DAILY HERALD THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 | B8 21 days after service of this Sum- The State of Utah to the said defen- mons upon you. Service is deemed dant: You are hereby summoned in the Rental Real Estate completed 21 days after the first above entitled action which is brought publication of this Summons for the purpose of making a general Commercial If you fail so to do, judgment by default determination of the water rights of the will be taken against you for the relief described water source. Upon the ser- Property demanded in said Complaint, which is vice of this summons upon you, you on file filed with the Clerk of said will thereafter be subject to the jurisdic- BUSINESS PARTNER WANTED Court. You can obtain a copy of the tion of the entitled court and, if you Seeking Small Business to Complaint from the above-mentioned have or intend to claim a water right, it Partner For U-haul Franchise. Court. shall be your duty to follow further Jesse: [email protected] proceedings in the above entitled ac- Dated this 1st day of September, tion and to defend and protect your Garage/Yard Sales 2020 water rights therein. If you have not s/Carl E. Kingston Carl E. Kingston been served with summons other than Attorney for Plaintiff by publication in a newspaper and you Garage Sales Utah Board of Oil, Gas and Mining’s 51-6742 (a21499): Guilford A and claim a water right within the area of HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Legal Notices website at Connie L Rand is/are filing an exten- Legal Notice Published in Daily-Herald the Provo City North Subdivision http://ogm.utah.gov/amr/boardtemp/re Place a classified ad in The Daily NOTICE OF HEARING sion for 3.18 ac-ft. from groundwater (4 September 3, 10, 17, 2020 (55-7) for which you have not previ- design/books.html. Pursuant to the Herald and pick up a FREE BEFORE THE BOARD OF OIL, GAS mi So. of Birdseye) for DOMESTIC; ously filed a statement of claim, you Americans with Disabilities Act, per- SUMMONS garage sale kit! Contains signs, AND MINING DEPARTMENT OF IRRIGATION; STOCKWATERING. must file a statement of claim in ac- sons requiring auxiliary communicative IN THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT balloons and stickers. While sup- NATURAL RESOURCES 53-1439 (a24879): Corporation of the cordance with Section 73-4-5(1) in this aids and services to enable them to COURT plies last! STATE OF UTAH Presiding Bishop of The Church of action setting forth the nature of your participate in this hearing should call SALT LAKE COUNTY, STATE OF THE STATE OF UTAH TO ALL PER- Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Utah claim within ninety (90) days following Julie Ann Carter at (801) 538-5277, at UTAH SONS INTERESTED IN THE FOL- and Salt Lake Canal Company is/are the last date of publication of this sum- least three working days prior to the IN THE MATTER OF THE GENERAL LOWING MATTER (Docket No. filing an extension for 1840.59 ac-ft. mons. Your failure so to do will consti- hearing date. Due to the COVID-19 DETERMINATION OF ALL THE 2020-026): NOTICE IS HEREBY from the Utah Lake (Elberta) for IRRI- tute a default in the premises and a pandemic and the ability of the virus to RIGHTS TO THE USE OF WATER, GIVEN that the Board of Oil, Gas and GATION; OTHER: On farm salinity judgment may be entered against you spread from person-to-person rapidly, BOTH SURFACE AND UNDER- Mining (the “Board”), State of Utah, will management. declaring and adjudging that you have Governor Gary Herbert has imple- GROUND, WITHIN THE DRAINAGE conduct a hearing on Wednesday, NONUSE APPLICATION(S) forfeited all rights to the use of water mented numerous Executive Orders AREA OF THE UTAH LAKE AND September 23, 2020, at 10:00 a.m., or 55-13178 (A33400): Central Bank within the Provo City North Subdivision directed at controlling the spread of the JORDAN RIVER IN UTAH, SALT as soon thereafter as possible. It is an- is/are seeking a nonuse period for 3 and that you are forever barred and virus by minimizing face-to-face in- LAKE, DAVIS, SUMMIT, WASATCH, ticipated the hearing will be conducted ac-ft. from groundwater (1 mi. estopped from subsequently asserting teractions and the Utah legislature has SANPETE, AND JUAB COUNTIES IN electronically and without an anchor lo- Southeast of Spanish For) for IRRIGA- such right to the use of water not amended public meeting requirements UTAH. cation, pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Œ TION. claimed. under the Open and Public Meetings PROVO RIVER DIVISION 52-4-207(4) and that the Board Chair- 59-5875: Corporation of the Presiding Merchandise Act. At this time, public gatherings are PROVO CANYON SUBDIVISION man will issue a written