THE LIGHTNING BOLT Cheers!Salud SPREADING CHEER TO CHARITIES STAFF CHANGES AT CHANCELLOR MARIO GAME REVIEWS VOLUME 33 ISSUE 3 CHANCELLOR HIGH SCHOOL 6300 HARRISON ROAD, FREDERICKSBURG, VA 22407 1 December 2020 CHURCH QUILTERS SPREAD CHEER TO CHARITIES By Cara Hadden Features Editor With the holidays just around the corner, it is easy to get car- ried away with the shopping and coordinating gift lists and lose sight of the giving nature of the season. Nevertheless, as the old adage never fails to remind us, “It is better to give than to receive.” One group of women in particular have tak- en this to heart and make sure to carry the love of serving oth- ers with them year-round. The Piecemakers is a quilting ministry associated with Ref- ormation Lutheran Church in Culpeper, Virginia. The group has been together for eight years, and they make cotton quilts and fleece tie blankets to distribute to various charities during the Christmas season. The Piecemakers was found- ed by Dianne Vanderhoof, a quilting veteran with a gener- ous spirit and a member of Reformation Lutheran. “Ten years ago, I became partially The Piecemakers is a quilting group affiliated with Reformation Lutheran Church in Culpeper, Vir- disabled from a defective hip ginia. They meet every Saturday from 9:30 to 12:00 to sew cotton quilts and fleece tie quilts. replacement. There were a lot on quilts also helps me forget demic began, the women have hats, gloves, and scarves to be of things I could no longer do,” about the pain I’m in…[By do- been working on the blankets distributed between the five said Vanderhoof. “I wanted ing this project,] I have served at home for the majority of elementary schools in Culpep- a project or something to do God by serving others.” the year. “So far we have made er county...to children in the to help other people and to Before the pandemic, the 1940 blankets and quilts [over schools who are on the poverty demonstrate my faith. We [the group met every Saturday from the years],” said Vanderhoof of level. These items will hope- Piecemakers] believe [that] by 9:30am to 12:00pm at Refor- her group. “This year, we will fully help keep them warm... serving others we are show- mation Lutheran to work on be donating about 250 items. We also have four women who ing the love of Jesus. Working their quilts. Since the pan- We have also made about 800 [have] knit and crocheted... The Journalism students at Chancellor High School publish The Lightning Bolt, the MRS. GATTIE only official newspaper on campus. The purpose of the newspaper is to factually in- form and entertain its readers. As an established open forum for the student body, ADVISOR truth will be the staff’s major goal. It is the responsibility of each staffer to adhere to the journalism code of ethics as set by the Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma CARA SEELY Delta Chi. The code states that a journalist can not accept gifts, favors or privileges that could compromise their integrity. All material published will be the result of brain- NEWS EDITOR storm sessions by the staff. Subjects stimulating to the majority of the student body will be used. The editorial board, which is comprised of all newspaper staff members CARA HADDEN will determine the priority of the stories and the overall design of publication. The advisor serves to give students a better understanding of the functions and ethics of FEATURES EDITOR a free press. The advisor does not serve as a censure. Student editors will decide the material to be published. In accordance with community standards, profanity will not KAITLYN GARVEY appear in the publication. Students are free to express an opinion on matters of public interests under the, “fair comment rule.” Under this rule, the student has the right SPORTS EDITOR to intelligently criticize the school and its policies. Editorials reflect the opinion of The Lightning Bolt. Opinion stories reflect the opinion of the writer and do not rep- EMMA PURCELL & resent the opinion of the faculty and administrWation of Chancellor High School. Controversial issues will be covered from both points of view. School news, as well STEPHANIE MARTINEZ as local, national and international events will also be covered. Letters to the editor are welcomed. All letters must be signed and e-emailed to chhslightningbolt@yahoo. OP-ED EDITORS com. The Lightning Bolt retains the right to edit letters to comply with journalistic standards. Anonymous letters will not be published. Our ultimate goal is to print the MIKAH NELSON truth and with your help we can reach this goal. CHARGING CORNER December 2020 2 CHURCH QUILTERS SPREAD CHEER TO CHARITIES over 600 sets of hats and citizens we serve,” said