebron, Manchester, Marl­ Case Mt., Manchester.” a bill for rtate purchase of 212 delivered Tmireday by Foreign prehenelve set of offers which tached to a pearl and rhinestone was reported er Andrei A. Gromyko to borough, Somers, South Wind­ On Monday, Donald C. acres of Case Mt. land, for permit 11 fair and reasonable trimmed headpiece, and she today to be firmly opposed the Sovit.Viet parliament;,................. sor, Tolland, and Vernon. Mathews, the director of the $630,000. Also a member of the settlenient. It It approaches us carried a cascade bouquet of to ^ any compromise of the — no reference to Presi- The one-year program will State Park and Forest Commis­ committee is State Rep. Fran­ In this Mpirtt. It wtU find us rea­ gladioli. MR. AND MRS. RUDOLPH MARTIN YARNOTT Nixon administration’s deqt Nixon’s Romanian visit— “SHAPr lead to a. certificate of comple­ sion, confirmed that the alloca­ cis Mahoney, Dem. sonable. Hanot has nothing to tion, and the two-year program Mrs. ■ QrvUle (Cleveland of Safegruard program despite bx*® supporting Washington gain by waiting" Manchester was matron of 99% FAT FREE MILK to an associate in science de­ the apparent deadlock/^*"'*'®^" whatever dia- Nixon noted that at Ms June 8 honor. Her full-length sleeveless shaping up in the Senate^ Soviets feel over OR gree. Course credits earned in Midway Island meeting with the certlfloa.te progarm will be gowi of maize chiffon was ac­ Defense officials said to ^ y Nixon’s call at the maverick Thieu. the twxi prestdents "de­ cented with Venlse lace. She Do If Yourself or Lef Us Do If For You applicable toward the degree Laird wished to re-emphiial*e clared our readiness to accept wore a matching floral head­ I 10 QT.
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