determination Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ Dated this 3rd day of September, strongly discouraged by the Center for AREA 55, BOOK 9 in advance of the aforesaid hearing of Latter-day Saints, Welby Jacob Wa- 2020. Disease Control, State of Utah, and lo- Civil No. 365729848 (55-9) Miscellaneous concluding that holding an in-person ter Users Company is/are seeking a cal health departments since they facil- Judge Laura Scott meeting presents a substantial risk to nonuse period for 2438 ac-ft. from the SEAN D. REYES Labrador Retriever Busweiser itate face-to-face contact and pose an FINAL SUMMONS the health and safety of the partici- Utah Lake for IRRIGATION. UTAH ATTORNEY GENERAL Beer stein hunters campanion elevated risk for virus transmission. The State of Utah to the said defen- pants due to COVID-19. The written Teresa Wilhelmsen, P.E. numbered and dated $29. Other The Board Chairman has determined, dant: determination required under Utah State Engineer SARAH M. SHECHTER at the present time, that public gather- You are hereby summoned in the Lab collectable items $25. Code Ann. Œ 52-4-207(4) will be based Legal Notice 5353 Published in BENJAMIN J. JENSEN ings at normally scheduled public above entitled action which is brought 801-745-3996. on the public health and safety condi- Daily-Herald September 3, 10, 2020 Assistant Attorneys General meetings before the Board present for the purpose of making a general tions existing at the time of the Sep- Attorneys for the Utah State THE DAILY HERALD DOES substantial risks to the health and safe- PUBLIC NOTICE determination of the water rights of the tember 23, 2020 hearing. In the event Engineer NOT ENDORSE, PROMOTE OR ty of those who attend. As such, as in- described water source. Upon the ser- the Board Chairman’s determination is 1594 West North Temple, Suite 300 ENCOURAGE THE PURCHASE dicated above, it is anticipated the AT&T Mobility, LLC is proposing to vice of this summons upon you, you that an electronic hearing is unneces- Salt Lake City, UT 84116 OR SALE OF ANY PRODUCT Board will conduct this public meeting construct a new telecommunications will thereafter be subject to the jurisdic- sary for the prescribed hearing date, OR SERVICE ADVERTISED IN using a fully electronic format. This tower facility located at 191 E 3200 N, tion of the entitled court and, if you the meeting will be held in the auditori- Legal Notice Published in THIS NEWSPAPER. ADVER- meeting format is authorized by recent Lehi, Utah County, UT 84043. The have or intend to claim a water right, it um of the Department of Natural Dailey-Herald September 3, 10, 17, amendment to Utah Code Ann. Œ new facility will consist of a 100-foot shall be your duty to follow further TISEMENTS ARE THE SOLE Resources, 1594 West North Temple, 24, October 1, 2020 52-4-207(4). The electronic format will monopole telecommunications tower proceedings in the above entitled ac- RESPONSIBILITY OF THE AD- Salt Lake City, Utah. The hearing will be temporarily used in place of the with top mounted antennas for an tion and to defend and protect your VERTISER. THE DAILY be streamed live on the Department of in-person public meeting until the overall height of 103 feet. Any in- water rights therein. If you have not HERALD HEREBY DISCLAIMS Natural Resources YouTube channel Employment Board is otherwise directed it is safe to terested party wishing to submit com- been served with summons other than ALL LIABILITY FOR ANY DAM- at https://youtu.be/Omf0ghjWnRY. hold in-person public meetings. Any- ments regarding the potential effects by publication in a newspaper and you AGE SUFFERED AS THE DOCKET NO. 2020-026 CAUSE NO. one wishing to comment on the Sep- the proposed facility may have on any claim a water right within the area of Miscellaneous RESULT OF ANY ADVERTISE- M/049/0086: In the matter of the Re- tember public meeting’s agenda topics historic property may do so by sending the Provo Canyon Subdivision (55-9) MENT IN THIS NEWSPAPER. quest for Agency Action of Julie Sains- HELP WANTED should contact the Board Secretary pri- comments to: Project 6120007312 - for which you have not previously filed bury, Nita Burch, Johnnie Brozovich, Bridle-ranch.com is hiring for 2 THE DAILY HERALD IS NOT or to the hearing for accommodation. JD EBI Consulting, 6876 Susquehan- a statement of claim, you must file a and Debi Brozovich, appealing the positions. Check website for de- RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY Anyone who may wish to observe the na Trail South, York, PA 17403, or via statement of claim in accordance with Utah Division of Oil, Gas and Mining’s CLAIMS OR REPRESENTA- public meeting may do so by logging telephone at (727) 831-2906.
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