- SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION. - 99 . ~ I ... atnngrtssinnal ·Jtcnrd. PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE SIXTY -FIFTH _CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION. Hale Lewis Pomerene Stone SENATE. Hardwick Lodge .Ransdell Sutherland Hitchcock McCumber Reed Swanson lfoNDAY, ApriZ 13, 1917. Rusting McKellar Robinson Thompson James . McLean Saulsbury Tillma n The first session of the Sixty-fifth Congress commenced this Johnson, Cal. Martin Sbafroth Townsend day at the Capitol, in the city of Washington, in pursuance of Johnson, S.Dak. Myers Sheppard Underwood Jones, N. Mex. Nelson Sherman Vardatna n the proclamation of the President of the United States of the Jones, Wash. New Shields Wadsworth 21st <lay of March, 1917. Kellogg Norris Simmons Walsh The VICE PRESIDENT (THOMAS R. MARSHALL, of Indiana) Kendrick Overman Smith, Ariz. Wa rren Kenyon Owen Smith, Ga. Watson called the Senate to order at 12 o'clock noon. King Page Smith, Md. Weeks Rev. J. L. Kibler, of the city of Washington, offe1·ed the fol­ Kirby Penrose Smith, Mich. Williams Knox Phelan Smith, S.C. Wolcott lowing prayer : La Fo1lette Pittman Smoot In the simplicity of our hearts, 0 God, and in the very depths Lane Poindexter Sterling of humility we come into Thy presence. At the opening of this extraordinary session of Congress we come first to seek Thy Mr. FLETCHER. I desire to announce that my colleaguo guiding hand. Amid the confusion and violence of the world [Mr. TRAMMELL] is unavoidably absent on account of sickness in his family. to-day w~ can not know the things that may shortly come to pass. Lead us, 0 God, through the darkness until the day Mr. SHAFROTH. I desire to announce the unavoidable ab· dawns and the shadows flee away. Enlighten our minds, con­ · sence of my colleague [Mr. THoMAs] on account of sickness. trol our thoughts, direct our speech, and give us wisdom and The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-six Senators have answered grace to defend the truth and to advocate the cause of righteous­ to tJle roll call. There is a constitutional quorum present. ness. LIST OF SEN A. TORS. At this critical time in our country's history we pray Thee The list of Senators by States is as follows: lea<l Thy servants in the -plain path, teach them Thy ways, and Alabama-John H. Bankhead and Oscar W. Underwood. inspire them with those lofty aims and principles that emanate Arizona-Henry F. Ashurst and Marcus A. Smith. from Thy throne and which have been the h~ritage of our Arkansas-Josep4 T. Robinson and William F. Kirby. people from the beginning. In all their deliberations may they California-James D. Phelan and Hiram ·w. Johnson. seek the accomplishment of Thy purposes and the enlargement Colorado-Charles S. Thomas and John F. Shafroth. of Thy kingdom in the earth. We ask it all in the · name of Connecticut-Frank B. Brandegee and George P. McLean. Christ the Lord. Amen. Delawat·e-Willard Saulsbury and Josiah 0. Wolcott. THE PROCLAMATION. Florida-Duncan U. Fletcher and Park Trammell. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will read the procla­ Georgia-Hoke Smith and Thomas W. Hardwick. mation of the President of the United States convening Con­ Idaho-William E. Borah and James H. Brady. gress in extraordinary session. Illinois-Jas. Hamilton Lewis and Lawrence Y. Shei:man. The Secretary (James M. Baker) read the proclamation, as Indiana-James E. ·watson and Harry S. New. follows: Iowa-Albert B. Cummins and William.S. Kenyon. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STA'IES OF AMERICA-A PROCLAMATION. Kansas-William H. Thompson and Charles Curtis. Whereas public interests require that the Congress of the United States Kentucky...!.-()llie M. James and J. C. W . Beckham. should be convened in extra session at 12 o'clock noon on the 2d day Louisiana-Joseph E. Ransdell and Robert F. Broussard. of April, 1917, to receive a communication concerning grave matters of national policy which should be taken immediately under consid­ .Maine-Bert M. Fernald and Frederick Hale. eration: .Mat·yland-John Walter Smith and Joseph I. France. Now, therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States !fassachusetts-Henry Cabot Lodge and John W. 