P3.427 BHI DEC14AW_Layout 1 20/11/2014 15:46 Page 529 OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH HOROLOGICAL INSTITUTE DECEMBER 2014 www.bhi.co.uk P3.427 BHI DEC14AW_Layout 1 20/11/2014 15:46 Page 530 (9(9,(5+.66+,(93@;/ =0,>05. -05,*36*2: *,5;<9@)9(::*(:,+,0./; +LJLTILY >LKULZKH`+LJLTILYH[WT +(@4(5;,3*/96564,;,905 5L^)VUK:[YLL[3VUKVU 690.05(3;9(=,3305.*(:, ,58<090,: æ QHTLZZ[YH[[VU'IVUOHTZJVT ERQKDPVFRPFORFNV P3.427 BHI DEC14AW_Layout 1 20/11/2014 15:46 Page 531 The First Word After nearly two years employment with When your renewal letter arrives we the Institute I still consider myself fortu- hope that you will find it easy to think of nate to be working here at Upton Hall as many positive reasons for renewing your part of such a dedicated team. Your staff membership. And altruism might well – and we are most definitely ‘your’ staff – be one of those reasons – the BHI cer- are all incredibly passionate about the tainly needs your goodwill. BHI even though, with the recent retire- But no membership organisation ment of Alan Midleton FBHI, there is should take its membership for granted. now not a single horologist amongst us! At the end of the day subscriptions are a So it’s good to know that, whenever we discretionary spend and, unfortunately, need it, we can draw on the knowledge we are all still living in straightened and resources of our hard working direc- times. So, whether it’s the family or the tors, trustees, tutors, examiners and business budget which is being consid- volunteers. We thank each and every one ered, we know that we have to continue of them. to provide you with value for money if we Dudley Giles Having read Alan Midleton’s definitive wish to retain your membership for account of the history of the BHI in pre- another year. Altruism alone will not Chief Executive Officer vious editions of HJ, I am acutely aware be enough. that, from its very inception, finances This need to provide value is one of have been a perennial problem for the the reasons why, for the past year, the Institute. And I’m afraid that this still Institute has concentrated so heavily on remains the case. That’s why, as your strengthening what we consider to be CEO, I become increasingly anxious at our two main membership benefits – this time of year. Will we hit our budget The Horological Journal and your access to forecast? How’s the cashflow holding our training and education pro- up? And how many of our members will grammes. Both of these have, we hope, renew their subscriptions next year? benefitted from some much needed And it’s that last question which is investment – of both time and money. always the most difficult one to answer. But there is still a long way to go and the But there are reasons to be positive. work has only just begun. After many years of steady decline our As an organisation the BHI’s aspira- membership figures appear to have tions remain high. But we will only turned a corner. Whisper it quietly, but succeed in meeting them if we can carry Matthias Naeschke's NT12 table the BHI is now attracting more members you, the membership, with us. I’m opti- clock was exhibited at the exclu- sive Salon QP held in London's than it is losing. However, we need to mistic. And I’m certain you are too. Saatchi Gallery in the first week of maintain this momentum. November. The NT12 is a special edition clock celebrating thirty years of Naeschke manufacturing Published by exclusive high-quality in-house developed and designed clocks. The British Horological Institute Ltd The spring-wound fusee clock Upton Hall, Upton, Newark, fusee runs for 13½ months, and Nottinghamshire NG23 5TE. includes power reserve indicator, Official Journal of The British Horological Institute Ltd Tel: 01636 813795 Fax: 01636 812258 escapement with round ruby pallets, compensated pendulum e-mail: [email protected] £6.00 (free to members) and a chapter ring of hand- Website: www.bhi.co.uk engraved sterling silver. The gilt movement sits on four massive Editor: Jayne Hall 01636 817605 silver-plated columns, encased in Editorial Assistant: Harriet Olivia cherry wood. It is also available in Advertising: Jayne Hall other colours and materials. Circulation: Zanna Perry The views expressed in Horological Journal are not necessarily those of the BHI. Copy date first day of month prior to issue. Print & Production: MYPEC, The Festoon Rooms, Sunny Bank Mills, Farsley, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS28 5UJ. Tel: 0113 257 9646 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.mypec.co.uk December 2014 © British Horological Institute Ltd 2014 Volume 156 No 12 All rights reserved. ISSN 0018-5108 Acceptance of material