FAIRFAX COUNTY DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES: NOVEMBER 5, 2019 To find your legislative districts, stop by our table outside your polling place or look up your address at fairfaxdemocrats.org/lookup. SENATE OF VIRGINIA District Adam Ebbin District Jennifer Boysko District Scott Surovell #30 adamebbin.com #33 jenniferboysko.com #36 scottsurovell.org District Barbara Favola District Chap Petersen District Dave Marsden #31 barbarafavola.org #34 fairfaxsenator.com #37 marsdenforsenate.com District Janet Howell District Dick Saslaw District George Barker #32 janethowell.com #35 dicksaslaw.com #39 senatorbarker.com HOUSE OF DELEGATES District Kathleen Murphy District Dan Helmer District Rip Sullivan #34 murphyfordelegate.com #40 danhelmer.com #48 ripsullivan.com District Mark Keam District Eileen Filler-Corn District Alfonso Lopez #35 markkeam.com #41 eileenfillercorn.com #49 alfonsolopez.org District Ken Plum District Kathy Tran District Marcus Simon #36 kenplum.com #42 kathyfordelegate.com #53 marcussimon.com District David Bulova District Mark Sickles District Karrie Delaney #37 davidbulova.com #43 marksickles.com #67 karriedelaney.com District Kaye Kory District Paul Krizek District Ibraheem Samirah #38 kayekoryva.com #44 paulkrizek.com #86 samirah4delegate.com District Vivian Watts District Mark Levine #39 vivianwatts.com #45 markfordelegate.com COUNTY-WIDE OFFICES COMMONWEALTH’S ATTORNEY SHERIFF CHAIRMAN BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Steve Descano Stacey Kincaid Jeff McKay stevedescano.com staceykincaid.com mckayforchairman.com BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Braddock James Walkinshaw Lee Rodney Lusk Provi- Dalia Palchik jameswalknishaw.org luskforsupervisor.com dence daliaforsupervisor.com Hunter Walter Alcorn Mason Penny Gross Spring- Linda Sperling Mill walteralcorn.com pennygross.com field sperlingforsupervisor.com Dranes- John Foust Mt Dan Storck Sully Kathy Smith ville foustforsupervisor.com Vernon danstorck.org kathysmith.org SCHOOL BOARD AT-LARGE (VOTE FOR THREE) Abrar Omeish Karen Keys-Gamarra Rachna Sizemore Heizer abraromeish.com karen4fairfaxkids.com electrachna.com -------------------- ON THE BACK OF THE BALLOT -------------------- SCHOOL BOARD Braddock Megan McLaughlin Lee Tamara Derenak Kaufax Provi- Karl Frisch megan4schoolboard.com kaufaxforschools.com dence karlfrisch.com Hunter Melanie Meren Mason Ricardy Anderson Spring- Laura Jane Cohen Mill melaniemeren.com ricardy4masonkids.com field laurajanecohen.com Dranes- Elaine Tholen Mt Karen Corbett Sanders Sully Stella Pekarsky ville elainetholen.com Vernon karen4schools.com elect4sully.com SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION DIRECTOR (VOTE FOR THREE) Gerald Peters Chris Koerner Monica Billger vote4soilandwater.org vote4soilandwater.org vote4soilandwater.org BALLOT QUESTION Public School Bonds: Vote YES fairfaxcounty.gov/bond Paid for by the Fairfax County Democratic Committee, fairfaxdemocrats.org, not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. ELECTION INFORMATION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2019 Virginia Citizen Portal: vote.elections.virginia.gov The Citizen Portal is your one stop shop to: Register to vote (Deadline Oct. 15) Find your election districts Change your name or address (by Oct 15) Apply for an absentee ballot by mail Verify your polling location EARLY VOTING (In-person Absentee Voting) If you work outside of Fairfax County; will be outside of the County at all on Election Day; are ill, disabled, or pregnant; are a first responder; are active duty military or spouse; go to school outside the County; or one of many other reasons, you may vote absentee before Election Day. Voting at the Fairfax County Government Center: 12000 Government Center Pkwy, Fairfax Sep 20 - Oct 16: Mon-Fri, 8:00a-4:30p (open until 7:00p on Thursdays) Closed Monday, October 14 in observance of Columbus Day Oct 17 - Nov 1: Mon-Fri, 8:00a-7:00p Saturdays, Oct 5 - Nov 2: 9:00a-5:00p Satellite Voting Locations: Nine satellite locations will be open across the county. Oct 17 – Nov 1: Mon-Fri, 3:00-7:00p Saturdays, Oct 12 – Nov 2: 9:00a-5:00p Providence Community Center West Springfield Governmental Center 3001 Vaden Dr, Fairfax – near Vienna 6140 Rolling Rd, Springfield Metro Mason Governmental Center Franconia Governmental Center 6507 Columbia Pike, Annandale 6121 Franconia Rd, Alexandria Mount Vernon Governmental Center McLean Governmental Center 2511 Parkers Ln, Alexandria 1437 Balls Hill Rd, McLean Sully Governmental Center North County Governmental Center 4900 Stonecroft Blvd, Chantilly 1801 Cameron Glen Dr, Reston Lorton Library 9520 Richmond Hwy, Lorton Saturday, November 2 is the last day to vote absentee in person. Absentee ballots by mail may be requested via the Citizen Portal. All completed absentee ballots must be received by the Office of Elections by 7:00 pm on November 5, 2019. Late ballots will not be counted. Tuesday, October 29 is the last day to request an absentee ballot by mail. Find more information at fairfaxcounty.gov/elections/absentee. HELP US #KEEPFAIRFAXBLUE This year there are 53 offices up for election in Fairfax County, including every local office. Together, these offices will make decisions for the next four years on issues that affect your every-day life: roads & transportation; local schools; tuition at state colleges & universities; healthcare; the environment; human services; parks and libraries; and more. If we can pick up two more seats in each chamber of the General Assembly, we can ratify the ERA, take action on gun safety, expand voting rights, protect a woman’s right to choose, protect LGBTQ civil rights, and much more. We need YOU to help us elect Democrats throughout Fairfax. Sign up to volunteer at fairfaxdemocrats.org/volunteer. .
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