'Veeks. of America, do hereby proclaim and declare that an extraordinary Michiga11r-William Alden Smith and Charles E. Townsend. occasion requires the Congress of the United States to convene "in extra session at the Capitol, in the city of Washington, on the 2d day of Minnesota-Knute Nelson and Frank B. Kellogg. April, 1917, at 12 o'clock noon, of which all persons who shall at that Mississippi-John Sharp Williams and James K. Vardaman. time be entitled to act as Members thereof are hereby required to take Missouri--William J. Stone and James A. Reed. notice. Given under my hand and the seal of the United States of America Montana-Henry L. Myers and Thomas J. Walsh. the 21st day of March, in the year of our Lord 1917, and of the inde­ Nebraska-Gilbert M. Hitchcock and George W. Norris. pendence of the United States the one hundred and forty-first. Nevada-Francis G. Newlands and Key Pittman. [SEAL.) WOODROW WILSON. New Hampshit·e-Jacob H. Gallinger and Henry F. Hollis. By the President : ROBERT LANSING, New Jersey-William Hughes and JosephS. Frelinghuysen. Secretary of State. New Mexico-Albert B. Fall and Andrieus A. Jones. SENATOR FROM CA.LIFORNU. New York-James W. Wadsworth, jr., and William M. Calder., North Carolina-Furnifold MeL. Simmons and Lee S. Over· Mr. PHELAN. Mr. President, the Senator elect from Cali­ fornia, HIRAM W. JoHNSON, is present and, if agreeable, I will man. North Dakota-Porter J. McCumber and Asle J. Gronna. conduct him to the desk that he may be sworn. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator elect from California Ohio-Atlee Pomerene and Warren G. Harding. Oklahoma-Thomas P. Gore and Robert L. Owen. will present himself at the desk for the purpose of taking the Oregon,-<;~eorge E. Chamberlain and Harry Lane. oath of office. Pennsylva"nia-Boies Penrose and Philander C. Knox. Mr.• TorrNSON of California was escorted to the Vice President's Rhode Island-LeBaron B. Colt and Peter G. Gerry. desk by Mr. PHELAN, and the oath prescribed by law having South Car·olina-Berijamin Tillman and Ellison D. Smith. been administered to him he took his seat in the Senate. n. South Dakota-Thomas Sterling and E<lwin S. Johnson. CALLING OF THE ROLL. Tennessee--John K. Shields and Kenneth D. McKellar. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will call the roll Texas-Charles A. Culberson and Morris Sheppard. to ascertain the presence of a quorum. Utah-Reed Smoot and William H. King. The Secretary called the roll, and the following Senators an­ Vermont-William P. Dillingham and Carroll S. Page. swered to their names : Virginia-Thomas S. Martin and Claude A. Swanson. Ashurst Broussard Cummins Fletcher Washington-Wesley L. Jones and Miles Poindexter. Beckham Calder Curtis France West Vit·ginia-Nathan Goff and Howard Sutherland. Borah Chamberlain Dillingham Frelinghuysen 1 B1·ady Colt Fall lVisconsin-Robert M. La ,Follette and Paul 0. Busting. Brandegee Culberson Fernald 8!~-~;ger , Wyoming-Francis E. Warren-and .John ·B. Kendrick. 101 102 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. APRIL' 2,, NOTIFIC.A TION TO THE HOUSE. NOTIFICATION TO THE PBESIDENT. Mr. 1\iARTIN :submitted the follmving resolution ·E. Res. 19), Mr. l\IA.RTIN, on behalf of the committee on the part of the which was read, .considered by -nnanimous oonsent, and Senate appointed to wait oo. the President of. the United States, agreed to: appeared and said : Hesolred, Thai i:he ·Secreta:ry infonn fi.e House ~f 'RePresentatives Mr.. P.residen.t, .the committee _appointed to act in conjunction that a quorum of the Senate 'is assembled and that the Senate is ready with a Tike committee on the part of the House of Representa­ to p1'{tceed to business. tives to wait upon the President of the United States and to NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDENT. !inform hlm of the 'Organization '()f the two Hou es 'Of Congress have performed the duty assigned them, and beg leave to report 1\fr. 1\fARTIN submitted the following resolution {S. Res. 20)~ that the President has expressed his purpose to commwiicate which was read, considered by unanimous consent, and to the two Houses in joint ~ession in the Hall of the Iiouse of :agreed to: Representatives 'forthwith. ResolvedJ That a committee consisting of two Senators be afpointed JOINT MEETING 'OF 'THE TWO HOUSES. 0 to join :auch committee as may ·be appointed by <the House ReJll'e- A message from the House o-~' Repr·esentati"ve, by T. C. Soutl1, sentatives to wait upon the President of the United States and inform .L. .J him thai: a quorum of ea.ch lllouse is assembled :and that Co~gress is its Chief Clerk, announced t'hat the House had passed a con­ ready to receive any commnnica.tion he may be ,pleased to make. current ~·~~ution providing that the two Houses of Congress The 'VICE PRESIDENT appointed 1\fr. MARTIN and Mr. GAL- assemble m the Han of the House of· Representatives on Moo- LINGER tlle committee on the _part of the Senate. , dayJ -the 2d day of A.prll, 1917, at 8 o'-clock and 30 minutes p.m., for the purpose of receiving such comml.IDications as the Pre i- HOUR OF DAILY MEETING. dent .of the United St tes shall be pleased to make them, in which 1\Ir. 1\f.ARTIN submitted the following resolution (S. Res. :21), it requested the concurrence of the Senate. which was read, considered by unanim.Qns consent, -:and The VICE PRESIDENT.
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