does not imply pages 529–576 endorsement of goods, services or practices. Horological Journal December 2014 531 P3.427 BHI DEC14AW_Layout 1 20/11/2014 15:46 Page 532 BHI Officers BHI Corporate Members President: Anthony Randall FBHI The British Horological Institute is supported Chairman: Ray Walford by the following Corporate Members Vice Chairman: Stella Haward MBHI Board Members: Ross Alcock MBHI Hugh Barnes HonMBHI Nick Brown Justin Koullapis Ashley Strachan Geoff Walker FBHI Martin Wigglesworth Bremont Seiko U.K. Limited Jan Wright FBHI www.bremont.com www.seiko.co.uk Vice Presidents: Jonathan Betts MBE FBHI Robert Bray FBHI Dennis Harris FBHI Kenneth Lloyd Jones HonFBHI Ray Mellor FBHI Brian Newman MBE FBHI Charles Frodsham & Co Ltd Signet Group Ltd Philip Whyte Hon FBHI www.frodsham.com www.signetjewelers.com BHI Contacts Chief Executive Officer Company Secretary Managing Editor Dudley Giles, 01636 817600, Graham Smith of Derby Ltd [email protected] www.graham1695.com www.smithofderby.com Museum/Library Alan Midleton, 01636 817612, [email protected] Education Clerk Maxine Bell, 01636 817604, [email protected] Membership/Data Zanna Perry, 01636 817603, [email protected] Gucci Ltd Time Assured Limited Research/Accounts www.gucci.com www.timeassured.com Briony Dickinson, 01636 817602, [email protected] Horological Journal Editor Jayne Hall, 01636 817605, [email protected] HJ Editorial Assistant Harriet Olivia Technical Editor Justin Koullapis, [email protected] In-Time Watch Services Ltd Watchfinder Fairs – Review & Comment www.intime.co.uk www.watchfinder.co.uk Martin Foster Proofreader Barrie Fitton HonMBHI Rotary Watches Ltd Cousins UK Memberline: www.rotarywatches.com www.cousinsuk.com 01636 817617 532 December 2014 Horological Journal P3.427 BHI DEC14AW_Layout 1 20/11/2014 15:46 Page 533 Contents Midlands Model Engineering Exhibition 539 James Buxton IEng MIED The British Horological Institute 540 E. Peters If only Balance Wheels were like Car Tyres 542 Robert Horan MBHI Making Harrison’s Late Regulator – Part 11 544 Colin Fergusson MBHI Making a Regulator to a New Design 546 John Reynolds FBHI Awards, Education and New Members’ Day 550 Jayne Hall BHI Annual Index 565 Robert Ovens MBHI Regulars Letters 534 News 536 Meet the Student 538 Bench View 548 Branch Reports 554 Horological Calendar 558 BHI Courses 559 Classified Ads 560 Horological Journal December 2014 533 P3.427 BHI DEC14AW_Layout 1 20/11/2014 15:46 Page 534 Letters Internal Thread centre, A, of the shuttle on the verti- length 2AB. As one progresses A tip for Mike Flannery – and anyone cal track, to the centre, B, of the towards A, the line becomes an else trying to find the pitch of an other shuttle, so that the centres are ellipse again, getting smaller and internal thread. Lightly taper a piece always the same distance apart. When fatter until, at the mid-way point of peg-wood (or dowel) so that the the shuttles move, a point on an between A and B it becomes a circle, thin end just enters the hole. Screw extension of the rod, C, traces out an which is what we need. I am tempted this into the hole as far as you can ellipse with semi-major axis a = AC to examine what happens as one without breaking it! The screw and semi-minor axis b = BC (figure goes further, including points further thread will impress itself into the 1). This is the process of ‘tram- out than A and C, and to see what wood and you can then use the pitch melling an ellipse’ familiar to happens when the tracks are not at gauge on the wood. This technique draughtsmen. right angles, but my Little Red Hen works on both left- and right-handed The present problem is to drive the tells me to stick to the matter in threads. process with clockwork. The clue to hand. Andrew Fleming this comes from examining the loci So a shaft rotating once an hour of points on the rod between C and with its axis at O, driving an arm with Galileo’s Pendulum-Controlled A. These loci are shown on Figure 1, its end attached to M, the mid-point Escapement with the loci in black (or red) corre- between A and B, will cause the point I would like to correct a minor point sponding to the points indicated on C to describe its ellipse. (The fact that made by John Abrahams in his inter- the blue rod. As one moves from C the shaft will need to rotate counter- esting letter (HJ August 2014). The towards A, the ellipse becomes clockwise is but a minor inconve- man chosen to build the model illus- smaller and more elongated until, at nience.) We still need to know where trating the Galileo Escapement, built B, it becomes a horizontal line of the minute marks should be made.
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