Vander- scarves.” hoof of her quilting ladies. “No In addition to the schools, matter how they are feeling, the Piecemakers donate their they still show up each week to quilts and blankets to the Cul- serve God and our clients.” peper Rehabilitation Center, “It helps keep my mind bal- the Orange County Foster Care anced and makes me happy,” Service, the Culpeper County said Cassandra Clay, who has Foster Care Service, the Or- been a Piecemaker since the ange County Shrine Pregnancy group was founded. Center, the Culpeper County Kathy Valentine, a Piece- Shrine Pregnancy Center, the maker of seven years, finds the Orange County Aging Coun- group’s work to be cathartic cil, the Culpeper County Safe and fulfilling. “This [program] House [for abused families], is one more way I can serve and the Julia Grace Foundation [for use my creative talents God children with terminal diseas- has given me, even during my es], and the Help and Hope for retirement years. Charity and Appalachia Drive [for impover- generosity are just a long term ished public schools]. Vander- way of life for me. It has been hoof is very confident in her especially therapeutic since my group’s mission to serve others diagnosis five years ago with through giving these hand- breast cancer...we [the Piece- Chancellor senior Cara Hadden counts quilts as the Piecemakers set up the blankets at Reformation Lutheran. made items. “We will continue makers] love each other and “Children [and adults] need of the church congregation. to make quilts and blankets. work together in service of to know they are loved and “They were overjoyed to have We feel we can serve those in Christ, so what could be bet- someone cares for them, espe- the blankets,” said Vanderhoof. our community that might ter?” cially at Christmas. When they As these remarkable women need to know that someone is Alex Menhart, a sixth year are wrapped in a warm blan- continue to brighten the lives ket, they can feel loved. Being of those in need through their wrapped in a blanket is like shared faith, friendship, and having a warm hug.” love of quilting, it is important After all the blankets, hats, to keep in mind the meaning and gloves were blessed by of the season, as Mrs. Vander- the pastor of Reformation Lu- hoof’s plain-spoken husband theran, they were distributed John has said about the group, to the different charities by “It is better to give than re- the Piecemakers and members ceive.” (From left to right:) Chancellor student Cara Hadden poses with Piecemakers John Vanderhoof, Dianne Vanderhoof, Cassandra Clay, and Evelyn Clay after displaying the hats, gloves, quilts, and blankets to be blessed by the pastor of Reformation Lutheran before being distributed to various charities. thinking of them at Christmas. member of the group, believes We will also continue with that the quilts are a personal making hats and give gloves to gift perfect for the holiday the kids in need.” season. “We are giving part of However, the people who ourselves in each quilt...it’s a receive the quilts are not the group of dedicated volunteers only ones who benefit from who give of themselves. It is the group. “Most of the wom- the spirit of the season.” en that work on the quilts and In fact, Mrs. Vanderhoof blankets are disabled in some emphasized the importance This quilt was made by the Piecemakers based on a picture way. I find they are a blessing of the blankets to their recipi- with no pattern and hangs in the sanctuary of Reformation to all the children and senior ents, especially for Christmas. Lutheran Church. 3 December 2020 NEWS NEW ATTENDANCE SECRETARY IS LIT(ERARY) By Cara Hadden following Mrs. Lause's resig- desk. I would then take the would come into the library. I Features Editor nation last month. "I was the sign-in sheets and update the love reading and I love foster- Of all the important Shake- back-up Attendance Secretary attendance. This year, since ing the love of reading in chil- speare quotes penned four for Mrs. Lause," said Phillips. most students are virtual, I dren and young adults. I love hundred years ago, arguably "She was an excellent mentor have to verify all students' at- discussing books." the most famous is from his and made sure I was properly tendance each block to make Fortunately, this is just the "Seven Ages of Man" mono- trained before she left." sure each student is accounted beginning of a new chapter in logue in As You Like It. "All the As the Attendance Secre- for. I scroll each name and each Mrs. Phillips's story within the world's a stage, and all the men tary, Phillips is responsible for block to make sure attendance Charger Family.
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